1 set terminal postscript color
3 set label font "Helvetica,8"
5 set output "parsing_times_candidates.ps"
6 plot "parsing_times_expat_candidates.txt" using 2:4 title "Expat" with lines smooth bezier, \
7 "parsing_times_xerces_sax2_candidates.txt" using 2:4 title "xerces sax2" with lines smooth bezier, \
8 "parsing_times_xerces_tree_candidates.txt" using 2:4 title "xerces tree" with lines smooth bezier, \
9 "parsing_times_libxml2_sax2_candidates.txt" using 2:4 title "libxml2 sax2" with lines smooth bezier, \
10 "parsing_times_libxml2_reader_candidates.txt" using 2:4 title "libxml2 reader" with lines smooth bezier, \
11 "parsing_times_libxml2_tree_candidates.txt" using 2:4 title "libxml2 tree" with lines smooth bezier
13 set output "parsing_times_candidates_c1.ps"
14 plot "parsing_times_expat_candidates_c1.txt" using 2:4 title "Expat" with lines smooth bezier, \
15 "parsing_times_xerces_sax2_candidates_c1.txt" using 2:4 title "xerces sax2" with lines smooth bezier, \
16 "parsing_times_xerces_tree_candidates_c1.txt" using 2:4 title "xerces tree" with lines smooth bezier, \
17 "parsing_times_libxml2_sax2_candidates_c1.txt" using 2:4 title "libxml2 sax2" with lines smooth bezier, \
18 "parsing_times_libxml2_reader_candidates_c1.txt" using 2:4 title "libxml2 reader" with lines smooth bezier, \
19 "parsing_times_libxml2_tree_candidates_c1.txt" using 2:4 title "libxml2 tree" with lines smooth bezier
21 set output "parsing_times_candidates_3d.ps"
22 splot "parsing_times_expat_candidates.txt" using 1:2:4 title "Expat", \
23 "parsing_times_xerces_sax2_candidates.txt" using 1:2:4 title "xerces sax2", \
24 "parsing_times_xerces_tree_candidates.txt" using 1:2:4 title "xerces tree", \
25 "parsing_times_libxml2_sax2_candidates.txt" using 1:2:4 title "libxml2 sax2", \
26 "parsing_times_libxml2_reader_candidates.txt" using 1:2:4 title "libxml2 reader", \
27 "parsing_times_libxml2_tree_candidates.txt" using 1:2:4 title "libxml2 tree"