1 (* Copyright (C) 2004-2005, HELM Team.
3 * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
4 * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
5 * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
7 * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
9 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
10 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * GNU General Public License for more details.
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
19 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
22 * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
23 * http://helm.cs.unibo.it/
30 module Ast = CicNotationPt
31 module Env = CicNotationEnv
34 let debug_print s = if debug then prerr_endline (Lazy.force s) else ()
37 type pretty_printer_id = pattern_id
39 let resolve_binder = function
40 | `Lambda -> "\\lambda"
42 | `Forall -> "\\forall"
43 | `Exists -> "\\exists"
45 let add_level_info prec assoc t = Ast.AttributedTerm (`Level (prec, assoc), t)
46 let add_pos_info pos t = Ast.AttributedTerm (`ChildPos pos, t)
47 let left_pos = add_pos_info `Left
48 let right_pos = add_pos_info `Right
49 let inner_pos = add_pos_info `Inner
51 let rec top_pos t = add_level_info ~-1 Gramext.NonA (inner_pos t)
53 | Ast.AttributedTerm (`Level _, t) ->
54 add_level_info ~-1 Gramext.NonA (inner_pos t)
55 | Ast.AttributedTerm (attr, t) -> Ast.AttributedTerm (attr, top_pos t)
56 | t -> add_level_info ~-1 Gramext.NonA (inner_pos t) *)
58 let rec remove_level_info =
60 | Ast.AttributedTerm (`Level _, t) -> remove_level_info t
61 | Ast.AttributedTerm (a, t) -> Ast.AttributedTerm (a, remove_level_info t)
64 let add_xml_attrs attrs t =
65 if attrs = [] then t else Ast.AttributedTerm (`XmlAttrs attrs, t)
67 let add_keyword_attrs =
68 add_xml_attrs (RenderingAttrs.keyword_attributes `MathML)
70 let box kind spacing indent content =
71 Ast.Layout (Ast.Box ((kind, spacing, indent), content))
75 let hvbox = box Ast.HV
76 let hovbox = box Ast.HOV
77 let break = Ast.Layout Ast.Break
78 let space = Ast.Literal (`Symbol " ")
79 let builtin_symbol s = Ast.Literal (`Symbol s)
80 let keyword k = add_keyword_attrs (Ast.Literal (`Keyword k))
83 add_xml_attrs (RenderingAttrs.number_attributes `MathML)
84 (Ast.Literal (`Number s))
87 add_xml_attrs (RenderingAttrs.ident_attributes `MathML) (Ast.Ident (i, None))
89 let ident_w_href href i =
93 let href = UriManager.string_of_uri href in
94 add_xml_attrs [Some "xlink", "href", href] (ident i)
97 add_xml_attrs (RenderingAttrs.builtin_symbol_attributes `MathML)
100 let string_of_sort_kind = function
110 let rec aux_args pos =
115 if pos = `Left then [ left_pos last ] else [ right_pos last ]
117 (add_pos_info pos (k hd)) :: aux_args `Inner tl
119 add_level_info Ast.apply_prec Ast.apply_assoc
120 (hovbox true true (CicNotationUtil.dress break (aux_args `Left ts)))
121 | Ast.Binder (binder_kind, (id, ty), body) ->
122 add_level_info Ast.binder_prec Ast.binder_assoc
124 [ binder_symbol (resolve_binder binder_kind);
125 k id; builtin_symbol ":"; aux_ty ty; break;
