1 (* Copyright (C) 2002, HELM Team.
3 * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
4 * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
5 * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
7 * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
9 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
10 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * GNU General Public License for more details.
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
19 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
22 * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
23 * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
31 if debug then prerr_endline (Lazy.force s);;
34 let mk_irl ctx = CicMkImplicit.identity_relocation_list_for_metavariable ctx;;
35 let ugraph = CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph;;
36 let typeof = CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux';;
38 let names = List.map (function None -> None | Some (x,_) -> Some x) ctx in
42 let is_propositional context sort =
43 match CicReduction.whd context sort with
45 | Cic.Sort (Cic.CProp _) -> true
49 let is_in_prop context subst metasenv ty =
50 let sort,u = typeof ~subst metasenv context ty CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph in
51 is_propositional context sort
54 exception NotConvertible;;
56 let check_proof_is_valid proof metasenv context goalty =
60 let ty,u = typeof metasenv context proof CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph in
61 let b,_ = CicReduction.are_convertible context ty goalty u in
62 if not b then raise NotConvertible else b
65 List.map (function None -> None | Some (x,_) -> Some x) context
67 debug_print (lazy ("PROOF:" ^ CicPp.pp proof names));
68 (* debug_print (lazy ("PROOFTY:" ^ CicPp.pp ty names)); *)
69 debug_print (lazy ("GOAL:" ^ CicPp.pp goalty names));
70 debug_print (lazy ("MENV:" ^ CicMetaSubst.ppmetasenv [] metasenv));
76 let assert_proof_is_valid proof metasenv context goalty =
77 assert (check_proof_is_valid proof metasenv context goalty)
80 let assert_subst_are_disjoint subst subst' =
83 (fun (i,_) -> List.for_all (fun (j,_) -> i<>j) subst')
88 let split_goals_in_prop metasenv subst gl =
91 let _,context,ty = CicUtil.lookup_meta g metasenv in
93 let sort,u = typeof ~subst metasenv context ty ugraph in
94 is_propositional context sort
96 | CicTypeChecker.AssertFailure s
97 | CicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure s ->
99 (lazy ("NON TIPA" ^ ppterm context (CicMetaSubst.apply_subst subst ty)));
102 (* FIXME... they should type! *)
106 let split_goals_with_metas metasenv subst gl =
109 let _,context,ty = CicUtil.lookup_meta g metasenv in
110 let ty = CicMetaSubst.apply_subst subst ty in
111 CicUtil.is_meta_closed ty)
115 let order_new_goals metasenv subst open_goals ppterm =
116 let prop,rest = split_goals_in_prop metasenv subst open_goals in
117 let closed_prop, open_prop = split_goals_with_metas metasenv subst prop in
118 let closed_type, open_type = split_goals_with_metas metasenv subst rest in
120 (List.map (fun x -> x,P) (open_prop @ closed_prop))
122 (List.map (fun x -> x,T) (open_type @ closed_type))
127 let _,_,ty = CicUtil.lookup_meta i metasenv in i,ty,sort) open_goals
129 debug_print (lazy (" OPEN: "^
133 | (i,t,P) -> string_of_int i ^ ":"^ppterm t^ "Prop"
134 | (i,t,T) -> string_of_int i ^ ":"^ppterm t^ "Type")
139 let is_an_equational_goal = function
140 | Cic.Appl [Cic.MutInd(u,_,_);_;_;_] when LibraryObjects.is_eq_URI u -> true
144 type auto_params = Cic.term list * (string * string) list
146 let elems = ref [] ;;
148 (* closing a term w.r.t. its metavariables
149 very naif version: it does not take dependencies properly into account *)
151 let naif_closure ?(prefix_name="xxx_") t metasenv context =
152 let in_term t (i,_,_) =
153 List.exists (fun (j,_) -> j=i) (CicUtil.metas_of_term t)
155 let metasenv = List.filter (in_term t) metasenv in
156 let metasenv = ProofEngineHelpers.sort_metasenv metasenv in
157 let n = List.length metasenv in
158 let what = List.map (fun (i,cc,ty) -> Cic.Meta(i,[])) metasenv in
161 (fun (i,acc) (_,cc,ty) -> (i-1,Cic.Rel i::acc))
164 let t = CicSubstitution.lift n t in
166 ProofEngineReduction.replace_lifting
167 ~equality:(fun c t1 t2 ->
169 | Cic.Meta(i,_),Cic.Meta(j,_) -> i = j
171 ~context ~what ~with_what ~where:t
175 (fun (n,t) (_,cc,ty) ->
176 n-1, Cic.Lambda(Cic.Name (prefix_name^string_of_int n),
177 CicSubstitution.lift n ty,t))
180 t, List.length metasenv
183 let lambda_close ?prefix_name t menv ctx =
184 let t, num_lambdas = naif_closure ?prefix_name t menv ctx in
186 (fun (t,i) -> function
187 | None -> CicSubstitution.subst (Cic.Implicit None) t,i (* delift *)
188 | Some (name, Cic.Decl ty) -> Cic.Lambda (name, ty, t),i+1
189 | Some (name, Cic.Def (bo, ty)) -> Cic.LetIn (name, bo, ty, t),i+1)
193 (* functions for retrieving theorems *)
196 exception FillingFailure of AutoCache.cache * AutomationCache.tables
198 let rec unfold context = function
199 | Cic.Prod(name,s,t) ->
200 let t' = unfold ((Some (name,Cic.Decl s))::context) t in
202 | t -> ProofEngineReduction.unfold context t
204 let find_library_theorems dbd proof goal =
205 let univ = MetadataQuery.universe_of_goal ~dbd false proof goal in
206 let terms = List.map CicUtil.term_of_uri univ in
209 (t,fst(CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' [] [] t CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph)))
212 let find_context_theorems context metasenv =
215 (fun (res,i) ctxentry ->
217 | Some (_,Cic.Decl t) ->
218 (Cic.Rel i, CicSubstitution.lift i t)::res,i+1
219 | Some (_,Cic.Def (_,t)) ->
220 (Cic.Rel i, CicSubstitution.lift i t)::res,i+1
225 let rec is_an_equality = function
226 | Cic.Appl [Cic.MutInd (uri, _, _); _; _; _]
227 when (LibraryObjects.is_eq_URI uri) -> true
228 | Cic.Prod (_, _, t) -> is_an_equality t
232 let partition_equalities =
233 List.partition (fun (_,ty) -> is_an_equality ty)
236 let default_auto tables _ cache _ _ _ _ = [],cache,tables ;;
238 (* giusto per provare che succede
239 let is_unit_equation context metasenv oldnewmeta term =
240 let head, metasenv, args, newmeta =
241 TermUtil.saturate_term oldnewmeta metasenv context term 0
244 List.filter (fun (i,_,_) -> i >= oldnewmeta) metasenv
246 Some (args,metasenv,newmetas,head,newmeta) *)
248 let is_unit_equation context metasenv oldnewmeta term =
249 let head, metasenv, args, newmeta =
250 TermUtil.saturate_term oldnewmeta metasenv context term 0
252 let propositional_args =
256 let _,_,mt = CicUtil.lookup_meta i metasenv in
258 CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv context mt
259 CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph
261 if is_propositional context sort then Some i else None
265 if propositional_args = [] then
267 List.filter (fun (i,_,_) -> i >= oldnewmeta) metasenv
269 Some (args,metasenv,newmetas,head,newmeta)
273 let get_candidates skip_trie_filtering universe cache t =
274 let t = if skip_trie_filtering then Cic.Meta(0,[]) else t in
276 (Universe.get_candidates universe t)@(AutoCache.get_candidates cache t)
279 (lazy ("candidates for " ^ (CicPp.ppterm t) ^ " = " ^
280 (String.concat "\n" (List.map CicPp.ppterm candidates)))) in
281 debug_print debug_msg;
285 let only signature context metasenv t =
288 CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv context t CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph
290 let consts = MetadataConstraints.constants_of ty in
291 let b = MetadataConstraints.UriManagerSet.subset consts signature in
292 (* if b then (prerr_endline ("keeping " ^ (CicPp.ppterm t)); b) *)
295 let ty' = unfold context ty in
296 let consts' = MetadataConstraints.constants_of ty' in
297 let b = MetadataConstraints.UriManagerSet.subset consts' signature in
299 if not b then prerr_endline ("filtering " ^ (CicPp.ppterm t))
300 else prerr_endline ("keeping " ^ (CicPp.ppterm t));
