2 ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
3 ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
4 ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
6 ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
8 \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
9 \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY.
10 V_______________________________________________________________ *)
12 (* $Id: index.mli 9822 2009-06-03 15:37:06Z tassi $ *)
14 module Superposition (B : Orderings.Blob) =
16 module IDX = Index.Index(B)
17 module Unif = FoUnif.Founif(B)
18 module Subst = FoSubst
20 module Utils = FoUtils.Utils(B)
23 exception Success of B.t Terms.bag * int * B.t Terms.unit_clause
25 (* let debug s = prerr_endline s;; *)
29 let rec list_first f = function
31 | x::tl -> match f x with Some _ as x -> x | _ -> list_first f tl
34 let first_position pos ctx t f =
35 let inject_pos pos ctx = function
37 | Some (a,b,c,d) -> Some(ctx a,b,c,d,pos)
39 let rec aux pos ctx = function
40 | Terms.Leaf _ as t -> inject_pos pos ctx (f t)
44 | Some _ as x -> inject_pos pos ctx x
46 let rec first pre post = function
49 let newctx = fun x -> ctx (Terms.Node (pre@[x]@post)) in
50 match aux (List.length pre :: pos) newctx t with
53 if post = [] then None (* tl is also empty *)
54 else first (pre @ [t]) (List.tl post) tl
56 first [] (List.tl l) l
61 let all_positions pos ctx t f =
62 let rec aux pos ctx = function
63 | Terms.Leaf _ as t -> f t pos ctx
68 (fun (acc,pre,post) t -> (* Invariant: pre @ [t] @ post = l *)
69 let newctx = fun x -> ctx (Terms.Node (pre@[x]@post)) in
70 let acc = aux (List.length pre :: pos) newctx t @ acc in
71 if post = [] then acc, l, []
72 else acc, pre @ [t], List.tl post)
73 (f t pos ctx, [], List.tl l) l
80 let parallel_positions bag pos ctx id t f =
81 let rec aux bag pos ctx id = function
82 | Terms.Leaf _ as t -> f bag t pos ctx id
83 | Terms.Var _ as t -> bag,t,id
84 | Terms.Node (hd::l) as t->
85 let bag,t,id1 = f bag t pos ctx id in
89 (fun (bag,pre,post,id) t ->
90 let newctx = fun x -> ctx (Terms.Node (pre@[x]@post)) in
91 let newpos = (List.length pre)::pos in
92 let bag,newt,id = aux bag newpos newctx id t in
93 if post = [] then bag, pre@[newt], [], id
94 else bag, pre @ [newt], List.tl post, id)
95 (bag, [hd], List.tl l, id) l
99 (* else aux bag pos ctx id1 t *)
105 let visit bag pos ctx id t f =
106 let rec aux bag pos ctx id subst = function
107 | Terms.Leaf _ as t ->
108 let bag,subst,t,id = f bag t pos ctx id
109 in assert (subst=[]); bag,t,id
110 | Terms.Var i as t ->
111 let t= Subst.apply_subst subst t in
113 | Terms.Node (hd::l) ->
116 (fun (bag,pre,post,id) t ->
117 let newctx = fun x -> ctx (Terms.Node (pre@[x]@post)) in
118 let newpos = (List.length pre)::pos in
119 let bag,newt,id = aux bag newpos newctx id subst t in
120 if post = [] then bag, pre@[newt], [], id
121 else bag, pre @ [newt], List.tl post, id)
122 (bag, [hd], List.map (Subst.apply_subst subst) (List.tl l), id) l
124 let bag,subst,t,id1 = f bag (Terms.Node l) pos ctx id
126 if id1 = id then (assert (subst=[]); bag,t,id)
127 else aux bag pos ctx id1 subst t
130 aux bag pos ctx id [] t
133 let build_clause bag filter rule t subst id id2 pos dir =
134 let proof = Terms.Step(rule,id,id2,dir,pos,subst) in
135 let t = Subst.apply_subst subst t in
139 | Terms.Node [ Terms.Leaf eq ; ty; l; r ] when B.eq B.eqP eq ->
