1 \documentclass[a4paper]{article}
4 \usepackage{amssymb,amsmath,mathrsfs,stmaryrd,amsthm}
8 \newcommand{\semT}[1]{\ensuremath{\llbracket #1 \rrbracket}}
9 \newcommand{\sem}[1]{\llbracket \ensuremath{#1} \rrbracket}
10 \newcommand{\pair}[2]{<\!#1,#2\!>}
11 \newcommand{\canonical}{\bot}
12 \newcommand{\R}{\;\mathscr{R}\;}
13 \newcommand{\N}{\,\mathbb{N}\,}
14 \newcommand{\B}{\,\mathbb{B}\,}
15 \newcommand{\NT}{\,\mathbb{N}\,}
16 \newcommand{\NH}{\,\mathbb{N}\,}
17 \renewcommand{\star}{\ast}
18 \renewcommand{\vec}{\overrightarrow}
19 \newcommand{\one}{{\bf 1}}
20 \newcommand{\mult}{\cdot}
21 \newcommand{\ind}{Ind(X)}
22 \newcommand{\Xind}{\ensuremath{X_{ind}}}
23 \renewcommand{\|}{\ensuremath{\quad | \quad}}
24 \newcommand{\triUP}{\ensuremath{\Delta}}
25 \newcommand{\triDOWN}{\ensuremath{\nabla}}
26 \newcommand{\Rx}{\ensuremath{R_X}}
28 \newtheorem{thm}{Theorem}[subsection]
30 \title{Modified Realizability and Inductive Types}
41 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
42 \section{Introduction}
43 The characterization of the provable recursive functions of
44 Peano Arithmetic as the terms of system T is a well known
45 result of G\"odel \cite{Godel58,Godel90}. Although several authors acknowledge
46 that the functional interpretation of the Dialectica paper
47 is not among the major achievements of the author (see e.g. \cite{Girard87}),
48 the result has been extensively investigated and there is a wide
50 topic (see e.g. \cite{Troelstra,HS86,Girard87}, just to mention textbooks,
51 and the bibliography therein).
53 A different, more neglected, but for many respects much more
54 direct relation between Peano (or Heyting) Arithmetics and
55 G\"odel System T is provided
56 by the so called {\em modified realizability}. Modified realizability
57 was first introduced by Kreisel in \cite{Kreisel59} - although it will take you
58 a bit of effort to recognize it in the few lines of paragraph 3.52 -
59 and later in \cite{Kreisel62} under the name of generalized realizability.
60 The name of modified realizability seems to be due to Troelstra
62 - who contested Kreisel's name but unfortunately failed in proposing
63 a valid alternative; we shall reluctantly adopt this latter name
64 to avoid further confusion. Modified realizability is a typed variant of
65 realizability, essentially providing interpretations
66 of $HA^{\omega}$ into itself: each theorem is realized by a typed function
67 of system T, that also gives the actual computational content extracted
69 In spite of the simplicity and the elegance of the proof, it is extremely
70 difficult to find a modern discussion of this result; the most recent
71 exposition we are aware of is in the encyclopedic work by
72 Troelstra \cite{Troelstra} (pp.213-229) going back to thirty years ago.
73 Even modern introductory books
74 to Type Theory and Proof Theory devoting much space to system T
75 such as \cite{GLT} and \cite{TS} surprisingly leave out this simple and
76 illuminating result. Both the previous textbooks
77 prefer to focus on higher order arithmetics and its relation with
78 Girard's System $F$ \cite{Girard86}, but the technical complexity and
79 the didactical value of the two proofs is not comparable: when you
80 prove that the Induction Principle is realized by the recursor $R$
81 of system $T$ you catch a sudden gleam of understanding in the
82 students eyes; usually, the same does not happen when you show, say,
83 that the ``forgetful'' interpretation of the higher order predicate defining
84 the natural numbers is the system $F$ encoding
85 $\forall X.(X\to X) \to X \to X$ of $\N$.