304 | CicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure _ -> assert false
305 | ProofEngineTypes.Fail _ -> false (* unfold may fail *)
308 let not_default_eq_term t =
310 let uri = CicUtil.uri_of_term t in
311 not (LibraryObjects.in_eq_URIs uri)
312 with Invalid_argument _ -> true
314 let retrieve_equations dont_filter signature universe cache context metasenv =
315 match LibraryObjects.eq_URI() with
318 let eq_uri = UriManager.strip_xpointer eq_uri in
319 let fake= Cic.Meta(-1,[]) in
320 let fake_eq = Cic.Appl [Cic.MutInd (eq_uri,0, []);fake;fake;fake] in
321 let candidates = get_candidates false universe cache fake_eq in
322 if dont_filter then candidates
323 else let eq_uri = UriManager.uri_of_uriref eq_uri 0 None in
324 (* let candidates = List.filter not_default_eq_term candidates in *)
326 (only (MetadataConstraints.UriManagerSet.add eq_uri signature)
327 context metasenv) candidates
329 let build_equality bag head args proof newmetas =
331 | Cic.Appl [Cic.MutInd (uri, _, _); ty; t1; t2] ->
333 if args = [] then proof else Cic.Appl (proof::args)
335 let o = !Utils.compare_terms t1 t2 in
336 let stat = (ty,t1,t2,o) in
337 (* let w = compute_equality_weight stat in *)
339 let proof = Equality.Exact p in
340 let bag, e = Equality.mk_equality bag (w, proof, stat, newmetas) in
341 (* to clean the local context of metas *)
342 Equality.fix_metas bag e
346 let partition_unit_equalities context metasenv newmeta bag equations =
348 (fun (bag,units,other,maxmeta)(t,ty) ->
349 if not (CicUtil.is_meta_closed t && CicUtil.is_meta_closed ty) then
352 ("Skipping " ^ CicMetaSubst.ppterm_in_context ~metasenv [] t context
353 ^ " since it is not meta closed")
355 bag, units,(t,ty)::other,maxmeta
357 match is_unit_equation context metasenv maxmeta ty with
358 | Some (args,metasenv,newmetas,head,newmeta') ->
360 build_equality bag head args t newmetas in
361 bag, equality::units,other,maxmeta
363 bag, units,(t,ty)::other,maxmeta)
364 (bag,[],[],newmeta) equations
367 let init_cache_and_tables
368 ?dbd ~use_library ~use_context
369 automation_cache restricted_univ (proof, goal)
371 let _, metasenv, subst, _, _, _ = proof in
372 let _,context,_ = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
373 let add_list_to_tables metasenv subst automation_cache ct =
375 (fun automation_cache (t,_) ->
376 AutomationCache.add_term_to_active automation_cache
377 metasenv subst context t None)
380 if restricted_univ = [] then
382 if use_context then find_context_theorems context metasenv else []
385 match use_library, dbd with
386 | true, Some dbd -> find_library_theorems dbd metasenv goal
389 let cache = AutoCache.cache_empty in
390 let cache = cache_add_list cache context (ct@lt) in
391 let automation_cache =
392 add_list_to_tables metasenv subst automation_cache ct
394 (* AutomationCache.pp_cache automation_cache; *)
395 automation_cache.AutomationCache.univ,
396 automation_cache.AutomationCache.tables,
402 let ty, _ = CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux'
403 metasenv ~subst:[] context t CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph
408 (* let automation_cache = AutomationCache.empty () in *)
409 let automation_cache =
410 let universe = Universe.empty in
412 Universe.index_list universe context t_ty
414 { automation_cache with AutomationCache.univ = universe }
417 if use_context then find_context_theorems context metasenv else t_ty
419 let automation_cache =
420 add_list_to_tables metasenv subst automation_cache ct
422 (* AutomationCache.pp_cache automation_cache; *)
423 automation_cache.AutomationCache.univ,
424 automation_cache.AutomationCache.tables,
428 let fill_hypothesis context metasenv subst term tables (universe:Universe.universe) cache auto fast =
429 let actives, passives, bag = tables in
430 let bag, head, metasenv, args =
431 Equality.saturate_term bag metasenv subst context term
433 let tables = actives, passives, bag in
434 let propositional_args =
438 let _,_,mt = CicUtil.lookup_meta i metasenv in
440 CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv context mt
441 CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph
443 if is_propositional context sort then Some i else None
447 let results,cache,tables =
448 if propositional_args = [] then
449 let _,_,bag = tables in
450 let newmetas = Equality.filter_metasenv_gt_maxmeta bag metasenv in
451 [args,metasenv,newmetas,head],cache,tables
455 None,metasenv,term,term (* term non e' significativo *)
459 {AutoTypes.default_flags() with
460 AutoTypes.timeout = Unix.gettimeofday() +. 1.0;
461 maxwidth = 2;maxdepth = 2;
462 use_paramod=true;use_only_paramod=false}
464 {AutoTypes.default_flags() with
465 AutoTypes.timeout = Unix.gettimeofday() +. 1.0;
466 maxwidth = 2;maxdepth = 4;
467 use_paramod=true;use_only_paramod=false}
469 match auto tables universe cache context metasenv propositional_args flags with
470 | [],cache,tables -> raise (FillingFailure (cache,tables))
471 | substs,cache,tables ->
472 let actives, passaives, bag = tables in
475 (fun subst (bag,acc) ->
477 CicMetaSubst.apply_subst_metasenv subst metasenv
479 let head = CicMetaSubst.apply_subst subst head in
480 let newmetas = Equality.filter_metasenv_gt_maxmeta bag metasenv in
481 let args = List.map (CicMetaSubst.apply_subst subst) args in
482 let newm = CicMkImplicit.new_meta metasenv subst in
483 let bag = Equality.push_maxmeta bag newm in
484 bag, ((args,metasenv,newmetas,head) :: acc))
487 let tables = actives, passives, bag in
493 let build_equalities auto context metasenv subst tables universe cache equations =
495 (fun (tables,facts,cache) (t,ty) ->
496 (* in any case we add the equation to the cache *)
497 let cache = AutoCache.cache_add_list cache context [(t,ty)] in
499 let saturated, cache, tables =
500 fill_hypothesis context metasenv subst ty tables universe cache auto true
504 (fun (acc, tables) (args,metasenv,newmetas,head) ->
505 let actives, passives, bag = tables in
507 build_equality bag head args t newmetas
509 let tables = actives, passives, bag in
510 equality::acc,tables)
511 ([],tables) saturated
513 (tables, eqs@facts, cache)
514 with FillingFailure (cache,tables) ->
515 (* if filling hypothesis fails we add the equation to
519 (tables,[],cache) equations
521 let close_more tables context status auto signature universe cache =
522 let proof, goalno = status in
523 let _, metasenv,subst,_,_, _ = proof in
525 retrieve_equations false signature universe cache context metasenv
531 CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv context t
532 CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph in
533 (* retrieve_equations could also return flexible terms *)
534 if is_an_equality ty then Some(t,ty) else None)
536 let tables, units, cache =
537 build_equalities auto context metasenv subst tables universe cache eqs_and_types
539 let active,passive,bag = tables in
540 let passive = Saturation.add_to_passive units passive in
541 let no = List.length units in
542 let active, passive, bag =
543 Saturation.pump_actives context bag active passive (no+1) infinity
545 (active,passive,bag), cache
548 let find_context_equalities dbd tables context proof (universe:Universe.universe) cache
550 let module C = Cic in
551 let module S = CicSubstitution in
552 let module T = CicTypeChecker in
553 let _,metasenv,subst,_,_, _ = proof in
554 (* if use_auto is true, we try to close the hypothesis of equational
555 statements using auto; a naif, and probably wrong approach *)
556 let rec aux tables cache index = function
557 | [] -> tables, [], cache
558 | (Some (_, C.Decl (term)))::tl ->
561 (Printf.sprintf "Examining: %d (%s)" index (CicPp.ppterm term)));
562 let do_find tables context term =
564 | C.Prod (name, s, t) when is_an_equality t ->
566 let term = S.lift index term in
567 let saturated, cache, tables =
568 fill_hypothesis context metasenv subst term
