3 # Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
5 # This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
6 # Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
7 # Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
9 # HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
11 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
12 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14 # HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 # GNU General Public License for more details.
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 # along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
21 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
23 # For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
24 # http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
28 my $VERSION = "@VERSION@";
32 my $cgi_dir = "@HELM_CGI_DIR@";
33 my (%xml_map, %rdf_map, %xslt_map);
35 # First of all, let's load HELM configuration
38 # this should be the only fixed constant
40 if (defined ($HELM_LIB_DIR)) {
41 $HELM_LIB_PATH = $HELM_LIB_DIR."/configuration.pl";
43 $HELM_LIB_PATH = $DEFAULT_HELM_LIB_DIR."/configuration.pl";
46 # next require defines: $helm_dir, $html_link, $dtd_dir, $uris_dbm, $indexname
47 require $HELM_LIB_PATH;
49 # TEMP: TODO put these vars in configuration file configuration.xml
51 my $cachemode = $ENV{'HTTP_GETTER_CACHE_MODE'} ||
53 if (($cachemode ne 'gzipped') and ($cachemode ne 'normal')) {
54 die "Invalid HTTP_GETTER_CACHE_MODE environment variable, must be".
55 "'normal' or 'gzipped'\n";
58 my $helm_rdf_dir = $ENV{'HTTP_GETTER_RDF_DIR'} ||
59 "/usr/local/helm/rdf_library";
60 my $rdf_dbm = $ENV{'HTTP_GETTER_RDF_DBM'} ||
61 "/usr/local/helm/rdf_urls_of_uris.db";
62 my $xslt_dbm = $ENV{'HTTP_GETTER_XSLT_DBM'} ||
63 "/usr/local/helm/xslt_urls_of_uris.db";
64 my $rdf_indexname = $ENV{'HTTP_GETTER_RDF_INDEXNAME'} ||
66 my $xslt_indexname = $ENV{'HTTP_GETTER_XSLT_INDEXNAME'} ||
68 $servers_file = $ENV{'HTTP_GETTER_SERVERS_FILE'} || $servers_file;
69 $uris_dbm = $ENV{'HTTP_GETTER_URIS_DBM'} || $uris_dbm;
71 # </move_to_conf_file>
73 # Let's override the configuration file
74 $style_dir = $ENV{"HELM_STYLE_DIR"} if (defined ($ENV{"HELM_STYLE_DIR"}));
75 $dtd_dir = $ENV{"HELM_DTD_DIR"} if (defined ($ENV{"HELM_DTD_DIR"}));
87 #CSC: mancano i controlli sulle condizioni di errore di molte funzioni
88 #CSC: ==> non e' robusto
89 #CSC: altra roba da sistemare segnata con CSC
91 my $d = new HTTP::Daemon LocalPort => 8081
92 or die "Error: port 8081 not available.";
93 my $myownurl = $d->url;
95 # Let's patch the returned URL
96 $myownurl =~ s/\/$//; # chop the final slash
97 my $myownport = $myownurl;
98 $myownport =~ s/http:\/\/(.*):(.*)/$2/;
99 $myownurl =~ s/http:\/\/(.*):(.*)/$1/;
100 ($myownurl) = gethostbyname($myownurl);
101 $myownurl = "http://".$myownurl.":".$myownport;
103 tie(%xml_map, 'DB_File', $uris_dbm, O_RDWR, 0664); # open dbs
104 tie(%rdf_map, 'DB_File', $rdf_dbm, O_RDWR, 0664);
105 tie(%xslt_map, 'DB_File', $xslt_dbm, O_RDWR, 0664);
108 print "HTTP Getter $VERSION\n"; # print hello information
109 print "Please contact me at: <URL:", $myownurl."/", ">\n";
111 print "servers_file: $servers_file\n";
112 print "helm_dir: $helm_dir\n";
113 print "helm_rdf_dir: $helm_rdf_dir\n";
114 print "style_dir: $style_dir\n";
115 print "dtd_dir: $dtd_dir\n";
116 print "urls_of_uris db: $uris_dbm\n";
117 print "rdf db: $rdf_dbm\n";
118 print "xslt db: $xslt_dbm\n";
119 print "cache mode: $cachemode\n";
120 print "indexname: $indexname\n";