86 Moreover, after a first period of enthusiasm, the impredicative
87 encoding of inductive types in Logical Frameworks has shown several
88 problems and limitations (see e.g. \cite{Werner} pp.24-25) mostly
89 solved by assuming inductive types as a primitive logical notion
90 (leading e.g. form the Calculus of Constructions to the Calculus
91 of Inductive Constructions - CIC). Even the extraction algorithm of
92 CIC, strictly based on realizability principles, and in a first time
93 still oriented towards System F \cite{Paulin87,Paulin89} has been
94 recently rewritten \cite{Letouzey04}
95 to take advantage of concrete types and pattern matching of ML-like
96 languages. Unfortunately, systems like the Calculus of Inductive
97 Constructions are so complex, from the logical point of view, to
98 substantially prevent a really neat theoretical exposition (at present,
100 even exists a truly complete consistency proofs covering all aspects
101 of such systems); moreover, not everybody may be interested in all the features
102 offered by these frameworks, from polymorphism to types depending on
103 proofs. Our program is to restart the analysis of logical systems with
104 primitive inductive types in a smooth way, starting form first order
105 logic and adding little by little small bits of logical power.
106 This paper is the first step in this direction.
108 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
109 \section{G\"odel system T}
110 We shall use a variant of system T with three atomic types $\N$ (natural
111 numbers), $\B$ (booleans) and $\one$ (a terminal object), and two binary
112 type constructors $\times$ (product) and $\to$ (arrow type).
114 The terms of the language comprise the usual simply typed lambda terms
115 with explicit pairs, plus the following additional constants:
118 \item $true: \B$, $false:\B$, $D:A\to A \to \B \to A$
119 \item $O:\N$, $S:\N \to \N$, $R:A \to (A \to \N \to A) \to \N \to A$,
121 Redexes comprise $\beta$-reduction
122 \[(\beta)\;\; \lambda x:U.M \; N \leadsto M[N/x]\]
125 \[(\pi_1)\;\;fst \pair{M}{N} \leadsto M\\ \hspace{.6cm} (\pi_2)\;\; snd \pair{M}{N}
127 and the following type specific reductions:
128 \[(D_{true})\;\;\\D\;M\;N\; true \leadsto M \hspace{.6cm}
129 (D_{false})\;\; D\;M\;N\;false \leadsto N \]
130 \[(R_0)\;\;\\R\;M\;F\; 0 \leadsto M \hspace{.6cm}
131 (R_S)\;\; R\;M\;F\;(S\;n) \leadsto F\;n\;(R\;M\;F\;n) \]
132 \[(*)\;\; M \leadsto * \]
133 where (*) holds for any $M$ of type $\one$.
135 Note that using the well known isomorpshims
136 $\one \to A \cong A$, $A \to \one \cong \one$
137 and $A \times \one \cong A \cong \one\times A$ (see \cite{AL91}, pp.231-239)
138 we may always get rid of $\one$ (apart the trivial case).
139 The terminal object does not play a major role in our treatment, but
140 it allows to extract better algorithms. In particular we use it
141 to realize atomic proposition, and stripping out the terminal object using
142 the above isomorphisms gives a simple way of just keeping the truly
143 informative part of the algorithms.
147 \section{Heyting's arithmetics}
152 \item $nat\_ind: P(0) \to (\forall x.P(x) \to P(S(x))) \to \forall x.P(x)$
153 \item $ex\_ind: (\forall x.P(x) \to Q) \to \exists x.P(x) \to Q$
154 \item $ex\_intro: \forall x.(P \to \exists x.P)$
155 \item $fst: P \land Q \to P$
156 \item $snd: P \land Q \to Q$
157 \item $conj: P \to Q \to P \land Q$
158 \item $false\_ind: \bot \to Q$
159 \item $discriminate:\forall x.0 = S(x) \to \bot$
160 \item $injS: \forall x,y.S(x) = S(y) \to x=y$
161 \item $plus\_O:\forall x.x+0=x$
162 \item $plus\_S:\forall x,y.x+S(y)=S(x+y)$
163 \item $times\_O:\forall x.x\mult0=0$
164 \item $times\_S:\forall x,y.x\mult S(y)=x+(x\mult y)$
168 {\bf Inference Rules}
170 say that ax:AX refers to the previous Axioms list...
