6 let dnd_source_window () =
7 let window = GWindow.window ~position:`MOUSE () in
8 let vbx = GPack.vbox ~border_width:10 ~packing:window#add ()
10 let evb = GBin.event_box ~border_width:0 ~packing:vbx#add () in
11 let frm = GBin.frame ~shadow_type:`OUT ~packing:evb#add () in
12 let lbl = GMisc.label ~text:"hello" ~packing:frm#add () in
13 let lbl2 = GMisc.label ~text:"drag from here!" ~packing:vbx#add () in
14 let targets = [ { target = "STRING"; flags = []; info = 0} ] in
17 evb#drag#source_set targets ~modi:[`BUTTON1] ~actions:[`COPY];
18 evb#drag#connect#data_get ~callback: begin
19 fun _ data ~info ~time:_ ->
20 data#set ~typ:data#target ~format:0 ~data:"hello! "
27 type drag_action_type =
39 let get_position_in_widget w ~x ~y ~width ~height =
40 if (x <= corner_width) then
41 if (y <= corner_height) then
43 else if (y >= height-corner_width) then
46 else if (x >= width-corner_width) then
47 if (y <= corner_height) then
49 else if (y >= height-corner_width) then
52 else if (y <= corner_height) then
54 else if (y >= height-corner_width) then
58 class drag_info = object
59 val mutable drag_action = GB_DRAG_NONE
60 val mutable drag_offset = (0, 0)
61 val mutable toimen = (0, 0)
62 val mutable drag_widget = None
63 method drag_action = drag_action
64 method drag_offset = drag_offset
65 method toimen = toimen (* coord. of opposite corner *)
66 method set_drag_widget (w : GObj.widget) = begin
67 match drag_widget with
70 drag_widget <- Some w;
75 method unset_drag_widget () = begin
76 match drag_widget with
84 method set_drag_offset ~x ~y = drag_offset <- (x, y)
85 method set_drag_action (w : Gdk.window) ~x ~y =
87 let (x0, y0) = Window.get_position w in
88 let (width, height) = Window.get_size w in
89 drag_action <- get_position_in_widget w ~x ~y ~width ~height;
90 let (x1, y1) = (x0+width, y0+height) in
92 match drag_action with
93 GB_TOP_LEFT -> (x1, y1)
94 | GB_BOTTOM_LEFT -> (x1, y0)
95 | GB_TOP_RIGHT -> (x0, y1)
96 | GB_BOTTOM_RIGHT -> (x0, y0)
98 | GB_BOTTOM -> (x0, y0)
100 | GB_RIGHT -> (x0, y0)
103 method unset_drag_action () = drag_action <- GB_DRAG_NONE
107 let to_grid g x = x - (x mod g)
109 let to_grid2 g (x, y) = (to_grid g x, to_grid g y)
111 class fix_editor ~width ~height ~packing =
112 let info = new drag_info in
113 let fix = GPack.fixed ~width ~height ~packing () in
114 let _ = fix#misc#realize () in
115 let fix_window = fix#misc#window in
116 let fix_drawing = new GDraw.drawable fix_window in
119 inherit GObj.widget fix#as_widget
122 if (grid != g) then begin
124 GDraw.pixmap ~window:fix ~width:g ~height:g ~mask:true () in
125 let c = fix#misc#style#bg `NORMAL in
126 pix#set_foreground (`COLOR c);
127 pix#rectangle ~filled:true ~x:0 ~y:0 ~width:g ~height:g ();
128 pix#set_foreground `BLACK;
130 Gdk.Window.set_back_pixmap (fix#misc#window) (`PIXMAP pix#pixmap)
134 method new_child ~name ~x ~y ~width ~height ~callback =
135 let evb = GBin.event_box ~border_width:0 ~packing:fix#add () in
136 let lbl = GMisc.label ~text:name ~width ~height ~packing:evb#add () in
138 evb#misc#set_geometry ~x ~y ();
139 self#connect_signals ~ebox:evb ~widget:lbl#coerce ~callback;
142 method private connect_signals
143 ~ebox:(ebox : GBin.event_box) ~widget:(widget : widget) ~callback:cbfun =
144 let drawing = new GDraw.drawable (ebox#misc#window) in
145 let draw_id = ref None in
146 let exps_id = ref None in
148 let (width, height) = Window.get_size (ebox#misc#window) in begin