121 print "rdf_indexname: $rdf_indexname\n";
122 print "xslt_indexname: $xslt_indexname\n";
125 $SIG{CHLD} = "IGNORE"; # do not accumulate defunct processes
126 $SIG{USR1} = \&update; # sent by the child to make the parent update
128 while (my $c = $d->accept) {
130 while (my $r = $c->get_request) {
131 #CSC: mancano i controlli di sicurezza
133 my $http_method = $r->method;
134 my $http_path = $r->url->path;
135 my $http_query = uri_unescape($r->url->query);
136 my $cgi = new CGI("$http_query");
137 my $inputuri = $cgi->param('uri');
138 print "\nRequest: ".$r->url."\n\n";
140 print "\nUnescaped query: ".$http_query."\n";
142 # "getxml" works with rdf uris
143 if ($http_method eq 'GET' and $http_path eq "/getxml") {
144 # finds the uri, url and filename
146 my $answerformat = $cgi->param('format');
147 my $patch_dtd = $cgi->param('patch_dtd');
148 $answerformat = "" if (not defined($answerformat));
149 $patch_dtd = "yes" if (not defined($patch_dtd));
150 if (($answerformat ne "gz") and ($answerformat ne "normal")
151 and ($answerformat ne "")) {
152 die "Wrong output format: $answerformat, must be 'normal' ".
155 if (($patch_dtd ne "yes") and ($patch_dtd ne "no")
156 and ($patch_dtd ne "")) {
157 die "Wrong param, patch_dtd must be 'yes' or 'no'\n";
160 my $filename = $inputuri;
162 if (not isRdfUri($inputuri)) { # standad cic: or theory: uri
163 $filename =~ s/^cic:(.*)/$1/;
164 $filename =~ s/^theory:(.*)/$1/;
166 # The "helm:rdf/<<...>>//cic:" prefix is kept, but quoted
167 # (so that a "helm:rdf/<<...>>//cic:" dir is created
169 $filename =~ s/^(.*)\/\/cic:(.*)/$2/;
170 $filename =~ s/^(.*)\/\/theory:(.*)/$2/;
171 $prefix =~ s/\Q$filename\E//;
174 $filename = $prefix.$filename;
177 my $url = resolve ($inputuri); # resolve uri in url
178 if (not defined($url)) { # uri not found in uri2url map
179 die "NOT FOUND: uri \"$inputuri\" can't be resolved\n";
180 $c->send_error(RC_NOT_FOUND)
181 } else { # uri found and mapped to url
182 my $extension; # file extension
183 if ($url =~ /\.xml$/) { # non gzipped file
185 } elsif ($url =~ /\.xml\.gz$/) { # gzipped file
186 $extension = ".xml.gz";
187 } else { # error: unknown extension
188 die "unexpected extension in url: $url, might be '.xml'".
192 if (not isRdfUri ($inputuri)) { # save in uri std cache dir
193 $filename = $helm_dir.$filename.$extension;
194 } else { # save in rdf metadata cache dir
195 $filename = $helm_rdf_dir."/".$filename.$extension;
198 print_request($inputuri,$url,$filename);
201 my $ciccontent = download($patch_dtd,$url,$filename,$answerformat);
203 if ($answerformat eq "normal") { # answer the client in text/xml
204 answer($c,$ciccontent,"text/xml","");
205 } else { # answer the client in text/xml, gzip encoding
206 answer($c,$ciccontent,"text/xml","x-gzip");
210 # "/register" does not work with rdf uris
211 } elsif ($http_method eq 'GET' and $http_path eq "/register") {
212 my $inputurl = $cgi->param('url');
213 print "Register requested...\n";
214 $xml_map{$inputuri}=$inputurl;
216 # Now let's clean the cache
217 my $cicfilename = $inputuri;
218 $cicfilename =~ s/cic:(.*)/$1/;
219 $cicfilename =~ s/theory:(.*)/$1/;
221 print "Unlinking ".$helm_dir.$cicfilename.".xml[.gz]\n";
222 unlink ($helm_dir.$cicfilename.".xml");
223 unlink ($helm_dir.$cicfilename.".xml.gz");
225 kill(USR1,getppid()); # signal changes to parent
228 html_nice_answer($c,"Register done");
230 # "/resolve" works with rdf uri
231 } elsif ($http_method eq 'GET' and $http_path eq "/resolve") {
232 #my $outputurl = $xml_map{$inputuri};