126 builtin_symbol "."; right_pos (k body) ])
127 | Ast.Case (what, indty_opt, outty_opt, patterns) ->
132 [ space; keyword "return"; space; break; remove_level_info (k outty)]
137 | Some (indty, href) -> [ space; keyword "in"; space; break; ident_w_href href indty ]
142 hvbox false true [keyword "match"; space; break; top_pos (k what)];
144 hvbox false true indty_box;
146 hvbox false true outty_box
154 let mk_case_pattern =
156 Ast.Pattern (head, href, vars) ->
157 hbox true false (ident_w_href href head :: List.map aux_var vars)
158 | Ast.Wildcard -> builtin_symbol "_"
166 mk_case_pattern lhs; builtin_symbol "\\Rightarrow" ];
167 break; top_pos (k rhs) ]))
171 let rec aux_patterns = function
177 last; builtin_symbol "]" ] ]
179 [ break; hbox false false [ builtin_symbol "|"; hd ] ]
184 [ hbox false false [ builtin_symbol "["; builtin_symbol "]" ] ]
187 builtin_symbol "["; one; builtin_symbol "]" ] ]
189 hbox false false [ builtin_symbol "["; hd ]
192 add_level_info Ast.simple_prec Ast.simple_assoc
194 hvbox false false ([match_box]); break;
195 hbox false false [ hvbox false false patterns'' ] ])
196 | Ast.Cast (bo, ty) ->
197 add_level_info Ast.simple_prec Ast.simple_assoc
199 builtin_symbol "("; top_pos (k bo); break; builtin_symbol ":";
200 top_pos (k ty); builtin_symbol ")"])
201 | Ast.LetIn (var, s, t) ->
202 add_level_info Ast.let_in_prec Ast.let_in_assoc
205 keyword "let"; space;
208 builtin_symbol "\\def"; break; top_pos (k s) ];
209 break; space; keyword "in" ];
212 | Ast.LetRec (rec_kind, funs, where) ->
214 match rec_kind with `Inductive -> "rec" | `CoInductive -> "corec"
216 let mk_fun (args, (name,ty), body, rec_param) =
217 List.map aux_var args ,k name, HExtlib.map_option k ty, k body,
218 fst (List.nth args rec_param)
220 let mk_funs = List.map mk_fun in
221 let fst_fun, tl_funs =
222 match mk_funs funs with hd :: tl -> hd, tl | [] -> assert false
225 let (params, name, ty, body, rec_param) = fst_fun in
233 [space; keyword "on" ; space ; rec_param ;space ] @
234 (match ty with None -> [] | Some ty -> [builtin_symbol ":"; ty]) @
235 [ builtin_symbol "\\def";
241 (fun (params, name, ty, body, rec_param) ->
247 [space; keyword "on" ; space; rec_param ;space ] @
250 | Some ty -> [builtin_symbol ":"; ty]) @
251 [ builtin_symbol "\\def"; break; body ])])
254 add_level_info Ast.let_in_prec Ast.let_in_assoc
256 (fst_row :: List.flatten tl_rows
257 @ [ break; keyword "in"; break; k where ])))
258 | Ast.Implicit -> builtin_symbol "?"
260 let local_context l =
261 List.map (function None -> None | Some t -> Some (k t)) l
263 Ast.Meta(n, local_context l)
264 | Ast.Sort sort -> aux_sort sort
267 | Ast.Ident (_, None) | Ast.Ident (_, Some [])
268 | Ast.Uri (_, None) | Ast.Uri (_, Some [])
270 | Ast.UserInput as leaf -> leaf
271 | t -> CicNotationUtil.visit_ast ~special_k k t
272 and aux_sort sort_kind =
273 add_xml_attrs (RenderingAttrs.keyword_attributes `MathML)
274 (Ast.Ident (string_of_sort_kind sort_kind, None))
275 and aux_ty = function
276 | None -> builtin_symbol "?"