569 tables universe cache default_auto false
571 let actives, passives, bag = tables in
574 (fun (bag,acc) (args,metasenv,newmetas,head) ->
576 build_equality bag head args (Cic.Rel index) newmetas
581 let tables = actives, passives, bag in
583 with FillingFailure (cache,tables) ->
585 | C.Appl [C.MutInd (uri, _, _); ty; t1; t2]
586 when LibraryObjects.is_eq_URI uri ->
587 let term = S.lift index term in
588 let actives, passives, bag = tables in
590 build_equality bag term [] (Cic.Rel index) []
592 let tables = actives, passives, bag in
594 | _ -> tables, [], cache
596 let tables, eqs, cache = do_find tables context term in
597 let tables, rest, cache = aux tables cache (index+1) tl in
598 tables, List.map (fun x -> index,x) eqs @ rest, cache
600 aux tables cache (index+1) tl
602 let tables, il, cache = aux tables cache 1 context in
603 let indexes, equalities = List.split il in
604 tables, indexes, equalities, cache
607 (********** PARAMETERS PASSING ***************)
609 let bool params name default =
611 let s = List.assoc name params in
612 if s = "" || s = "1" || s = "true" || s = "yes" || s = "on" then true
613 else if s = "0" || s = "false" || s = "no" || s= "off" then false
615 let msg = "Unrecognized value for parameter "^name^"\n" in
616 let msg = msg^"Accepted values are 1,true,yes,on and 0,false,no,off" in
617 raise (ProofEngineTypes.Fail (lazy msg))
618 with Not_found -> default
621 let string params name default =
622 try List.assoc name params with
623 | Not_found -> default
626 let int params name default =
627 try int_of_string (List.assoc name params) with
628 | Not_found -> default
630 raise (ProofEngineTypes.Fail (lazy (name ^ " must be an integer")))
633 let flags_of_params params ?(for_applyS=false) () =
634 let int = int params in
635 let bool = bool params in
636 let close_more = bool "close_more" false in
637 let use_paramod = bool "use_paramod" true in
638 let skip_trie_filtering = bool "skip_trie_filtering" false in
639 let skip_context = bool "skip_context" false in
640 let use_only_paramod =
641 if for_applyS then true else bool "paramodulation" false in
642 let use_library = bool "library"
643 ((AutoTypes.default_flags()).AutoTypes.use_library) in
644 let depth = int "depth" ((AutoTypes.default_flags()).AutoTypes.maxdepth) in
645 let width = int "width" ((AutoTypes.default_flags()).AutoTypes.maxwidth) in
646 let size = int "size" ((AutoTypes.default_flags()).AutoTypes.maxsize) in
647 let gsize = int "gsize" ((AutoTypes.default_flags()).AutoTypes.maxgoalsizefactor) in
648 let do_type = bool "type" false in
649 let timeout = int "timeout" 0 in
650 { AutoTypes.maxdepth =
651 if use_only_paramod then 2 else depth;
652 AutoTypes.maxwidth = width;
653 AutoTypes.maxsize = size;
656 if for_applyS then Unix.gettimeofday () +. 30.0
660 Unix.gettimeofday() +. (float_of_int timeout);
661 AutoTypes.use_library = use_library;
662 AutoTypes.use_paramod = use_paramod;
663 AutoTypes.use_only_paramod = use_only_paramod;
664 AutoTypes.close_more = close_more;
665 AutoTypes.dont_cache_failures = false;
666 AutoTypes.maxgoalsizefactor = gsize;
667 AutoTypes.do_types = do_type;
668 AutoTypes.skip_trie_filtering = skip_trie_filtering;
669 AutoTypes.skip_context = skip_context;
673 let eq_of_goal = function
674 | Cic.Appl [Cic.MutInd(uri,0,_);_;_;_] when LibraryObjects.is_eq_URI uri ->
676 | _ -> raise (ProofEngineTypes.Fail (lazy ("The goal is not an equality ")))
679 (* performs steps of rewrite with the universe, obtaining if possible
681 let solve_rewrite ~automation_cache ~params:(univ,params) (proof,goal)=
682 let steps = int_of_string (string params "steps" "4") in
683 let use_context = bool params "use_context" true in
684 let universe, tables, cache =
685 init_cache_and_tables ~use_library:false ~use_context
686 automation_cache univ (proof,goal)
688 let actives, passives, bag = tables in
689 let pa,metasenv,subst,pb,pc,pd = proof in
690 let _,context,ty = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
691 let metasenv = CicMetaSubst.apply_subst_metasenv subst metasenv in
692 let context = CicMetaSubst.apply_subst_context subst context in
693 let ty = CicMetaSubst.apply_subst subst ty in
694 let eq_uri = eq_of_goal ty in
695 let initgoal = [], metasenv, ty in
697 let equalities = (Saturation.list_of_passive passives) in
698 List.fold_left (fun tbl eq -> Indexing.index tbl eq) (snd actives) equalities
700 let env = metasenv,context,CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph in
701 debug_print (lazy ("demod to solve: " ^ CicPp.ppterm ty));
702 match Indexing.solve_demodulating bag env table initgoal steps with
703 | Some (bag, gproof, metasenv, sub_subst, proof) ->
704 let subst_candidates,extra_infos =
708 if i <> goal && c = context then Some (i,(c,ty)) else None)
711 let proofterm,proto_subst =
712 let proof = Equality.add_subst sub_subst proof in
713 Equality.build_goal_proof
714 bag eq_uri gproof proof ty subst_candidates context metasenv
716 let proofterm = Subst.apply_subst sub_subst proofterm in
719 (fun (i,((c,ty),t)) ->
721 | Cic.Meta (j,_) when i=j -> None
722 | _ -> Some (i,(c,t,ty)))
723 (List.combine subst_candidates
724 (List.combine extra_infos proto_subst))
726 let subst = subst @ extrasubst in
727 let metasenv = CicMetaSubst.apply_subst_metasenv subst metasenv in
728 let proofterm, _, metasenv,subst, _ =
729 CicRefine.type_of metasenv subst context proofterm
730 CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph
732 let status = (pa,metasenv,subst,pb,pc,pd), goal in
733 ProofEngineTypes.apply_tactic
734 (PrimitiveTactics.apply_tac ~term:proofterm) status
737 (ProofEngineTypes.Fail (lazy
738 ("Unable to solve with " ^ string_of_int steps ^ " demodulations")))
741 (* Demodulate thorem *)
742 let open_type ty bo =
743 let rec open_type_aux context ty k args =
745 | Cic.Prod (n,s,t) ->
747 FreshNamesGenerator.mk_fresh_name [] context n ~typ:s ~subst:[] in
748 let entry = match n' with
749 | Cic.Name _ -> Some (n',(Cic.Decl s))
750 | Cic.Anonymous -> None
752 open_type_aux (entry::context) t (k+1) ((Cic.Rel k)::args)
753 | Cic.LetIn (n,s,sty,t) ->
754 let entry = Some (n,(Cic.Def (s,sty)))
756 open_type_aux (entry::context) t (k+1) args
757 | _ -> context, ty, args
759 let context, ty, args = open_type_aux [] ty 1 [] in
761 | [] -> context, ty, bo
762 | _ -> context, ty, Cic.Appl (bo::args)
765 let rec close_type bo ty context =
767 | [] -> assert_proof_is_valid bo [] [] ty; (bo,ty)
768 | Some (n,(Cic.Decl s))::tl ->
769 close_type (Cic.Lambda (n,s,bo)) (Cic.Prod (n,s,ty)) tl
770 | Some (n,(Cic.Def (s,sty)))::tl ->
771 close_type (Cic.LetIn (n,s,sty,bo)) (Cic.LetIn (n,s,sty,ty)) tl
775 let is_subsumed univ context ty =
776 let candidates = Universe.get_candidates univ ty in
780 | Some found -> Some found
784 CicMkImplicit.identity_relocation_list_for_metavariable in
785 let metasenv = [(0,context,ty)] in
787 None,metasenv,[] , (lazy (Cic.Meta(0,mk_irl context))),ty,[]
789 let (_,metasenv,subst,_,_,_), open_goals =
790 ProofEngineTypes.apply_tactic
791 (PrimitiveTactics.apply_tac ~term:cand)
794 let prop_goals, other =
795 split_goals_in_prop metasenv subst open_goals
797 if prop_goals = [] then Some cand else None
799 | ProofEngineTypes.Fail s -> None
800 | CicUnification.Uncertain s -> None
804 let demodulate_theorem ~automation_cache uri =
806 match LibraryObjects.eq_URI () with
808 | None -> raise (ProofEngineTypes.Fail (lazy "equality not declared")) in
809 let obj,_ = CicEnvironment.get_cooked_obj CicUniv.empty_ugraph uri
813 | Cic.Constant(n, _, ty ,_, _) -> open_type ty (Cic.Const(uri,[]))
814 | _ -> raise (ProofEngineTypes.Fail (lazy "not a theorem"))
816 if CicUtil.is_closed ty then
817 raise (ProofEngineTypes.Fail (lazy ("closed term: dangerous reduction")));
818 let initgoal = [], [], ty in
819 (* compute the signature *)
821 let ty_set = MetadataConstraints.constants_of ty in