233 my $outputurl = resolve($inputuri);
234 $outputurl = "" if (not defined($outputurl));
235 $cont = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n\n";
236 if ($outputurl eq "") {
237 $cont .= "<unresolved />\n";
239 $cont .= "<url value=\"$outputurl\" />\n";
241 answer($c,$cont,"text/xml","");
243 } elsif ($http_method eq 'GET' and $http_path eq "/getdtd") {
245 my $filename = $inputuri;
246 $filename = $dtd_dir."/".$filename;
247 print "DTD: $inputuri ==> ($filename)\n";
248 if (stat($filename)) {
249 print "Using local copy\n";
250 open(FD, $filename) or die "Cannot open $filename\n";
253 # Vary bad heuristic for substituion of absolute URLs
255 s/ENTITY (.*) SYSTEM\s+"/ENTITY $1 SYSTEM "$myownurl\/getdtd?uri=/g;
259 answer($c,$cont,"text/xml","");
261 die "Could not find DTD!";
264 } elsif ($http_method eq 'GET' and $http_path eq "/getxslt") {
266 $url = $xslt_map{$inputuri};
267 print "Downloading XSLT ...\n";
268 helm_wget($tmp_dir, $url);
269 print "XSLT downloaded!\n";
270 $inputuri =~ s/.*\///;
271 my $filename = $tmp_dir . "/" . $inputuri;
273 die "Could not find XSLT!\n" unless stat($filename);
274 open(FD, $filename) or die "Can't open xslt local copy: '$filename'\n";
276 s/xsl:import\s+href="/xsl:import href="$myownurl\/getxslt?uri=/g;
277 s/xsl:include\s+href="/xsl:include href="$myownurl\/getxslt?uri=/g;
281 answer($c, $cont, "text/xml", "");
283 print "Can't unlink XSLT temp file '$filename'";
286 # my $filename = $inputuri;
287 # $filename = $style_dir."/".$filename;
288 # print "XSLT: $inputuri ==> ($filename)\n";
289 # if (stat($filename)) {
290 # print "Using local copy\n";
291 # open(FD, $filename) or die "Cannot open $filename\n";
294 # # Vary bad heuristic for substituion of absolute URLs
295 # # for relative ones
296 # s/xsl:import\s+href="/xsl:import href="$myownurl\/getxslt?uri=/g ;
297 # s/xsl:include\s+href="/xsl:include href="$myownurl\/getxslt?uri=/g ;
301 # answer($c,$cont,"text/xml","");
303 # die "Could not find XSLT!";
307 # "/update" works with rdf uri
308 } elsif ($http_method eq 'GET' and $http_path eq "/update") {
309 # rebuild urls_of_uris db and rdf uris db
310 print "Update requested...\n";
312 kill(USR1,getppid()); # signal changes to parent
314 html_nice_answer($c,"Update done");
316 # "/getalluris" does not work with rdf uris
317 } elsif ($http_method eq 'GET' and $http_path eq "/getalluris") {
318 # send back all the keys in xml
319 print "BASEURI $baseuri, FORMAT $outype\n";
320 $cont = getalluris();
321 answer($c,$cont,"text/xml","");
324 } elsif ($http_method eq 'GET' and $http_path eq "/getallrdfuris") {
325 # send back all the keys in xml
326 my $class = $cgi->param('class');
327 print "BASEURI $baseuri, FORMAT $outype, CLASS $class\n";
328 $cont = getallrdfuris($class);
329 answer($c,$cont,"text/xml","");
331 } elsif ($http_method eq 'GET' and $http_path eq "/ls") {
332 # send back keys that begin with a given uri
333 my ($uritype,$uripattern,$uriprefix);
334 my $baseuri = $cgi->param('baseuri');
335 chop $baseuri if ($baseuri =~ /.*\/$/); # remove trailing "/"
336 # output type, might be 'txt' or 'xml':
337 my $outype = $cgi->param('format');
338 $uripattern = $baseuri;
339 $uripattern =~ s/^.*:(.*)/$1/;
340 if ($baseuri =~ /^cic:/) {
342 } elsif ($baseuri =~ /^theory:/) {
345 $uritype = "invalid";
347 if ($uritype ne "invalid") { # uri is valid
348 if (($outype ne 'txt') and ($outype ne 'xml')) { # invalid out type
349 print "Invalid output type specified: $outype\n";
350 html_nice_answer($c,"Invalid output type, must be ".
