1 (**************************************************************************)
4 (* ||A|| A project by Andrea Asperti *)
6 (* ||I|| Developers: *)
7 (* ||T|| The HELM team. *)
8 (* ||A|| http://helm.cs.unibo.it *)
10 (* \ / This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
11 (* v GNU General Public License Version 2 *)
13 (**************************************************************************)
15 (* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
17 set "baseuri" "cic:/matita/CoRN-Decl/CoRN".
19 (* From algebra/Basics ****************************************************)
22 Notation Pair := (pair (B:=_)).
26 Notation Proj1 := (proj1 (B:=_)).
30 Notation Proj2 := (proj2 (B:=_)).
33 coercion cic:/Coq/ZArith/BinInt/Z_of_nat.con 0 (* compounds *).
35 (* From algebra/CAbGroups *************************************************)
37 coercion cic:/CoRN/algebra/CAbGroups/cag_crr.con 0 (* compounds *).
39 (* From algebra/CAbMonoids ************************************************)
41 coercion cic:/CoRN/algebra/CAbMonoids/cam_crr.con 0 (* compounds *).
43 (* From algebra/CFields ***************************************************)
45 coercion cic:/CoRN/algebra/CFields/cf_crr.con 0 (* compounds *).
48 Notation "x [/] y [//] Hy" := (cf_div x y Hy) (at level 80).
52 Notation "{1/} x" := (Frecip x) (at level 2, right associativity).
56 Infix "{/}" := Fdiv (at level 41, no associativity).
59 (* From algebra/CGroups ***************************************************)
61 coercion cic:/CoRN/algebra/CGroups/cg_crr.con 0 (* compounds *).
64 Notation "[--] x" := (cg_inv x) (at level 2, right associativity).
68 Infix "[-]" := cg_minus (at level 50, left associativity).
72 Notation "{--} x" := (Finv x) (at level 2, right associativity).
76 Infix "{-}" := Fminus (at level 50, left associativity).
79 (* From algebra/CLogic ****************************************************)
82 Infix "IFF" := Iff (at level 60, right associativity).
86 Infix "or" := COr (at level 85, right associativity).
90 Infix "and" := CAnd (at level 80, right associativity).
94 Notation "{ x : A | P }" := (sigT (fun x : A => P):CProp)
95 (at level 0, x at level 99) : type_scope.
99 Notation "{ x : A | P | Q }" :=
100 (sig2T A (fun x : A => P) (fun x : A => Q)) (at level 0, x at level 99) :
105 Notation ProjT1 := (proj1_sigT _ _).
109 Notation ProjT2 := (proj2_sigT _ _).
112 (* From algebra/CMonoids **************************************************)
114 coercion cic:/CoRN/algebra/CMonoids/cm_crr.con 0 (* compounds *).
117 Notation Zero := (cm_unit _).
120 (* From algebra/COrdAbs ***************************************************)
123 Notation ZeroR := (Zero:R).
127 Notation AbsBig := (absBig _).
130 (* From algebra/COrdCauchy ************************************************)
132 coercion cic:/CoRN/algebra/COrdCauchy/CS_seq.con 0 (* compounds *).
134 (* From algebra/COrdFields ************************************************)
136 coercion cic:/CoRN/algebra/COrdFields/cof_crr.con 0 (* compounds *).
