]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/blob - helm/on-line/html/cic/control.html
Interface URL can now be setted using the control panel.
[helm.git] / helm / on-line / html / cic / control.html
1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
2 "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd">
3 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:subst="http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm/subst">
5 <head>
7 <style type="text/css">
8 #normal { background-color: #e6e6fa; font-family: sans-serif }
9 td.head { font-weight: bold; background-color: #e6e6fa; color: brown }
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11 #indent { margin-left: 1cm; margin-right: 1cm }
12 ul.control { padding-left: 1em; list-style: none; }
13 ul.control2 { font-size: small; padding-left: 2em; }
14 div.center { text-align: center }
15 h2.uri { margin-top: 0ex; margin-bottom: 0ex }
16 </style>
18 <script>
19  var annotations="<subst:annotations/>";
20  var CICURI="<subst:CICURI/>";
21  var cleanCICURI="<subst:cleanCICURI/>";
22  var CICURL = "<subst:CICURL/>";
23  var DCRDFURL = "<subst:DCRDFURL/>";
24  var DirectRDFURL = "<subst:DirectRDFURL/>";
25  var getterURL = "<subst:getterURL/>";
26  var HTMLURL = "<subst:HTMLURL/>";
27  var InverseRDFURL = "<subst:InverseRDFURL/>";
28  var MathMLContentURL = "<subst:MathMLContentURL/>";
29  var MathMLPresentationURL = "<subst:MathMLPresentationURL/>";
30  var interfaceURL = "<subst:interfaceURL/>";
31  var mkDirDepURL = "<subst:makeDirectDependencyURL/>";
32  var mkInvDepURL = "<subst:makeInverseDirectDependencyURL/>";
33  var mkInvRecDepURL = "<subst:makeInverseRecDependencyURL/>";
34  var mkRecDepURL = "<subst:makeRecDependencyURL/>";
35  var processorURL = "<subst:processorURL/>";
36  var profile = "<subst:profile/>";
37  var proofcheckerURL = "<subst:proofcheckerURL/>";
38  var url = "<subst:url/>";
39 </script>
40 </head>
42 <body id="normal">
43  <div class="center">
44  <small>
45  User:
46    <uwobo:profileCtrlOptionList xmlns:uwobo="http://helm.cs.unibo.it/uwobo"
47     type="cic"/>
48  <br />
49  [<a href="http://helm.cs.unibo.it" target="_top">HELM home</a>]
50  <script>
51    document.write('[<a target="_top" href="' + processorURL +
52      'apply?keys=SPK&amp;param.processorURL=' + escape(processorURL) +
53      '&amp;param.profile=' + escape(profile) +
54      '&amp;xmluri=' + interfaceURL + 'html/configuration.html' +
55      '">configuration</a>]');
56  </script>
57  </small>
58  </div>
59  <hr />
60  <div class="center">
61    <script>
62      document.write('&lt;a target="result" style="color:black; text-decoration:none" href="' + url + '&amp;param.toplevel=true">');
63      document.write('<img style="border-style:none" src="' + interfaceURL + '/icons/object.png" />');
64    </script>
65   <h2 class="uri"><subst:base_CICURI/></h2>
66   <script>document.write('&lt;/a>');</script>
67  </div>
68  <hr />
69 <!--
70   [Annotations are <script>if (annotations) == 'no') document.write('off'); else document.write('on')</script>]
71 -->
72 <ul class="control">
73 <!--
74   <li>
75     <script>
76      var url = "<subst:url/>";
77      document.write('<a href="' + url + '" target="_blank">Open object in new window</a>');
78      </script>
79   </li>
80 -->
81   <li>
82     View
83     <script>
84      document.write('[ <a href="' + HTMLURL + '&amp;param.toplevel=true" target="result"><small>HTML</small></a>');
85      document.write(' | ');
86      document.write('<a href="' + MathMLPresentationURL + '&amp;param.toplevel=true" target="result"><small>MathML</small></a> ]');
87      </script>
88   </li>
89   <li>
90     <script>
91      var url = processorURL + "apply?keys=MC%2CRT%2CL&amp;xmluri=" +
92          getterURL + "getxml%3Furi%3D" + cleanCICURI +
93          "&amp;prop.media-type=text/html&amp;prop.encoding=iso-8859-1" +
94          "&amp;param.CICURI=" + cleanCICURI + "&amp;param.profile=" + profile +
95          "&amp;profile=" + profile;
96      document.write(
97       '<a target="result" href="' + url + '">View metadata</a>'
98      );
99     </script>
100   </li>
101   <li>
102     <script>
103      url = proofcheckerURL + "proofCheck?uri=" + cleanCICURI;
104      document.write(
105       '<a target="result" href="' + url + '">Proof check</a>'
106      );
107     </script>
108   </li>
109   <li>
110     Analyse dependencies
111     <ul class="control2">
112       <li>
113         <script>
114           document.write('<a target="result" href="' + mkDirDepURL + '">direct</a>');
115         </script>
116       </li>
117       <li>
118         <script>
119           document.write('<a target="result" href="' + mkInvDepURL + '">inverse</a>');
120         </script>
121       </li>
122       <li>
123         <script>
124           document.write('<a target="result" href="' + mkRecDepURL + '">recursive direct</a> (graph)');
125         </script>
126       </li>
127       <li>
128         <script>
129           document.write('<a target="result" href="' + mkInvRecDepURL + '">recursive inverse</a> (graph)');
130         </script>
131       </li>
132     </ul>
133   </li>
134 </ul>
135 <hr />
136 <ul class="control">
137   <li> Download
138     <ul class="control2">
139       <li>
140         <script>
141          document.write('<a href="' + CICURL + '" target="result">CIC XML</a>');
142         </script>
143           </li>
144       <li>
145         <script>
146          document.write('<a href="' + MathMLContentURL + '" target="result">MathML Content</a>');
147         </script>
148       </li>
149       <li>
150         <script>
151          document.write('<a href="' + MathMLPresentationURL + '" target="result">MathML Presentation</a>');
152         </script>
153       </li>
154       <li>
155         <script>
156          document.write('<a href="' + HTMLURL + '" target="result">HTML</a>');
157         </script>
158       </li>
159     </ul>
160   </li>
161   <li>
162     Download metadata
163     <ul class="control2">
164       <li>
165         <script>
166           document.write('<a target="result" href="' + DirectRDFURL + '">direct dependencies</a>');
167         </script>
168       </li>
169       <li>
170         <script>
171           document.write('<a target="result" href="' + InverseRDFURL + '">inverse dependencies</a>');
172         </script>
173       </li>
174       <li>
175         <script>
176           document.write('<a target="result" href="' + DCRDFURL + '">Dublin Core</a>');
177         </script>
178       </li>
179     </ul>
180   </li>
181 </ul>
182 </body>
183 </html>