1 (* Copyright (C) 2002, HELM Team.
3 * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
4 * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
5 * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
7 * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
9 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
10 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * GNU General Public License for more details.
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
19 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
22 * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
23 * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
27 (* Da rimuovere, solo per debug*)
28 let print_context ctx =
32 | Cic.Anonymous -> "_"
35 (fun i (output,context) ->
36 let (newoutput,context') =
38 Some (n,Cic.Decl t) ->
39 print_name n ^ ":" ^ CicPp.pp t context ^ "\n", (Some n)::context
40 | Some (n,Cic.Def (t,None)) ->
41 print_name n ^ ":=" ^ CicPp.pp t context ^ "\n", (Some n)::context
43 "_ ?= _\n", None::context
44 | Some (_,Cic.Def (_,Some _)) -> assert false
46 output^newoutput,context'
54 let search_theorems_in_context status =
55 let (proof, goal) = status in
57 let module R = CicReduction in
58 let module S = CicSubstitution in
59 let module PET = ProofEngineTypes in
60 let module PT = PrimitiveTactics in
61 prerr_endline "Entro in search_context";
62 let _,metasenv,_,_ = proof in
63 let _,context,ty = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
64 let rec find n = function
69 Some (PET.apply_tactic (PT.apply_tac ~term:(C.Rel n)) status )
73 Some res -> res::(find (n+1) tl)
74 | None -> find (n+1) tl)
77 let res = find 1 context in
78 prerr_endline "Ho finito context";
81 prerr_endline ("SIAM QUI = " ^ s); []
84 exception NotAProposition;;
85 exception NotApplicableTheorem;;
91 let rec auto_tac_aux mqi_handle level proof goal =
92 prerr_endline ("Entro in Auto_rec; level = " ^ (string_of_int level));
95 (prerr_endline ("MaxDepth");
98 (* let us verify that the metavariable is still an open goal --
99 it could have been closed by closing other goals -- and that
100 it is of sort Prop *)
101 let _,metasenv,_,_ = proof in
104 let (_, ey ,ty) = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
109 prerr_endline ("CURRENT GOAL = " ^ (CicPp.ppterm ty));
110 prerr_endline ("CURRENT HYP = " ^ (fst (print_context ey)));
111 (* if the goal does not have a sort Prop we return the
112 current proof and a list containing the goal *)
113 let ty_sort = CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv ey ty in
114 if CicReduction.are_convertible
115 ey (Cic.Sort Cic.Prop) ty_sort then
117 (* choices is a list of pairs proof and goallist *)
119 (search_theorems_in_context (proof,goal))@
120 (TacticChaser.searchTheorems mqi_handle (proof,goal))
122 let rec try_choices = function
123 [] -> raise NotApplicableTheorem
124 | (proof,goallist)::tl ->
125 prerr_endline ("GOALLIST = " ^ string_of_int (List.length goallist));
129 auto_tac_aux mqi_handle (level-1) proof goal)
133 | NotApplicableTheorem
140 (search_theorems_in_context (proof,goal))@
141 (TacticChaser.searchTheorems mqi_handle (proof,goal))
143 let rec try_choices = function
144 [] -> raise NotApplicableTheorem
145 | (proof,[])::tl -> proof
146 | _::tl -> try_choices tl in
148 (* raise NotAProposition *)
152 let auto_tac mqi_handle =
153 let module PET = ProofEngineTypes in
154 let auto_tac mqi_handle (proof,goal) =
155 prerr_endline "Entro in Auto";
157 let proof = auto_tac_aux mqi_handle depth proof goal in
158 prerr_endline "AUTO_TAC HA FINITO";
161 | MaxDepth -> assert false (* this should happens only if depth is 0 above *)
162 | NotApplicableTheorem ->
163 prerr_endline("No applicable theorem");
164 raise (ProofEngineTypes.Fail "No Applicable theorem")
166 PET.mk_tactic (auto_tac mqi_handle)
171 (**** ESPERIMENTO ************************)