140 let o = Order.compare_terms l r in
141 Terms.Equation (l, r, ty, o)
142 | t -> Terms.Predicate t
145 Terms.add_to_bag (0, literal, Terms.vars_of_term t, proof) bag
149 ((*prerr_endline ("Filtering: " ^ Pp.pp_foterm t);*)None)
151 let prof_build_clause = HExtlib.profile ~enable "build_clause";;
152 let build_clause bag filter rule t subst id id2 pos x =
153 prof_build_clause.HExtlib.profile (build_clause bag filter rule t subst id id2 pos) x
157 (* ============ simplification ================= *)
158 let prof_demod_u = HExtlib.profile ~enable "demod.unify";;
159 let prof_demod_r = HExtlib.profile ~enable "demod.retrieve_generalizations";;
160 let prof_demod_o = HExtlib.profile ~enable "demod.compare_terms";;
161 let prof_demod_s = HExtlib.profile ~enable "demod.apply_subst";;
163 let demod table varlist subterm =
165 prof_demod_r.HExtlib.profile
166 (IDX.DT.retrieve_generalizations table) subterm
169 (fun (dir, (id,lit,vl,_)) ->
171 | Terms.Predicate _ -> assert false
172 | Terms.Equation (l,r,_,o) ->
173 let side, newside = if dir=Terms.Left2Right then l,r else r,l in
176 prof_demod_u.HExtlib.profile
177 (Unif.unification (* (varlist@vl) *) varlist subterm) side
180 prof_demod_s.HExtlib.profile
181 (Subst.apply_subst subst) side
184 prof_demod_s.HExtlib.profile
185 (Subst.apply_subst subst) newside
187 if o = Terms.Incomparable || o = Terms.Invertible then
189 prof_demod_o.HExtlib.profile
190 (Order.compare_terms newside) side in
191 (* Riazanov, pp. 45 (ii) *)
193 Some (newside, subst, id, dir)
195 ((*prerr_endline ("Filtering: " ^
196 Pp.pp_foterm side ^ " =(< || =)" ^
197 Pp.pp_foterm newside ^ " coming from " ^
198 Pp.pp_unit_clause uc );*)None)
200 Some (newside, subst, id, dir)
201 with FoUnif.UnificationFailure _ -> None)
202 (IDX.ClauseSet.elements cands)
204 let prof_demod = HExtlib.profile ~enable "demod";;
205 let demod table varlist x =
206 prof_demod.HExtlib.profile (demod table varlist) x
209 let mydemod table varlist subterm =
211 prof_demod_r.HExtlib.profile
212 (IDX.DT.retrieve_generalizations table) subterm
215 (fun (dir, (id,lit,vl,_)) ->
217 | Terms.Predicate _ -> assert false
218 | Terms.Equation (l,r,_,o) ->
219 let side, newside = if dir=Terms.Left2Right then l,r else r,l in
222 prof_demod_u.HExtlib.profile
223 (Unif.unification (* (varlist@vl) *) varlist subterm) side
226 prof_demod_s.HExtlib.profile
227 (Subst.apply_subst subst) side
230 prof_demod_s.HExtlib.profile
231 (Subst.apply_subst subst) newside
233 if o = Terms.Incomparable || o = Terms.Invertible then
235 prof_demod_o.HExtlib.profile
236 (Order.compare_terms inewside) iside in
237 (* Riazanov, pp. 45 (ii) *)
239 Some (newside, subst, id, dir)
241 ((*prerr_endline ("Filtering: " ^
242 Pp.pp_foterm side ^ " =(< || =)" ^
243 Pp.pp_foterm newside ^ " coming from " ^
244 Pp.pp_unit_clause uc );*)None)
246 Some (newside, subst, id, dir)
247 with FoUnif.UnificationFailure _ -> None)
248 (IDX.ClauseSet.elements cands)
251 let ctx_demod table vl bag t pos ctx id =
252 match mydemod table vl t with
253 | None -> (bag,[],t,id)
254 | Some (newside, subst, id2, dir) ->
255 let inewside = Subst.apply_subst subst newside in
256 match build_clause bag (fun _ -> true)
257 Terms.Demodulation (ctx inewside) subst id id2 pos dir
259 | None -> assert false
260 | Some (bag,(id,_,_,_)) ->
261 (bag,subst,newside,id)
264 let rec demodulate bag (id, literal, vl, pr) table =
