1 (* Copyright (C) 2004, HELM Team.
3 * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
4 * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
5 * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
7 * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
9 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
10 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * GNU General Public License for more details.
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
19 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
22 * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
23 * http://helm.cs.unibo.it/
30 let nonvar uri = not (UriManager.uri_is_var uri)
32 module Constr = MetadataConstraints
34 exception Goal_is_not_an_equation
37 let debug_print s = if debug then prerr_endline (Lazy.force s)
39 let ( ** ) x y = int_of_float ((float_of_int x) ** (float_of_int y))
41 let signature_of_hypothesis context metasenv =
44 (fun hyp (set,current_ctx) ->
46 | None -> set, hyp::current_ctx
47 | Some (_, Cic.Decl t) ->
48 Constr.UriManagerSet.union set (Constr.constants_of t),
50 | Some (_, Cic.Def (t, _)) ->
53 CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux'
54 metasenv current_ctx t CicUniv.empty_ugraph
57 CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux'
58 metasenv current_ctx ty CicUniv.empty_ugraph
61 | Cic.Sort Cic.Prop -> set, hyp::current_ctx
62 | _ -> Constr.UriManagerSet.union set (Constr.constants_of t),
65 | CicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure _ -> set, hyp::current_ctx)
66 context (Constr.UriManagerSet.empty,[])
71 let intersect uris siguris =
72 let set1 = List.fold_right Constr.UriManagerSet.add uris Constr.UriManagerSet.empty in
74 List.fold_right Constr.UriManagerSet.add siguris Constr.UriManagerSet.empty
76 let inter = Constr.UriManagerSet.inter set1 set2 in
77 List.filter (fun s -> Constr.UriManagerSet.mem s inter) uris
81 let profiler = CicUtil.profile "at_most" in
82 fun ~dbd ~where uri -> profiler.profile (Constr.at_most ~dbd ~where) uri
85 let profiler = CicUtil.profile "sigmatch" in
86 fun ~dbd ~facts ~where signature ->
87 profiler.profile (MetadataConstraints.sigmatch ~dbd ~facts ~where) signature
89 let at_most = Constr.at_most
90 let sigmatch = MetadataConstraints.sigmatch
92 let filter_uris_forward ~dbd (main, constants) uris =
96 | Some (main, types) -> main :: types
99 List.fold_right Constr.UriManagerSet.add main_uris constants
101 List.filter (at_most ~dbd ~where:`Statement full_signature) uris
103 let filter_uris_backward ~dbd ~facts signature uris =
106 (sigmatch ~dbd ~facts ~where:`Statement signature)
108 intersect uris siguris
110 let compare_goal_list proof goal1 goal2 =
111 let _,metasenv,_,_ = proof in
112 let (_, ey1, ty1) = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal1 metasenv in
113 let (_, ey2, ty2) = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal2 metasenv in
115 CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv ey1 ty1 CicUniv.empty_ugraph
118 CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv ey2 ty2 CicUniv.empty_ugraph
122 CicReduction.are_convertible
123 ey1 (Cic.Sort Cic.Prop) ty_sort1 CicUniv.empty_ugraph
130 CicReduction.are_convertible
131 ey2 (Cic.Sort Cic.Prop) ty_sort2 CicUniv.empty_ugraph
138 (* experimental_hint is a version of hint for experimental
139 purposes. It uses auto_tac_verbose instead of auto tac.
140 Auto_tac verbose also returns a substitution - for the moment
141 as a function from cic to cic, to be changed into an association
142 list in the future -. This substitution is used to build a
143 hash table of the inspected goals with their associated proofs.