352 } else { # valid output
353 print "BASEURI $baseuri, FORMAT $outype\n";
354 $cont = finduris($uritype,$uripattern,$outype);
355 if ($outype eq 'txt') {
356 answer($c,$cont,"text/plain","");
357 } elsif ($outype eq 'xml') {
358 answer($c,$cont,"text/xml","");
360 die "Internal error, exiting!";
363 } else { # invalid uri
364 print "Invalid uri: $baseuri, may begin with 'cic:', ".
365 "'theory:' or '*:'\n";
366 html_nice_answer($c,"Invalid uri , must begin with ".
367 "'cic:' or 'theory:'");
370 } elsif ($http_method eq 'GET' and $http_path eq "/help") {
372 print "Help requested!\n";
373 html_nice_answer($c,"HTTP Getter Version: $VERSION");
375 } elsif ($http_method eq 'GET' and $http_path eq "/getempty") {
376 # return an empty, but valid, xml document
377 my $emptyxml = <<EOXML;
378 <?xml version="1.0"?>
380 <!ELEMENT empty EMPTY>
384 answer($c, $emptyxml, "", "");
386 } elsif ($http_method eq 'GET' and $http_path =~ /\.cgi$/) {
388 print "CGI requested!\n";
389 if ($http_path !~ /^\/[^\/]*\.cgi$/) {
390 html_nice_answer($c,"Invalid CGI name: $http_path, ".
391 "you can't request CGI that contain a slash in the name\n");
392 } elsif (stat "$cgi_dir"."$http_path") {
393 if (not -x "$cgi_dir/$http_path") {
394 html_nice_answer($c,"CGI $http_path found but not ".
396 } else { # exec CGI and anser back its output
399 $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} = $http_query;
400 my $cgi_output = `$cgi_dir/$http_path`;
401 answer($c,$cgi_output,"","");
405 html_nice_answer($c,"CGI '$http_path' not found ".
406 "in CGI dir '$cgi_dir'");
409 } else { # unsupported request
411 print "INVALID REQUEST!!!!!\n";
412 print "(PATH: ",$http_path,", ";
413 print "QUERY: ",$http_query,")\n";
414 $c->send_error(RC_FORBIDDEN)
417 print "\nRequest solved: ".$r->url."\n\n";
422 print "\nCONNECTION CLOSED\n\n";
427 #================================
429 sub isRdfUri { # return true if the uri is an rdf uri, false otherwise
431 # helm:rdf/cic:www.cs.unibo.it/helm/rdf/foo_schema//cic:\
432 # /Coq/Init/Logic/True_rec.con.types
434 # the format is "helm:rdf/<metadata_tree>:<metadata_scheme>//<xml_file_uri>"
437 if ($uri =~ /^helm:rdf(.*):(.*)\/\/(.*)/) {
444 sub resolve { # resolve an uri in a url, work both with standard cic: or theory:
446 print "RESOLVE subroutine\n";
448 print "GIVEN URI: \"$uri\"\n";
449 if (isRdfUri ($uri)) { # rdf uri, resolve using rdf db
450 print "IS A RDF URI\n";
451 print "I WILL RETURN '$rdf_map{$uri}'\n";
452 return ($rdf_map{$uri});
453 } else { # standard cic: or theory: uri, resolve using std uri db
454 print "IS NOT A RDF URI\n";
455 print "I WILL RETURN '$xml_map{$uri}'\n";
456 return ($xml_map{$uri});
460 sub getalluris { # get all the keys whose prefix is cic
463 my $debug=1; # for debug
465 $content .= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>' . "\n";
466 $content .= "<!DOCTYPE alluris SYSTEM ";
467 $content .= "\"$myownurl/getdtd?uri=alluris.dtd\">" . "\n\n";
468 $content .= "<alluris>\n";
469 foreach $uri (sort (keys(%xml_map))) { # select matching uris
470 if ($uri =~ /^cic:/ && not $uri =~ /.types$/) {
471 print "GETALLURI: $uri\n" if defined($debug);
472 $content .= "\t<uri value=\"$uri\"/>\n";
475 $content .= "</alluris>\n";
483 my $debug=1; # for debug
485 $content .= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>' . "\n";
486 $content .= "<!DOCTYPE allrdfuris SYSTEM ";
487 $content .= "\"$myownurl/getdtd?uri=alluris.dtd\">" . "\n\n";
488 $content .= "<allrdfuris>\n";
489 foreach $uri (sort (keys(%rdf_map))) {
490 if ($class eq "forward" &&
491 $uri =~ /^helm:rdf:www.cs.unibo.it\/helm\/rdf\/forward/
