1 (* Copyright (C) 2005, HELM Team.
3 * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
4 * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
5 * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
7 * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
9 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
10 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * GNU General Public License for more details.
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
19 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
22 * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
23 * http://helm.cs.unibo.it/
30 module Ast = CicNotationPt
32 type 'a localized_option =
34 | LNone of GrafiteAst.loc
37 (CicNotationPt.term, CicNotationPt.term,
38 CicNotationPt.term GrafiteAst.reduction,
39 CicNotationPt.term CicNotationPt.obj, string)
43 include_paths:string list ->
44 LexiconEngine.status ->
45 LexiconEngine.status * ast_statement localized_option
47 let grammar = CicNotationParser.level2_ast_grammar
49 let term = CicNotationParser.term
50 let statement = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "statement"
52 let add_raw_attribute ~text t = Ast.AttributedTerm (`Raw text, t)
54 let default_precedence = 50
55 let default_associativity = Gramext.NonA
57 type by_continuation =
59 | BYC_weproved of CicNotationPt.term * string option * CicNotationPt.term option
60 | BYC_letsuchthat of string * CicNotationPt.term * string * CicNotationPt.term
61 | BYC_wehaveand of string * CicNotationPt.term * string * CicNotationPt.term
65 let set_callback f = out := f
68 GLOBAL: term statement;
69 constructor: [ [ name = IDENT; SYMBOL ":"; typ = term -> (name, typ) ] ];
70 tactic_term: [ [ t = term LEVEL "90N" -> t ] ];
71 ident_list0: [ [ LPAREN; idents = LIST0 IDENT; RPAREN -> idents ] ];
73 [ tactic_terms = LIST1 tactic_term SEP SYMBOL "," -> tactic_terms ]
76 [ IDENT "normalize" -> `Normalize
77 | IDENT "reduce" -> `Reduce
78 | IDENT "simplify" -> `Simpl
79 | IDENT "unfold"; t = OPT tactic_term -> `Unfold t
80 | IDENT "whd" -> `Whd ]
82 sequent_pattern_spec: [
86 path = OPT [SYMBOL ":" ; path = tactic_term -> path ] ->
87 (id,match path with Some p -> p | None -> Ast.UserInput) ];
88 goal_path = OPT [ SYMBOL <:unicode<vdash>>; term = tactic_term -> term ] ->
90 match goal_path, hyp_paths with
91 None, [] -> Some Ast.UserInput
93 | Some goal_path, _ -> Some goal_path
102 [ "match" ; wanted = tactic_term ;
103 sps = OPT [ "in"; sps = sequent_pattern_spec -> sps ] ->
105 | sps = sequent_pattern_spec ->
108 let wanted,hyp_paths,goal_path =
109 match wanted_and_sps with
110 wanted,None -> wanted, [], Some Ast.UserInput
111 | wanted,Some (hyp_paths,goal_path) -> wanted,hyp_paths,goal_path
113 wanted, hyp_paths, goal_path ] ->
115 None -> None,[],Some Ast.UserInput
119 [ SYMBOL ">" -> `LeftToRight
120 | SYMBOL "<" -> `RightToLeft ]
122 int: [ [ num = NUMBER -> int_of_string num ] ];
124 [ idents = OPT ident_list0 ->
125 match idents with None -> [] | Some idents -> idents
129 [ OPT [ IDENT "names" ];
130 num = OPT [ num = int -> num ];
131 idents = intros_names ->
135 using: [ [ using = OPT [ IDENT "using"; t = tactic_term -> t ] -> using ] ];