278 and aux_var = function
281 builtin_symbol "("; name; builtin_symbol ":"; break; k ty;
284 and special_k = function
285 | Ast.AttributedTerm (attrs, t) -> Ast.AttributedTerm (attrs, k t)
287 prerr_endline ("unexpected special: " ^ CicNotationPp.pp_term t);
292 (* persistent state *)
294 let level1_patterns21 = Hashtbl.create 211
296 let compiled21 = ref None
298 let pattern21_matrix = ref []
300 let get_compiled21 () =
301 match !compiled21 with
302 | None -> assert false
303 | Some f -> Lazy.force f
305 let set_compiled21 f = compiled21 := Some f
308 List.fold_right (fun idref t -> Ast.AttributedTerm (`IdRef idref, t))
310 let instantiate21 idrefs env l1 =
311 let rec subst_singleton pos env =
313 Ast.AttributedTerm (attr, t) ->
314 Ast.AttributedTerm (attr, subst_singleton pos env t)
315 | t -> CicNotationUtil.group (subst pos env t)
316 and subst pos env = function
317 | Ast.AttributedTerm (attr, t) ->
318 (* prerr_endline ("loosing attribute " ^ CicNotationPp.pp_attribute attr); *)
320 | Ast.Variable var ->
321 let name, expected_ty = CicNotationEnv.declaration_of_var var in
326 prerr_endline ("name " ^ name ^ " not found in environment");
329 assert (CicNotationEnv.well_typed ty value); (* INVARIANT *)
330 (* following assertion should be a conditional that makes this
331 * instantiation fail *)
332 assert (CicNotationEnv.well_typed expected_ty value);
333 [ add_pos_info pos (CicNotationEnv.term_of_value value) ]
334 | Ast.Magic m -> subst_magic pos env m
335 | Ast.Literal l as t ->
336 let t = add_idrefs idrefs t in
338 | `Keyword k -> [ add_keyword_attrs t ]
340 | Ast.Layout l -> [ Ast.Layout (subst_layout pos env l) ]
341 | t -> [ CicNotationUtil.visit_ast (subst_singleton pos env) t ]
342 and subst_magic pos env = function
343 | Ast.List0 (p, sep_opt)
344 | Ast.List1 (p, sep_opt) ->
345 let rec_decls = CicNotationEnv.declarations_of_term p in
347 List.map (fun (n, _) -> CicNotationEnv.lookup_list env n) rec_decls
349 let values = CicNotationUtil.ncombine rec_values in
353 | Some l -> [ Ast.Literal l ]
355 let rec instantiate_list acc = function
358 let env = CicNotationEnv.combine rec_decls value_set in
359 instantiate_list (CicNotationUtil.group (subst pos env p) :: acc)
362 let env = CicNotationEnv.combine rec_decls value_set in
363 let terms = subst pos env p in
364 instantiate_list (CicNotationUtil.group (terms @ sep) :: acc) tl
366 instantiate_list [] values
368 let opt_decls = CicNotationEnv.declarations_of_term p in
370 let rec build_env = function
372 | (name, ty) :: tl ->
373 (* assumption: if one of the value is None then all are *)
374 (match CicNotationEnv.lookup_opt env name with
376 | Some v -> (name, (ty, v)) :: build_env tl)
378 try build_env opt_decls with Exit -> []
383 | _ -> subst pos env p
385 | _ -> assert false (* impossible *)
386 and subst_layout pos env = function
387 | Ast.Box (kind, tl) ->
388 let tl' = subst_children pos env tl in
389 Ast.Box (kind, List.concat tl')
390 | l -> CicNotationUtil.visit_layout (subst_singleton pos env) l
391 and subst_children pos env =
399 (* | `None -> assert false *)
402 [ subst pos' env child ]
408 (* | `None -> assert false *)
411 (subst pos env hd) :: subst_children pos' env tl
413 subst_singleton `Left env l1
415 let rec pp_ast1 term =
416 let rec pp_value = function
417 | CicNotationEnv.NumValue _ as v -> v
418 | CicNotationEnv.StringValue _ as v -> v
419 (* | CicNotationEnv.TermValue t when t == term -> CicNotationEnv.TermValue (pp_ast0 t pp_ast1) *)
420 | CicNotationEnv.TermValue t -> CicNotationEnv.TermValue (pp_ast1 t)
421 | CicNotationEnv.OptValue None as v -> v
422 | CicNotationEnv.OptValue (Some v) ->
423 CicNotationEnv.OptValue (Some (pp_value v))