139 Infix "[<]" := cof_less (at level 70, no associativity).
143 Infix "[>]" := greater (at level 70, no associativity).
147 Infix "[<=]" := leEq (at level 70, no associativity).
151 Notation " x [/]OneNZ" := (x[/] One[//]ring_non_triv _) (at level 20).
155 Notation " x [/]TwoNZ" := (x[/] Two[//]two_ap_zero _) (at level 20).
159 Notation " x [/]ThreeNZ" := (x[/] Three[//]three_ap_zero _) (at level 20).
163 Notation " x [/]FourNZ" := (x[/] Four[//]four_ap_zero _) (at level 20).
167 Notation " x [/]SixNZ" := (x[/] Six[//]six_ap_zero _) (at level 20).
171 Notation " x [/]EightNZ" := (x[/] Eight[//]eight_ap_zero _) (at level 20).
175 Notation " x [/]NineNZ" := (x[/] Nine[//]nine_ap_zero _) (at level 20).
179 Notation " x [/]TwelveNZ" := (x[/] Twelve[//]twelve_ap_zero _) (at level 20).
183 Notation " x [/]SixteenNZ" := (x[/] Sixteen[//]sixteen_ap_zero _) (at level 20).
187 Notation " x [/]EighteenNZ" := (x[/] Eighteen[//]eighteen_ap_zero _) (at level 20).
191 Notation " x [/]TwentyFourNZ" := (x[/] TwentyFour[//]twentyfour_ap_zero _) (at level 20).
195 Notation " x [/]FortyEightNZ" := (x[/] FortyEight[//]fortyeight_ap_zero _) (at level 20).
198 (* From algebra/COrdFields2 ***********************************************)
201 Notation ZeroR := (Zero:R).
205 Notation OneR := (One:R).
208 (* From algebra/CPoly_ApZero **********************************************)
211 Notation RX := (cpoly_cring R).
215 Notation RX := (cpoly_cring R).
219 Notation RX := (cpoly_cring R).
222 (* From algebra/CPoly_Degree **********************************************)
225 Notation RX := (cpoly_cring R).
229 Notation RX := (cpoly_cring R).
233 Notation FX := (cpoly_cring F).
236 (* From algebra/CPoly_NthCoeff ********************************************)
239 Notation RX := (cpoly_cring R).
243 Notation RX := (cpoly_cring R).
246 (* From algebra/CPolynomials **********************************************)
249 Infix "[+X*]" := cpoly_linear_fun' (at level 50, left associativity).
253 Notation RX := (cpoly_cring CR).
257 Infix "!" := cpoly_apply_fun (at level 1, no associativity).
261 Notation RX := (cpoly_cring R).
265 Notation Cpoly := (cpoly CR).
269 Notation Cpoly_zero := (cpoly_zero CR).
273 Notation Cpoly_linear := (cpoly_linear CR).
277 Notation Cpoly_cring := (cpoly_cring CR).
280 (* From algebra/CRings ****************************************************)
282 coercion cic:/CoRN/algebra/CRings/cr_crr.con 0 (* compounds *).
285 Notation One := (cr_one _).
289 Infix "[*]" := cr_mult (at level 40, left associativity).
293 Notation "x [^] n" := (nexp_op _ n x) (at level 20).
297 Notation Two := (nring 2).
301 Notation Three := (nring 3).
305 Notation Four := (nring 4).
309 Notation Six := (nring 6).
313 Notation Eight := (nring 8).
317 Notation Twelve := (nring 12).
321 Notation Sixteen := (nring 16).
325 Notation Nine := (nring 9).
329 Notation Eighteen := (nring 18).
333 Notation TwentyFour := (nring 24).
337 Notation FortyEight := (nring 48).
341 Infix "{*}" := Fmult (at level 40, left associativity).
345 Infix "{**}" := Fscalmult (at level 40, left associativity).
349 Infix "{^}" := Fnth (at level 30, right associativity).
352 (* From algebra/CSemiGroups ***********************************************)
354 coercion cic:/CoRN/algebra/CSemiGroups/csg_crr.con 0 (* compounds *).
357 Infix "[+]" := csg_op (at level 50, left associativity).
361 Infix "{+}" := Fplus (at level 50, left associativity).
364 (* From algebra/CSetoidFun ************************************************)
367 Notation Conj := (conjP _).
370 coercion cic:/CoRN/algebra/CSetoidFun/bpfpfun.con 0 (* compounds *).
373 Notation BDom := (bpfdom _ _).
376 coercion cic:/CoRN/algebra/CSetoidFun/pfpfun.con 0 (* compounds *).
379 Notation Dom := (pfdom _).
383 Notation Part := (pfpfun _).
387 Notation "[-C-] x" := (Fconst x) (at level 2, right associativity).
391 Notation FId := (Fid _).
395 Infix "[o]" := Fcomp (at level 65, no associativity).
399 Notation Prj1 := (prj1 _ _ _ _).
403 Notation Prj2 := (prj2 _ _ _ _).
406 (* From algebra/CSetoids **************************************************)
408 coercion cic:/CoRN/algebra/CSetoids/cs_crr.con 0 (* compounds *).