173 (Proj)\hspace{0.2cm} \Gamma, x:A, \Delta \vdash x:A
175 (Const)\hspace{0.2cm} \Gamma \vdash ax : AX
179 (\to_i)\hspace{0.2cm}\frac{\Gamma,x:A \vdash M:Q}{\Gamma \vdash \lambda x:A.M: A \to Q} \hspace{2cm}
180 (\to_e)\hspace{0.2cm}\frac{\Gamma \vdash M: A \to Q \hspace{1cm}\Gamma \vdash N: A}
181 {\Gamma \vdash M N: Q}
185 % (\land_i)\frac{\Gamma \vdash M:A \hspace{1cm}\Gamma \vdash N:B}
186 % {\Gamma \vdash \pair{M}{N} : A \land B}
188 % (\land_{el})\frac{\Gamma \vdash A \land B}{\Gamma \vdash A}
190 % (\land_{er})\frac{\Gamma \vdash A \land B}{\Gamma \vdash B}
194 (\forall_i)\hspace{0.2cm}\frac{\Gamma \vdash M:P}{\Gamma \vdash
195 \lambda x:\N.M: \forall x.P}(*) \hspace{2cm}
196 (\forall_e)\hspace{0.2cm}\frac{\Gamma \vdash M :\forall x.P}{\Gamma \vdash M t: P[t/x]}
201 % (\exists_i)\frac{\Gamma \vdash P[t/x]}{\Gamma \vdash \exists x.P}\hspace{2cm}
202 % (\exists_e)\frac{\Gamma \vdash \exists x.P\hspace{1cm}\Gamma \vdash \forall x.P \to Q}
208 The formulae to types translation function
209 $\sem{\cdot}$ takes in input formulae in HA and returns types in T.
212 \item $\sem{A} = \one$ if A is atomic
213 \item $\sem{A \land B} = \sem{A}\times \sem{B}$
214 \item $\sem{A \to B} = \sem{A}\to \sem{B}$
215 \item $\sem{\forall x:\N.P} = \N \to \sem{P}$
216 \item $\sem{\exists x:\N.P} = \N \times \sem{P}$
220 For any type T of system T $\canonical_T: \one \to T$ is inductively defined as follows:
222 \item $\canonical_\one = \lambda x:\one.x$
223 \item $\canonical_N = \lambda x:\one.0$
224 \item $\canonical_{U\times V} = \lambda x:\one.\pair{\canonical_{U} x}{\canonical_{V} x}$
225 \item $\canonical_{U\to V} = \lambda x:\one.\lambda \_:U. \canonical_{V} x$
229 \item $\sem{nat\_ind} = R$
230 \item $\sem{ex\_ind} = (\lambda f:(\N \to \sem{P} \to \sem{Q}).
231 \lambda p:\N\times \sem{P}.f (fst \,p) (snd \,p)$.
232 \item $\sem{ex\_intro} = \lambda x:\N.\lambda f:\sem{P}.\pair{x}{f}$
233 \item $\sem{fst} = \pi_1$
234 \item $\sem{snd} = \pi_2$
235 \item $\sem{conj} = \lambda x:\sem{P}.\lambda y:\sem{Q}.\pair{x}{y}$
236 \item $\sem{false\_ind} = \canonical_{\sem{Q}}$
237 \item $\sem{discriminate} = \lambda \_:\N.\lambda \_:\one.\star$
238 \item $\sem{injS}= \lambda \_:\N. \lambda \_:\N.\lambda \_:\one.\star$
239 \item $\sem{plus\_O} = \sem{times\_O} = \lambda \_:\N.\star$
240 \item $\sem{plus\_S} = \sem{times_S} = \lambda \_:\N. \lambda \_:\N.\star$
243 In the case of structured proofs:
245 \item $\semT{M N} = \semT{M} \semT{N}$
246 \item $\semT{\lambda x:A.M} = \lambda x:\sem{A}.\semT{M}$
247 \item $\semT{\lambda x:\N.M} = \lambda x:\N.\semT{M}$
248 \item $\semT{M t} = \semT{M} \semT{t}$
251 \section{Realizability}
252 The realizability relation is a relation $f \R P$ where $f: \sem{P}$, and
253 $P$ is a closed formula.
256 \item $\neg (\star \R \bot)$
257 \item $* \R (t_1=t_2)$ iff $t_1=t_2$ is true ...
258 \item $\pair{f}{g} \R (P\land Q)$ iff $f \R P$ and $g \R Q$
259 \item $f \R (P\to Q)$ iff for any $m$ such that $m \R P$, $(f \,m) \R Q$
260 \item $f \R (\forall x.P)$ iff for any natural number $n$ $(f n) \R P[\underline{n}/x]$
261 \item $\pair{n}{g}\R (\exists x.P)$ iff $g \R P[\underline{n}/x]$
263 %We need to generalize the notion of realizability to sequents.