822 let hyp_set = MetadataQuery.signature_of_hypothesis context [] in
823 let set = MetadataConstraints.UriManagerSet.union ty_set hyp_set in
824 MetadataQuery.close_with_types set [] context
826 (* retrieve equations from the universe universe *)
827 (* XXX automation_cache *)
828 let universe = automation_cache.AutomationCache.univ in
830 retrieve_equations true signature universe AutoCache.cache_empty context []
833 (lazy ("ho trovato equazioni n. "^(string_of_int (List.length equations))));
838 CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' [] context t CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph
840 (* retrieve_equations could also return flexible terms *)
841 if is_an_equality ty then Some(t,ty)
844 let ty' = unfold context ty in
845 if is_an_equality ty' then Some(t,ty') else None
846 with ProofEngineTypes.Fail _ -> None)
849 let bag = Equality.mk_equality_bag () in
851 let bag, units, _, newmeta =
852 partition_unit_equalities context [] (CicMkImplicit.new_meta [] []) bag eqs_and_types
856 (fun tbl eq -> Indexing.index tbl eq)
859 let changed,(newproof,newmetasenv, newty) =
861 ([],context,CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph) table initgoal in
864 let oldproof = Equality.Exact bo in
866 Equality.build_goal_proof (~contextualize:false) (~forward:true) bag
867 eq_uri newproof oldproof ty [] context newmetasenv
869 if newmetasenv <> [] then
870 raise (ProofEngineTypes.Fail (lazy ("metasenv not empty")))
873 assert_proof_is_valid proofterm newmetasenv context newty;
874 match is_subsumed universe context newty with
876 (ProofEngineTypes.Fail (lazy ("subsumed by " ^ CicPp.ppterm t)))
877 | None -> close_type proofterm newty context
880 else (* if newty = ty then *)
881 raise (ProofEngineTypes.Fail (lazy "no progress"))
882 (*else ProofEngineTypes.apply_tactic
883 (ReductionTactics.simpl_tac
884 ~pattern:(ProofEngineTypes.conclusion_pattern None)) initialstatus*)
889 let demodulate ~dbd ~automation_cache ~params:(univ, params) (proof,goal)=
890 let universe, tables, cache =
891 init_cache_and_tables
892 ~dbd ~use_library:false ~use_context:true
893 automation_cache univ (proof,goal)
896 match LibraryObjects.eq_URI () with
898 | None -> raise (ProofEngineTypes.Fail (lazy "equality not declared")) in
899 let active, passive, bag = tables in
900 let curi,metasenv,subst,pbo,pty, attrs = proof in
901 let metano,context,ty = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
902 let irl = CicMkImplicit.identity_relocation_list_for_metavariable context in
903 let initgoal = [], metasenv, ty in
904 let equalities = (Saturation.list_of_passive passive) in
905 (* we demodulate using both actives passives *)
906 let env = metasenv,context,CicUniv.empty_ugraph in
907 debug_print (lazy ("PASSIVES:" ^ string_of_int(List.length equalities)));
908 List.iter (fun e -> debug_print (lazy (Equality.string_of_equality ~env e)))
912 (fun tbl eq -> Indexing.index tbl eq)
913 (snd active) equalities
915 let changed,(newproof,newmetasenv, newty) =
916 (* Indexing.demodulation_goal bag *)
918 (metasenv,context,CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph) table initgoal
922 let maxm = CicMkImplicit.new_meta metasenv subst in
923 let opengoal = Equality.Exact (Cic.Meta(maxm,irl)) in
924 let subst_candidates = List.map (fun (i,_,_) -> i) metasenv in
925 let subst_candidates = List.filter (fun x-> x <> goal) subst_candidates in
926 let proofterm, proto_subst =
927 Equality.build_goal_proof (~contextualize:false) bag
928 eq_uri newproof opengoal ty subst_candidates context metasenv
930 (* XXX understan what to do with proto subst *)
931 let metasenv = (maxm,context,newty)::metasenv in
932 let proofterm, _, metasenv, subst, _ =
933 CicRefine.type_of metasenv subst context proofterm
934 CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph
936 let extended_status = (curi,metasenv,subst,pbo,pty, attrs),goal in
938 ProofEngineTypes.apply_tactic
939 (PrimitiveTactics.apply_tac ~term:proofterm) extended_status
944 raise (ProofEngineTypes.Fail (lazy "no progress"))
947 let demodulate_tac ~dbd ~params:(_,flags as params) ~automation_cache =
948 ProofEngineTypes.mk_tactic
950 let all = bool flags "all" false in
952 solve_rewrite ~params ~automation_cache status
954 demodulate ~dbd ~params ~automation_cache status)
956 (***************** applyS *******************)
959 dbd automation_cache params proof goal newmeta' metasenv' subst
960 context term' ty termty goal_arity
962 let consthead,newmetasenv,arguments,_ =
963 TermUtil.saturate_term newmeta' metasenv' context termty goal_arity in
967 | _ -> Cic.Appl (term'::arguments)
970 let rec aux t = function
972 let t = CicReduction.normalize ~delta:false context t in
974 | Cic.Appl (hd1::_), Cic.Appl (hd2::_) when hd1 <> hd2 ->
975 let t = ProofEngineReduction.unfold context t in
977 | Cic.Appl (hd1'::_) when hd1' = hd2 -> t
978 | _ -> raise (ProofEngineTypes.Fail (lazy "incompatible head")))
981 match CicReduction.whd context t with
982 | Cic.Prod (_,_,tgt) ->
983 aux (CicSubstitution.subst arg tgt) tl
988 let goal_for_paramod =
989 match LibraryObjects.eq_URI () with
991 Cic.Appl [Cic.MutInd (uri,0,[]); Cic.Implicit (Some `Type); consthead; ty]
992 | None -> raise (ProofEngineTypes.Fail (lazy "No equality defined"))
995 let goal_for_paramod, _, newmetasenv, subst, _ =
996 CicRefine.type_of newmetasenv subst context goal_for_paramod
997 CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph
999 let newmeta = CicMkImplicit.new_meta newmetasenv subst in
1000 let metasenv_for_paramod = (newmeta,context,goal_for_paramod)::newmetasenv in
1002 let uri,_,_,p,ty, attrs = proof in
1003 uri,metasenv_for_paramod,subst,p,ty, attrs
1005 let irl = CicMkImplicit.identity_relocation_list_for_metavariable context in
1007 prerr_endline ("------ prima di rewrite su ------ " ^ string_of_int goal);
1008 prerr_endline ("menv:\n"^CicMetaSubst.ppmetasenv [] metasenv_for_paramod);
1009 prerr_endline ("subst:\n"^CicMetaSubst.ppsubst
1010 ~metasenv:(metasenv_for_paramod)
1014 let (proof''',goals) =
1015 ProofEngineTypes.apply_tactic
1016 (EqualityTactics.rewrite_tac ~direction:`RightToLeft
1017 ~pattern:(ProofEngineTypes.conclusion_pattern None)
1018 (Cic.Meta(newmeta,irl)) []) (proof'',goal)
1020 let goal = match goals with [g] -> g | _ -> assert false in
1022 ProofEngineTypes.apply_tactic
1023 (PrimitiveTactics.apply_tac term'')
1028 let (_,m,_,_,_,_ as p) =
1029 let pu,metasenv,subst,proof,px,py = proof'''' in
1030 let metasenv = CicMetaSubst.apply_subst_metasenv subst metasenv in
1031 let proof'''' = pu,metasenv,subst,proof,px,py in
1032 let univ, params = params in
1033 let use_context = bool params "use_context" true in
1034 let universe, (active,passive,bag), cache =
1035 init_cache_and_tables ~use_library:false ~use_context
1036 automation_cache univ (proof'''',newmeta)
1039 Saturation.solve_narrowing bag (proof'''',newmeta) active passive
1042 | None, active, passive, bag ->
1043 raise (ProofEngineTypes.Fail (lazy ("paramod fails")))
1044 | Some(subst',(pu,metasenv,_,proof,px, py),open_goals),active,
1046 assert_subst_are_disjoint subst subst';
1047 let subst = subst@subst' in
1048 pu,metasenv,subst,proof,px,py
1052 let (_,m,_,_,_,_ as p),_ =
1053 solve_rewrite ~params ~automation_cache (proof'''',newmeta)
1058 ProofEngineHelpers.compare_metasenvs ~oldmetasenv:metasenv' ~newmetasenv:m
1062 CicRefine.RefineFailure msg ->
1063 raise (ProofEngineTypes.Fail msg)
1067 ~dbd ~term ~automation_cache ~params (proof, goal)
1069 let module T = CicTypeChecker in
1070 let module R = CicReduction in
1071 let module C = Cic in
1072 let (_,metasenv,subst,_,_, _) = proof in
1073 let metano,context,ty = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
1074 let newmeta = CicMkImplicit.new_meta metasenv subst in
1075 let exp_named_subst_diff,newmeta',newmetasenvfragment,term' =