266 | Terms.Predicate t -> assert false
267 | Terms.Equation (l,r,ty,_) ->
270 (fun x -> Terms.Node [ Terms.Leaf B.eqP; ty; x; r ]) id l
275 (fun x -> Terms.Node [ Terms.Leaf B.eqP; ty; l; x ]) id1 r
278 let cl,_,_ = Terms.get_from_bag id2 bag in
282 let parallel_demod table vl bag t pos ctx id =
283 match demod table vl t with
285 | Some (newside, subst, id2, dir) ->
286 match build_clause bag (fun _ -> true)
287 Terms.Demodulation (ctx newside) subst id id2 pos dir
289 | None -> assert false
290 | Some (bag,(id,_,_,_)) ->
294 let are_alpha_eq cl1 cl2 =
295 let get_term (_,lit,_,_) =
297 | Terms.Predicate _ -> assert false
298 | Terms.Equation (l,r,ty,_) ->
299 Terms.Node [Terms.Leaf B.eqP; ty; l ; r]
301 try ignore(Unif.alpha_eq (get_term cl1) (get_term cl2)) ; true
302 with FoUnif.UnificationFailure _ -> false
305 let prof_demodulate = HExtlib.profile ~enable "demodulate";;
306 let demodulate bag clause x =
307 prof_demodulate.HExtlib.profile (demodulate bag clause) x
311 let is_identity_clause ~unify = function
312 | _, Terms.Equation (_,_,_,Terms.Eq), _, _ -> true
313 | _, Terms.Equation (l,r,_,_), vl, proof when unify ->
314 (try ignore(Unif.unification (* vl *) [] l r); true
315 with FoUnif.UnificationFailure _ -> false)
316 | _, Terms.Equation (_,_,_,_), _, _ -> false
317 | _, Terms.Predicate _, _, _ -> assert false
320 let build_new_clause bag maxvar filter rule t subst id id2 pos dir =
321 let maxvar, _vl, subst = Utils.relocate maxvar (Terms.vars_of_term
322 (Subst.apply_subst subst t)) subst in
323 match build_clause bag filter rule t subst id id2 pos dir with
324 | Some (bag, c) -> Some ((bag, maxvar), c)
327 let prof_build_new_clause = HExtlib.profile ~enable "build_new_clause";;
328 let build_new_clause bag maxvar filter rule t subst id id2 pos x =
329 prof_build_new_clause.HExtlib.profile (build_new_clause bag maxvar filter
330 rule t subst id id2 pos) x
333 let fold_build_new_clause bag maxvar id rule filter res =
334 let (bag, maxvar), res =
335 HExtlib.filter_map_acc
336 (fun (bag, maxvar) (t,subst,id2,pos,dir) ->
337 build_new_clause bag maxvar filter rule t subst id id2 pos dir)
344 let rewrite_eq ~unify l r ty vl table =
345 let retrieve = if unify then IDX.DT.retrieve_unifiables
346 else IDX.DT.retrieve_generalizations in
347 let lcands = retrieve table l in
348 let rcands = retrieve table r in
350 let id, dir, l, r, vl =
352 | (d, (id,Terms.Equation (l,r,ty,_),vl,_))-> id, d, l, r, vl
355 let reverse = (dir = Terms.Left2Right) = b in
356 let l, r, proof_rewrite_dir = if reverse then l,r,Terms.Left2Right
357 else r,l, Terms.Right2Left in
358 (id,proof_rewrite_dir,Terms.Node [ Terms.Leaf B.eqP; ty; l; r ], vl)
360 let cands1 = List.map (f true) (IDX.ClauseSet.elements lcands) in
361 let cands2 = List.map (f false) (IDX.ClauseSet.elements rcands) in
362 let t = Terms.Node [ Terms.Leaf B.eqP; ty; l; r ] in
363 let locked_vars = if unify then [] else vl in
364 let rec aux = function
366 | (id2,dir,c,vl1)::tl ->
368 let subst = Unif.unification (* (vl@vl1) *) locked_vars c t in
369 Some (id2, dir, subst)
370 with FoUnif.UnificationFailure _ -> aux tl
372 aux (cands1 @ cands2)
375 let is_subsumed ~unify bag maxvar (id, lit, vl, _) table =
377 | Terms.Predicate _ -> assert false
378 | Terms.Equation (l,r,ty,_) ->
379 match rewrite_eq ~unify l r ty vl table with
381 | Some (id2, dir, subst) ->
382 let id_t = Terms.Node [ Terms.Leaf B.eqP; ty; r; r ] in