264 %Given a sequent $B_1, \ldots, B_n \vdash A$ with free variables in
265 %$\vec{x} = x_1,\ldots, x_m$, we say that $f \R B1, \ldots, B_n \vdash A$ iff
266 %forall natural numbers $n_1, \ldots, n_m$,
267 %if forall $i \in {1,\ldots,n}$
268 %$m_i \R B_i[\vec{\underline{n}}/\vec{x}]$ then
269 %$$f <m_1, \ldots, m_n> \R A[\vec{\underline{n}}/\vec{x}]$$.
272 We need to generalize the notion of realizability to sequents.\\
273 Let $\vec{x} = FV_{\N}( B_1, \ldots, B_n, P)$ a vector of variables of type
274 $\N$ that occur free in $B_1, \ldots, B_n, P$. Let $\vec{b:B}$ the vector
275 $b_1:B_1, \ldots, b_n:B_n$.\\
276 We say that $f \R B_1, \ldots, B_n \vdash A:P$ iff
277 $$\lambda \vec{x:\N}. \lambda \vec{b:B}.f \R
278 \forall \vec{x}. B_1 \to \ldots \to B_n \to P$$
279 Note that $\forall \vec{x}. B_1 \to \ldots \to B_n \to P$ is a closed formula,
280 so we can use the previous definition of realizability on it.
283 We proceed to prove that all axioms $ax:Ax$ are realized by $\sem{ax}$.
287 We must prove that the recursion schema $R$ realizes the induction principle.
288 To this aim we must prove that for any $a$ and $f$ such that $a \R P(0)$ and
289 $f \R \forall x.(P(x) \to P(S(x)))$, and any natural number $n$, $(R \,a \,f
290 \,n) \R P(\underline{n})$.\\
291 We proceed by induction on n.\\
292 If $n=O$, $(R \,a \,f \,O) = a$ and by hypothesis $a \R P(0)$.\\
293 Suppose by induction that
294 $(R \,a \,f \,n) \R P(\underline{n})$, and let us prove that the relation
295 still holds for $n+1$. By definition
296 $(R \,a \,f \,(n+1)) = f \,n \,(R \,a \,f \,n)$,
297 and since $f \R \forall x.(P(x) \to P(S(x)))$,
298 $(f n (R a f n)) \R P(S(\underline{n}))=P(\underline{n+1})$.
301 We must prove that $$\underline{ex\_ind} \R (\forall x:(P x)
302 \to Q) \to (\exists x:(P x)) \to Q$$ Following the definition of $\R$ we have
303 to prove that given\\ $f~\R~\forall~x:((P~x)~\to~Q)$ and
304 $p~\R~\exists~x:(P~x)$, then $\underline{ex\_ind}~f~p \R Q$.\\
305 $p$ is a couple $\pair{n_p}{g_p}$ such that $g_p \R P[\underline{n_p}/x]$, while
306 $f$ is a function such that forall $n$ and for all $m \R P[\underline{n}/x]$
307 then $f~n~m \R Q$ (note that $x$ is not free in $Q$ so $[\underline{n}/x]$
309 Expanding the definition of $\underline{ex\_ind}$, $fst$
310 and $snd$ we obtain $f~n_p~g_p$ that we know is in relation $\R$ with $Q$
311 since $g_p \R P[\underline{n_p}/x]$.
315 $$\lambda x:\N.\lambda f:\sem{P}.\pair{x}{f} \R \forall x.(P\to\exists x.P(x)$$
316 that leads to prove that for each n
317 $\underline{ex\_into}~n \R (P\to\exists x.P(x))[\underline{n}/x]$.\\
318 Evaluating the substitution we have
319 $\underline{ex\_into}~n \R (P[\underline{n}/x]\to\exists x.P(x))$.\\
320 Again by definition of $\R$ we have to prove that given a
321 $m \R P[\underline{n}/x]$ then $\underline{ex\_into}~n~m \R \exists x.P(x)$.
322 Expanding the definition of $\underline{ex\_intro}$ we have
323 $\pair{n}{m} \R \exists x.P(x)$ that is true since $m \R P[\underline{n}/x]$.