1077 C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst) ->
1078 let newmeta',newmetasenvfragment,exp_named_subst',exp_named_subst_diff =
1079 PrimitiveTactics.generalize_exp_named_subst_with_fresh_metas context newmeta uri
1082 exp_named_subst_diff,newmeta',newmetasenvfragment,
1083 C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst')
1084 | C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst) ->
1085 let newmeta',newmetasenvfragment,exp_named_subst',exp_named_subst_diff =
1086 PrimitiveTactics.generalize_exp_named_subst_with_fresh_metas context newmeta uri
1089 exp_named_subst_diff,newmeta',newmetasenvfragment,
1090 C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst')
1091 | C.MutInd (uri,tyno,exp_named_subst) ->
1092 let newmeta',newmetasenvfragment,exp_named_subst',exp_named_subst_diff =
1093 PrimitiveTactics.generalize_exp_named_subst_with_fresh_metas context newmeta uri
1096 exp_named_subst_diff,newmeta',newmetasenvfragment,
1097 C.MutInd (uri,tyno,exp_named_subst')
1098 | C.MutConstruct (uri,tyno,consno,exp_named_subst) ->
1099 let newmeta',newmetasenvfragment,exp_named_subst',exp_named_subst_diff =
1100 PrimitiveTactics.generalize_exp_named_subst_with_fresh_metas context newmeta uri
1103 exp_named_subst_diff,newmeta',newmetasenvfragment,
1104 C.MutConstruct (uri,tyno,consno,exp_named_subst')
1105 | _ -> [],newmeta,[],term
1107 let metasenv' = metasenv@newmetasenvfragment in
1109 CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux'
1110 metasenv' ~subst context term' CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph
1112 let termty = CicSubstitution.subst_vars exp_named_subst_diff termty in
1114 let rec count_prods context ty =
1115 match CicReduction.whd ~subst context ty with
1116 | Cic.Prod (n,s,t) -> 1 + count_prods (Some (n,Cic.Decl s)::context) t
1119 count_prods context ty
1121 apply_smart_aux dbd automation_cache params proof goal
1122 newmeta' metasenv' subst context term' ty termty goal_arity
1125 let applyS_tac ~dbd ~term ~params ~automation_cache =
1126 ProofEngineTypes.mk_tactic
1129 apply_smart ~dbd ~term ~params ~automation_cache status
1131 | CicUnification.UnificationFailure msg
1132 | CicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure msg ->
1133 raise (ProofEngineTypes.Fail msg))
1137 (****************** AUTO ********************)
1139 let calculate_timeout flags =
1140 if flags.timeout = 0. then
1141 (debug_print (lazy "AUTO WITH NO TIMEOUT");
1142 {flags with timeout = infinity})
1146 let is_equational_case goalty flags =
1147 let ensure_equational t =
1148 if is_an_equational_goal t then true
1151 (flags.use_paramod && is_an_equational_goal goalty) ||
1152 (flags.use_only_paramod && ensure_equational goalty)
1155 type menv = Cic.metasenv
1156 type subst = Cic.substitution
1157 type goal = ProofEngineTypes.goal * int * AutoTypes.sort
1158 let candidate_no = ref 0;;
1159 type candidate = int * Cic.term Lazy.t
1160 type cache = AutoCache.cache
1163 (* the goal (mainly for depth) and key of the goal *)
1164 goal * AutoCache.cache_key
1166 (* goal has to be proved *)
1168 (* goal has to be cached as a success obtained using candidate as the first
1170 | S of goal * AutoCache.cache_key * candidate * int
1172 (* menv, subst, size, operations done (only S), operations to do, failures to cache if any op fails *)
1173 menv * subst * int * op list * op list * fail list
1175 (* list of computations that may lead to the solution: all op list will
1176 * end with the same (S(g,_)) *)
1179 (* menv, subst, alternatives, tables, cache *)
1180 | Proved of menv * subst * elem list * AutomationCache.tables * cache
1181 | Gaveup of AutomationCache.tables * cache
1184 (* the status exported to the external observer *)
1186 (* context, (goal,candidate) list, and_list, history *)
1187 Cic.context * (int * Cic.term * bool * int * (int * Cic.term Lazy.t) list) list *
1188 (int * Cic.term * int) list * Cic.term Lazy.t list
1191 let rec aux acc = function
1192 | (D g)::tl -> aux (acc@[g]) tl
1198 List.filter (function (_,_,P) -> true | _ -> false) l
1202 let rec aux acc = function
1203 | (D g)::tl -> aux (acc@[g]) tl
1204 | (S _)::tl -> aux acc tl
1210 let calculate_goal_ty (goalno,_,_) s m =
1212 let _,cc,goalty = CicUtil.lookup_meta goalno m in
1213 (* XXX applicare la subst al contesto? *)
1214 Some (cc, CicMetaSubst.apply_subst s goalty)
1215 with CicUtil.Meta_not_found i when i = goalno -> None
1218 let calculate_closed_goal_ty (goalno,_,_) s =
1220 let cc,_,goalty = List.assoc goalno s in
1221 (* XXX applicare la subst al contesto? *)
1222 Some (cc, CicMetaSubst.apply_subst s goalty)
1227 let pp_status ctx status =
1229 let names = Utils.names_of_context ctx in
1232 ProofEngineReduction.replace
1233 ~equality:(fun a b -> match b with Cic.Meta _ -> true | _ -> false)
1234 ~what:[Cic.Rel 1] ~with_what:[Cic.Implicit None] ~where:x
1238 let string_of_do m s (gi,_,_ as g) d =
1239 match calculate_goal_ty g s m with
1240 | Some (_,gty) -> Printf.sprintf "D(%d, %s, %d)" gi (pp gty) d
1241 | None -> Printf.sprintf "D(%d, _, %d)" gi d
1243 let string_of_s m su k (ci,ct) gi =
1244 Printf.sprintf "S(%d, %s, %s, %d)" gi (pp k) (pp (Lazy.force ct)) ci
1246 let string_of_ol m su l =
1250 | D (g,d,s) -> string_of_do m su (g,d,s) d
1251 | S ((gi,_,_),k,c,_) -> string_of_s m su k c gi)
1254 let string_of_fl m s fl =
1256 (List.map (fun ((i,_,_),ty) ->
1257 Printf.sprintf "(%d, %s)" i (pp ty)) fl)
1259 let rec aux = function
1261 | (m,s,_,_,ol,fl)::tl ->
1262 Printf.eprintf "< [%s] ;;; [%s]>\n"
1263 (string_of_ol m s ol) (string_of_fl m s fl);
1266 Printf.eprintf "-------------------------- status -------------------\n";
1268 Printf.eprintf "-----------------------------------------------------\n";
1271 let auto_status = ref [] ;;
1272 let auto_context = ref [];;
1273 let in_pause = ref false;;
1274 let pause b = in_pause := b;;
1275 let cond = Condition.create ();;
1276 let mutex = Mutex.create ();;
1277 let hint = ref None;;
1278 let prune_hint = ref [];;
1280 let step _ = Condition.signal cond;;
1281 let give_hint n = hint := Some n;;
1282 let give_prune_hint hint =
1283 prune_hint := hint :: !prune_hint
1290 Condition.wait cond mutex;
1295 let get_auto_status _ =
1296 let status = !auto_status in
1297 let and_list,elems,last =
1300 | (m,s,_,don,gl,fail)::tl ->
1303 (fun (id,d,_ as g) ->
1304 match calculate_goal_ty g s m with
1305 | Some (_,x) -> Some (id,x,d) | None -> None)
1309 (* these are the S goalsin the or list *)
1312 (fun (m,s,_,don,gl,fail) ->
1314 (function S (g,k,c,_) -> Some (g,k,c) | _ -> None)
1315 (List.rev don @ gl))
1318 (* this function eats id from a list l::[id,x] returning x, l *)
1319 let eat_tail_if_eq id l =
1320 let rec aux (s, l) = function
1322 | ((id1,_,_),k1,c)::tl when id = id1 ->
1324 | None -> aux (Some c,l) tl
1325 | Some _ -> assert false)
1326 | ((id1,_,_),k1,c as e)::tl -> aux (s, e::l) tl
1328 let c, l = aux (None, []) l in
1331 let eat_in_parallel id l =
1332 let rec aux (b,eaten, new_l as acc) l =
1336 match eat_tail_if_eq id l with
1337 | None, l -> aux (b@[false], eaten, new_l@[l]) tl
1338 | Some t,l -> aux (b@[true],eaten@[t], new_l@[l]) tl
1342 let rec eat_all rows l =
1346 match List.rev elem with
1347 | ((to_eat,depth,_),k,_)::next_lunch ->
1348 let b, eaten, l = eat_in_parallel to_eat l in
1349 let eaten = HExtlib.list_uniq eaten in
1350 let eaten = List.rev eaten in
1351 let b = true (* List.hd (List.rev b) *) in
1352 let rows = rows @ [to_eat,k,b,depth,eaten] in
1354 | [] -> eat_all rows or_list
1356 eat_all [] (List.rev orlist)
1360 (function (S (_,_,(_,c),_)) -> Some c | _ -> None)
1363 (* let rows = List.filter (fun (_,l) -> l <> []) rows in *)
1364 and_list, rows, history
1366 !auto_context, elems, and_list, last
1369 (* Works if there is no dependency over proofs *)
1370 let is_a_green_cut goalty =
1371 CicUtil.is_meta_closed goalty
1373 let rec first_s = function