424 | CicNotationEnv.ListValue vl ->
425 CicNotationEnv.ListValue (List.map pp_value vl)
427 let ast_env_of_env env =
428 List.map (fun (var, (ty, value)) -> (var, (ty, pp_value value))) env
430 (* prerr_endline ("pattern matching from 2 to 1 on term " ^ CicNotationPp.pp_term term); *)
432 | Ast.AttributedTerm (attrs, term') ->
433 Ast.AttributedTerm (attrs, pp_ast1 term')
435 (match (get_compiled21 ()) term with
436 | None -> pp_ast0 term pp_ast1
437 | Some (env, ctors, pid) ->
439 List.flatten (List.map CicNotationUtil.get_idrefs ctors)
443 Hashtbl.find level1_patterns21 pid
444 with Not_found -> assert false
446 instantiate21 idrefs (ast_env_of_env env) l1)
448 let load_patterns21 t =
449 set_compiled21 (lazy (Content2presMatcher.Matcher21.compiler t))
452 debug_print (lazy "pp_ast <-");
453 let ast' = pp_ast1 ast in
454 debug_print (lazy ("pp_ast -> " ^ CicNotationPp.pp_term ast'));
457 exception Pretty_printer_not_found
459 let fill_pos_info l1_pattern = l1_pattern
460 (* let rec aux toplevel pos =
467 | Ast.Variable _ as t -> add_pos_info pos t
470 aux true l1_pattern *)
472 let counter = ref ~-1
473 let reset () = counter := ~-1;;
479 let add_pretty_printer ~precedence ~associativity l2 l1 =
480 let id = fresh_id () in
481 let l1' = add_level_info precedence associativity (fill_pos_info l1) in
482 let l2' = CicNotationUtil.strip_attributes l2 in
483 Hashtbl.add level1_patterns21 id l1';
484 pattern21_matrix := (l2', id) :: !pattern21_matrix;
485 load_patterns21 !pattern21_matrix;
488 let remove_pretty_printer id =
490 Hashtbl.remove level1_patterns21 id;
491 with Not_found -> raise Pretty_printer_not_found);
492 pattern21_matrix := List.filter (fun (_, id') -> id <> id') !pattern21_matrix;
493 load_patterns21 !pattern21_matrix
495 (* presentation -> content *)
497 let unopt_names names env =
498 let rec aux acc = function
499 | (name, (ty, v)) :: tl when List.mem name names ->
501 | Env.OptType ty, Env.OptValue (Some v) ->
502 aux ((name, (ty, v)) :: acc) tl
504 | hd :: tl -> aux (hd :: acc) tl
509 let head_names names env =
510 let rec aux acc = function
511 | (name, (ty, v)) :: tl when List.mem name names ->
513 | Env.ListType ty, Env.ListValue (v :: _) ->
514 aux ((name, (ty, v)) :: acc) tl
516 | _ :: tl -> aux acc tl
517 (* base pattern may contain only meta names, thus we trash all others *)
522 let tail_names names env =
523 let rec aux acc = function
524 | (name, (ty, v)) :: tl when List.mem name names ->
526 | Env.ListType ty, Env.ListValue (_ :: vtl) ->
527 aux ((name, (Env.ListType ty, Env.ListValue vtl)) :: acc) tl
529 | binding :: tl -> aux (binding :: acc) tl
534 let instantiate_level2 env term =
535 let fresh_env = ref [] in
536 let lookup_fresh_name n =
538 List.assoc n !fresh_env
540 let new_name = CicNotationUtil.fresh_name () in
541 fresh_env := (n, new_name) :: !fresh_env;
544 let rec aux env term =
545 (* prerr_endline ("ENV " ^ CicNotationPp.pp_env env); *)
547 | Ast.AttributedTerm (_, term) -> aux env term
548 | Ast.Appl terms -> Ast.Appl (List.map (aux env) terms)
549 | Ast.Binder (binder, var, body) ->
550 Ast.Binder (binder, aux_capture_var env var, aux env body)
551 | Ast.Case (term, indty, outty_opt, patterns) ->
552 Ast.Case (aux env term, indty, aux_opt env outty_opt,
553 List.map (aux_branch env) patterns)
554 | Ast.LetIn (var, t1, t3) ->
555 Ast.LetIn (aux_capture_var env var, aux env t1, aux env t3)
556 | Ast.LetRec (kind, definitions, body) ->
557 Ast.LetRec (kind, List.map (aux_definition env) definitions,
559 | Ast.Uri (name, None) -> Ast.Uri (name, None)
560 | Ast.Uri (name, Some substs) ->
561 Ast.Uri (name, Some (aux_substs env substs))