144 The cose is a cut and paste of the previous one: at the end
145 of the experimentation we shall make a choice. *)
147 let close_with_types s metasenv context =
148 Constr.UriManagerSet.fold
150 let t = CicUtil.term_of_uri e in
152 CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv context t CicUniv.empty_ugraph
154 Constr.UriManagerSet.union bag (Constr.constants_of ty))
157 let close_with_constructors s metasenv context =
158 Constr.UriManagerSet.fold
160 let t = CicUtil.term_of_uri e in
163 | Cic.MutConstruct (uri,_,_,_) ->
164 (match fst (CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.empty_ugraph uri) with
165 Cic.InductiveDefinition(tl,_,_,_) ->
168 (fun (i,s) (_,_,_,cl) ->
172 let curi = UriManager.uri_of_uriref uri i (Some j) in
173 j+1,Constr.UriManagerSet.add curi s) (1,s) cl in
180 let apply_tac_verbose =
181 let profiler = CicUtil.profile "apply_tac_verbose" in
182 fun ~term status -> profiler.profile (PrimitiveTactics.apply_tac_verbose ~term) status
185 let profiler = CicUtil.profile "sigmatch" in
186 fun ~dbd ~facts ?(where=`Conclusion) signature -> profiler.profile (Constr.sigmatch ~dbd ~facts ~where) signature
189 let profiler = CicUtil.profile "cmatch'" in
190 fun ~dbd ~facts signature -> profiler.profile (Constr.cmatch' ~dbd ~facts) signature
192 let apply_tac_verbose = PrimitiveTactics.apply_tac_verbose
193 let cmatch' = Constr.cmatch'
195 let signature_of_goal ~(dbd:HMysql.dbd) ((proof, goal) as _status) =
196 let (_, metasenv, _, _) = proof in
197 let (_, context, ty) = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
198 let main, sig_constants = Constr.signature_of ty in
199 let set = signature_of_hypothesis context metasenv in
204 List.fold_right Constr.UriManagerSet.add (main::l) set in
205 let set = Constr.UriManagerSet.union set sig_constants in
206 let all_constants_closed = close_with_types set metasenv context in
208 sigmatch ~dbd ~facts:false ~where:`Statement (None,all_constants_closed) in
209 let uris = List.filter nonvar (List.map snd uris) in
210 let uris = List.filter Hashtbl_equiv.not_a_duplicate uris in
214 let filter_predicate set ctx menv =
217 try CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' [] []
218 (CicUtil.term_of_uri t) CicUniv.empty_ugraph
219 with CicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure _ -> assert false
221 let rec check_last_pi = function
222 | Cic.Prod (_,_,tgt) -> check_last_pi tgt
223 | Cic.Sort Cic.Prop -> true
226 not (check_last_pi ty)
228 Constr.UriManagerSet.filter is_predicate set
231 let equations_for_goal ~(dbd:HMysql.dbd) ?signature ((proof, goal) as _status) =
232 (* let to_string set =
235 (Constr.UriManagerSet.fold
236 (fun u l -> (UriManager.string_of_uri u)::l) set []))
239 let (_, metasenv, _, _) = proof in
240 let (_, context, ty) = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
241 let main, sig_constants =
243 | None -> Constr.signature_of ty
246 (* Printf.printf "\nsig_constants: %s\n\n" (to_string sig_constants); *)
247 (* match main with *)
248 (* None -> raise Goal_is_not_an_equation *)
249 (* | Some (m,l) -> *)
252 match LibraryObjects.eq_URI () with
256 (UriManager.uri_of_string
257 (UriManager.string_of_uri s ^ "#xpointer(1/1)"))
259 match eq_URI,main with
260 | Some eq_URI, Some (m, l) when UriManager.eq m eq_URI -> m::l
263 (*Printf.printf "\nSome (m, l): %s, [%s]\n\n"
264 (UriManager.string_of_uri (List.hd l))
265 (String.concat "; " (List.map UriManager.string_of_uri (List.tl l)));
267 (* if m == UriManager.uri_of_string HelmLibraryObjects.Logic.eq_XURI then ( *)
268 let set = signature_of_hypothesis context metasenv in
269 (* Printf.printf "\nsignature_of_hypothesis: %s\n\n" (to_string set); *)
270 let set = Constr.UriManagerSet.union set sig_constants in
271 let set = filter_predicate set context metasenv in
272 let set = close_with_types set metasenv context in
273 (* Printf.printf "\ndopo close_with_types: %s\n\n" (to_string set); *)