493 $class eq "backward" &&
494 $uri =~ /^helm:rdf:www.cs.unibo.it\/helm\/rdf\/backward/) {
495 print "GETALLRDFURI: $uri\n" if defined($debug);
496 $content .= "\t<uri value=\"$uri\"/>\n";
499 $content .= "</allrdfuris>\n";
503 sub finduris { # find uris for cic and theory trees generation
504 my ($uritype,$uripattern,$format) = @_;
506 my ($uri,$localpart,$basepart,$dirname,$suffix,$flags,$key);
507 my (@itemz,@already_pushed_dir);
508 my (%objects,%dirs); # map uris to suffixes' flags
509 my $debug=1; # for debug
511 print "FINDURIS, uritype: $uritype, uripattern: $uripattern, ".
512 "format: $format\n\n" if defined($debug);
514 if (($uritype eq "cic") or ($uritype eq "theory")) {
515 # get info only of one type: cic or theory
516 foreach (keys(%xml_map)) { # select matching uris
518 if ($uri =~ /^$uritype:$uripattern(\/|$|\.)/) {
519 if ($uri =~ /^$uritype:$uripattern\//) { # directory match
521 $localpart =~ s/^$uritype:$uripattern\/(.*)/$1/;
522 } elsif ($uri =~ /^$uritype:$uripattern($|\.)/) { # file match
524 $localpart =~ s/^.*\/([^\/]*)/$1/;
526 die "Internal error, seems that requested match is none of ".
527 "directory match or file match";
529 print "LOCALPART: $localpart\n" if defined($debug);
531 if ($localpart =~ /^[^\/]*$/) { # no slash, an OBJECT
532 $basepart = $localpart;
533 $basepart =~ s/^([^.]*\.[^.]*)(\.types)?(\.ann)?/$1/;
534 # remove exts .types or
536 $flags = $objects{$basepart}; # get old flags
537 if ($localpart =~ /\.ann$/) {
538 $flags = add_flag("ann","YES",$flags);
540 $flags = add_flag("ann","NO",$flags);
542 if ($localpart =~ /\.types$/) {
543 $flags = add_flag("types","YES",$flags);
544 } elsif ($localpart =~ /\.types\.ann$/) {
545 $flags = add_flag("types","ANN",$flags);
547 $flags = add_flag("types","NO",$flags);
549 $objects{$basepart} = $flags; # save new flags
550 } else { # exists at least one slash, a DIR
551 ($dirname) = split (/\//, $localpart);
552 $dirs{$dirname} = ""; # no flags requirement for dir
557 die "getter internal error: unsupported uritype: \"$uritype\"";
559 # now generate OUTPUT:
560 # output will be saved in $content
561 if ($format eq "txt") { # TXT output
562 foreach $key (sort(keys %dirs)) {
563 $content .= "dir, " . $key . "\n";
565 foreach $key (sort(keys %objects)) {
566 $content .= "object, $key, " . $objects{$key} . "\n";
568 } elsif ($format eq "xml") { # XML output
569 $content .= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>' . "\n";
570 $content .= "<!DOCTYPE ls SYSTEM ";
571 $content .= "\"$myownurl/getdtd?uri=ls.dtd\">" . "\n\n";
572 $content .= "<ls>\n";
573 foreach $key (sort(keys %dirs)) {
574 $content .= "\t<section>$key</section>\n";
576 foreach $key (sort(keys %objects)) {
577 $content .= "\t<object name=\"$key\">\n";
578 $flags = $objects{$key};
579 $flags =~ s/^<(.*)>$/$1/;
580 my ($annflag,$typesflag) = split /,/,$flags;
581 $content .= "\t\t<ann value=\"$annflag\" />\n";
582 $content .= "\t\t<types value=\"$typesflag\" />\n";
583 $content .= "\t</object>\n";
585 $content .= "</ls>\n";
586 } else { # may not enter this branch
587 die "Getter internal error: invalid format received by finduris sub";
593 # manage string like: "<ann_flag,type_flag>"
594 # "ann_flag" may be one of "ann_YES", "ann_NO"
595 # "type_flag" may be one of "types_NO", "types_YES", "types_ANN"
596 # when adding a flag the max between the current flag and the new flag
597 # is taken, the orders are ann_NO < ann_YES and types_NO < types_YES <
599 my ($flagtype,$newflag,$str) = @_;
600 $str = "<,>" if ($str eq "");
601 ($str =~ s/^<(.*,.*)>$/$1/) or die "Internal error: ".