411 Infix "[=]" := cs_eq (at level 70, no associativity).
415 Infix "[#]" := cs_ap (at level 70, no associativity).
419 Infix "[~=]" := cs_neq (at level 70, no associativity).
422 coercion cic:/CoRN/algebra/CSetoids/csp_pred.con 0 (* compounds *).
424 coercion cic:/CoRN/algebra/CSetoids/csp'_pred.con 0 (* compounds *).
426 coercion cic:/CoRN/algebra/CSetoids/csr_rel.con 0 (* compounds *).
428 coercion cic:/CoRN/algebra/CSetoids/Ccsr_rel.con 0 (* compounds *).
430 coercion cic:/CoRN/algebra/CSetoids/csf_fun.con 0 (* compounds *).
432 coercion cic:/CoRN/algebra/CSetoids/csbf_fun.con 0 (* compounds *).
434 coercion cic:/CoRN/algebra/CSetoids/un_op_fun.con 0 (* compounds *).
436 coercion cic:/CoRN/algebra/CSetoids/bin_op_bin_fun.con 0 (* compounds *).
438 coercion cic:/CoRN/algebra/CSetoids/outer_op_bin_fun.con 0 (* compounds *).
440 coercion cic:/CoRN/algebra/CSetoids/scs_elem.con 0 (* compounds *).
442 (* From algebra/CVectorSpace **********************************************)
444 coercion cic:/CoRN/algebra/CVectorSpace/vs_vs.con 0 (* compounds *).
447 Infix "[']" := vs_op (at level 30, no associativity).
450 (* From algebra/Expon *****************************************************)
453 Notation "( x [//] Hx ) [^^] n" := (zexp x Hx n) (at level 0).
456 (* From complex/CComplex **************************************************)
459 Notation CCX := (cpoly_cring CC).
463 Infix "[+I*]" := cc_set_CC (at level 48, no associativity).
466 (* From fta/CC_Props ******************************************************)
468 coercion cic:/CoRN/fta/CC_Props/CC_seq.con 0 (* compounds *).
470 (* From fta/FTAreg ********************************************************)
472 coercion cic:/CoRN/fta/FTAreg/z_el.con 0 (* compounds *).
474 coercion cic:/CoRN/fta/FTAreg/Kntup.con 0 (* compounds *).
476 (* From ftc/FTC ***********************************************************)
479 Notation "[-S-] F" := (Fprim F) (at level 20).
482 (* From ftc/Integral ******************************************************)
485 Notation Integral := (integral _ _ Hab).
488 (* From ftc/MoreIntervals *************************************************)
490 coercion cic:/CoRN/ftc/MoreIntervals/iprop.con 0 (* compounds *).
492 (* From ftc/Partitions ****************************************************)
494 coercion cic:/CoRN/ftc/Partitions/Pts.con 0 (* compounds *).
496 (* From ftc/RefLemma ******************************************************)
507 Notation just1 := (incF _ (Pts_part_lemma _ _ _ _ _ _ HfP _ _)).
511 Notation just2 := (incF _ (Pts_part_lemma _ _ _ _ _ _ HfQ _ _)).
515 Notation just := (fun z => incF _ (Pts_part_lemma _ _ _ _ _ _ z _ _)).
518 (* From ftc/RefSeparated **************************************************)
521 Notation just1 := (incF _ (Pts_part_lemma _ _ _ _ _ _ gP _ _)).
526 (incF _ (Pts_part_lemma _ _ _ _ _ _ sep__sep_points_lemma _ _)).
529 (* From ftc/RefSeparating *************************************************)
540 Notation just1 := (incF _ (Pts_part_lemma _ _ _ _ _ _ gP _ _)).
545 (incF _ (Pts_part_lemma _ _ _ _ _ _ sep__part_pts_in_Partition _ _)).