1374 | (D _)::tl -> first_s tl
1375 | (S (g,k,c,s))::tl -> Some ((g,k,c,s),tl)
1378 let list_union l1 l2 =
1379 (* TODO ottimizzare compare *)
1380 HExtlib.list_uniq (List.sort compare (l1 @ l1))
1382 let rec eq_todo l1 l2 =
1384 | (D g1) :: tl1,(D g2) :: tl2 when g1=g2 -> eq_todo tl1 tl2
1385 | (S (g1,k1,(c1,lt1),i1)) :: tl1, (S (g2,k2,(c2,lt2),i2)) :: tl2
1386 when i1 = i2 && g1 = g2 && k1 = k2 && c1 = c2 ->
1387 if Lazy.force lt1 = Lazy.force lt2 then eq_todo tl1 tl2 else false
1391 let eat_head todo id fl orlist =
1392 let rec aux acc = function
1394 | (m, s, _, _, todo1, fl1)::tl as orlist ->
1395 let rec aux1 todo1 =
1396 match first_s todo1 with
1397 | None -> orlist, acc
1398 | Some (((gno,_,_),_,_,_), todo11) ->
1399 (* TODO confronto tra todo da ottimizzare *)
1400 if gno = id && eq_todo todo11 todo then
1401 aux (list_union fl1 acc) tl
1409 let close_proof p ty menv context =
1411 List.map fst (CicUtil.metas_of_term p @ CicUtil.metas_of_term ty)
1413 let menv = List.filter (fun (i,_,_) -> List.exists ((=)i) metas) menv in
1414 naif_closure p menv context
1416 (* XXX capire bene quando aggiungere alla cache *)
1417 let add_to_cache_and_del_from_orlist_if_green_cut
1418 g s m cache key todo orlist fl ctx size minsize
1420 let cache = cache_remove_underinspection cache key in
1421 (* prima per fare la irl usavamo il contesto vero e proprio e non quello
1423 match calculate_closed_goal_ty g s with
1424 | None -> assert false
1425 | Some (canonical_ctx , gty) ->
1426 let goalno,depth,sort = g in
1427 let irl = mk_irl canonical_ctx in
1428 let goal = Cic.Meta(goalno, irl) in
1429 let proof = CicMetaSubst.apply_subst s goal in
1430 let green_proof, closed_proof =
1431 let b = is_a_green_cut proof in
1433 b, (* close_proof proof gty m ctx *) proof
1437 debug_print (lazy ("TENTATIVE CACHE: " ^ CicPp.ppterm key));
1438 if is_a_green_cut key then
1439 (* if the initia goal was closed, we cut alternatives *)
1440 let _ = debug_print (lazy ("MANGIO: " ^ string_of_int goalno)) in
1441 let orlist, fl = eat_head todo goalno fl orlist in
1443 if size < minsize then
1444 (debug_print (lazy ("NO CACHE: 2 (size <= minsize)"));cache)
1446 (* if the proof is closed we cache it *)
1447 if green_proof then cache_add_success cache key proof
1448 else (* cache_add_success cache key closed_proof *)
1449 (debug_print (lazy ("NO CACHE: (no gree proof)"));cache)
1451 cache, orlist, fl, true
1454 debug_print (lazy ("TENTATIVE CACHE: " ^ CicPp.ppterm gty));
1455 if size < minsize then
1456 (debug_print (lazy ("NO CACHE: (size <= minsize)")); cache) else
1457 (* if the substituted goal and the proof are closed we cache it *)
1458 if is_a_green_cut gty then
1459 if green_proof then cache_add_success cache gty proof
1460 else (* cache_add_success cache gty closed_proof *)
1461 (debug_print (lazy ("NO CACHE: (no green proof (gty))"));cache)
1465 CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' ~subst:s
1466 m ctx closed_proof CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph
1468 if is_a_green_cut ty then
1469 cache_add_success cache ty closed_proof
1472 | CicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure _ ->*)
1473 (debug_print (lazy ("NO CACHE: (no green gty )"));cache)
1475 cache, orlist, fl, false
1477 let close_failures (fl : fail list) (cache : cache) =
1479 (fun cache ((gno,depth,_),gty) ->
1480 if CicUtil.is_meta_closed gty then
1481 ( debug_print (lazy ("FAIL: INDUCED: " ^ string_of_int gno));
1482 cache_add_failure cache gty depth)
1487 let put_in_subst subst metasenv (goalno,_,_) canonical_ctx t ty =
1488 let entry = goalno, (canonical_ctx, t,ty) in
1489 assert_subst_are_disjoint subst [entry];
1490 let subst = entry :: subst in
1492 let metasenv = CicMetaSubst.apply_subst_metasenv subst metasenv in
1497 let mk_fake_proof metasenv subst (goalno,_,_) goalty context =
1498 None,metasenv,subst ,(lazy (Cic.Meta(goalno,mk_irl context))),goalty, []
1502 tables cache depth fake_proof goalno goalty subst context
1505 let active,passive,bag = tables in
1506 let ppterm = ppterm context in
1507 let status = (fake_proof,goalno) in
1508 if flags.use_only_paramod then
1510 debug_print (lazy ("PARAMODULATION SU: " ^
1511 string_of_int goalno ^ " " ^ ppterm goalty ));
1512 let goal_steps, saturation_steps, timeout =
1513 max_int,max_int,flags.timeout
1516 Saturation.given_clause bag status active passive
1517 goal_steps saturation_steps timeout
1519 | None, active, passive, bag ->
1520 [], (active,passive,bag), cache, flags
1521 | Some(subst',(_,metasenv,_subst,proof,_, _),open_goals),active,
1523 assert_subst_are_disjoint subst subst';
1524 let subst = subst@subst' in
1526 order_new_goals metasenv subst open_goals ppterm
1529 List.map (fun (x,sort) -> x,depth-1,sort) open_goals
1532 [(!candidate_no,proof),metasenv,subst,open_goals],
1533 (active,passive,bag), cache, flags
1537 debug_print (lazy ("NARROWING DEL GOAL: " ^
1538 string_of_int goalno ^ " " ^ ppterm goalty ));
1539 let goal_steps, saturation_steps, timeout =
1543 Saturation.solve_narrowing bag status active passive goal_steps
1545 | None, active, passive, bag ->
1546 [], (active,passive,bag), cache, flags
1547 | Some(subst',(_,metasenv,_subst,proof,_, _),open_goals),active,
1549 assert_subst_are_disjoint subst subst';
1550 let subst = subst@subst' in
1552 order_new_goals metasenv subst open_goals ppterm
1555 List.map (fun (x,sort) -> x,depth-1,sort) open_goals
1558 [(!candidate_no,proof),metasenv,subst,open_goals],
1559 (active,passive,bag), cache, flags
1563 let params = ([],["use_context","false"]) in
1564 let automation_cache = {
1565 AutomationCache.tables = tables ;
1566 AutomationCache.univ = Universe.empty; }
1569 let ((_,metasenv,subst,_,_,_),open_goals) =
1571 solve_rewrite ~params ~automation_cache
1572 (fake_proof, goalno)
1574 let proof = lazy (Cic.Meta (-1,[])) in
1575 [(!candidate_no,proof),metasenv,subst,[]],tables, cache, flags
1576 with ProofEngineTypes.Fail _ -> [], tables, cache, flags
1578 let res = Saturation.all_subsumed bag status active passive in
1581 (fun (subst',(_,metasenv,_subst,proof,_, _),open_goals) ->
1582 assert_subst_are_disjoint subst subst';
1583 let subst = subst@subst' in
1585 order_new_goals metasenv subst open_goals ppterm
1588 List.map (fun (x,sort) -> x,depth-1,sort) open_goals
1591 (!candidate_no,proof),metasenv,subst,open_goals)
1594 res', (active,passive,bag), cache, flags
1600 let sort_new_elems =
1601 List.sort (fun (_,_,_,l1) (_,_,_,l2) ->
1602 let p1 = List.length (prop_only l1) in
1603 let p2 = List.length (prop_only l2) in
1604 if p1 = p2 then List.length l1 - List.length l2 else p1-p2)
1608 let try_candidate dbd
1609 goalty tables subst fake_proof goalno depth context cand
1611 let ppterm = ppterm context in
1613 let actives, passives, bag = tables in
1614 let (_,metasenv,subst,_,_,_), open_goals =
1615 ProofEngineTypes.apply_tactic
1616 (PrimitiveTactics.apply_tac ~term:cand)
1619 let tables = actives, passives,
1620 Equality.push_maxmeta bag
1621 (max (Equality.maxmeta bag) (CicMkImplicit.new_meta metasenv subst))
1623 debug_print (lazy (" OK: " ^ ppterm cand));
1624 let metasenv = CicRefine.pack_coercion_metasenv metasenv in
1625 let open_goals = order_new_goals metasenv subst open_goals ppterm in
1626 let open_goals = List.map (fun (x,sort) -> x,depth-1,sort) open_goals in
1628 Some ((!candidate_no,lazy cand),metasenv,subst,open_goals), tables
1630 | ProofEngineTypes.Fail s -> None,tables
1631 | CicUnification.Uncertain s -> None,tables
1634 let applicative_case dbd
1635 tables depth subst fake_proof goalno goalty metasenv context
1636 signature universe cache flags
1640 | Cic.Appl (hd::tl) ->
1641 Cic.Appl (hd :: HExtlib.mk_list (Cic.Meta (0,[])) (List.length tl))
1644 let goalty_aux = goalty in
1646 get_candidates flags.skip_trie_filtering universe cache goalty_aux
1648 (* if the goal is an equality we skip the congruence theorems
