7 module MQI = MQueryInterpreter
10 let broker_id = ref None
11 let my_own_id = Hbugs_tutors_common.init_tutor ()
12 let my_own_addr, my_own_port = "", 50011
13 let my_own_url = sprintf "%s:%d" my_own_addr my_own_port
15 let is_authenticated id =
18 | Some broker_id -> id = broker_id
20 (* thread who do the dirty work *)
21 let slave mqi_handle (state, musing_id) =
23 prerr_endline (sprintf "Hi, I'm the slave for musing %s" musing_id);
24 let (proof, goal) = Hbugs_tutors_common.load_state state in
27 let choose_must must only = (* euristic: use 2nd precision level
28 1st is more precise but is more slow *)
30 | [] -> raise Empty_must
35 TacticChaser.searchPattern mqi_handle
36 ~output_html:prerr_endline ~choose_must () ~status:(proof, goal)
41 Eureka (Hints (List.map (fun uri -> Use_apply_Luke uri) uris))
42 with Empty_must -> Sorry
44 let answer = Musing_completed (my_own_id, musing_id, hint) in
45 ignore (Hbugs_messages.submit_req ~url:Hbugs_tutors_common.broker_url answer);
47 (sprintf "Bye, I've completed my duties (success = %b)" (hint <> Sorry))
49 (Pxp_types.At _) as e ->
50 let rec unbox_exception =
52 Pxp_types.At (_,e) -> unbox_exception e
55 prerr_endline ("Uncaught PXP exception: " ^ Pxp_types.string_of_exn e) ;
56 (* e could be the Thread.exit exception; otherwise we will release an *)
57 (* uncaught exception and the Pxp_types.At was already an uncaught *)
58 (* exception ==> no additional arm *)
59 raise (unbox_exception e)
61 let hbugs_callback mqi_handle =
62 let ids = Hashtbl.create 17 in
64 prerr_endline "ignoring request from unauthorized broker";
65 Exception ("forbidden", "")
68 | Start_musing (broker_id, state) ->
69 if is_authenticated broker_id then begin
70 prerr_endline "received Start_musing";
71 let new_musing_id = Hbugs_id_generator.new_musing_id () in
72 let id = Hbugs_deity.create (slave mqi_handle) (state, new_musing_id) in
74 (sprintf "starting a new musing (tid = %d, id = %s)" id new_musing_id);
75 Hashtbl.add ids new_musing_id id ;
76 (*ignore (Thread.create slave (state, new_musing_id));*)
77 Musing_started (my_own_id, new_musing_id)
78 end else (* broker unauthorized *)
80 | Abort_musing (broker_id, musing_id) ->
81 prerr_endline "CSC: Abort_musing received" ;
82 if is_authenticated broker_id then begin
83 (* prerr_endline "Ignoring 'Abort_musing' message ..."; *)
85 Hbugs_deity.kill (Hashtbl.find ids musing_id) ;
86 Hashtbl.remove ids musing_id ;
89 | Hbugs_deity.Can_t_kill _ ->
90 prerr_endline ("Can not kill slave " ^ musing_id)) ;
91 Musing_aborted (my_own_id, musing_id)
92 end else (* broker unauthorized *)
95 Exception ("unexpected_msg",
96 Hbugs_messages.string_of_msg unexpected_msg)
98 let callback mqi_handle (req: Http_types.request) outchan =
100 let req_msg = Hbugs_messages.msg_of_string req#body in
101 let answer = hbugs_callback mqi_handle req_msg in
102 Http_daemon.respond ~body:(Hbugs_messages.string_of_msg answer) outchan
103 with Hbugs_messages.Parse_error (subj, reason) ->
105 ~body:(Hbugs_messages.string_of_msg
106 (Exception ("parse_error", reason)))
110 let mqi_flags = [] in (* default MathQL interpreter options *)
112 Sys.catch_break true;
113 at_exit (fun () -> Hbugs_tutors_common.unregister_from_broker my_own_id);
115 Some (Hbugs_tutors_common.register_to_broker
116 my_own_id my_own_url "FOO" "Search_pattern_apply tutor");
117 let mqi_handle = MQIC.init mqi_flags prerr_string in
119 ~addr:my_own_addr ~port:my_own_port ~mode:`Thread (callback mqi_handle);
120 MQIC.close mqi_handle
121 with Sys.Break -> () (* exit nicely, invoking at_exit functions *)