]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/blob - matita/matita/contribs/lambda_delta/basic_2/basic_1.txt
- intermediate commit to allow debugging of auto tactic in xprs.ma
[helm.git] / matita / matita / contribs / lambda_delta / basic_2 / basic_1.txt
1 # waiting ####################################################################
3 aplus/props aplus_reg_r
4 aplus/props aplus_assoc
5 aplus/props aplus_asucc
6 aplus/props aplus_sort_O_S_simpl
7 aplus/props aplus_sort_S_S_simpl
8 aplus/props aplus_asort_O_simpl
9 aplus/props aplus_asort_le_simpl
10 aplus/props aplus_asort_simpl
11 aplus/props aplus_ahead_simpl
12 aplus/props aplus_asucc_false
13 aplus/props aplus_inj
14 aprem/fwd aprem_gen_sort
15 aprem/fwd aprem_gen_head_O
16 aprem/fwd aprem_gen_head_S
17 aprem/props aprem_repl
18 aprem/props aprem_asucc
19 arity/aprem arity_aprem
20 arity/cimp arity_cimp_conf
21 arity/fwd arity_gen_sort
22 arity/fwd arity_gen_lref
23 arity/fwd arity_gen_bind
24 arity/fwd arity_gen_abst
25 arity/fwd arity_gen_appl
26 arity/fwd arity_gen_cast
27 arity/fwd arity_gen_appls
28 arity/fwd arity_gen_lift
29 arity/lift1 arity_lift1
30 arity/pr3 arity_sred_wcpr0_pr0
31 arity/pr3 arity_sred_wcpr0_pr1
32 arity/pr3 arity_sred_pr2
33 arity/pr3 arity_sred_pr3
34 arity/props node_inh
35 arity/props arity_lift
36 arity/props arity_mono
37 arity/props arity_repellent
38 arity/props arity_appls_cast
39 arity/props arity_appls_abbr
40 arity/props arity_appls_bind
41 arity/subst0 arity_gen_cvoid_subst0
42 arity/subst0 arity_gen_cvoid
43 arity/subst0 arity_fsubst0
44 arity/subst0 arity_subst0
45 asucc/fwd asucc_gen_sort
46 asucc/fwd asucc_gen_head
47 cnt/props cnt_lift
48 C/props clt_wf__q_ind
49 C/props clt_wf_ind
51 csuba/arity csuba_arity
52 csuba/arity csuba_arity_rev
53 csuba/arity arity_appls_appl
54 csuba/clear csuba_clear_conf
55 csuba/clear csuba_clear_trans
56 csuba/drop csuba_drop_abbr
57 csuba/drop csuba_drop_abst
58 csuba/drop csuba_drop_abst_rev
59 csuba/drop csuba_drop_abbr_rev
60 csuba/fwd csuba_gen_abbr
61 csuba/fwd csuba_gen_void
62 csuba/fwd csuba_gen_abst
63 csuba/fwd csuba_gen_flat
64 csuba/fwd csuba_gen_bind
65 csuba/fwd csuba_gen_abst_rev
66 csuba/fwd csuba_gen_void_rev
67 csuba/fwd csuba_gen_abbr_rev
68 csuba/fwd csuba_gen_flat_rev
69 csuba/fwd csuba_gen_bind_rev
70 csuba/getl csuba_getl_abbr
71 csuba/getl csuba_getl_abst
72 csuba/getl csuba_getl_abst_rev
73 csuba/getl csuba_getl_abbr_rev
74 csuba/props csuba_refl
76 csubc/arity csubc_arity_conf
77 csubc/arity csubc_arity_trans
78 csubc/drop1 drop1_csubc_trans
79 csubc/drop drop_csubc_trans
81 csubt/csuba csubt_csuba
82 csubt/fwd csubt_gen_abbr
83 csubt/fwd csubt_gen_abst
85 csubv/clear csubv_clear_conf
86 csubv/clear csubv_clear_conf_void
87 csubv/drop csubv_drop_conf
88 csubv/getl csubv_getl_conf
89 csubv/getl csubv_getl_conf_void
90 csubv/props csubv_bind_same
91 csubv/props csubv_refl
92 drop1/props drop1_cons_tail
93 ex0/props aplus_gz_le
94 ex0/props aplus_gz_ge
95 ex0/props next_plus_gz
96 ex0/props leqz_leq
97 ex0/props leq_leqz
98 ex1/props ex1__leq_sort_SS
99 ex1/props ex1_arity
100 ex1/props ex1_ty3
101 ex2/props ex2_nf2
102 ex2/props ex2_arity
103 leq/asucc asucc_repl
104 leq/asucc asucc_inj
105 leq/asucc leq_asucc
106 leq/asucc leq_ahead_asucc_false
107 leq/asucc leq_asucc_false
108 leq/fwd leq_gen_sort1
109 leq/fwd leq_gen_head1
110 leq/fwd leq_gen_sort2
111 leq/fwd leq_gen_head2
112 leq/props ahead_inj_snd
113 leq/props leq_refl
114 leq/props leq_eq
115 leq/props leq_sym
116 leq/props leq_trans