149 drawing#set_foreground `BLACK;
150 drawing#rectangle ~filled:true ~x:0 ~y:0
151 ~width:corner_width ~height:corner_height ();
152 drawing#rectangle ~filled:true ~x:(width-corner_width) ~y:0
153 ~width:corner_width ~height:corner_height ();
154 drawing#rectangle ~filled:true
155 ~x:(width-corner_width)
156 ~y:(height-corner_height)
157 ~width:corner_width ~height:corner_height ();
158 drawing#rectangle ~filled:true
160 ~y:(height-corner_height)
161 ~width:corner_width ~height:corner_height ();
162 drawing#rectangle ~filled:false
163 ~x:0 ~y:0 ~width:(width-1) ~height:(height-1) ();
166 ebox#event#connect#button_press ~callback:
168 let bx = int_of_float (GdkEvent.Button.x ev) in
169 let by = int_of_float (GdkEvent.Button.y ev) in
170 info#set_drag_action (ebox#misc#window) ~x:bx ~y:by;
171 info#set_drag_offset ~x:bx ~y:by;
174 ebox#event#connect#motion_notify ~callback:
176 info#set_drag_widget ebox#coerce;
177 let action = info#drag_action in
178 let (mx, my) = fix#misc#pointer in
179 let (ox, oy) = info#drag_offset in
180 begin match action with
182 let (nx, ny) = to_grid2 grid (mx-ox, my-oy) in
183 ebox#misc#set_geometry ~x:nx ~y:ny ();
184 if cbfun ~x:nx ~y:ny ~width:(-2) ~height:(-2) then
186 else (* should we undo ? *) ()
187 | GB_DRAG_NONE -> () (* do nothing *)
190 let (toi_x, toi_y) = info#toimen in
191 let (mx, my) = to_grid2 grid (mx, my) in
193 if mx<toi_x then (mx, toi_x) else (toi_x, mx) in
195 if my<toi_y then (my, toi_y) else (toi_y, my) in
196 let (w, h) = (rx-lx, by-ty) in
197 ebox#misc#set_geometry ~x:lx ~y:ty ~width:w ~height:h ();
198 if cbfun ~x:lx ~y:ty ~width:w ~height:h then
200 else (* should we undo ? *) ()
201 | GB_TOP | GB_BOTTOM ->
202 let (lx, toi_y) = info#toimen in
203 let my = to_grid grid my in
204 let (ty, by) = if my<toi_y then (my, toi_y) else (toi_y, my) in
206 ebox#misc#set_geometry ~y:ty ~height:h ();
207 if cbfun ~x:lx ~y:ty ~width:(-2) ~height:h then
209 else (* should we undo ? *) ()
210 | GB_LEFT | GB_RIGHT ->
211 let (toi_x, ty) = info#toimen in
212 let mx = to_grid grid mx in
213 let (lx, rx) = if mx<toi_x then (mx, toi_x) else (toi_x, mx) in
215 ebox#misc#set_geometry ~x:lx ~width:w ();
216 if cbfun ~x:lx ~y:ty ~width:w ~height:(-2) then
218 else (* should we undo ? *) ()
222 ebox#event#connect#button_release ~callback:
224 info#unset_drag_action ();
225 info#unset_drag_widget ();
228 exps_id := Some (ebox#event#connect#after#expose
229 ~callback:(fun _ -> on_paint(); false));
230 draw_id := Some (ebox#misc#connect#draw ~callback:on_paint);
233 fix#drag#dest_set ~actions:[`COPY]
234 [ { target = "STRING"; flags = []; info = 0} ];
235 fix#drag#connect#data_received ~callback: begin
236 fun context ~x ~y data ~info ~time ->
237 let name = data#data in
238 let _ = self#new_child ~name ~x ~y ~width:32 ~height:32
239 ~callback:(fun ~x ~y ~width ~height -> true) in
240 (* Printf.printf "%s %d %d\n" (data#data) x y;
242 context#finish ~success:true ~del:false ~time;
247 (* the following is for test only *)
249 let window = GWindow.window () in
250 let _ = window#connect#destroy ~callback: Main.quit in
251 let fix = new fix_editor ~width:640 ~height:480 ~packing:window#add in
253 let setter = fix#new_child ~name:"hello" ~x:100 ~y:200 ~width:32 ~height:32
254 ~callback:begin fun ~x ~y ~width ~height ->
255 (* Printf.printf "name=%s, x=%d, y=%d, width=%d, height=%d\n"
256 "hello" x y width height;
267 dnd_source_window ();