173 let new_search_theorems f proof goal depth gtl =
174 let local_choices = f (proof,goal)
177 (function (proof, goallist) ->
178 (proof, (List.map (function g -> (g,depth)) goallist)@gtl))
182 exception NoOtherChoices;;
184 let rec auto_new mqi_handle = function
185 [] -> raise NoOtherChoices
186 | (proof, [])::tl -> (proof, [])::tl
187 | (proof, (goal,0)::gtl)::tl -> auto_new mqi_handle tl
188 | (proof, (goal,depth)::gtl)::tl ->
189 let _,metasenv,_,_ = proof in
192 let (_, ey ,ty) = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
197 prerr_endline ("CURRENT GOAL = " ^ (CicPp.ppterm ty));
198 prerr_endline ("CURRENT HYP = " ^ (fst (print_context ey)));
201 search_theorems_in_context proof goal (depth-1) gtl in
204 (TacticChaser.searchTheorems mqi_handle)
205 proof goal (depth-1) gtl in
207 local_choices@global_choices@tl in
208 let sorting_list (_,g1) (_,g2) =
209 let l1 = List.length g1 in
210 let l2 = List.length g2 in
211 if (l1 = l2 && not(l1 = 0)) then
212 (snd(List.nth g2 0)) - (snd(List.nth g1 0))
215 List.stable_sort sorting_list all_choices
217 auto_new mqi_handle reorder
218 | None -> auto_new mqi_handle ((proof,gtl)::tl)
222 let auto_tac mqi_handle =
223 let auto_tac mqi_handle (proof,goal) =
224 prerr_endline "Entro in Auto";
226 let (proof,_)::_ = auto_new mqi_handle [(proof, [(goal,depth)])] in
227 prerr_endline "AUTO_TAC HA FINITO";
231 prerr_endline("Auto failed");
232 raise (ProofEngineTypes.Fail "No Applicable theorem")
234 ProofEngineTypes.mk_tactic (auto_tac mqi_handle)
237 (* TODO se ce n'e' piu' di una, prende la prima che trova... sarebbe meglio
238 chiedere: find dovrebbe restituire una lista di hyp (?) da passare all'utonto con una
239 funzione di callback che restituisce la (sola) hyp da applicare *)
242 let module PET = ProofEngineTypes in
243 let assumption_tac status =
244 let (proof, goal) = status in
245 let module C = Cic in
246 let module R = CicReduction in
247 let module S = CicSubstitution in
248 let module PT = PrimitiveTactics in
249 let _,metasenv,_,_ = proof in
250 let _,context,ty = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
251 let rec find n = function
254 (Some (_, C.Decl t)) when
255 (R.are_convertible context (S.lift n t) ty) -> n
256 | (Some (_, C.Def (_,Some ty'))) when
257 (R.are_convertible context ty' ty) -> n
258 | (Some (_, C.Def (t,None))) when
259 (R.are_convertible context
260 (CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv context (S.lift n t)) ty) -> n
263 | [] -> raise (PET.Fail "Assumption: No such assumption")
264 in PET.apply_tactic (PT.apply_tac ~term:(C.Rel (find 1 context))) status
266 PET.mk_tactic assumption_tac
271 exception AllSelectedTermsMustBeConvertible;;
273 (* serve una funzione che cerchi nel ty dal basso a partire da term, i lambda
274 e li aggiunga nel context, poi si conta la lunghezza di questo nuovo
275 contesto e si lifta di tot... COSA SIGNIFICA TUTTO CIO'?????? *)
278 ?(mk_fresh_name_callback = FreshNamesGenerator.mk_fresh_name) terms
280 let module PET = ProofEngineTypes in
281 let generalize_tac mk_fresh_name_callback terms status =
282 let (proof, goal) = status in
283 let module C = Cic in
284 let module P = PrimitiveTactics in
285 let module T = Tacticals in
286 let _,metasenv,_,_ = proof in
287 let _,context,ty = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
292 (* We need to check that all the convertibility of all the terms *)
295 if not (CicReduction.are_convertible context he t) then
296 raise AllSelectedTermsMustBeConvertible
298 (CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv context he)
305 (mk_fresh_name_callback metasenv context C.Anonymous ~typ:typ),
307 (ProofEngineReduction.replace_lifting_csc 1
310 ~with_what:(List.map (function _ -> C.Rel 1) terms)
313 ~continuations: [(P.apply_tac ~term:(C.Rel 1)) ; T.id_tac])
316 PET.mk_tactic (generalize_tac mk_fresh_name_callback terms)