383 build_new_clause bag maxvar (fun _ -> true)
384 Terms.Superposition id_t subst id id2 [2] dir
386 let prof_is_subsumed = HExtlib.profile ~enable "is_subsumed";;
387 let is_subsumed ~unify bag maxvar c x =
388 prof_is_subsumed.HExtlib.profile (is_subsumed ~unify bag maxvar c) x
390 (* id refers to a clause proving contextl l = contextr r *)
392 let rec deep_eq ~unify l r ty pos contextl contextr table acc =
395 | Some(bag,maxvar,(id,lit,vl,p),subst) ->
396 let l = Subst.apply_subst subst l in
397 let r = Subst.apply_subst subst r in
399 let subst1 = Unif.unification (* vl *) [] l r in
401 match lit with Terms.Predicate _ -> assert false
402 | Terms.Equation (l,r,ty,o) ->
403 Terms.Equation (FoSubst.apply_subst subst1 l,
404 FoSubst.apply_subst subst1 r, ty, o)
406 Some(bag,maxvar,(id,lit,vl,p),Subst.concat subst1 subst)
407 with FoUnif.UnificationFailure _ ->
408 match rewrite_eq ~unify l r ty vl table with
409 | Some (id2, dir, subst1) ->
410 let newsubst = Subst.concat subst1 subst in
412 FoSubst.apply_subst newsubst
413 (Terms.Node[Terms.Leaf B.eqP;ty;contextl r;contextr r])
416 build_new_clause bag maxvar (fun _ -> true)
417 Terms.Superposition id_t
418 subst1 id id2 (pos@[2]) dir
420 | Some ((bag, maxvar), c) ->
421 Some(bag,maxvar,c,newsubst)
422 | None -> assert false)
425 | Terms.Node (a::la), Terms.Node (b::lb) when
426 a = b && List.length la = List.length lb ->
429 (fun (acc,pre,postl,postr) a b ->
431 fun x -> contextl(Terms.Node (pre@(x::postl))) in
433 fun x -> contextr(Terms.Node (pre@(x::postr))) in
434 let newpos = List.length pre::pos in
436 if l = [] then [] else List.tl l in
437 (deep_eq ~unify a b ty
438 newpos newcl newcr table acc,pre@[b],
439 footail postl, footail postr))
440 (acc,[a],List.tl la,List.tl lb) la lb
444 let prof_deep_eq = HExtlib.profile ~enable "deep_eq";;
445 let deep_eq ~unify l r ty pos contextl contextr table x =
446 prof_deep_eq.HExtlib.profile (deep_eq ~unify l r ty pos contextl contextr table) x
449 let rec orphan_murder bag acc i =
450 match Terms.get_from_bag i bag with
451 | (_,_,_,Terms.Exact _),discarded,_ -> (discarded,acc)
452 | (_,_,_,Terms.Step (_,i1,i2,_,_,_)),true,_ -> (true,acc)
453 | (_,_,_,Terms.Step (_,i1,i2,_,_,_)),false,_ ->
454 if (List.mem i acc) then (false,acc)
455 else match orphan_murder bag acc i1 with
456 | (true,acc) -> (true,acc)
458 let (res,acc) = orphan_murder bag acc i2 in
459 if res then res,acc else res,i::acc
462 let orphan_murder bag actives cl =
463 let (id,_,_,_) = cl in
464 let actives = List.map (fun (i,_,_,_) -> i) actives in
465 let (res,_) = orphan_murder bag actives id in
466 if res then debug "Orphan murdered"; res
468 let prof_orphan_murder = HExtlib.profile ~enable "orphan_murder";;
469 let orphan_murder bag actives x =
470 prof_orphan_murder.HExtlib.profile (orphan_murder bag actives) x
473 (* demodulate and check for subsumption *)
474 let simplify table maxvar bag clause =
475 if is_identity_clause ~unify:false clause then bag,None
476 (* else if orphan_murder bag actives clause then bag,None *)
477 else let bag, clause = demodulate bag clause table in
478 if is_identity_clause ~unify:false clause then bag,None
480 match is_subsumed ~unify:false bag maxvar clause table with
481 | None -> bag, Some clause
482 | Some _ -> bag, None
485 let simplify table maxvar bag clause =
486 match simplify table maxvar bag clause with