326 We have to prove that $\pi_1 \R P \land Q \to P$, that is equal to proving
327 that for each $m \R P \land Q$ then $\pi_1~m \R P$ .
328 $m$ must be a couple $\pair{f_m}{g_m}$ such that $f_m \R P$ and $g_m \R Q$.
329 So we conclude that $\pi_1~m$ reduces to $f_m$ that is in relation $\R$
332 \item $snd$. The same for $fst$.
335 We have to prove that
336 $$\lambda x:\sem{P}. \lambda y:\sem{Q}.\pair{x}{y}\R P \to Q \to P \land Q$$
337 Following the definition of $\R$ we have to show that
338 for each $m \R P$ and for each $n \R Q$ then
339 $(\lambda x:\sem{P}. \lambda y:\sem{Q}.\pair{x}{y})~m~n \R P \land Q$.\\
340 This is the same of $\pair{m}{n} \R P \land Q$ that is verified since
341 $m \R P$ and $n \R Q$.
345 We have to prove that $\bot_{\sem{Q}} \R \bot \to Q$.
346 Trivial, since there is no $m \R \bot$.
348 \item $discriminate$.
349 Since there is no $n$ such that $0 = S n$ is true... \\
350 $\underline{discriminate}~n \R 0 = S~\underline{n} \to \bot$ for each n.
353 We have to prove that for each $n_1$ and $n_2$\\
354 $\lambda \_:\N. \lambda \_:\N.\lambda \_:\one.*~n_1~n_2 \R
355 (S(x)=S(y)\to x=y)[n_1/x][n_2/y]$.\\
356 We assume that $m \R S(n_1)=S(n_2)$ and we have to show that
357 $\lambda \_:\N. \lambda \_:\N.\lambda \_:\one.*~n_1~n_2~m$ that reduces to
358 $*$ is in relation $\R$ with $n_1=n_2$. Since in the standard model of
359 natural numbers $S(n_1)=S(n_2)$ implies $n_1=n_2$ we have that
363 Since in the standard model for natural numbers $0$ is the neutral element
364 for addition $\lambda \_:\N.\star \R \forall x.x + 0 = x$.
367 In the standard model of natural numbers the addition of two numbers is the
368 operation of counting the second starting from the first. So
369 $$\lambda \_:\N. \lambda \_:\N. \star \R \forall x,y.x+S(y)=S(x+y)$$.
372 Since in the standard model for natural numbers $0$ is the absorbing element
373 for multiplication $\lambda \_:\N.\star \R \forall x.x \mult 0 = 0$.
376 In the standard model of natural numbers the multiplications of two
377 numbers is the operation of adding the first to himself a number of times
378 equal to the second number. So
379 $$\lambda \_:\N. \lambda \_:\N. \star \R \forall x,y.x+S(y)=S(x+y)$$.
386 Let us prove the following principle of well founded induction:
387 \[(\forall m.(\forall p. p < m \to P p) \to P m) \to \forall n.P n\]
388 In the following proof we shall make use of proof-terms, since we finally
389 wish to extract the computational content; we leave to reader the easy
390 check that the proof object describes the usual and natural proof
393 We assume to have already proved the following lemmas (having trivial
395 \[L: \lambda b.p < 0 \to \bot\]
396 \[M: \lambda p,q,n.p < q \to q \le (S n) \to p \le n \]
397 Let us assume $h: \forall m.(\forall p. p < m \to P p) \to P m$.
398 We prove by induction on n that $\forall q. q \le n \to P q$.
399 For $n=0$, we get a proof of $P \;0$ by
400 \[ B: \lambda q.\lambda \_:q \le n. h \;0\;
401 (\lambda p.\lambda k:p < 0. false\_ind \;(L\;p\; k)) \]
402 In the inductive case, we must prove that, for any n,
403 \[(\forall q. q \le n \to P q) \to (\forall q. q \le S n \to P q)\]
404 Assume $h1: \forall q. q \le n \to P q$ and
405 $h2: q \le S \;n$. Let us prove $\forall p. p < q \to P p$.
406 If $h3: p < q$ then $(M\; p\; q\; n\; h3\; h2): p \le n$, hence
407 $h1 \;p \; (M\; p\; q\; n\; h3\; h2): P p$.\\
408 In conclusion, the proof of the
410 \[I: \lambda h1:\forall q. q \le n \to P\; q.\lambda q.\lambda h2:q \le S n.
