3 OCaml HTTP - do it yourself (fully OCaml) HTTP daemon
5 Copyright (C) <2002> Stefano Zacchiroli <zack@cs.unibo.it>
7 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10 (at your option) any later version.
12 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 GNU General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
29 (** send raw data on outchan, flushing it afterwards *)
30 let send_raw ~data outchan =
31 output_string outchan data;
34 let send_CRLF = send_raw ~data:crlf
36 let send_header ~header ~value =
37 Http_parser_sanity.heal_header (header, value);
38 send_raw ~data:(header ^ ": " ^ value ^ crlf)
40 let send_headers ~headers outchan =
41 List.iter (fun (header, value) -> send_header ~header ~value outchan) headers
43 (** internal: parse a code argument from a function which have two optional
44 arguments "code" and "status" *)
45 let get_code_argument func_name =
47 (match code, status with
49 | None, Some s -> code_of_status s
50 | Some _, Some _ -> (* TODO use some static type checking *)
51 failwith (func_name ^ " you must give 'code' or 'status', not both")
52 | None, None -> (* TODO use some static type checking *)
53 failwith (func_name ^ " you must give 'code' or 'status', not none"))
55 (** internal: low level for send_status_line *)
56 let send_status_line' ~version ~code =
60 [ string_of_version version;
62 Http_misc.reason_phrase_of_code code ]
64 send_raw ~data:(status_line ^ crlf)
66 let send_status_line ?(version = http_version) ?code ?status outchan =
69 ~code:(get_code_argument "Daemon.send_status_line" ~code ~status)
72 (* FIXME duplication of code between this and response#addBasicHeaders *)
73 let send_basic_headers ?(version = http_version) ?code ?status outchan =
75 ~version ~code:(get_code_argument "Daemon.send_basic_headers" ~code ~status)
78 ~headers:["Date", Http_misc.date_822 (); "Server", server_string]
81 (** internal: given a status code and an additional body return a string
82 representing an HTML document that explains the meaning of given status code.
83 Additional data can be added to the body via 'body' argument *)
84 let foo_body code body =
85 let reason_phrase = Http_misc.reason_phrase_of_code code in
93 code reason_phrase code reason_phrase body
95 (** internal: send a fooish body explaining in HTML form the 'reason phrase'
96 of an HTTP response; body, if given, will be appended to the body *)
97 let send_foo_body code body = send_raw ~data:(foo_body code body)
100 (* Warning: keep default values in sync with Http_response.response class *)
101 ?(body = "") ?(headers = [])
102 ?(version = http_version) ?(code = 200) ?status outchan
107 | Some s -> code_of_status s
109 send_basic_headers ~version ~code outchan;
110 send_headers ~headers outchan;
111 send_header "Content-Length" (string_of_int (String.length body)) outchan;
113 send_raw ~data:body outchan
115 (** internal: low level for respond_redirect, respond_error, ...
116 This function send a status line corresponding to a given code, some basic
117 headers, the additional headers (if given) and an HTML page containing the
118 reason phrase; if body is given it will be included in the body of the HTML
120 let send_empty_response
121 func_name ?(is_valid_status = fun _ -> true) ?(headers = []) ~body () =
122 fun ?(version = http_version) ?code ?status outchan ->
123 let code = get_code_argument func_name ~code ~status in
124 if not (is_valid_status code) then
126 (sprintf "'%d' isn't a valid status code for %s" code func_name)
127 else begin (* status code suitable for answering *)
130 "Connection", "close";
131 "Content-Type", "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"
134 let body = (foo_body code body) ^ body in
135 respond ~version ~code ~headers ~body outchan
137 (* OLD VERSION, now use 'respond' function *)
138 send_basic_headers ~version ~code outchan;
139 send_header ~header:"Connection" ~value:"close" outchan;
141 ~header:"Content-Type"
142 ~value:"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"
144 send_headers ~headers outchan;
146 send_foo_body ~code ~body outchan
151 ~location ?(body = "") ?(version = http_version) ?(code = 301) ?status outchan
156 | Some (s: Http_types.redirection_status) -> code_of_status s
159 "Daemon.respond_redirect" ~is_valid_status:is_redirection
160 ~headers:["Location", location] ~body ()
