2 ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
3 ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
4 ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
6 ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
8 \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
9 \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY.
10 V_______________________________________________________________ *)
14 exception LibraryOutOfSync of string Lazy.t
15 exception IncludedFileNotCompiled of string * string
19 class virtual status :
22 method timestamp: timestamp
23 method set_timestamp: timestamp -> 'self
26 (* it also checks it and add it to the environment *)
27 val add_obj: #status as 'status -> NCic.obj -> 'status
29 #status as 'status -> NCic.universe -> NCic.universe -> 'status
30 val aliases_of: NUri.uri -> NReference.reference list
31 val resolve: string -> NReference.reference list
32 (* warning: get_obj may raise (NCicEnvironment.ObjectNotFoud l) *)
33 val get_obj: #NCic.status -> NUri.uri -> NCic.obj (* changes the current timestamp *)
35 val time_travel: #status -> unit
37 val init: unit -> unit
42 class type g_dumpable_status =
47 class dumpable_status :
49 inherit g_dumpable_status
50 method set_dump: dump -> 'self
51 method set_dumpable_status: #g_dumpable_status -> 'self
54 val get_transitively_included: #dumpable_status -> NUri.uri list
55 val dump_obj: #dumpable_status as 'status -> obj -> 'status
57 module type SerializerType =
61 type 'a register_type =
63 refresh_uri_in_universe:(NCic.universe -> NCic.universe) ->
64 refresh_uri_in_term:(NCic.status -> NCic.term -> NCic.term) ->
65 refresh_uri_in_reference:(NReference.reference -> NReference.reference) ->
67 dumpable_status -> dumpable_status
69 val register: < run: 'a. string -> 'a register_type -> ('a -> obj) >
70 val serialize: baseuri:NUri.uri -> dumpable_status -> unit
72 NUri.uri -> fname:string -> alias_only:bool ->
73 dumpable_status -> dumpable_status
74 val dependencies_of: baseuri:NUri.uri -> string list
77 module Serializer(D: sig type dumpable_s val get: dumpable_s -> dumpable_status val set: dumpable_s -> dumpable_status -> dumpable_s end) :
78 SerializerType with type dumpable_status = D.dumpable_s
80 val refresh_uri: NUri.uri -> NUri.uri
82 val ng_path_of_baseuri: ?no_suffix:bool -> NUri.uri -> string