137 [ IDENT "absurd"; t = tactic_term ->
138 GrafiteAst.Absurd (loc, t)
139 | IDENT "apply"; t = tactic_term ->
140 GrafiteAst.Apply (loc, t)
141 | IDENT "applyS"; t = tactic_term ; params =
142 LIST0 [ i = IDENT -> i,"" | i = IDENT ; SYMBOL "="; v = [ v = int ->
143 string_of_int v | v = IDENT -> v ] -> i,v ] ->
144 GrafiteAst.ApplyS (loc, t, params)
145 | IDENT "assumption" ->
146 GrafiteAst.Assumption loc
147 | IDENT "auto"; params = auto_params ->
148 GrafiteAst.Auto (loc,params)
149 | IDENT "cases"; what = tactic_term;
150 (num, idents) = intros_spec ->
151 GrafiteAst.Cases (loc, what, idents)
152 | IDENT "clear"; ids = LIST1 IDENT ->
153 GrafiteAst.Clear (loc, ids)
154 | IDENT "clearbody"; id = IDENT ->
155 GrafiteAst.ClearBody (loc,id)
156 | IDENT "change"; what = pattern_spec; "with"; t = tactic_term ->
157 GrafiteAst.Change (loc, what, t)
158 | IDENT "constructor"; n = int ->
159 GrafiteAst.Constructor (loc, n)
160 | IDENT "contradiction" ->
161 GrafiteAst.Contradiction loc
162 | IDENT "cut"; t = tactic_term; ident = OPT [ "as"; id = IDENT -> id] ->
163 GrafiteAst.Cut (loc, ident, t)
164 | IDENT "decompose"; types = OPT ident_list0; what = OPT IDENT;
165 idents = OPT [ "as"; idents = LIST1 IDENT -> idents ] ->
166 let types = match types with None -> [] | Some types -> types in
167 let idents = match idents with None -> [] | Some idents -> idents in
168 let to_spec id = GrafiteAst.Ident id in
169 GrafiteAst.Decompose (loc, List.rev_map to_spec types, what, idents)
170 | IDENT "demodulate" -> GrafiteAst.Demodulate loc
171 | IDENT "destruct"; t = tactic_term ->
172 GrafiteAst.Destruct (loc, t)
173 | IDENT "elim"; what = tactic_term; using = using;
174 (num, idents) = intros_spec ->
175 GrafiteAst.Elim (loc, what, using, num, idents)
176 | IDENT "elimType"; what = tactic_term; using = using;
177 (num, idents) = intros_spec ->
178 GrafiteAst.ElimType (loc, what, using, num, idents)
179 | IDENT "exact"; t = tactic_term ->
180 GrafiteAst.Exact (loc, t)
182 GrafiteAst.Exists loc
183 | IDENT "fail" -> GrafiteAst.Fail loc
184 | IDENT "fold"; kind = reduction_kind; t = tactic_term; p = pattern_spec ->
187 raise (HExtlib.Localized (loc, CicNotationParser.Parse_error
188 ("the pattern cannot specify the term to replace, only its"
189 ^ " paths in the hypotheses and in the conclusion")))
191 GrafiteAst.Fold (loc, kind, t, p)
193 GrafiteAst.Fourier loc
194 | IDENT "fwd"; hyp = IDENT; idents = OPT [ "as"; idents = LIST1 IDENT -> idents ] ->
195 let idents = match idents with None -> [] | Some idents -> idents in
196 GrafiteAst.FwdSimpl (loc, hyp, idents)
197 | IDENT "generalize"; p=pattern_spec; id = OPT ["as" ; id = IDENT -> id] ->
198 GrafiteAst.Generalize (loc,p,id)
199 | IDENT "goal"; n = int ->
200 GrafiteAst.Goal (loc, n)
201 | IDENT "id" -> GrafiteAst.IdTac loc
202 | IDENT "intro"; ident = OPT IDENT ->
203 let idents = match ident with None -> [] | Some id -> [id] in
204 GrafiteAst.Intros (loc, Some 1, idents)
205 | IDENT "intros"; (num, idents) = intros_spec ->
206 GrafiteAst.Intros (loc, num, idents)
207 | IDENT "inversion"; t = tactic_term ->
208 GrafiteAst.Inversion (loc, t)
210 linear = OPT [ IDENT "linear" ];