161 ~version ~code outchan
164 ?(body = "") ?(version = http_version) ?(code = 400) ?status outchan =
168 | Some s -> code_of_status s
171 "Daemon.respond_error" ~is_valid_status:is_error ~body ()
172 ~version ~code outchan
174 let respond_not_found ~url ?(version = http_version) outchan =
176 "Daemon.respond_not_found" ~body:"" () ~version ~code:404 outchan
178 let respond_forbidden ~url ?(version = http_version) outchan =
180 "Daemon.respond_permission_denied" ~body:"" () ~version ~code:403 outchan
182 (* let send_file ?name ?file outchan = *)
183 let send_file ~src outchan =
185 let buf = String.make buflen ' ' in
187 let (file, cleanup) =
188 (match (name, file) with
189 | Some n, None -> (* if we open the file, we close it before returning *)
191 f, (fun () -> close_in f)
192 | None, Some f -> (f, (fun () -> ()))
193 | _ -> (* TODO use some static type checking *)
194 failwith "Daemon.send_file: either name or file must be given")
197 let (file, cleanup) =
199 | FileSrc fname -> (* if we open the file, we close it before returning *)
200 let f = open_in fname in
201 f, (fun () -> close_in f)
202 | InChanSrc inchan -> inchan, ignore
206 let bytes = input file buf 0 buflen in
210 output outchan buf 0 bytes
219 (* TODO interface is too ugly to advertise this function in .mli *)
220 (** create a minimal HTML directory listing of a given directory and send it
221 over an out_channel, directory is passed as a dir_handle; name is the
222 directory name, used for pretty printing purposes; path is the opened dir
223 path, used to test its contents with stat *)
224 let send_dir_listing ~dir ~name ~path outchan =
225 fprintf outchan "<html>\n<head><title>%s</title></head>\n<body>\n" name;
227 List.partition (fun e -> Http_misc.is_directory (path ^ e)) (Http_misc.ls dir)
230 (fun d -> fprintf outchan "<a href=\"%s/\">%s/</a><br />\n" d d)
231 (List.sort compare dirs);
233 (fun f -> fprintf outchan "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a><br />\n" f f)
234 (List.sort compare files);
235 fprintf outchan "</body>\n</html>";
238 let respond_file ~fname ?(version = http_version) outchan =
239 (** ASSUMPTION: 'fname' doesn't begin with a "/"; it's relative to the current
240 document root (usually the daemon's cwd) *)
241 let droot = Sys.getcwd () in (* document root *)
242 let path = droot ^ "/" ^ fname in (* full path to the desired file *)
243 if not (Sys.file_exists path) then (* file not found *)
244 respond_not_found ~url:fname outchan
247 if Http_misc.is_directory path then begin (* file found, is a dir *)
248 let dir = Unix.opendir path in
249 send_basic_headers ~version ~code:200 outchan;
250 send_header "Content-Type" "text/html" outchan;
252 send_dir_listing ~dir ~name:fname ~path outchan;
254 end else begin (* file found, is something else *)
255 let file = open_in fname in
256 send_basic_headers ~version ~code:200 outchan;
258 ~header:"Content-Length"
259 ~value:(string_of_int (Http_misc.filesize fname))
262 send_file ~src:(InChanSrc file) outchan;
266 | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EACCES, s, _) when (s = fname) ->
267 respond_forbidden ~url:fname ~version outchan
269 (Pcre.pmatch ~rex:(Pcre.regexp (fname ^ ": Permission denied")) s) ->
270 respond_forbidden ~url:fname ~version outchan
273 let respond_with (res: Http_types.response) outchan =
274 res#serialize outchan;
277 (** internal: this exception is raised after a malformed request has been read
278 by a serving process to signal main server (or itself if mode = `Single) to
279 skip to next request *)
283 sprintf "HTTP request parse error: %s" (Printexc.to_string e)
285 (* given a Http_parser.parse_request like function, wrap it in a function that
286 do the same and additionally catch parsing exception sending HTTP error
287 messages back to client as needed. Returned function raises Again when it
288 encounter a parse error (name 'Again' is intended for future versions that
289 will support http keep alive signaling that a new request has to be parsed
291 let rec wrap_parse_request_w_safety parse_function inchan outchan =
294 parse_function inchan
296 | (End_of_file) as e ->
297 debug_print (pp_parse_exc e);
298 respond_error ~code:400 ~body:"Unexpected End Of File" outchan;
300 | (Malformed_request req) as e ->
301 debug_print (pp_parse_exc e);
305 "request 1st line format should be: '<method> <url> <version>'" ^