488 let (id,_,_,_) = clause in
489 let (_,_,iter) = Terms.get_from_bag id bag in
490 Terms.replace_in_bag (clause,true,iter) bag, None
491 | bag, Some clause -> bag, Some clause
492 (*let (id,_,_,_) = clause in
493 if orphan_murder bag clause then
494 Terms.M.add id (clause,true) bag, Some clause
495 else bag, Some clause*)
497 let prof_simplify = HExtlib.profile ~enable "simplify";;
498 let simplify table maxvar bag x =
499 prof_simplify.HExtlib.profile (simplify table maxvar bag ) x
502 let one_pass_simplification new_clause (alist,atable) bag maxvar =
503 match simplify atable maxvar bag new_clause with
504 | bag,None -> bag,None (* new_clause has been discarded *)
505 | bag,(Some clause) ->
506 let ctable = IDX.index_unit_clause maxvar IDX.DT.empty clause in
507 let bag, alist, atable =
509 (fun (bag, alist, atable) c ->
510 match simplify ctable maxvar bag c with
511 |bag,None -> (bag,alist,atable)
512 (* an active clause as been discarded *)
514 bag, c :: alist, IDX.index_unit_clause maxvar atable c)
515 (bag,[],IDX.DT.empty) alist
517 bag, Some (clause, (alist,atable))
519 let prof_one_pass_simplification = HExtlib.profile ~enable "one_pass_simplification";;
520 let one_pass_simplification new_clause t bag x =
521 prof_one_pass_simplification.HExtlib.profile (one_pass_simplification new_clause t bag ) x
524 let simplification_step ~new_cl cl (alist,atable) bag maxvar new_clause =
526 if new_cl then atable else
527 IDX.index_unit_clause maxvar atable cl
529 (* Simplification of new_clause with : *
530 * - actives and cl if new_clause is not cl *
531 * - only actives otherwise *)
533 simplify atable1 maxvar bag new_clause with
534 | bag,None -> bag,(Some cl, None) (* new_clause has been discarded *)
536 (* Simplification of each active clause with clause *
537 * which is the simplified form of new_clause *)
538 let ctable = IDX.index_unit_clause maxvar IDX.DT.empty clause in
539 let bag, newa, alist, atable =
541 (fun (bag, newa, alist, atable) c ->
542 match simplify ctable maxvar bag c with
543 |bag,None -> (bag, newa, alist, atable)
544 (* an active clause as been discarded *)
547 bag, newa, c :: alist,
548 IDX.index_unit_clause maxvar atable c
550 bag, c1 :: newa, alist, atable)
551 (bag,[],[],IDX.DT.empty) alist
554 bag, (Some cl, Some (clause, (alist,atable), newa))
556 (* if new_clause is not cl, we simplify cl with clause *)
557 match simplify ctable maxvar bag cl with
559 (* cl has been discarded *)
560 bag,(None, Some (clause, (alist,atable), newa))
562 bag,(Some cl1, Some (clause, (alist,atable), newa))
564 let prof_simplification_step = HExtlib.profile ~enable "simplification_step";;
565 let simplification_step ~new_cl cl (alist,atable) bag maxvar x =
566 prof_simplification_step.HExtlib.profile (simplification_step ~new_cl cl (alist,atable) bag maxvar) x
569 let keep_simplified cl (alist,atable) bag maxvar =
570 let rec keep_simplified_aux ~new_cl cl (alist,atable) bag newc =
572 match simplification_step ~new_cl cl (alist,atable) bag maxvar cl with
573 | _,(None, _) -> assert false
574 | bag,(Some _, None) -> bag,None
575 | bag,(Some _, Some (clause, (alist,atable), newa)) ->
576 keep_simplified_aux ~new_cl:(cl!=clause) clause (alist,atable)
580 | [] -> bag, Some (cl, (alist,atable))
582 match simplification_step ~new_cl cl
583 (alist,atable) bag maxvar hd with
584 | _,(None,None) -> assert false
585 | bag,(Some _,None) ->
