]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/blob - helm/DEVEL/pxp/pxp/examples/xmlforms/styles/crazy-style.xml
* this implements the new instantiation for gtkmathview
[helm.git] / helm / DEVEL / pxp / pxp / examples / xmlforms / styles / crazy-style.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE application SYSTEM "./ds-style.dtd" [
3   <!ENTITY vz '<button label="&lt;" action="list-prev"/>
4                <button label=">" action="list-next"/>
5                <button label="exit" goto="first"/>'>
6 ]
7 >
9 <application start="first">
10 <mask name="first" font="-*-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*">
11 <vbox halign="right">
12 <label>one</label>
13 <label bgcolor="green">Number two</label>
14 <hbox width="4cm" halign="center" valign="bottom" bgcolor="red" fgcolor="blue">
15 <vbox>
16 <label>a1</label>
17 <vspace height="1cm"/>
18 <label>a2</label>
19 </vbox>
20 <label>b
21 c</label>
22 </hbox>
23 </vbox>
24 <textbox slot="q" textheight="5" textwidth="60">A Text</textbox>
25 <button label="sequence" goto="seq"/>
26 <label bgcolor="blue">A very long label, bigger than the box</label>
27 <vspace height="2cm" fill="yes"/>
28 <hbox><button label="left" bgcolor="yellow" goto="second"/><hspace width="0px" fill="yes"/>
29 <entry slot="a" textwidth="10" fgcolor="red">right</entry>
30 </hbox>
31 </mask>
33 <mask name="second">
34 <button label="main" bgcolor="yellow" goto="first"/>
35 <button label="previous" action="hist-prev"/>
36 <button label="save" action="save"/>
37 </mask>
39 <sequence name="seq">
40 <mask name="n1">
41 <label>n1</label>
42 &vz;
43 </mask>
44 <mask name="n2">
45 <label>n2</label>
46 &vz;
47 </mask>
48 <mask name="n3">
49 <label>n3</label>
50 &vz;
51 </mask>
52 <mask name="n4">
53 <label>n4</label>
54 &vz;
55 </mask>
56 <mask name="n5">
57 <label>n5</label>
58 &vz;
59 </mask>
60 </sequence>
62 </application>