306 "<br />\nwhile received request 1st line was:<br />\n" ^ req)
309 | (Invalid_HTTP_method meth) as e ->
310 debug_print (pp_parse_exc e);
313 ~body:("Method '" ^ meth ^ "' isn't supported (yet)")
316 | (Malformed_request_URI uri) as e ->
317 debug_print (pp_parse_exc e);
318 respond_error ~code:400 ~body:("Malformed URL: '" ^ uri ^ "'") outchan;
320 | (Invalid_HTTP_version version) as e ->
321 debug_print (pp_parse_exc e);
324 ~body:("HTTP version '" ^ version ^ "' isn't supported (yet)")
327 | (Malformed_query query) as e ->
328 debug_print (pp_parse_exc e);
330 ~code:400 ~body:(sprintf "Malformed query string '%s'" query) outchan;
332 | (Malformed_query_part (binding, query)) as e ->
333 debug_print (pp_parse_exc e);
337 sprintf "Malformed query part '%s' in query '%s'" binding query)
340 (* (* preliminary support for HTTP keep alive connections ... *)
342 wrap_parse_request_w_safety parse_function inchan outchan
345 (* wrapper around Http_parser.parse_request which catch parsing exceptions and
346 return error messages to client as needed
347 @param inchan in_channel from which read incoming requests
348 @param outchan out_channl on which respond with error messages if needed
350 let safe_parse_request = wrap_parse_request_w_safety parse_request
352 (* as above but for OO version (Http_parser.parse_request') *)
353 let safe_parse_request' = wrap_parse_request_w_safety (new Http_request.request)
355 let chdir_to_document_root = function (* chdir to document root *)
356 | Some dir -> Sys.chdir dir
359 let server_of_mode = function
360 | `Single -> Http_tcp_server.simple
361 | `Fork -> Http_tcp_server.fork
362 | `Thread -> Http_tcp_server.thread
364 (* TODO what happens when a Quit exception is raised by a callback? Do other
365 callbacks keep on living until the end or are them all killed immediatly?
366 The right semantics should obviously be the first one *)
368 (* TODO support also chroot to 'root', not only chdir *)
369 (* curried request *)
371 ?(addr = default_addr) ?(port = default_port)
372 ?(timeout = Some default_timeout) ?(mode = default_mode) ?root callback
374 chdir_to_document_root root;
375 let sockaddr = Http_misc.build_sockaddr (addr, port) in
376 let daemon_callback inchan outchan =
378 let (path, parameters) = safe_parse_request inchan outchan in
379 callback path parameters outchan;
384 (server_of_mode mode) ~sockaddr ~timeout daemon_callback
389 ?(addr = default_addr) ?(port = default_port)
390 ?(timeout = Some default_timeout) ?(mode = default_mode) ?root callback
392 chdir_to_document_root root;
393 let sockaddr = Http_misc.build_sockaddr (addr, port) in
394 let daemon_callback inchan outchan =
396 let req = safe_parse_request' inchan outchan in
397 callback req outchan;
402 (server_of_mode mode) ~sockaddr ~timeout daemon_callback
407 let callback path _ outchan =
408 if not (Pcre.pmatch ~rex:(Pcre.regexp "^/") path) then
409 respond_error ~code:400 outchan
411 respond_file ~fname:(Http_misc.strip_heading_slash path) outchan
412 let start ?(addr = default_addr) ?(port = default_port) () =
413 start ~addr ~port callback
416 (* @param inchan input channel connected to client
417 @param outchan output channel connected to client
418 @param sockaddr client socket address *)
419 class connection inchan outchan sockaddr =
420 (* ASSUMPTION: inchan and outchan are channels built on top of the same
421 Unix.file_descr thus closing one of them will close also the other *)
422 let close' o = o#close in
425 initializer Gc.finalise close' self
427 val mutable closed = false
429 method private assertNotClosed =
431 failwith "Http_daemon.connection: connection is closed"
434 self#assertNotClosed;
436 Some (safe_parse_request' inchan outchan)
439 method respond_with res =
440 self#assertNotClosed;
441 respond_with res outchan
444 self#assertNotClosed;
445 close_in inchan; (* this close also outchan *)
450 class daemon ?(addr = "") ?(port = 80) () =
454 Http_tcp_server.init_socket (Http_misc.build_sockaddr (addr, port))
457 let (cli_suck, cli_sockaddr) = Unix.accept suck in (* may block *)
458 let (inchan, outchan) =
459 (Unix.in_channel_of_descr cli_suck, Unix.out_channel_of_descr cli_suck)
461 new connection inchan outchan cli_sockaddr
464 let conn = self#accept in
465 match conn#getRequest with
469 | Some req -> (req, conn)