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8     <meta name="author" content="Ferruccio Guidi" />
9     <meta name="description" content="applications of lambdadelta version 2" />
10     <title>applications of lambdadelta version 2</title>
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22     <div class="head1">cic:/matita/lambdadelta/apps_2/ (applications of λδ version 2)</div>
23     <div class="spacer">
24       <img class="rule" alt="[Spacer]" title="lambdadelta rainbow rule" src="http://lambdadelta.info/images/rainbow.png" />
25     </div>
26    <div xmlns:ld="http://lambdadelta.info/" class="head2">Contents of the Specification</div>
27    <div xmlns:ld="http://lambdadelta.info/" class="text">This specification comprises a collection of checked
28          applications of λδ version 2.
29          In particular it contains the components below.
30    </div>
31    <ul xmlns:ld="http://lambdadelta.info/">
32       <li>
33         <span class="date">MLTT1.</span>
34          Martin-Löf's Type Theory with one universe
35          using λδ as theory of expressions.
36    </li>
37     </ul>
38    <ul xmlns:ld="http://lambdadelta.info/">
39       <li>
40         <span class="date">Functional.</span>
41          The validation algorithm for λδ as implemented in
42          <a href="http://lambdadelta.info/implementation.html#helena">Helena 0.8</a>.
43    </li>
44     </ul>
46    <div xmlns:ld="http://lambdadelta.info/" class="head2">Summary of the Specification</div>
47    <div xmlns:ld="http://lambdadelta.info/" class="text">Here is a numerical acount of the specification's contents
48          and its timeline.
49          Nodes are counted according to the "intrinsinc complexity measure"
50          [F. Guidi: "Procedural Representation of CIC Proof Terms"
51          Journal of Automated Reasoning 44(1-2), Springer (February 2010),
52          pp. 53-78].
53    </div>
54    <div xmlns:ld="http://lambdadelta.info/" class="text">
55       <table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
56         <tbody>
57           <tr>
58             <td class="snns component grey">category</td>
59             <td class="snns plane grey">objects</td>
60             <td class="snnn number grey">
61               <br />
62             </td>
63             <td class="snnn plane grey">
64               <br />
65             </td>
66             <td class="snnn number grey">
67               <br />
68             </td>
69             <td class="snnn plane grey">
70               <br />
71             </td>
72             <td class="ssnn number grey">
73               <br />
74             </td>
75           </tr>
76           <tr>
77             <td class="snns component cyan">sizes</td>
78             <td class="snns plane cyan">files</td>
79             <td class="snnn number cyan">4  </td>
80             <td class="snns plane cyan">characters</td>
81             <td class="snnn number cyan">3926</td>
82             <td class="snns plane cyan">nodes</td>
83             <td class="ssnn number cyan">3637</td>
84           </tr>
85           <tr>
86             <td class="snns component green">propositions</td>
87             <td class="snns plane green">theorems</td>
88             <td class="snnn number green">2</td>
89             <td class="snns plane green">lemmas</td>
90             <td class="snnn number green">1</td>
91             <td class="snns plane green">total</td>
92             <td class="ssnn number green">3</td>
93           </tr>
94           <tr>
95             <td class="snss component yellow">concepts</td>
96             <td class="snss plane yellow">declared</td>
97             <td class="snsn number yellow">3</td>
98             <td class="snss plane yellow">defined</td>
99             <td class="snsn number yellow">9</td>
100             <td class="snss plane yellow">total</td>
101             <td class="sssn number yellow">12</td>
102           </tr>
103         </tbody>
104       </table>
105     </div>
106    <ul xmlns:ld="http://lambdadelta.info/">
107       <li>
108         <span class="date">2012 February 24.</span>
109          The Applications directory is started.
110    </li>
111     </ul>
112    <ul xmlns:ld="http://lambdadelta.info/">
113       <li>
114         <span class="date">2011 December 20.</span>
115          The Functional component is started
116          inside the specification of λδ version 2.
117    </li>
118     </ul>
119    <ul xmlns:ld="http://lambdadelta.info/">
120       <li>
121         <span class="date">2011 December 12.</span>
122          The MLTT1 component is started.
123    </li>
124     </ul>
126    <div xmlns:ld="http://lambdadelta.info/" class="head2">Logical Structure of the Specification</div>
127    <div xmlns:ld="http://lambdadelta.info/" class="text">The source files are grouped in planes and components
128          according to the following table.
129          Each component contains its own notation file.
130          The notation for the relations or functions introduced in each file
131          is shown in parentheses (? are placeholders).
132    </div>
133    <div xmlns:ld="http://lambdadelta.info/" class="text">
134       <table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
135         <tbody>
136           <tr>
137             <td class="snns component grey">component</td>
138             <td class="snns plane grey">plane</td>
139             <td class="snns file grey">files</td>
140             <td class="ssnn file grey">
141               <br />
142             </td>
143           </tr>
144           <tr>
145             <td class="snns component red">functional</td>
146             <td class="snns plane red">reduction and type machine</td>
147             <td class="snns file red">rtm</td>
148             <td class="ssnn file red">rtm_step ( ? ⇨ ? )</td>
149           </tr>
150           <tr>
151             <td class="nnss component red">
152               <br />
153             </td>
154             <td class="snss plane red">relocation</td>
155             <td class="snss file red">lift ( ↑[?,?] ? )</td>
156             <td class="sssn file red">
157               <br />
158             </td>
159           </tr>
160         </tbody>
161       </table>
162     </div>
164    <div xmlns:ld="http://lambdadelta.info/" class="head2">Physical Structure of the Specification</div>
165    <div xmlns:ld="http://lambdadelta.info/" class="text">The source files are grouped in directories,
166          one for each component.
167    </div>
168    <div class="spacer">
169       <img class="rule" alt="[Spacer]" title="lambdadelta rainbow rule" src="http://lambdadelta.info/images/rainbow.png" />
170     </div>
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172       <br />
173     </div>
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190     </div>
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192       <br />
193     </div>
194     <div xmlns:ld="http://lambdadelta.info/" class="spacer">Last update: Sun, 15 Dec 2013 16:51:13 +0100</div>
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