]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/blob - helm/software/matita/help/C/sec_usernotation.xml
interpretation documented
[helm.git] / helm / software / matita / help / C / sec_usernotation.xml
2 <!-- ============ User Notation ====================== -->
3 <chapter id="sec_usernotation">
4  <title>Extending the syntax</title>
5   Introduction: TODO
6  <sect1>
7   <title>notation</title>
8   <titleabbrev>notation</titleabbrev>
9   <para id="notation">
10     notation: &TODO;
11   </para>
12  </sect1>
13  <sect1>
14    <title>interpretation</title>
15    <titleabbrev>interpretation</titleabbrev>
16    <para><userinput>interpretation &quot;description&quot; 'symbol p<subscript>1</subscript> … p<subscript>n</subscript> =
17          rhs</userinput></para>
18    <para id="interpretation">
19     <variablelist>
20       <varlistentry role="tactic.synopsis">
21         <term>Synopsis:</term>
22         <listitem>
23           <para><emphasis role="bold">interpretation</emphasis>
24            &qstring; &csymbol; [&interpretation_argument;]…
25            <emphasis role="bol">=</emphasis>
26            &interpretation_rhs;
27           </para>
28         </listitem>
29       </varlistentry>
30       <varlistentry>
31        <term>Action:</term>
32        <listitem>
33          <para>It declares a bi-directional mapping <command>{…}</command> between the content-level AST <command>'symbol t<subscript>1</subscript> … t<subscript>n</subscript></command> and the semantic term <command>rhs[{t<subscript>1</subscript>}/p<subscript>1</subscript>;…;{t<subscript>n</subscript>}/p<subscript>n</subscript>]</command>
34           (the simultaneous substitution in <command>rhs</command> of the
35           interpretation <command>{…}</command> of every content-level
36           actual argument <command>t<subscript>i</subscript></command> for its
37           corresponding formal parameter
38           <command>p<subscript>i</subscript></command>). The
39           <command>description</command> must be a textual description of the
40           meaning associated to <command>'symbol</command> by this
41           interpretation, and is used by the user interface of Matita to
42           provide feedback on the interpretation of ambiguous terms.
43          </para>
44        </listitem>
45       </varlistentry>
46       <varlistentry>
47         <term>Interpretation arguments:</term>
48         <listitem>
50     <table frame="topbot" rowsep="0" colsep="0" role="grammar">
51       <title>interpretation_argument</title>
52       <tgroup cols="4">
53       <tbody>
54        <row>
55         <entry id="grammar.interpretation_argument">&interpretation_argument;</entry>
56         <entry>::=</entry>
57         <entry>[<emphasis role="bold">η</emphasis><emphasis role="bold">.</emphasis>]… &id;</entry>
58         <entry>A formal parameter. If the name of the formal parameter is
59          prefixed by n symbols &quot;η&quot;, then the mapping performs
60          (multiple) η-expansions to grant that the semantic actual
61          parameter begins with at least n λ-abstractions.</entry>
62        </row>
63       </tbody>
64       </tgroup>
65      </table>
66     <table frame="topbot" rowsep="0" colsep="0" role="grammar">
67       <title>interpretation_rhs</title>
68       <tgroup cols="4">
69       <tbody>
70        <row>
71         <entry id="grammar.interpretation_rhs">&interpretation_rhs;</entry>
72         <entry>::=</entry>
73         <entry>&uri;</entry>
74         <entry>A constant, specified by its URI</entry>
75        </row>
76        <row>
77         <entry></entry>
78         <entry>|</entry>
79         <entry>&id;</entry>
80         <entry>A constant, specified by its name, or a bound variable. If
81                the constant name is ambiguous, the one corresponding to the
82                last implicitly or explicitly specified alias is used.</entry>
83        </row>
84        <row>
85         <entry></entry>
86         <entry>|</entry>
87         <entry><emphasis role="bold">_</emphasis></entry>
88         <entry>An implicit parameter</entry>
89        </row>
90        <row>
91         <entry></entry>
92         <entry>|</entry>
93         <entry><emphasis role="bold">(</emphasis>
94                &interpretation_rhs;
95                [&interpretation_rhs;]…
96                <emphasis role="bold">)</emphasis></entry>
97         <entry>An application</entry>
98        </row>
99       </tbody>
100       </tgroup>
101      </table>
103         </listitem>
104       </varlistentry>
105     </variablelist>
106    </para>
107  </sect1>
108 </chapter>