411 h \; q \; (\lambda p.\lambda h3:p < q.h1 \;p\; (M\; p\; q\; n\; h3\; h2)) \]
412 (where $h$ is free in I).
414 \[ \lambda m.\lambda h: \forall m.(\forall p. p < m \to P p) \to P m.
415 nat\_ind \;B \; I \;m\; (le\_n \; m) \]
416 where $le\_n$ is a proof that $\forall n. n \le n$.\\
417 Form the previous proof,after stripping terminal objects,
418 and a bit of eta-contraction to make
419 the term more readable, we extract the following term (types are omitted):
421 \[R' = \lambda m.\lambda f.
422 R\; (f \; O\; (\lambda q.*_A))\;
423 (\lambda n\lambda g\lambda q.f \;q\;g)\;m \;m\]
425 The intuition of this operator is the following: supose to
426 have a recursive definition $h q = F[h]$ where $q:\N$ and
427 $F[h]: A$. This defines a functional
428 $f: \lambda q.\lambda g.F[g]: N\to(N\to A) \to A$, such that
429 (morally) $h$ is the fixpoint of $f$. For instance,
430 in the case of the fibonacci function, $f$ is
431 \[\lambda q. \lambda g.
432 if\; q = 0\;then\; 1\; else\; if\; q = 1\; then\; 1\; else\; g (q-1)+g (q-2)\]
435 approximation of $h$ from the previous approximation $h$ taken
436 as input. $R'$ precisely computes the mth-approximation starting
437 from a dummy function $(\lambda q.*_A)$. Alternatively,
438 you may look at $g$ as the ``history'' (curse of values) of $h$
439 for all values less or equal to $q$; then $f$ extend $g$ to
442 \section{Inductive types}
443 The notation we will use is similar to the one used in
444 \cite{Werner} and \cite{Paulin89} but we prefer
445 giving a label to each constructor and use that label instead of the
446 longer $Constr(n,\ind\{\ldots\})$ to indicate the $n^{th}$ constructor.
447 We adopt the vector notation to make things more readable.
448 $\vec{m}$ has to be intended as $m_1~\ldots~m_n$ where $n$ may
449 be equal to 0 (we use $m_1~\vec{m}$ when we want to give a
450 name to the first $m$ and assert $n>0$). If the vector notation is
451 used inside an arrow type it has a slightly different meaning,
452 $A \to \vec{B} \to C$ is a shortcut for
453 $A \to B_1 \to \ldots \to B_n \to C$.
455 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
456 \subsection{Extensions to the logic framework}
457 To talk about arbitrary inductive types (and not hard coded natural numbers) we
458 have to extend a bit our framework.
460 First we admit quantification over inductive types $T$, thus $\forall x:T.A$
461 and $\exists x:T.A$ are allowed. Then rules 4 and 5 of the $\sem{\cdot}$
462 definition are replaced by $\sem{\forall x:T.P} = T \to \sem{P}$ and
463 $\sem{\exists x:T.P} = T \times \sem{P}$.
465 For each inductive type we will describe the formation rules and the
466 corresponding induction principle schema.
468 Symmetrically we have to extend System T with arbitrary inductive types and
469 we will see how theyr recursors are defined in the following sections.
471 The definition of $\R$ is modified substituting each occurrence of $\N$ with
472 a generic inductive type $T$.
474 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
475 \subsection{Type definition}
476 $$\ind\{c_1:C(X); \ldots ; c_n:C(X)\}$$
477 $$C(X) ::= X \| T \to C(X) \| X \to C(X)$$
478 In the second case we mean $T \neq X$.
480 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
481 \subsection{Induction principle}
482 The induction principle for an inductive type $X$ and a predicate $Q$
483 is a constant with the following type
484 $$\Xind:\vec{\triUP\{C(X), c\}} \to \forall t:X.Q(x)$$
485 $\triUP$ takes a constructor type $C(X)$ and a term $c$ (initially $c$ is a
486 constructor of X, and $c:C(X)$) and is defined by recursion as follows:
488 \triUP\{X, c\} & = & Q(c) \nonumber\\
489 \triUP\{T \to C(X), c\} & = &
490 \forall m:T.\triUP\{C(X),c~m\} \nonumber\\
491 \triUP\{X \to C(X), c\} & = &
492 \forall t:X.Q(t) \to \triUP\{C(X), c~t\} \nonumber
495 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
496 \subsection{Recursor}
498 The type of the recursor $\Rx$ on an inductive type $X$ is
499 $$\Rx : \vec{\square\{C(X)\}} \to X \to \alpha$$
500 $\square$ is defined by recursion on the constructor type $C(X)$.