1650 if is_equational_case goalty flags
1651 then List.filter not_default_eq_term candidates
1654 let candidates = List.filter (only signature context metasenv) candidates
1658 (fun (tables,elems) cand ->
1660 try_candidate dbd goalty
1661 tables subst fake_proof goalno depth context cand
1663 | None, tables -> tables, elems
1664 | Some x, tables -> tables, x::elems)
1665 (tables,[]) candidates
1667 let elems = sort_new_elems elems in
1668 elems, tables, cache
1671 let try_smart_candidate dbd
1672 goalty tables subst fake_proof goalno depth context cand
1674 let ppterm = ppterm context in
1676 let params = ([],[]) in
1677 let automation_cache = {
1678 AutomationCache.tables = tables ;
1679 AutomationCache.univ = Universe.empty; }
1681 debug_print (lazy ("candidato per " ^ string_of_int goalno
1682 ^ ": " ^ CicPp.ppterm cand));
1684 let (_,metasenv,subst,_,_,_) = fake_proof in
1685 prerr_endline ("metasenv:\n" ^ CicMetaSubst.ppmetasenv [] metasenv);
1686 prerr_endline ("subst:\n" ^ CicMetaSubst.ppsubst ~metasenv subst);
1688 let ((_,metasenv,subst,_,_,_),open_goals) =
1689 apply_smart ~dbd ~term:cand ~params ~automation_cache
1690 (fake_proof, goalno)
1692 let metasenv = CicRefine.pack_coercion_metasenv metasenv in
1693 let open_goals = order_new_goals metasenv subst open_goals ppterm in
1694 let open_goals = List.map (fun (x,sort) -> x,depth-1,sort) open_goals in
1696 Some ((!candidate_no,lazy cand),metasenv,subst,open_goals), tables
1698 | ProofEngineTypes.Fail s -> None,tables
1699 | CicUnification.Uncertain s -> None,tables
1702 let smart_applicative_case dbd
1703 tables depth subst fake_proof goalno goalty metasenv context signature
1704 universe cache flags
1708 | Cic.Appl (hd::tl) ->
1709 Cic.Appl (hd :: HExtlib.mk_list (Cic.Meta (0,[])) (List.length tl))
1712 let smart_candidates =
1713 get_candidates flags.skip_trie_filtering universe cache goalty_aux
1716 get_candidates flags.skip_trie_filtering universe cache goalty
1718 let smart_candidates =
1720 (fun x -> not(List.mem x candidates)) smart_candidates
1723 (lazy ("smart_candidates" ^ " = " ^
1724 (String.concat "\n" (List.map CicPp.ppterm smart_candidates)))) in
1725 debug_print debug_msg;
1726 let candidates = List.filter (only signature context metasenv) candidates in
1727 let smart_candidates =
1728 List.filter (only signature context metasenv) smart_candidates
1731 let penalty cand depth =
1732 if only signature context metasenv cand then depth else ((prerr_endline (
1733 "penalizzo " ^ CicPp.ppterm cand));depth -1)
1738 (fun (tables,elems) cand ->
1740 try_candidate dbd goalty
1741 tables subst fake_proof goalno depth context cand
1744 (* if normal application fails we try to be smart *)
1745 (match try_smart_candidate dbd goalty
1746 tables subst fake_proof goalno depth context cand
1748 | None, tables -> tables, elems
1749 | Some x, tables -> tables, x::elems)
1750 | Some x, tables -> tables, x::elems)
1751 (tables,[]) candidates
1753 let tables, smart_elems =
1755 (fun (tables,elems) cand ->
1757 try_smart_candidate dbd goalty
1758 tables subst fake_proof goalno depth context cand
1760 | None, tables -> tables, elems
1761 | Some x, tables -> tables, x::elems)
1762 (tables,[]) smart_candidates
1764 let elems = sort_new_elems (elems @ smart_elems) in
1765 elems, tables, cache
1768 let equational_and_applicative_case dbd
1769 signature universe flags m s g gty tables cache context
1771 let goalno, depth, sort = g in
1772 let fake_proof = mk_fake_proof m s g gty context in
1773 if is_equational_case gty flags then
1774 let elems,tables,cache, flags =
1775 equational_case tables cache
1776 depth fake_proof goalno gty s context flags
1778 let more_elems, tables, cache =
1779 if flags.use_only_paramod then
1782 applicative_case dbd
1783 tables depth s fake_proof goalno
1784 gty m context signature universe cache flags
1786 elems@more_elems, tables, cache, flags
1788 let elems, tables, cache =
1789 match LibraryObjects.eq_URI () with
1791 smart_applicative_case dbd tables depth s fake_proof goalno
1792 gty m context signature universe cache flags
1794 applicative_case dbd tables depth s fake_proof goalno
1795 gty m context signature universe cache flags
1797 elems, tables, cache, flags
1799 let rec condition_for_hint i = function
1801 | S (_,_,(j,_),_):: tl -> j <> i (* && condition_for_hint i tl *)
1802 | _::tl -> condition_for_hint i tl
1804 let remove_s_from_fl (id,_,_) (fl : fail list) =
1805 let rec aux = function
1807 | ((id1,_,_),_)::tl when id = id1 -> tl
1808 | hd::tl -> hd :: aux tl
1813 let prunable_for_size flags s m todo =
1814 let rec aux b = function
1815 | (S _)::tl -> aux b tl
1816 | (D (_,_,T))::tl -> aux b tl
1818 (match calculate_goal_ty g s m with
1820 | Some (canonical_ctx, gty) ->
1822 Utils.weight_of_term
1823 ~consider_metas:false ~count_metas_occurrences:true gty in
1824 let newb = b || gsize > flags.maxgoalsizefactor in
1831 let prunable ty todo =
1832 let rec aux b = function
1833 | (S(_,k,_,_))::tl -> aux (b || Equality.meta_convertibility k ty) tl
1834 | (D (_,_,T))::tl -> aux b tl
1842 let prunable menv subst ty todo =
1843 let rec aux = function
1844 | (S(_,k,_,_))::tl ->
1845 (match Equality.meta_convertibility_subst k ty menv with
1848 no_progress variant tl (* || aux tl*))
1849 | (D (_,_,T))::tl -> aux tl
1851 and no_progress variant = function
1852 | [] -> (*prerr_endline "++++++++++++++++++++++++ no_progress";*) true
1853 | D ((n,_,P) as g)::tl ->
1854 (match calculate_goal_ty g subst menv with
1855 | None -> no_progress variant tl
1857 (match calculate_goal_ty g variant menv with
1858 | None -> assert false
1860 if gty = gty' then no_progress variant tl
1862 (prerr_endline (string_of_int n);
1863 prerr_endline (CicPp.ppterm gty);
1864 prerr_endline (CicPp.ppterm gty');
1865 prerr_endline "---------- subst";
1866 prerr_endline (CicMetaSubst.ppsubst ~metasenv:menv subst);
1867 prerr_endline "---------- variant";
1868 prerr_endline (CicMetaSubst.ppsubst ~metasenv:menv variant);
1869 prerr_endline "---------- menv";
1870 prerr_endline (CicMetaSubst.ppmetasenv [] menv);
1871 no_progress variant tl) *)
1873 | _::tl -> no_progress variant tl
1878 let condition_for_prune_hint prune (m, s, size, don, todo, fl) =
1880 HExtlib.filter_map (function S (_,_,(c,_),_) -> Some c | _ -> None) todo
1882 List.for_all (fun i -> List.for_all (fun j -> i<>j) prune) s
1884 let filter_prune_hint c l =
1885 let prune = !prune_hint in
1886 prune_hint := []; (* possible race... *)
1887 if prune = [] then c,l
1889 cache_reset_underinspection c,
1890 List.filter (condition_for_prune_hint prune) l
1893 let auto_main dbd tables context flags signature universe cache elems =
1894 auto_context := context;
1895 let rec aux tables flags cache (elems : status) =
1896 pp_status context elems;
1897 (* DEBUGGING CODE: uncomment these two lines to stop execution at each iteration
1898 auto_status := elems;
1901 let cache, elems = filter_prune_hint cache elems in
1903 | (m, s, size, don, todo, fl)::orlist when !hint <> None ->
1904 debug_print (lazy "skip");
1906 | Some i when condition_for_hint i todo ->
1907 aux tables flags cache orlist
1910 aux tables flags cache elems)
1912 (* complete failure *)
1913 debug_print (lazy "give up");
1914 Gaveup (tables, cache)
1915 | (m, s, _, _, [],_)::orlist ->
1916 (* complete success *)
1917 debug_print (lazy "success");
1918 Proved (m, s, orlist, tables, cache)
1919 | (m, s, size, don, (D (_,_,T))::todo, fl)::orlist
1920 when not flags.AutoTypes.do_types ->
1921 (* skip since not Prop, don't even check if closed by side-effect *)
1922 debug_print (lazy "skip existential goal");
1923 aux tables flags cache ((m, s, size, don, todo, fl)::orlist)
1924 | (m, s, size, don, (S(g, key, c,minsize) as op)::todo, fl)::orlist ->
1925 (* partial success, cache g and go on *)
1926 let cache, orlist, fl, sibling_pruned =
1927 add_to_cache_and_del_from_orlist_if_green_cut
