]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/blob - helm/www/lambdadelta/web/home/implementation.ldw.xml
- helena: the improved attribute system allows to export the sorts of Pi's
[helm.git] / helm / www / lambdadelta / web / home / implementation.ldw.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3 <page xmlns="http://lambdadelta.info/"
4       description = "\lambda\delta home page"
5       title = "\lambda\delta home page"
6       head = "The Formal System λδ (\lambda\delta)"
7 >
8    <sitemap name="sitemap"/>
10    <section5 name="tools">Tools</section5>
12    <subsection name="lddl"><crux-icon/>λδ Digital Library (LDDL)</subsection>
13    <body>
14       The λδ Digital Library is part of <link to="http://helm.cs.unibo.it/">HELM</link>
15       and contains resources expressed in λδ.      
16    </body>
17    <topitem name="contents">
18       <notice class="alpha" notice="Contents:"/>
19       Landau's "Grundlagen der Analysis"
20       (from Jutting's specification in  <link to="http://www.win.tue.nl/automath/">Automath</link>).
21    </topitem>
22    <topitem name="access">
23       <notice class="alpha" notice="Access:"/>
24       <rlink to="static/lddl/">static pages</rlink> (updated <notice class="beta" notice="2012-10"/>),
25       <rlink to="download/lddl.tar.bz2">data set</rlink> (updated <notice class="beta" notice="2012-10"/>),
26       <rlink to="xml/">HELM server URL</rlink> (updated <notice class="beta" notice="2012-10"/>).
27    </topitem>
28    <topitem name="examples">
29       <notice class="alpha" notice="Examples:"/>
30       <rlink to="static/lddl/brg_si/grundlagen/l/e/st/eq/landau/n/rt/rp/r/c/8283/t234.ld.html">
31          Grundlagen's definition "t234"</rlink>
32       (in "basic_rg" λδ),
33       <rlink to="static/lddl/crg_si/grundlagen/l/e/st/eq/landau/n/rt/rp/r/c/8283/t234.ld.html">
34          Grundlagen's definition "t234"</rlink>
35       (in "complete_rg" λδ).
36    </topitem>
38    <subsection name="helena"><helena-icon/>Helena</subsection>
39    <body>
40       Helena is a λδ processor,
41       implemented in <link to="http://caml.inria.fr/">Caml</link>
42       as a part of the <link to="http://helm.cs.unibo.it/">HELM</link> software,
43       meant for testing the stable features of the calculus as well as the unstable ones.
44    </body>
45    <body>
46       The processor source code is available in the directory
47       <link to="http://helm.cs.unibo.it/websvn/listing.php?repname=helm&amp;path=%2Ftrunk%2Fhelm%2Fsoftware%2Fhelena%2F&amp;rev=0&amp;sc=0">/trunk/helm/software/helena/</link>
48       of the <link to="http://helm.cs.unibo.it/software/index.html">HELM Svn repository</link>.
49       The Svn revisions containing the stable versions of Helena are indicated next.
50    </body>
51    <topitem name="v2">
52       <notice class="beta" notice="Version 0.8.2."/>
53       In progress.
54    </topitem>
55    <topitem name="v1">
56       <notice class="beta" notice="Version 0.8.1 (2010-11)."/>
57       Exploits a subset of "complete_rg" λδ as the intermediate language.
58       Features importation from ".hln" files containing λδ textual syntax.
59       The overall validation speed of the "Grundlagen der Analysis"
60       increases of 22% with respect to version 0.8.0.
61       [Svn revision: 11032] (<rlink to="download/helena_0.8.1.tar.gz">archived source code</rlink>)
62       <list><item>
63          A <link to="http://www.jedsoft.org/jed/">Jed mode</link>
64          for editing ".hln" files (containing λδ textual syntax):
65          <rlink to="download/helena.sl">helena.sl</rlink>
66          (revised <notice class="alpha" notice="2010-11"/>).
67       </item><item>
68          <notice class="beta" notice="2009-12."/>
69          Helena appears in F. Wiedijk's
70          <link to="http://www.cs.ru.nl/%7Efreek/digimath/index.html#helena">
71             index of computer math systems</link>.
72       </item></list>
73    </topitem>
74    <topitem name="v0">
75       <notice class="beta" notice="Version 0.8.0 (2009-09)."/>
76       Supports "basic_rg" λδ with naive implementation of impredicative sort inclusion.
77       Features importation from <link to="http://www.win.tue.nl/automath/">Automath</link>
78       and exportation to <link to="http://www.w3.org/XML/">XML</link>.
79       <rlink to="documentation.html#ldR4">Documentation (R4)</rlink>.
80       [Svn revision: 10304] (<rlink to="download/helena_0.8.0.tar.gz">archived source code</rlink>).
81       <list><item>
82          A <link to="http://www.jedsoft.org/jed/">Jed mode</link>
83          for editing ".aut" files
84          (containing <link to="http://www.win.tue.nl/automath/">Automath</link> textual syntax):
85          <rlink to="download/automath.sl">automath.sl</rlink>
86          (revised <notice class="gamma" notice="2008-07"/>).
87       </item><item>
88          <notice class="beta" notice="2009-09."/>
89          Jutting's specification of Landau's "Grundlagen der Analysis"
90          enters λδ Digital Library.
91       </item><item>
92          <notice class="beta" notice="2009-06."/>
93          Jutting's specification of Landau's "Grundlagen der Analysis"
94          is successfully processed, enabling sort inclusion.
95       </item></list>
96    </topitem>
97    <footer/>
98 </page>