211 depth = OPT [ IDENT "depth"; SYMBOL "="; i = int -> i ];
213 to_what = OPT [ "to" ; t = tactic_term_list1 -> t ];
214 ident = OPT [ "as" ; ident = IDENT -> ident ] ->
215 let linear = match linear with None -> false | Some _ -> true in
216 let to_what = match to_what with None -> [] | Some to_what -> to_what in
217 GrafiteAst.LApply (loc, linear, depth, to_what, what, ident)
218 | IDENT "left" -> GrafiteAst.Left loc
219 | IDENT "letin"; where = IDENT ; SYMBOL <:unicode<def>> ; t = tactic_term ->
220 GrafiteAst.LetIn (loc, t, where)
221 | kind = reduction_kind; p = pattern_spec ->
222 GrafiteAst.Reduce (loc, kind, p)
223 | IDENT "reflexivity" ->
224 GrafiteAst.Reflexivity loc
225 | IDENT "replace"; p = pattern_spec; "with"; t = tactic_term ->
226 GrafiteAst.Replace (loc, p, t)
227 | IDENT "rewrite" ; d = direction; t = tactic_term ; p = pattern_spec;
228 xnames = OPT [ "as"; n = ident_list0 -> n ] ->
232 (HExtlib.Localized (loc,
233 (CicNotationParser.Parse_error
234 "the pattern cannot specify the term to rewrite, only its paths in the hypotheses and in the conclusion")))
236 let n = match xnames with None -> [] | Some names -> names in
237 GrafiteAst.Rewrite (loc, d, t, p, n)
246 | IDENT "symmetry" ->
247 GrafiteAst.Symmetry loc
248 | IDENT "transitivity"; t = tactic_term ->
249 GrafiteAst.Transitivity (loc, t)
250 (* Produzioni Aggiunte *)
251 | IDENT "assume" ; id = IDENT ; SYMBOL ":" ; t = tactic_term ->
252 GrafiteAst.Assume (loc, id, t)
253 | IDENT "suppose" ; t = tactic_term ; LPAREN ; id = IDENT ; RPAREN ; t1 = OPT [IDENT "that" ; IDENT "is" ; IDENT "equivalent" ; "to" ; t' = tactic_term -> t']->
254 GrafiteAst.Suppose (loc, t, id, t1)
255 | IDENT "by" ; t = [t' = tactic_term -> LSome t' | SYMBOL "_" -> LNone loc];
256 cont=by_continuation ->
257 let t' = match t with LNone _ -> None | LSome t -> Some t in
259 BYC_done -> GrafiteAst.Bydone (loc, t')
260 | BYC_weproved (ty,id,t1) ->
261 GrafiteAst.By_term_we_proved(loc, t', ty, id, t1)
262 | BYC_letsuchthat (id1,t1,id2,t2) ->
265 raise (HExtlib.Localized
266 (floc,CicNotationParser.Parse_error
267 "tactic_term expected here"))
268 | LSome t -> GrafiteAst.ExistsElim (loc, t, id1, t1, id2, t2))
269 | BYC_wehaveand (id1,t1,id2,t2) ->
272 raise (HExtlib.Localized
273 (floc,CicNotationParser.Parse_error
274 "tactic_term expected here"))
275 | LSome t -> GrafiteAst.AndElim (loc, t, id1, t1, id2, t2)))
276 | IDENT "we" ; IDENT "need" ; "to" ; IDENT "prove" ; t = tactic_term ; id = OPT [ LPAREN ; id = IDENT ; RPAREN -> id ] ; t1 = OPT [IDENT "or" ; IDENT "equivalently"; t' = tactic_term -> t']->
277 GrafiteAst.We_need_to_prove (loc, t, id, t1)
278 | IDENT "we" ; IDENT "proceed" ; IDENT "by" ; IDENT "cases" ; "on" ; t=tactic_term ; "to" ; IDENT "prove" ; t1=tactic_term ->
279 GrafiteAst.We_proceed_by_cases_on (loc, t, t1)
280 | IDENT "we" ; IDENT "proceed" ; IDENT "by" ; IDENT "induction" ; "on" ; t=tactic_term ; "to" ; IDENT "prove" ; t1=tactic_term ->
281 GrafiteAst.We_proceed_by_induction_on (loc, t, t1)
282 | IDENT "by" ; IDENT "induction" ; IDENT "hypothesis" ; IDENT "we" ; IDENT "know" ; t=tactic_term ; LPAREN ; id = IDENT ; RPAREN ->
283 GrafiteAst.Byinduction(loc, t, id)