502 \square\{X\} & = & \alpha \nonumber \\
503 \square\{T \to C(X)\} & = & T \to \square\{C(X)\}\nonumber \\
504 \square\{X \to C(X)\} & = & X \to \alpha \to \square\{C(X)\}\nonumber
506 \subsubsection{Reduction rules}
508 $$\Rx~\vec{f}~(c_i~\vec{m}) \leadsto
509 \triDOWN\{C(X)_i, f_i, \vec{m}\}$$
510 $\triDOWN$ takes a constructor type $C(X)$, a term $f$
511 (of type $\square\{C(X)\}$) and is defined by recursion as follows:
513 \triDOWN\{X, f, \} & = & f\nonumber \\
514 \triDOWN\{T \to C(X), f, m_1~\vec{m}\} & = &
515 \triDOWN\{C(X), f~m_1, \vec{m}\}\nonumber \\
516 \triDOWN\{X \to C(X), f, m_1~\vec{m}\} & = &
517 \triDOWN\{C(X), f~m_1~(\Rx~\vec{f}~m_1),
520 We assume $\Rx~\vec{f}~(c_i~\vec{m})$ is well typed, so in the first case we
521 can omit $\vec{m}$ since it is an empty sequence.
523 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
524 \subsection{Realizability of the induction principle}
525 Once we have inductive types and their induction principle we want to show that
526 the recursor $\Rx$ realizes $\Xind$, that is that $\Rx$ has type
527 $\sem{\Xind}$ and is in relation $\R$ with $\Xind$.
529 \begin{thm}$\Rx : \sem{\Xind}$\end{thm}
531 We have to compare the definition of $\square$ and $\triUP$
532 since they play the same role in constructing respectively the types of
534 $\Xind$. If we assume $\alpha = \sem{Q}$ and we apply the $\sem{\cdot}$
535 function to each right side of the $\triUP$ definition we obtain
536 exactly $\square$. The last two elements of the arrows $\Rx$ and
537 $\Xind$ are again the same up to $\sem{\cdot}$.
540 \begin{thm}$\Rx\R \Xind$\end{thm}
542 To prove that $\Rx\R \Xind$ we must assume that for each $i$ index
543 of a constructor of $X$, $f_i \R \triUP\{C(X)_i, c_i\}$ and we
544 have to prove that for each $t:X$
545 $$\Rx~\vec{f}~t \R Q(t)$$
547 We proceed by induction on the structure of $t$.
549 The base case is when the
550 type of the head constructor of $t$ has no recursive arguments (i.e. the type
551 is generated using only the first two rules $C(X)$), so
552 $(\Rx~\vec{f}~(c_i~\vec{m}))$ reduces in one step to $(f_i~\vec{m})$. $f_i$
553 realizes $\triUP\{C(X)_i, c_i\}$ by assumption and since we are in the base
554 case $\triUP\{C(X)_i, c_i\}$ is of the form $\vec{\forall t:T}.Q(c_i~\vec{t})$.
555 Thus $f_i~\vec{m} \R Q(c_i~\vec{m})$.
557 In the induction step we have as induction hypothesis that for each recursive
558 argument $t_i$ of the head constructor $c_i$, $r_i\equiv
559 \Rx~\vec{f}~t_i \R Q(t_i)$. By the third rule of $\triDOWN$ we obtain the reduct
560 $f_i~\vec{m}~\vec{t~r}$ (here we write first all the non recursive arguments,
561 then all the recursive one. In general they can be mixed and the proof is
562 exactly the same but the notation is really heavier). We know by hypothesis
563 that $f_i \R \triUP\{C(X)_i, c_i\} \equiv \vec{\forall m:T}.\vec{\forall
564 t:X.Q(t)} \to Q(c_i~\vec{m}~\vec{t})$, thus $f_i~\vec{m}~\vec{t~r} \R
565 Q(c_i~\vec{m}~\vec{t})$.
569 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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