586 keep_simplified_aux ~new_cl cl (alist,atable) bag tl
587 | bag,(None, Some _) -> bag,None
588 | bag,(Some cl1, Some (clause, (alist,atable), newa)) ->
590 (clause::alist, IDX.index_unit_clause maxvar atable clause)
592 keep_simplified_aux ~new_cl:(cl!=cl1) cl1 (alist,atable)
595 keep_simplified_aux ~new_cl:true cl (alist,atable) bag []
597 let prof_keep_simplified = HExtlib.profile ~enable "keep_simplified";;
598 let keep_simplified cl t bag x =
599 prof_keep_simplified.HExtlib.profile (keep_simplified cl t bag) x
602 (* this is like simplify but raises Success *)
603 let simplify_goal ~no_demod maxvar table bag g_actives clause =
605 if no_demod then bag, clause else demodulate bag clause table
607 if List.exists (are_alpha_eq clause) g_actives then None else
608 if (is_identity_clause ~unify:true clause)
609 then raise (Success (bag, maxvar, clause))
611 let (id,lit,vl,_) = clause in
612 if vl = [] then Some (bag,clause)
616 | Terms.Equation(l,r,ty,_) -> l,r,ty
619 match deep_eq ~unify:true l r ty [] (fun x -> x) (fun x -> x)
620 table (Some(bag,maxvar,clause,Subst.id_subst)) with
621 | None -> Some (bag,clause)
622 | Some (bag,maxvar,cl,subst) ->
623 prerr_endline "Goal subsumed";
624 raise (Success (bag,maxvar,cl))
626 else match is_subsumed ~unify:true bag maxvar clause table with
627 | None -> Some (bag, clause)
628 | Some ((bag,maxvar),c) ->
629 prerr_endline "Goal subsumed";
630 raise (Success (bag,maxvar,c))
634 let prof_simplify_goal = HExtlib.profile ~enable "simplify_goal";;
635 let simplify_goal ~no_demod maxvar table bag g_actives x =
636 prof_simplify_goal.HExtlib.profile ( simplify_goal ~no_demod maxvar table bag g_actives) x
639 (* =================== inference ===================== *)
641 (* this is OK for both the sup_left and sup_right inference steps *)
642 let superposition table varlist subterm pos context =
643 let cands = IDX.DT.retrieve_unifiables table subterm in
645 (fun (dir, (id,lit,vl,_ (*as uc*))) ->
647 | Terms.Predicate _ -> assert false
648 | Terms.Equation (l,r,_,o) ->
649 let side, newside = if dir=Terms.Left2Right then l,r else r,l in
652 Unif.unification (* (varlist@vl)*) [] subterm side
654 if o = Terms.Incomparable || o = Terms.Invertible then
655 let side = Subst.apply_subst subst side in
656 let newside = Subst.apply_subst subst newside in
657 let o = Order.compare_terms side newside in
658 (* XXX: check Riazanov p. 33 (iii) *)
659 if o <> Terms.Lt && o <> Terms.Eq then
660 Some (context newside, subst, id, pos, dir)
662 ((*prerr_endline ("Filtering: " ^
663 Pp.pp_foterm side ^ " =(< || =)" ^
664 Pp.pp_foterm newside);*)None)
666 Some (context newside, subst, id, pos, dir)
667 with FoUnif.UnificationFailure _ -> None)
668 (IDX.ClauseSet.elements cands)
671 (* Superposes selected equation with equalities in table *)
672 let superposition_with_table bag maxvar (id,selected,vl,_) table =
674 | Terms.Predicate _ -> assert false
675 | Terms.Equation (l,r,ty,Terms.Lt) ->
676 fold_build_new_clause bag maxvar id Terms.Superposition
679 (fun x -> Terms.Node [ Terms.Leaf B.eqP; ty; l; x ])
680 r (superposition table vl))
681 | Terms.Equation (l,r,ty,Terms.Invertible)
682 | Terms.Equation (l,r,ty,Terms.Gt) ->
683 fold_build_new_clause bag maxvar id Terms.Superposition
686 (fun x -> Terms.Node [ Terms.Leaf B.eqP; ty; x; r ])
687 l (superposition table vl))
688 | Terms.Equation (l,r,ty,Terms.Incomparable) ->