602 "wrong string format for flag adding in $str";
603 my ($annflag,$typeflag) = split /,/,$str;
604 if ($flagtype eq "ann") { # ANN flag handling
605 if ($newflag eq "YES") {
607 } elsif ($newflag eq "NO") {
608 $annflag = "NO" unless ($annflag eq "YES");
610 die "Internal error: annflag must be \"YES\" or \"NO\"";
612 } elsif ($flagtype eq "types") { # TYPES flag handling
613 if ($newflag eq "ANN") {
615 } elsif ($newflag eq "YES") {
616 $typeflag = "YES" unless ($typeflag eq "ANN");
617 } elsif ($newflag eq "NO") {
619 unless (($typeflag eq "ANN") or ($typeflag eq "YES"));
621 die "Internal error: typeflag must be \"YES\", \"NO\" or \"ANN\"";
624 die "Internal error: unsupported flagtype \"$flagtype\"";
626 $str = "<$annflag,$typeflag>";
629 #CSC: Too much powerful: creates even /home, /home/users/, ...
630 #CSC: Does not raise errors if could not create dirs/files
634 my @dirs = split /\//,$pathname;
636 foreach $dir (@dirs) {
637 $tmp = ((defined($tmp)) ? $tmp."\/".$dir : "");
645 my ($uri,$url,$filename) = @_;
646 print "<download_request>\n";
649 print "filename: $filename\n\n";
650 print "</download_request>\n";
653 sub gunzip { # gunzip a file and return the deflated content
656 my ($gz, $buffer, $cont);
658 print "deflating $filename ...\n";
659 $gz = gzopen($filename, "r")
660 or die "Cannot open gzip'ed file $filename: $gzerrno";
662 while ( $gz->gzread($buffer) > 0 ) {
665 die "Error while reading : $gzerrno\n" if $gzerrno != Z_STREAM_END ;
671 sub gzip { # gzip the content argument and save it to filename argument
672 my ($cont, $filename) = @_;
673 #my $debug=1; # debug only
675 print "gzopening $filename ...\n" if (defined($debug));
676 my $gz = gzopen($filename, "w")
677 or die "Cannot gzopen for writing file $filename: $gzerrno";
678 print "gzwriting ...\n" if (defined($debug));
679 $gz->gzwrite($cont) or die "error writing: $gzerrno, exiting!\n";
680 print "gzclosing ...\n" if (defined($debug));
685 my ($patch_dtd,$url,$filename,$format) = @_;
688 # print "DOWNLOAD subs receives url: \"$url\"\n";
689 # print "DOWNLOAD subs receives filename: \"$filename\"\n";
691 my $resourcetype; # retrieve mode: "normal" (.xml) or "gzipped" (.xml.gz)
692 if ($filename =~ /\.xml$/) { # set retrieve mode
693 $resourcetype = "normal";
694 } elsif ($filename =~ /\.xml\.gz$/) {
695 $resourcetype = "gzipped";
697 die "Unsupported download extension, might be '.gz' or '.xml'\n";
699 my $basefname = $filename;
700 $basefname =~ s/\.gz$//; # get base resource name removing trailing .gz
701 $cont = ""; # modified by side-effect by the callback function
704 if (stat($basefname)) {
705 $localfname=$basefname;
706 } elsif (stat($basefname.".gz")) {
707 $localfname=$basefname.".gz";
709 if ($localfname ne "") { # we already have local copy of requested file
710 # check both possible cache entry: gzipped or normal
711 print "Using local copy.\n";
712 if ($localfname =~ /\.xml\.gz$/) { # deflating cached file and return it
713 $cont = gunzip($localfname);
714 } elsif ($localfname =~ /\.xml$/) { # just return cached file
715 open(FD, $localfname) or die "Cannot open $localfname";
716 while(<FD>) { $cont .= $_; }
719 die "Internal error: unexpected file name $localfname,"
720 ."must end with '.gz' or '.xml.gz'\n";
722 } else { # download file from net
723 print "Downloading file ...\n"; # download file
724 my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
725 my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "$url");