548 (* From ftc/Rolle *********************************************************)
551 Notation cp := (compact_part a b Hab' d Hd).
554 (* From ftc/TaylorLemma ***************************************************)
557 Notation A := (Build_subcsetoid_crr IR _ _ TL_compact_a).
561 Notation B := (Build_subcsetoid_crr IR _ _ TL_compact_b).
564 (* From ftc/WeakIVT *******************************************************)
567 Infix "**" := prodT (at level 20).
570 (* From metrics/CMetricSpaces *********************************************)
572 coercion cic:/CoRN/metrics/CMetricSpaces/scms_crr.con 0 (* compounds *).
574 (* From metrics/CPseudoMSpaces ********************************************)
576 coercion cic:/CoRN/metrics/CPseudoMSpaces/cms_crr.con 0 (* compounds *).
579 Infix "[-d]" := cms_d (at level 68, left associativity).
582 (* From model/structures/Nsec *********************************************)
585 Infix "{#N}" := ap_nat (no associativity, at level 90).
588 (* From model/structures/Qsec *********************************************)
591 Infix "{=Q}" := Qeq (no associativity, at level 90).
595 Infix "{#Q}" := Qap (no associativity, at level 90).
599 Infix "{<Q}" := Qlt (no associativity, at level 90).
603 Infix "{+Q}" := Qplus (no associativity, at level 85).
607 Infix "{*Q}" := Qmult (no associativity, at level 80).
611 Notation "{-Q}" := Qopp (at level 1, left associativity).
614 coercion cic:/CoRN/model/structures/Qsec/inject_Z.con 0 (* compounds *).
616 (* From model/structures/Zsec *********************************************)
619 Infix "{#Z}" := ap_Z (no associativity, at level 90).
622 coercion cic:/CoRN/model/structures/Zsec/Zpos.con 0 (* compounds *).
624 (* From reals/Bridges_LUB *************************************************)
627 Notation "( p , q )" := (pairT p q).
630 (* From reals/CMetricFields ***********************************************)
632 coercion cic:/CoRN/reals/CMetricFields/cmf_crr.con 0 (* compounds *).
635 Notation MAbs := (cmf_abs _).
638 coercion cic:/CoRN/reals/CMetricFields/MCS_seq.con 0 (* compounds *).
640 (* From reals/CReals ******************************************************)
642 coercion cic:/CoRN/reals/CReals/crl_crr.con 0 (* compounds *).
644 (* From reals/CauchySeq ***************************************************)
647 Notation PartIR := (PartFunct IR).
651 Notation ProjIR1 := (prj1 IR _ _ _).
655 Notation ProjIR2 := (prj2 IR _ _ _).
659 Notation ZeroR := (Zero:IR).
663 Notation OneR := (One:IR).
666 (* From reals/Cauchy_CReals ***********************************************)
669 Notation "'R_COrdField''" := (R_COrdField F).
672 (* From reals/Intervals ***************************************************)
675 Notation Compact := (compact _ _).
679 Notation FRestr := (Frestr (compact_wd _ _ _)).
682 (* From reals/Q_dense *****************************************************)
684 coercion cic:/CoRN/reals/Q_dense/pair_crr.con 0 (* compounds *).
687 Notation "( A , B )" := (pairT A B).
690 (* From reals/Q_in_CReals *************************************************)
692 coercion cic:/CoRN/reals/Q_in_CReals/nat_of_P.con 0 (* compounds *).
694 (* From reals/R_morphism **************************************************)
696 coercion cic:/CoRN/reals/R_morphism/map.con 0 (* compounds *).
698 (* From tactics/FieldReflection *******************************************)
701 Notation II := (interpF F val unop binop pfun).
704 (* From tactics/GroupReflection *******************************************)
707 Notation II := (interpG G val unop binop pfun).
710 (* From tactics/RingReflection ********************************************)
713 Notation II := (interpR R val unop binop pfun).
716 (* From transc/RealPowers *************************************************)
719 Notation "x [!] y [//] Hy" := (power x y Hy) (at level 20).
723 Notation "F {!} G" := (FPower F G) (at level 20).
726 (* From devel/loeb/per/lst2fun ********************************************)
728 coercion cic:/CoRN/devel/loeb/per/lst2fun/F_crr.con 0 (* compounds *).
730 coercion cic:/CoRN/devel/loeb/per/lst2fun/to_nat.con 0 (* compounds *).