284 | IDENT "the" ; IDENT "thesis" ; IDENT "becomes" ; t=tactic_term ->
285 GrafiteAst.Thesisbecomes(loc, t)
286 | IDENT "case" ; id = IDENT ; params=LIST0[LPAREN ; i=IDENT ;
287 SYMBOL":" ; t=tactic_term ; RPAREN -> i,t] ->
288 GrafiteAst.Case(loc,id,params)
289 | start=[IDENT "conclude" -> None | IDENT "obtain" ; name = IDENT -> Some name] ; termine=tactic_term ; SYMBOL "=" ; t1=tactic_term ; IDENT "by" ; t2=[ t=tactic_term -> `Term t | SYMBOL "_" ; params = auto_params' -> `Auto params ] ; cont=rewriting_step_continuation ->
290 GrafiteAst.RewritingStep(loc, Some (start,termine), t1, t2, cont)
291 | SYMBOL "=" ; t1=tactic_term ; IDENT "by" ; t2=[ t=tactic_term -> `Term t | SYMBOL "_" ; params = auto_params' -> `Auto params ] ;
292 cont=rewriting_step_continuation ->
293 GrafiteAst.RewritingStep(loc, None, t1, t2, cont)
298 LIST0 [ i = IDENT -> i,"" | i = IDENT ; SYMBOL "="; v = [ v = int ->
299 string_of_int v | v = IDENT -> v ] -> i,v ] ->
304 [ LPAREN; params = auto_params; RPAREN -> params
309 [ IDENT "we" ; IDENT "proved" ; ty = tactic_term ; LPAREN ; id = IDENT ; RPAREN ; t1 = OPT [IDENT "that" ; IDENT "is" ; IDENT "equivalent" ; "to" ; t2 = tactic_term -> t2] -> BYC_weproved (ty,Some id,t1)
310 | IDENT "we" ; IDENT "proved" ; ty = tactic_term ; t1 = OPT [IDENT "that" ; IDENT "is" ; IDENT "equivalent" ; "to" ; t2 = tactic_term -> t2] ;
311 IDENT "done" -> BYC_weproved (ty,None,t1)
312 | IDENT "done" -> BYC_done
313 | "let" ; id1 = IDENT ; SYMBOL ":" ; t1 = tactic_term ;
314 IDENT "such" ; IDENT "that" ; t2=tactic_term ; LPAREN ; id2 = IDENT ; RPAREN -> BYC_letsuchthat (id1,t1,id2,t2)
315 | IDENT "we" ; IDENT "have" ; t1=tactic_term ; LPAREN ; id1=IDENT ; RPAREN ;"and" ; t2=tactic_term ; LPAREN ; id2=IDENT ; RPAREN ->
316 BYC_wehaveand (id1,t1,id2,t2)
319 rewriting_step_continuation : [
320 [ IDENT "done" -> true
326 [ t1 = SELF; SYMBOL ";"; t2 = SELF ->
329 | GrafiteAst.Seq (_, l) -> l @ [ t2 ]
332 GrafiteAst.Seq (loc, ts)
335 [ tac = SELF; SYMBOL ";";
336 SYMBOL "["; tacs = LIST0 SELF SEP SYMBOL "|"; SYMBOL "]"->
337 (GrafiteAst.Then (loc, tac, tacs))
340 [ IDENT "do"; count = int; tac = SELF; IDENT "end" ->
341 GrafiteAst.Do (loc, count, tac)
342 | IDENT "repeat"; tac = SELF; IDENT "end" -> GrafiteAst.Repeat (loc, tac)
346 SYMBOL "["; tacs = LIST0 SELF SEP SYMBOL "|"; SYMBOL "]"->
347 GrafiteAst.First (loc, tacs)
348 | IDENT "try"; tac = SELF -> GrafiteAst.Try (loc, tac)
350 SYMBOL "["; tacs = LIST0 SELF SEP SYMBOL "|"; SYMBOL "]"->
351 GrafiteAst.Solve (loc, tacs)
352 | IDENT "progress"; tac = SELF -> GrafiteAst.Progress (loc, tac)
353 | LPAREN; tac = SELF; RPAREN -> tac
354 | tac = tactic -> GrafiteAst.Tactic (loc, tac)
357 punctuation_tactical:
359 [ SYMBOL "[" -> GrafiteAst.Branch loc
360 | SYMBOL "|" -> GrafiteAst.Shift loc
361 | i = LIST1 int SEP SYMBOL ","; SYMBOL ":" -> GrafiteAst.Pos (loc, i)
362 | SYMBOL "*"; SYMBOL ":" -> GrafiteAst.Wildcard loc
363 | SYMBOL "]" -> GrafiteAst.Merge loc
364 | SYMBOL ";" -> GrafiteAst.Semicolon loc
365 | SYMBOL "." -> GrafiteAst.Dot loc
370 [ IDENT "focus"; goals = LIST1 int -> GrafiteAst.Focus (loc, goals)
371 | IDENT "unfocus" -> GrafiteAst.Unfocus loc
372 | IDENT "skip" -> GrafiteAst.Skip loc