562 | Ast.Ident (name, Some substs) ->
563 Ast.Ident (name, Some (aux_substs env substs))
564 | Ast.Meta (index, substs) -> Ast.Meta (index, aux_meta_substs env substs)
571 | Ast.UserInput -> term
573 | Ast.Magic magic -> aux_magic env magic
574 | Ast.Variable var -> aux_variable env var
577 and aux_opt env = function
578 | Some term -> Some (aux env term)
580 and aux_capture_var env (name, ty_opt) = (aux env name, aux_opt env ty_opt)
581 and aux_branch env (pattern, term) =
582 (aux_pattern env pattern, aux env term)
583 and aux_pattern env =
585 Ast.Pattern (head, hrefs, vars) ->
586 Ast.Pattern (head, hrefs, List.map (aux_capture_var env) vars)
587 | Ast.Wildcard -> Ast.Wildcard
588 and aux_definition env (params, var, term, i) =
589 (List.map (aux_capture_var env) params, aux_capture_var env var, aux env term, i)
590 and aux_substs env substs =
591 List.map (fun (name, term) -> (name, aux env term)) substs
592 and aux_meta_substs env meta_substs = List.map (aux_opt env) meta_substs
593 and aux_variable env = function
594 | Ast.NumVar name -> Ast.Num (Env.lookup_num env name, 0)
595 | Ast.IdentVar name -> Ast.Ident (Env.lookup_string env name, None)
596 | Ast.TermVar name -> Env.lookup_term env name
597 | Ast.FreshVar name -> Ast.Ident (lookup_fresh_name name, None)
598 | Ast.Ascription (term, name) -> assert false
599 and aux_magic env = function
600 | Ast.Default (some_pattern, none_pattern) ->
601 let some_pattern_names = CicNotationUtil.names_of_term some_pattern in
602 let none_pattern_names = CicNotationUtil.names_of_term none_pattern in
605 (fun name -> not (List.mem name none_pattern_names))
608 (match opt_names with
609 | [] -> assert false (* some pattern must contain at least 1 name *)
610 | (name :: _) as names ->
611 (match Env.lookup_value env name with
612 | Env.OptValue (Some _) ->
613 (* assumption: if "name" above is bound to Some _, then all
614 * names returned by "meta_names_of" are bound to Some _ as well
616 aux (unopt_names names env) some_pattern
617 | Env.OptValue None -> aux env none_pattern
619 prerr_endline (sprintf
620 "lookup of %s in env %s did not return an optional value"
621 name (CicNotationPp.pp_env env));
623 | Ast.Fold (`Left, base_pattern, names, rec_pattern) ->
624 let acc_name = List.hd names in (* names can't be empty, cfr. parser *)
626 List.filter ((<>) acc_name)
627 (CicNotationUtil.names_of_term rec_pattern)
629 (match meta_names with
630 | [] -> assert false (* as above *)
631 | (name :: _) as names ->
632 let rec instantiate_fold_left acc env' =
633 match Env.lookup_value env' name with
634 | Env.ListValue (_ :: _) ->
635 instantiate_fold_left
637 acc_name, (Env.TermType, Env.TermValue acc)
639 aux (acc_binding :: head_names names env') rec_pattern)
640 (tail_names names env')
641 | Env.ListValue [] -> acc
644 instantiate_fold_left (aux env base_pattern) env)
645 | Ast.Fold (`Right, base_pattern, names, rec_pattern) ->
646 let acc_name = List.hd names in (* names can't be empty, cfr. parser *)
648 List.filter ((<>) acc_name)
649 (CicNotationUtil.names_of_term rec_pattern)
651 (match meta_names with
652 | [] -> assert false (* as above *)
653 | (name :: _) as names ->
654 let rec instantiate_fold_right env' =
655 match Env.lookup_value env' name with
656 | Env.ListValue (_ :: _) ->
657 let acc = instantiate_fold_right (tail_names names env') in
659 acc_name, (Env.TermType, Env.TermValue acc)
661 aux (acc_binding :: head_names names env') rec_pattern
662 | Env.ListValue [] -> aux env base_pattern
665 instantiate_fold_right env)
666 | Ast.If (_, p_true, p_false) as t ->
667 aux env (CicNotationUtil.find_branch (Ast.Magic t))
668 | Ast.Fail -> assert false
675 let _ = load_patterns21 []