1 let cache = NUri.UriHash.create 313;;
3 let get_checked_obj u =
4 try NUri.UriHash.find cache u
6 let ouri = NUri.ouri_of_nuri u in
8 CicEnvironment.get_cooked_obj ~trust:false CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph ouri
10 (* FIX: add all objects to the environment and give back the last one *)
11 let no = HExtlib.list_last (OCic2NCic.convert_obj ouri o) in
12 NUri.UriHash.add cache u no;
17 try true, NUri.UriHash.find cache u
19 (* in th final implementation should get it from disk *)
20 let ouri = NUri.ouri_of_nuri u in
22 CicEnvironment.get_cooked_obj ~trust:true CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph ouri
24 (* here we should freeze it *)
25 false, HExtlib.list_last (OCic2NCic.convert_obj ouri o)
28 let add_obj (u,_,_,_,_ as o) =
29 (* we should unfreeze it *)
30 NUri.UriHash.add cache u o
33 let get_checked_def = function
34 | NReference.Ref (_, uri, NReference.Def) ->
35 (match get_checked_obj uri with
36 | _,height,_,_, NCic.Constant (rlv,name,Some bo,ty,att) ->
37 rlv,name,bo,ty,att,height
38 | _,_,_,_, NCic.Constant (_,_,None,_,_) ->
39 prerr_endline "get_checked_def on an axiom"; assert false
40 | _ -> prerr_endline "get_checked_def on a non def 2"; assert false)
41 | _ -> prerr_endline "get_checked_def on a non def"; assert false
44 let get_checked_indtys = function
45 | NReference.Ref (_, uri, NReference.Ind n) ->
46 (match get_checked_obj uri with
47 | _,_,_,_, NCic.Inductive (inductive,leftno,tys,att) ->
48 inductive,leftno,tys,att,n
49 | _ -> prerr_endline "get_checked_indtys on a non ind 2"; assert false)
50 | _ -> prerr_endline "get_checked_indtys on a non ind"; assert false
53 let get_checked_fix_or_cofix b = function
54 | NReference.Ref (_, uri, NReference.Fix (fixno,_)) ->
55 (match get_checked_obj uri with
56 | _,height,_,_, NCic.Fixpoint (is_fix,funcs,att) when is_fix = b ->
57 let rlv, name, _, ty, bo = List.nth funcs fixno in
58 rlv, name, bo, ty, att, height
59 | _ ->prerr_endline "get_checked_(co)fix on a non (co)fix 2";assert false)
60 | _ -> prerr_endline "get_checked_(co)fix on a non (co)fix"; assert false
62 let get_checked_fix r = get_checked_fix_or_cofix true r;;
63 let get_checked_cofix r = get_checked_fix_or_cofix false r;;
65 let get_indty_leftno = function
66 | NReference.Ref (_, uri, NReference.Ind _)
67 | NReference.Ref (_, uri, NReference.Con _) ->
68 (match get_checked_obj uri with
69 | _,_,_,_, NCic.Inductive (_,left,_,_) -> left
70 | _ ->prerr_endline "get_indty_leftno called on a non ind 2";assert false)
71 | _ -> prerr_endline "get_indty_leftno called on a non indty";assert false