373 | tac = atomic_tactical LEVEL "loops" -> tac
377 [ [ IDENT "definition" ] -> `Definition
378 | [ IDENT "fact" ] -> `Fact
379 | [ IDENT "lemma" ] -> `Lemma
380 | [ IDENT "remark" ] -> `Remark
381 | [ IDENT "theorem" ] -> `Theorem
385 fst_name = IDENT; params = LIST0 CicNotationParser.protected_binder_vars;
386 SYMBOL ":"; fst_typ = term; SYMBOL <:unicode<def>>; OPT SYMBOL "|";
387 fst_constructors = LIST0 constructor SEP SYMBOL "|";
390 name = IDENT; SYMBOL ":"; typ = term; SYMBOL <:unicode<def>>;
391 OPT SYMBOL "|"; constructors = LIST0 constructor SEP SYMBOL "|" ->
392 (name, true, typ, constructors) ] SEP "with" -> types
396 (fun (names, typ) acc ->
397 (List.map (fun name -> (name, typ)) names) @ acc)
400 let fst_ind_type = (fst_name, true, fst_typ, fst_constructors) in
401 let tl_ind_types = match tl with None -> [] | Some types -> types in
402 let ind_types = fst_ind_type :: tl_ind_types in
407 name = IDENT; params = LIST0 CicNotationParser.protected_binder_vars ;
408 SYMBOL ":"; typ = term; SYMBOL <:unicode<def>>; SYMBOL "{" ;
412 SYMBOL ":" -> false,0
413 | SYMBOL ":"; SYMBOL ">" -> true,0
414 | SYMBOL ":"; arity = int ; SYMBOL ">" -> true,arity
417 let b,n = coercion in
419 ] SEP SYMBOL ";"; SYMBOL "}" ->
422 (fun (names, typ) acc ->
423 (List.map (fun name -> (name, typ)) names) @ acc)
426 (params,name,typ,fields)
430 [ [ IDENT "check" ]; t = term ->
431 GrafiteAst.Check (loc, t)
433 style = OPT [ IDENT "procedural"; depth = OPT int -> depth ];
434 suri = QSTRING; prefix = OPT QSTRING ->
435 let style = match style with
436 | None -> GrafiteAst.Declarative
437 | Some depth -> GrafiteAst.Procedural depth
439 let prefix = match prefix with None -> "" | Some prefix -> prefix in
440 GrafiteAst.Inline (loc,style,suri,prefix)
441 | [ IDENT "hint" ] -> GrafiteAst.Hint loc
442 | [ IDENT "whelp"; "match" ] ; t = term ->
443 GrafiteAst.WMatch (loc,t)
444 | [ IDENT "whelp"; IDENT "instance" ] ; t = term ->
445 GrafiteAst.WInstance (loc,t)
446 | [ IDENT "whelp"; IDENT "locate" ] ; id = QSTRING ->
447 GrafiteAst.WLocate (loc,id)
448 | [ IDENT "whelp"; IDENT "elim" ] ; t = term ->
449 GrafiteAst.WElim (loc, t)
450 | [ IDENT "whelp"; IDENT "hint" ] ; t = term ->
451 GrafiteAst.WHint (loc,t)
455 [ IDENT "id"; id = QSTRING; SYMBOL "="; uri = QSTRING ->
456 let alpha = "[a-zA-Z]" in
457 let num = "[0-9]+" in
458 let ident_cont = "\\("^alpha^"\\|"^num^"\\|_\\|\\\\\\)" in
459 let ident = "\\("^alpha^ident_cont^"*\\|_"^ident_cont^"+\\)" in
460 let rex = Str.regexp ("^"^ident^"$") in
461 if Str.string_match rex id 0 then
462 if (try ignore (UriManager.uri_of_string uri); true
463 with UriManager.IllFormedUri _ -> false)
465 LexiconAst.Ident_alias (id, uri)
468 (HExtlib.Localized (loc, CicNotationParser.Parse_error (sprintf "Not a valid uri: %s" uri)))
470 raise (HExtlib.Localized (loc, CicNotationParser.Parse_error (
471 sprintf "Not a valid identifier: %s" id)))
472 | IDENT "symbol"; symbol = QSTRING;
473 instance = OPT [ LPAREN; IDENT "instance"; n = int; RPAREN -> n ];
474 SYMBOL "="; dsc = QSTRING ->
476 match instance with Some i -> i | None -> 0
478 LexiconAst.Symbol_alias (symbol, instance, dsc)
480 instance = OPT [ LPAREN; IDENT "instance"; n = int; RPAREN -> n ];