274 let set = close_with_constructors set metasenv context in
275 (* Printf.printf "\ndopo close_with_constructors: %s\n\n" (to_string set); *)
276 let set = List.fold_right Constr.UriManagerSet.remove l set in
278 sigmatch ~dbd ~facts:false ~where:`Statement (main,set) in
279 let uris = List.filter nonvar (List.map snd uris) in
280 let uris = List.filter Hashtbl_equiv.not_a_duplicate uris in
283 (* else raise Goal_is_not_an_equation *)
285 let experimental_hint
286 ~(dbd:HMysql.dbd) ?(facts=false) ?signature ((proof, goal) as status) =
287 let (_, metasenv, _, _) = proof in
288 let (_, context, ty) = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
289 let (uris, (main, sig_constants)) =
292 (sigmatch ~dbd ~facts signature, signature)
294 (cmatch' ~dbd ~facts ty, Constr.signature_of ty)
296 let uris = List.filter nonvar (List.map snd uris) in
297 let uris = List.filter Hashtbl_equiv.not_a_duplicate uris in
298 let types_constants =
300 | None -> Constr.UriManagerSet.empty
301 | Some (main, types) ->
302 List.fold_right Constr.UriManagerSet.add (main :: types)
303 Constr.UriManagerSet.empty
307 Constr.UriManagerSet.union
308 (signature_of_hypothesis context metasenv)
313 | None -> Constr.UriManagerSet.empty
316 CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux'
317 metasenv context (CicUtil.term_of_uri main) CicUniv.empty_ugraph
319 Constr.constants_of ty
321 Constr.UriManagerSet.union main hyp_and_sug
323 (* Constr.UriManagerSet.iter debug_print hyp_constants; *)
324 let all_constants_closed = close_with_types all_constants metasenv context in
325 let other_constants =
326 Constr.UriManagerSet.diff all_constants_closed types_constants
328 debug_print (lazy "all_constants_closed");
329 if debug then Constr.UriManagerSet.iter (fun s -> debug_print (lazy (UriManager.string_of_uri s))) all_constants_closed;
330 debug_print (lazy "other_constants");
331 if debug then Constr.UriManagerSet.iter (fun s -> debug_print (lazy (UriManager.string_of_uri s))) other_constants;
333 let pow = 2 ** (Constr.UriManagerSet.cardinal other_constants) in
334 if ((List.length uris < pow) or (pow <= 0))
336 debug_print (lazy "MetadataQuery: large sig, falling back to old method");
337 filter_uris_forward ~dbd (main, other_constants) uris
339 filter_uris_backward ~dbd ~facts (main, other_constants) uris
341 let rec aux = function
346 let (subst,(proof, goal_list)) =
347 (* debug_print (lazy ("STO APPLICANDO" ^ uri)); *)
349 ~term:(CicUtil.term_of_uri uri)
353 List.stable_sort (compare_goal_list proof) goal_list
355 Some (uri, (subst,(proof, goal_list)))
356 with ProofEngineTypes.Fail _ -> None
360 | Some status' -> status' :: aux tl)
363 (fun (_,(_, (_, goals1))) (_,(_, (_, goals2))) ->
364 Pervasives.compare (List.length goals1) (List.length goals2))
367 let new_experimental_hint
368 ~(dbd:HMysql.dbd) ?(facts=false) ?signature ~universe
369 ((proof, goal) as status)
371 let (_, metasenv, _, _) = proof in
372 let (_, context, ty) = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
373 let (uris, (main, sig_constants)) =
376 (sigmatch ~dbd ~facts signature, signature)
378 (cmatch' ~dbd ~facts ty, Constr.signature_of ty) in
381 (fun res u -> Constr.UriManagerSet.add u res)
382 Constr.UriManagerSet.empty universe in
385 (fun res (_,u) -> Constr.UriManagerSet.add u res)
386 Constr.UriManagerSet.empty uris in
387 let uris = Constr.UriManagerSet.inter uris universe in
388 let uris = Constr.UriManagerSet.elements uris in
389 let rec aux = function
394 let (subst,(proof, goal_list)) =
395 (* debug_print (lazy ("STO APPLICANDO" ^ uri)); *)
397 ~term:(CicUtil.term_of_uri uri)
401 List.stable_sort (compare_goal_list proof) goal_list
403 Some (uri, (subst,(proof, goal_list)))
404 with ProofEngineTypes.Fail _ -> None
408 | Some status' -> status' :: aux tl)
411 (fun (_,(_, (_, goals1))) (_,(_, (_, goals2))) ->
412 Pervasives.compare (List.length goals1) (List.length goals2))