726 my $response = $ua->request($request, \&callback);
728 # cache retrieved file to disk
729 # <ZACK/> TODO: inefficent, I haven't yet undestood how to deflate
730 # in memory gzipped file, without call "gzopen"
731 print "Storing file ...\n";
732 # print "Making dirs ...\n";
734 # print "Opening tmp file for writing ...\n";
735 open(FD, ">".$filename.".tmp") or die "Cannot open $filename.tmp\n";
736 # print "Writing on tmp file ...\n";
738 # print "Closing tmp file ...\n";
741 # handle cache conversion normal->gzipped or gzipped->normal as user choice
742 print "cachemode:$cachemode, resourcetype:$resourcetype\n"
743 if (defined($debug));
744 if (($cachemode eq 'normal') and ($resourcetype eq 'normal')) {
745 # cache the file as is
746 rename "$filename.tmp", $filename;
747 } elsif (($cachemode eq 'gzipped') and ($resourcetype eq 'gzipped')) {
748 # cache the file as is
749 # and update the $cont variabile with deflated content
750 rename "$filename.tmp", $filename;
751 $cont = gunzip($filename);
752 } elsif (($cachemode eq 'normal') and ($resourcetype eq 'gzipped')) {
753 # deflate cache entry
755 open(FD, "> $basefname") or die "cannot open $basefname\n";
756 $cont = gunzip($filename.".tmp");
759 unlink "$filename.tmp"; # delete old gzipped file
760 } elsif (($cachemode eq 'gzipped') and ($resourcetype eq 'normal')) {
761 # compress cache entry
762 print "gzipping ...\n" if (defined($debug));
763 gzip($cont, $basefname.".gz");
764 unlink "$filename.tmp"; # delete old uncompressed file
766 die "Internal error, unsopported cachemode, resourcetype couple\n";
768 # $cont now contained uncompressed data
770 if ($patch_dtd eq "yes") {
771 $cont =~ s/DOCTYPE (.*) SYSTEM\s+"http:\/\/www.cs.unibo.it\/helm\/dtd\//DOCTYPE $1 SYSTEM "$myownurl\/getdtd?uri=/g;
773 if ($format eq "gz") {
774 gzip($cont,"$basefname.tmp");
775 open (TMP, "< $basefname.tmp")
776 or die "Can't open tempfile: $filename.tmp, exiting!\n";
782 unlink ($basefname . ".tmp") or
783 die "cannot unlink temporary file: $basefname.tmp\n";
790 # answer the client setting content, Content-Type and Content-Enconding
792 my ($c,$cont,$contype,$contenc) = @_;
793 my $res = new HTTP::Response;
794 $res->content($cont);
795 $res->push_header("Content-Type" => $contype)
796 unless ($contype eq "");
797 $res->push_header("Content-Encoding" => $contenc)
798 unless ($contenc eq "");
799 $res->push_header("Cache-Control" => "no-cache");
800 $res->push_header("Pragma" => "no-cache");
801 $res->push_header("Expires" => "0");
802 $c->send_response($res);
805 sub html_nice_answer {
806 # answer the client whith a nice html document
807 my ($c,$content) = @_;
808 $content = "<html><body><h1>$content</h1></body></html>";
809 answer($c,$content,"text/html","");
818 # retrieve a file from an url and write it to a temp dir
819 # used for retrieve resource index from servers
821 my ($prefix, $URL) = @_;
822 my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
823 my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "$URL");
824 my $response = $ua->request($request, \&callback);
825 my ($filename) = reverse (split "/", $URL); # get filename part of the URL
826 open (TEMP, "> $prefix/$filename")
827 || die "Cannot open temporary file: $prefix/$filename\n";
835 tie(%xml_map, 'DB_File', $uris_dbm, O_RDWR, 0664);
837 tie(%rdf_map, 'DB_File', $rdf_dbm, O_RDWR, 0664);
839 tie(%xslt_map, 'DB_File', $xslt_dbm, O_RDWR, 0664);
843 # rebuild dbs fetching resource indexes from servers.