481 SYMBOL "="; dsc = QSTRING ->
483 match instance with Some i -> i | None -> 0
485 LexiconAst.Number_alias (instance, dsc)
489 [ l = LIST0 [ SYMBOL <:unicode<eta>> (* η *); SYMBOL "." -> () ];
491 Ast.IdentArg (List.length l, id)
495 [ IDENT "left"; IDENT "associative" -> Gramext.LeftA
496 | IDENT "right"; IDENT "associative" -> Gramext.RightA
497 | IDENT "non"; IDENT "associative" -> Gramext.NonA
501 [ "with"; IDENT "precedence"; n = NUMBER -> int_of_string n ]
504 [ dir = OPT direction; s = QSTRING;
505 assoc = OPT associativity; prec = OPT precedence;
508 [ blob = UNPARSED_AST ->
509 add_raw_attribute ~text:(sprintf "@{%s}" blob)
510 (CicNotationParser.parse_level2_ast
511 (Ulexing.from_utf8_string blob))
512 | blob = UNPARSED_META ->
513 add_raw_attribute ~text:(sprintf "${%s}" blob)
514 (CicNotationParser.parse_level2_meta
515 (Ulexing.from_utf8_string blob))
519 | None -> default_associativity
520 | Some assoc -> assoc
524 | None -> default_precedence
528 add_raw_attribute ~text:s
529 (CicNotationParser.parse_level1_pattern
530 (Ulexing.from_utf8_string s))
532 (dir, p1, assoc, prec, p2)
536 [ u = URI -> Ast.UriPattern (UriManager.uri_of_string u)
537 | id = IDENT -> Ast.VarPattern id
538 | SYMBOL "_" -> Ast.ImplicitPattern
539 | LPAREN; terms = LIST1 SELF; RPAREN ->
543 | terms -> Ast.ApplPattern terms)
547 [ s = CSYMBOL; args = LIST0 argument; SYMBOL "="; t = level3_term ->
553 IDENT "include" ; path = QSTRING ->
554 loc,path,LexiconAst.WithPreferences
555 | IDENT "include'" ; path = QSTRING ->
556 loc,path,LexiconAst.WithoutPreferences
560 IDENT "set"; n = QSTRING; v = QSTRING ->
561 GrafiteAst.Set (loc, n, v)
562 | IDENT "drop" -> GrafiteAst.Drop loc
563 | IDENT "print"; s = IDENT -> GrafiteAst.Print (loc,s)
564 | IDENT "qed" -> GrafiteAst.Qed loc
565 | IDENT "variant" ; name = IDENT; SYMBOL ":";
566 typ = term; SYMBOL <:unicode<def>> ; newname = IDENT ->
569 (`Variant,name,typ,Some (Ast.Ident (newname, None))))
570 | flavour = theorem_flavour; name = IDENT; SYMBOL ":"; typ = term;
571 body = OPT [ SYMBOL <:unicode<def>> (* ≝ *); body = term -> body ] ->
572 GrafiteAst.Obj (loc, Ast.Theorem (flavour, name, typ, body))
573 | flavour = theorem_flavour; name = IDENT; SYMBOL <:unicode<def>> (* ≝ *);
576 Ast.Theorem (flavour, name, Ast.Implicit, Some body))
577 | IDENT "axiom"; name = IDENT; SYMBOL ":"; typ = term ->
578 GrafiteAst.Obj (loc, Ast.Theorem (`Axiom, name, typ, None))
579 | "let"; ind_kind = [ "corec" -> `CoInductive | "rec"-> `Inductive ];
580 defs = CicNotationParser.let_defs ->
581 (* In case of mutual definitions here we produce just
582 the syntax tree for the first one. The others will be
583 generated from the completely specified term just before
584 insertion in the environment. We use the flavour
585 `MutualDefinition to rememer this. *)
588 | (params,(Ast.Ident (name, None), Some ty),_,_) :: _ ->
591 (fun var ty -> Ast.Binder (`Pi,var,ty)
595 | (_,(Ast.Ident (name, None), None),_,_) :: _ ->
599 let body = Ast.Ident (name,None) in
601 if List.length defs = 1 then
606 GrafiteAst.Obj (loc, Ast.Theorem(flavour, name, ty,
607 Some (Ast.LetRec (ind_kind, defs, body))))
608 | IDENT "inductive"; spec = inductive_spec ->