689 let filtering avoid subst = (* Riazanov: p.33 condition (iv) *)
690 let l = Subst.apply_subst subst l in
691 let r = Subst.apply_subst subst r in
692 let o = Order.compare_terms l r in
693 o <> avoid && o <> Terms.Eq
695 let bag, maxvar,r_terms =
696 fold_build_new_clause bag maxvar id Terms.Superposition
699 (fun x -> Terms.Node [ Terms.Leaf B.eqP; ty; l; x ])
700 r (superposition table vl))
702 let bag, maxvar, l_terms =
703 fold_build_new_clause bag maxvar id Terms.Superposition
706 (fun x -> Terms.Node [ Terms.Leaf B.eqP; ty; x; r ])
707 l (superposition table vl))
709 bag, maxvar, r_terms @ l_terms
713 (* the current equation is normal w.r.t. demodulation with atable
714 * (and is not the identity) *)
715 let infer_right bag maxvar current (alist,atable) =
716 (* We demodulate actives clause with current until all *
717 * active clauses are reduced w.r.t each other *)
718 (* let bag, (alist,atable) = keep_simplified (alist,atable) bag [current] in *)
719 let ctable = IDX.index_unit_clause maxvar IDX.DT.empty current in
720 (* let bag, (alist, atable) =
722 HExtlib.filter_map_acc (simplify ctable) bag alist
724 bag, (alist, List.fold_left IDX.index_unit_clause IDX.DT.empty alist)
726 debug "Simplified active clauses with fact";
727 (* We superpose active clauses with current *)
728 let bag, maxvar, new_clauses =
730 (fun (bag, maxvar, acc) active ->
731 let bag, maxvar, newc =
732 superposition_with_table bag maxvar active ctable
734 bag, maxvar, newc @ acc)
735 (bag, maxvar, []) alist
737 debug "First superpositions";
738 (* We add current to active clauses so that it can be *
739 * superposed with itself *)
741 current :: alist, IDX.index_unit_clause maxvar atable current
744 let fresh_current, maxvar = Utils.fresh_unit_clause maxvar current in
745 (* We need to put fresh_current into the bag so that all *
746 * variables clauses refer to are known. *)
747 let bag, fresh_current = Terms.add_to_bag fresh_current bag in
748 (* We superpose current with active clauses *)
749 let bag, maxvar, additional_new_clauses =
750 superposition_with_table bag maxvar fresh_current atable
752 debug "Another superposition";
753 let new_clauses = new_clauses @ additional_new_clauses in
754 debug (lazy (Printf.sprintf "Demodulating %d clauses"
755 (List.length new_clauses)));
756 let bag, new_clauses =
757 HExtlib.filter_map_monad (simplify atable maxvar) bag new_clauses
759 debug "Demodulated new clauses";
760 bag, maxvar, (alist, atable), new_clauses
763 let prof_ir = HExtlib.profile ~enable "infer_right";;
764 let infer_right bag maxvar current t =
765 prof_ir.HExtlib.profile (infer_right bag maxvar current) t
768 let infer_left bag maxvar goal (_alist, atable) =
769 (* We superpose the goal with active clauses *)
770 if (match goal with (_,_,[],_) -> true | _ -> false) then bag, maxvar, []
772 let bag, maxvar, new_goals =
773 superposition_with_table bag maxvar goal atable
775 debug "Superposed goal with active clauses";
776 (* We simplify the new goals with active clauses *)
780 match simplify_goal ~no_demod:false maxvar atable bag [] g with
781 | None -> assert false
782 | Some (bag,g) -> bag,g::acc)
785 debug "Simplified new goals with active clauses";
786 bag, maxvar, List.rev new_goals
789 let prof_il = HExtlib.profile ~enable "infer_left";;
790 let infer_left bag maxvar goal t =
791 prof_il.HExtlib.profile (infer_left bag maxvar goal) t