1928 g s m cache key todo orlist fl context size minsize
1930 debug_print (lazy (AutoCache.cache_print context cache));
1931 let fl = remove_s_from_fl g fl in
1932 let don = if sibling_pruned then don else op::don in
1933 aux tables flags cache ((m, s, size, don, todo, fl)::orlist)
1934 | (m, s, size, don, todo, fl)::orlist
1935 when List.length(prop_only (d_goals todo)) > flags.maxwidth ->
1936 debug_print (lazy ("FAIL: WIDTH"));
1937 (* too many goals in and generated by last th *)
1938 let cache = close_failures fl cache in
1939 aux tables flags cache orlist
1940 | (m, s, size, don, todo, fl)::orlist when size > flags.maxsize ->
1942 (lazy ("FAIL: SIZE: "^string_of_int size ^
1943 " > " ^ string_of_int flags.maxsize ));
1944 (* we already have a too large proof term *)
1945 let cache = close_failures fl cache in
1946 aux tables flags cache orlist
1947 | _ when Unix.gettimeofday () > flags.timeout ->
1949 debug_print (lazy ("FAIL: TIMEOUT"));
1950 Gaveup (tables, cache)
1951 | (m, s, size, don, (D (gno,depth,_ as g))::todo, fl)::orlist as status ->
1953 debug_print (lazy "attack goal");
1954 match calculate_goal_ty g s m with
1956 (* closed by side effect *)
1957 debug_print (lazy ("SUCCESS: SIDE EFFECT: " ^ string_of_int gno));
1958 aux tables flags cache ((m,s,size,don,todo, fl)::orlist)
1959 | Some (canonical_ctx, gty) ->
1961 Utils.weight_of_term ~consider_metas:false ~count_metas_occurrences:true gty
1963 if gsize > flags.maxgoalsizefactor then
1964 (debug_print (lazy ("FAIL: SIZE: goal: "^string_of_int gsize));
1965 aux tables flags cache orlist)
1966 else if prunable_for_size flags s m todo then
1967 (debug_print (lazy ("POTO at depth: "^(string_of_int depth)));
1968 aux tables flags cache orlist)
1970 (* still to be proved *)
1971 (debug_print (lazy ("EXAMINE: "^CicPp.ppterm gty));
1972 match cache_examine cache gty with
1973 | Failed_in d when d >= depth ->
1975 debug_print (lazy ("FAIL: DEPTH (cache): "^string_of_int gno));
1976 let cache = close_failures fl cache in
1977 aux tables flags cache orlist
1978 | UnderInspection ->
1980 debug_print (lazy ("FAIL: LOOP: " ^ string_of_int gno));
1981 let cache = close_failures fl cache in
1982 aux tables flags cache orlist
1984 debug_print (lazy ("SUCCESS: CACHE HIT: " ^ string_of_int gno));
1985 let s, m = put_in_subst s m g canonical_ctx t gty in
1986 aux tables flags cache ((m, s, size, don,todo, fl)::orlist)
1988 | Failed_in _ when depth > 0 ->
1989 ( (* more depth or is the first time we see the goal *)
1990 if prunable m s gty todo then
1992 "FAIL: LOOP: one father is equal"));
1993 aux tables flags cache orlist)
1995 let cache = cache_add_underinspection cache gty depth in
1996 auto_status := status;
1999 (lazy ("INSPECTING: " ^
2000 string_of_int gno ^ "("^ string_of_int size ^ "): "^
2002 (* elems are possible computations for proving gty *)
2003 let elems, tables, cache, flags =
2004 equational_and_applicative_case dbd
2005 signature universe flags m s g gty tables cache context
2008 (* this goal has failed *)
2009 let cache = close_failures ((g,gty)::fl) cache in
2010 aux tables flags cache orlist
2012 (* elems = (cand,m,s,gl) *)
2013 let size_gl l = List.length
2014 (List.filter (function (_,_,P) -> true | _ -> false) l)
2017 let inj_gl gl = List.map (fun g -> D g) gl in
2018 let rec map = function
2019 | [] -> assert false
2020 | (cand,m,s,gl)::[] ->
2021 (* in the last one we add the failure *)
2023 inj_gl gl @ (S(g,gty,cand,size+1))::todo
2025 (* we are the last in OR, we fail on g and
2026 * also on all failures implied by g *)
2027 (m,s, size + size_gl gl, don, todo, (g,gty)::fl)
2029 | (cand,m,s,gl)::tl ->
2030 (* we add the S step after gl and before todo *)
2032 inj_gl gl @ (S(g,gty,cand,size+1))::todo
2034 (* since we are not the last in OR, we do not
2036 (m,s, size + size_gl gl, don, todo, []) :: map tl
2040 aux tables flags cache elems)
2043 debug_print (lazy ("FAIL: DEPTH: " ^ string_of_int gno));
2044 let cache = close_failures fl cache in
2045 aux tables flags cache orlist)
2047 (aux tables flags cache elems : auto_result)
2052 auto_all_solutions dbd tables universe cache context metasenv gl flags
2057 MetadataConstraints.UriManagerSet.union set
2058 (MetadataQuery.signature_of metasenv g)
2060 MetadataConstraints.UriManagerSet.empty gl
2062 let goals = order_new_goals metasenv [] gl CicPp.ppterm in
2065 (fun (x,s) -> D (x,flags.maxdepth,s)) goals
2067 let elems = [metasenv,[],1,[],goals,[]] in
2068 let rec aux tables solutions cache elems flags =
2069 match auto_main dbd tables context flags signature universe cache elems with
2070 | Gaveup (tables,cache) ->
2071 solutions,cache, tables
2072 | Proved (metasenv,subst,others,tables,cache) ->
2073 if Unix.gettimeofday () > flags.timeout then
2074 ((subst,metasenv)::solutions), cache, tables
2076 aux tables ((subst,metasenv)::solutions) cache others flags
2078 let rc = aux tables [] cache elems flags in
2080 | [],cache,tables -> [],cache,tables
2081 | solutions, cache,tables ->
2084 (fun (subst,newmetasenv) ->
2086 ProofEngineHelpers.compare_metasenvs ~oldmetasenv:metasenv ~newmetasenv
2088 if opened = [] then Some subst else None)
2091 solutions,cache,tables
2094 (******************* AUTO ***************)
2097 let auto dbd flags metasenv tables universe cache context metasenv gl =
2098 let initial_time = Unix.gettimeofday() in
2102 MetadataConstraints.UriManagerSet.union set
2103 (MetadataQuery.signature_of metasenv g)
2105 MetadataConstraints.UriManagerSet.empty gl
2107 let goals = order_new_goals metasenv [] gl CicPp.ppterm in
2108 let goals = List.map (fun (x,s) -> D(x,flags.maxdepth,s)) goals in
2109 let elems = [metasenv,[],1,[],goals,[]] in
2110 match auto_main dbd tables context flags signature universe cache elems with
2111 | Proved (metasenv,subst,_, tables,cache) ->
2113 ("TIME:"^string_of_float(Unix.gettimeofday()-.initial_time)));
2114 Some (subst,metasenv), cache
2115 | Gaveup (tables,cache) ->
2117 ("TIME:"^string_of_float(Unix.gettimeofday()-.initial_time)));
2121 let auto_tac ~(dbd:HSql.dbd) ~params:(univ,params) ~automation_cache (proof, goal) =
2122 let flags = flags_of_params params () in
2123 let use_library = flags.use_library in
2124 let universe, tables, cache =
2125 init_cache_and_tables
2126 ~dbd ~use_library ~use_context:(not flags.skip_context)
2127 automation_cache univ (proof, goal)
2129 let _,metasenv,subst,_,_, _ = proof in
2130 let _,context,goalty = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
2131 let signature = MetadataQuery.signature_of metasenv goal in
2136 CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv context t
2137 CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph
2139 MetadataConstraints.UriManagerSet.union set
2140 (MetadataConstraints.constants_of ty)
2145 if flags.close_more then
2147 tables context (proof, goal)
2148 (auto_all_solutions dbd) signature universe cache
2149 else tables,cache in
2150 let initial_time = Unix.gettimeofday() in
2151 let (_,oldmetasenv,_,_,_, _) = proof in
2154 metasenv,subst,1,[],[D (goal,flags.maxdepth,P)],[]
2156 match auto_main dbd tables context flags signature universe cache [elem] with
2157 | Proved (metasenv,subst,_, tables,cache) ->
2159 ("TIME:"^string_of_float(Unix.gettimeofday()-.initial_time)));
2160 let proof,metasenv =
2161 ProofEngineHelpers.subst_meta_and_metasenv_in_proof
2162 proof goal subst metasenv
2165 ProofEngineHelpers.compare_metasenvs ~oldmetasenv
2166 ~newmetasenv:metasenv
2169 | Gaveup (tables,cache) ->
2172 string_of_float(Unix.gettimeofday()-.initial_time)));
2173 raise (ProofEngineTypes.Fail (lazy "Auto gave up"))
2176 let auto_tac ~dbd ~params ~automation_cache =
2177 ProofEngineTypes.mk_tactic (auto_tac ~params ~dbd ~automation_cache);;
2179 let pp_proofterm = Equality.pp_proofterm;;
2181 let revision = "$Revision$";;
2182 let size_and_depth context metasenv t = 100, 100