609 let (params, ind_types) = spec in
610 GrafiteAst.Obj (loc, Ast.Inductive (params, ind_types))
611 | IDENT "coinductive"; spec = inductive_spec ->
612 let (params, ind_types) = spec in
613 let ind_types = (* set inductive flags to false (coinductive) *)
614 List.map (fun (name, _, term, ctors) -> (name, false, term, ctors))
617 GrafiteAst.Obj (loc, Ast.Inductive (params, ind_types))
618 | IDENT "coercion" ; suri = URI ; arity = OPT int ->
619 let arity = match arity with None -> 0 | Some x -> x in
620 GrafiteAst.Coercion (loc, UriManager.uri_of_string suri, true, arity)
621 | IDENT "record" ; (params,name,ty,fields) = record_spec ->
622 GrafiteAst.Obj (loc, Ast.Record (params,name,ty,fields))
623 | IDENT "default" ; what = QSTRING ; uris = LIST1 URI ->
624 let uris = List.map UriManager.uri_of_string uris in
625 GrafiteAst.Default (loc,what,uris)
626 | IDENT "relation" ; aeq = tactic_term ; "on" ; a = tactic_term ;
627 refl = OPT [ IDENT "reflexivity" ; IDENT "proved" ; IDENT "by" ;
628 refl = tactic_term -> refl ] ;
629 sym = OPT [ IDENT "symmetry" ; IDENT "proved" ; IDENT "by" ;
630 sym = tactic_term -> sym ] ;
631 trans = OPT [ IDENT "transitivity" ; IDENT "proved" ; IDENT "by" ;
632 trans = tactic_term -> trans ] ;
634 GrafiteAst.Relation (loc,id,a,aeq,refl,sym,trans)
637 IDENT "alias" ; spec = alias_spec ->
638 LexiconAst.Alias (loc, spec)
639 | IDENT "notation"; (dir, l1, assoc, prec, l2) = notation ->
640 LexiconAst.Notation (loc, dir, l1, assoc, prec, l2)
641 | IDENT "interpretation"; id = QSTRING;
642 (symbol, args, l3) = interpretation ->
643 LexiconAst.Interpretation (loc, id, (symbol, args), l3)
646 [ cmd = grafite_command; SYMBOL "." -> GrafiteAst.Command (loc, cmd)
647 | tac = tactical; punct = punctuation_tactical ->
648 GrafiteAst.Tactical (loc, tac, Some punct)
649 | punct = punctuation_tactical -> GrafiteAst.Tactical (loc, punct, None)
650 | mac = macro; SYMBOL "." -> GrafiteAst.Macro (loc, mac)
654 [ BEGINCOMMENT ; ex = executable ; ENDCOMMENT ->
655 GrafiteAst.Code (loc, ex)
657 GrafiteAst.Note (loc, str)
662 fun ~include_paths status -> status,LSome(GrafiteAst.Executable (loc,ex))
664 fun ~include_paths status -> status,LSome (GrafiteAst.Comment (loc, com))
665 | (iloc,fname,mode) = include_command ; SYMBOL "." ->
666 fun ~include_paths status ->
668 DependenciesParser.baseuri_of_script ~include_paths fname
671 LexiconEngine.eval_command status
672 (LexiconAst.Include (iloc,buri,mode,fullpath))
676 (GrafiteAst.Executable
677 (loc,GrafiteAst.Command
678 (loc,GrafiteAst.Include (iloc,buri))))
679 | scom = lexicon_command ; SYMBOL "." ->
680 fun ~include_paths status ->
682 let status = LexiconEngine.eval_command status scom in
684 | EOI -> raise End_of_file
689 let exc_located_wrapper f =
693 | Stdpp.Exc_located (_, End_of_file) -> raise End_of_file
694 | Stdpp.Exc_located (floc, Stream.Error msg) ->
695 raise (HExtlib.Localized (floc,CicNotationParser.Parse_error msg))
696 | Stdpp.Exc_located (floc, exn) ->
698 (HExtlib.Localized (floc,CicNotationParser.Parse_error (Printexc.to_string exn)))
700 let parse_statement lexbuf =
702 (fun () -> (Grammar.Entry.parse statement (Obj.magic lexbuf)))