3 OCaml HTTP - do it yourself (fully OCaml) HTTP daemon
5 Copyright (C) <2002> Stefano Zacchiroli <zack@cs.unibo.it>
7 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10 (at your option) any later version.
12 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 GNU General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
27 prerr_endline (sprintf "DEBUG: %s" s)
29 exception Invalid_HTTP_version of string
30 exception Invalid_code of int
31 exception Invalid_status of Http_types.status
33 let http_version = `HTTP_1_1
34 let server_string = "OCaml HTTP Daemon"
37 let string_of_version = function
38 | `HTTP_1_0 -> "HTTP/1.0"
39 | `HTTP_1_1 -> "HTTP/1.1"
41 let version_of_string = function
42 | "HTTP/1.0" -> `HTTP_1_0
43 | "HTTP/1.1" -> `HTTP_1_1
44 | invalid_version -> raise (Invalid_HTTP_version invalid_version)
46 let status_of_code = function
47 | 100 -> `Informational `Continue
48 | 101 -> `Informational `Switching_protocols
50 | 201 -> `Success `Created
51 | 202 -> `Success `Accepted
52 | 203 -> `Success `Non_authoritative_information
53 | 204 -> `Success `No_content
54 | 205 -> `Success `Reset_content
55 | 206 -> `Success `Partial_content
56 | 300 -> `Redirection `Multiple_choices
57 | 301 -> `Redirection `Moved_permanently
58 | 302 -> `Redirection `Found
59 | 303 -> `Redirection `See_other
60 | 304 -> `Redirection `Not_modified
61 | 305 -> `Redirection `Use_proxy
62 | 307 -> `Redirection `Temporary_redirect
63 | 400 -> `Client_error `Bad_request
64 | 401 -> `Client_error `Unauthorized
65 | 402 -> `Client_error `Payment_required
66 | 403 -> `Client_error `Forbidden
67 | 404 -> `Client_error `Not_found
68 | 405 -> `Client_error `Method_not_allowed
69 | 406 -> `Client_error `Not_acceptable
70 | 407 -> `Client_error `Proxy_authentication_required
71 | 408 -> `Client_error `Request_time_out
72 | 409 -> `Client_error `Conflict
73 | 410 -> `Client_error `Gone
74 | 411 -> `Client_error `Length_required
75 | 412 -> `Client_error `Precondition_failed
76 | 413 -> `Client_error `Request_entity_too_large
77 | 414 -> `Client_error `Request_URI_too_large
78 | 415 -> `Client_error `Unsupported_media_type
79 | 416 -> `Client_error `Requested_range_not_satisfiable
80 | 417 -> `Client_error `Expectation_failed
81 | 500 -> `Server_error `Internal_server_error
82 | 501 -> `Server_error `Not_implemented
83 | 502 -> `Server_error `Bad_gateway
84 | 503 -> `Server_error `Service_unavailable
85 | 504 -> `Server_error `Gateway_time_out
86 | 505 -> `Server_error `HTTP_version_not_supported
87 | invalid_code -> raise (Invalid_code invalid_code)
89 let code_of_status = function
90 | `Informational `Continue -> 100
91 | `Informational `Switching_protocols -> 101
93 | `Success `Created -> 201
94 | `Success `Accepted -> 202
95 | `Success `Non_authoritative_information -> 203
96 | `Success `No_content -> 204
97 | `Success `Reset_content -> 205
98 | `Success `Partial_content -> 206
99 | `Redirection `Multiple_choices -> 300
100 | `Redirection `Moved_permanently -> 301
101 | `Redirection `Found -> 302
102 | `Redirection `See_other -> 303
103 | `Redirection `Not_modified -> 304
104 | `Redirection `Use_proxy -> 305
105 | `Redirection `Temporary_redirect -> 307
106 | `Client_error `Bad_request -> 400
107 | `Client_error `Unauthorized -> 401
108 | `Client_error `Payment_required -> 402
109 | `Client_error `Forbidden -> 403
110 | `Client_error `Not_found -> 404
111 | `Client_error `Method_not_allowed -> 405
112 | `Client_error `Not_acceptable -> 406
113 | `Client_error `Proxy_authentication_required -> 407
114 | `Client_error `Request_time_out -> 408
115 | `Client_error `Conflict -> 409
116 | `Client_error `Gone -> 410
117 | `Client_error `Length_required -> 411
118 | `Client_error `Precondition_failed -> 412
119 | `Client_error `Request_entity_too_large -> 413
120 | `Client_error `Request_URI_too_large -> 414
121 | `Client_error `Unsupported_media_type -> 415
122 | `Client_error `Requested_range_not_satisfiable -> 416
123 | `Client_error `Expectation_failed -> 417
124 | `Server_error `Internal_server_error -> 500
125 | `Server_error `Not_implemented -> 501
126 | `Server_error `Bad_gateway -> 502
127 | `Server_error `Service_unavailable -> 503
128 | `Server_error `Gateway_time_out -> 504
129 | `Server_error `HTTP_version_not_supported -> 505
131 let reason_phrase_of_code = function
133 | 101 -> "Switching protocols"
137 | 203 -> "Non authoritative information"
138 | 204 -> "No content"
139 | 205 -> "Reset content"
140 | 206 -> "Partial content"
141 | 300 -> "Multiple choices"
142 | 301 -> "Moved permanently"
145 | 304 -> "Not modified"
147 | 307 -> "Temporary redirect"
148 | 400 -> "Bad request"
149 | 401 -> "Unauthorized"
150 | 402 -> "Payment required"
153 | 405 -> "Method not allowed"
154 | 406 -> "Not acceptable"
155 | 407 -> "Proxy authentication required"
156 | 408 -> "Request time out"
159 | 411 -> "Length required"
160 | 412 -> "Precondition failed"
161 | 413 -> "Request entity too large"
162 | 414 -> "Request URI too large"
163 | 415 -> "Unsupported media type"
164 | 416 -> "Requested range not satisfiable"
165 | 417 -> "Expectation failed"
166 | 500 -> "Internal server error"
167 | 501 -> "Not implemented"
168 | 502 -> "Bad gateway"
169 | 503 -> "Service unavailable"
170 | 504 -> "Gateway time out"
171 | 505 -> "HTTP version not supported"
172 | invalid_code -> raise (Invalid_code invalid_code)
174 let reason_phrase_of_status s = reason_phrase_of_code (code_of_status s)
176 let is_informational code =
177 match status_of_code code with
178 | `Informational _ -> true
181 let is_success code =
182 match status_of_code code with
186 let is_redirection code =
187 match status_of_code code with
188 | `Redirection _ -> true
191 let is_client_error code =
192 match status_of_code code with
193 | `Client_error _ -> true
196 let is_server_error code =
197 match status_of_code code with
198 | `Server_error _ -> true
201 let is_error code = is_client_error code || is_server_error code