844 # Rebuild urls_of_uris db (1), rdf db (2) and xslt db (3)
846 $server, $idxfile, $rdf_idxfile, $uri, $url, $comp, $line,
848 %urls_of_uris, %rdf, %xslt # local proxy of dbs
854 foreach my $file ($uris_dbm, $rdf_dbm, $xslt_dbm) { # remove old db file
855 if (stat $file) { # remove if exists
856 unlink ($file) or die "can't unlink old db file: $file\n";
859 tie(%urls_of_uris, 'DB_File', $uris_dbm, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0664);
860 tie(%rdf, 'DB_File', $rdf_dbm, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0664);
861 tie(%xslt, 'DB_File', $xslt_dbm, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0664);
863 open (SRVS, "< $servers_file") or
864 die "cannot open servers file: $servers_file\n";
865 @servers = <SRVS>; # read all servers
868 while ($server = pop @servers) { # cicle on servers in _reverse_ order
869 print "processing server: $server ...\n";
871 helm_wget($tmp_dir, $server."/".$indexname); # get index
872 helm_wget($tmp_dir, $server."/".$rdf_indexname); # get rdf index
873 helm_wget($tmp_dir, $server."/".$xslt_indexname); # get xslt index
874 $idxfile = $tmp_dir."/".$indexname;
875 $rdf_idxfile = $tmp_dir."/".$rdf_indexname;
876 $xslt_idxfile = $tmp_dir . "/" . $xslt_indexname;
879 open (INDEX, "< $idxfile") or
880 die "cannot open temporary index file: $idxfile\n";
881 while (my $line = <INDEX>) { # parse index and add entry to urls_of_uris db
883 ($uri,$comp) = split /[ \t]+/, $line;
886 $url = $uri . ".xml" . ".gz";
888 $url = $uri . ".xml";
890 $url =~ s/cic:/$server/;
891 $url =~ s/theory:/$server/;
892 $urls_of_uris{$uri} = $url;
896 open (RDF_INDEX, "< $rdf_idxfile") or
897 die "cannot open temporary RDF index file: $rdf_idxfile\n";
898 while (my $line = <RDF_INDEX>) { # parse index and add entry to rdf db
900 ($uri,$comp) = split /[ \t]+/, $line; # comp is "gz" or nothing
903 $url = $uri . ".xml" . ".gz";
905 $url = $uri . ".xml";
907 $url =~ s/^helm:rdf(.*)\/\/cic:/$server/;
908 $url =~ s/^helm:rdf(.*)\/\/theory:/$server/;
913 open (XSLT_INDEX, "< $xslt_idxfile") or
914 die "cannot open temporary XSLT index file: $xslt_idxfile\n";
915 while (my $line = <XSLT_INDEX>) { # parse index and add entry to xslt db
917 my $stylesheet = $line;
918 my $url = $server . "/" . $stylesheet;
919 $xslt{$stylesheet} = $url;
922 close INDEX; # close indexes
927 foreach my $file ($idxfile, $rdf_idxfile, $xslt_idxfile) {
928 print "cannot unlink temporary file: $file\n" if (unlink $file) != 1;
933 untie(%urls_of_uris); # untie local proxies
936 tie(%xml_map, 'DB_File', $uris_dbm, O_RDWR, 0664); # retie global ones
937 tie(%rdf_map, 'DB_File', $rdf_dbm, O_RDWR, 0664);
938 tie(%xslt_map, 'DB_File', $xslt_dbm, O_RDWR, 0664);
942 # vim modline: do not remove!