117 leq/props leq_ahead_false_1
118 leq/props leq_ahead_false_2
119 lift1/fwd lift1_cons_tail
120 lift1/fwd lifts1_nil
121 lift1/fwd lifts1_cons
122 lift/props thead_x_lift_y_y
123 lift/props lifts_tapp
124 lift/props lifts_inj
125 llt/props lweight_repl
126 llt/props llt_repl
127 llt/props llt_trans
128 llt/props llt_head_sx
129 llt/props llt_head_dx
130 llt/props llt_wf__q_ind
131 llt/props llt_wf_ind
132 next_plus/props next_plus_assoc
133 next_plus/props next_plus_next
134 next_plus/props next_plus_lt
135 nf2/arity arity_nf2_inv_all
136 nf2/fwd nf2_gen_lref
137 nf2/fwd nf2_gen_abst
138 nf2/fwd nf2_gen_cast
139 nf2/fwd nf2_gen_beta
140 nf2/fwd nf2_gen_flat
141 nf2/fwd nf2_gen__nf2_gen_aux
142 nf2/fwd nf2_gen_abbr
143 nf2/fwd nf2_gen_void
144 nf2/props nfs2_tapp
145 nf2/props nf2_appls_lref
146 pc1/props pc1_pr0_r
147 pc1/props pc1_pr0_x
148 pc1/props pc1_refl
149 pc1/props pc1_pr0_u
150 pc1/props pc1_s
151 pc1/props pc1_head_1
152 pc1/props pc1_head_2
153 pc1/props pc1_t
154 pc1/props pc1_pr0_u2
155 pc1/props pc1_head
157 pc3/dec pc3_dec
158 pc3/dec pc3_abst_dec
159 pc3/fwd pc3_gen_not_abst
160 pc3/fwd pc3_gen_lift_abst
161 pc3/nf2 pc3_nf2
162 pc3/nf2 pc3_nf2_unfold
163 pc3/pc1 pc3_pc1
164 pc3/props pc3_pr2_pr2_t
165 pc3/props pc3_pr2_pr3_t
166 pc3/props pc3_pr3_pc3_t
167 pc3/props pc3_eta
169 pr0/fwd pr0_gen_void
170 pr0/dec nf0_dec
171 pr0/subst1 pr0_subst1_back
172 pr0/subst1 pr0_subst1_fwd
173 pr1/pr1 pr1_strip
174 pr1/pr1 pr1_confluence
175 pr1/props pr1_pr0
176 pr1/props pr1_t
177 pr1/props pr1_head_1
178 pr1/props pr1_head_2
179 pr1/props pr1_comp
180 pr1/props pr1_eta
181 pr2/fwd pr2_gen_void
182 pr3/fwd pr3_gen_void
183 pr3/pr1 pr3_pr1
184 pr3/props pr3_eta
185 sn3/props sns3_lifts
186 sty1/cnt sty1_cnt
187 subst/fwd subst_sort
188 subst/fwd subst_lref_lt
189 subst/fwd subst_lref_eq
190 subst/fwd subst_lref_gt
191 subst/fwd subst_head
192 subst/props subst_lift_SO
193 subst/props subst_subst0
194 T/dec binder_dec
195 T/dec abst_dec
196 tlist/props tslt_wf__q_ind
197 tlist/props tslt_wf_ind
198 tlist/props theads_tapp
199 tlist/props tcons_tapp_ex
200 tlist/props tlist_ind_rev
201 ty3/arity ty3_arity
202 ty3/arity_props ty3_predicative
203 ty3/arity_props ty3_repellent
204 ty3/arity_props ty3_acyclic
205 ty3/dec ty3_inference
206 ty3/fwd tys3_gen_nil
207 ty3/fwd tys3_gen_cons
208 ty3/fwd_nf2 ty3_gen_appl_nf2
209 ty3/fwd_nf2 ty3_inv_lref_nf2_pc3
210 ty3/fwd_nf2 ty3_inv_lref_nf2
211 ty3/fwd_nf2 ty3_inv_appls_lref_nf2
212 ty3/fwd_nf2 ty3_inv_lref_lref_nf2
213 ty3/nf2 ty3_nf2_inv_abst_premise_csort
214 ty3/nf2 ty3_nf2_inv_all
215 ty3/nf2 ty3_nf2_inv_sort
216 ty3/nf2 ty3_nf2_gen__ty3_nf2_inv_abst_aux
217 ty3/nf2 ty3_nf2_inv_abst
218 ty3/pr3 ty3_sred_wcpr0_pr0
219 ty3/pr3 ty3_sred_pr0
220 ty3/pr3 ty3_sred_pr1
221 ty3/pr3 ty3_sred_pr2
222 ty3/pr3 ty3_sred_pr3
223 ty3/pr3_props ty3_cred_pr2
224 ty3/pr3_props ty3_cred_pr3
225 ty3/pr3_props ty3_gen_lift
226 ty3/pr3_props ty3_tred
227 ty3/pr3_props ty3_sconv_pc3
228 ty3/pr3_props ty3_sred_back
229 ty3/pr3_props ty3_sconv
230 ty3/props ty3_gen_abst_abst
231 ty3/sty0 ty3_sty0
232 ty3/subst1 ty3_gen_cvoid
234 wf3/clear wf3_clear_conf
235 wf3/clear clear_wf3_trans
236 wf3/fwd wf3_gen_sort1
237 wf3/fwd wf3_gen_bind1
238 wf3/fwd wf3_gen_flat1
239 wf3/fwd wf3_gen_head2
240 wf3/getl wf3_getl_conf
241 wf3/getl getl_wf3_trans
242 wf3/props wf3_mono
243 wf3/props wf3_total
244 wf3/props ty3_shift1
245 wf3/props wf3_idem
246 wf3/props wf3_ty3
247 wf3/ty3 wf3_pr2_conf
248 wf3/ty3 wf3_pr3_conf
249 wf3/ty3 wf3_pc3_conf
250 wf3/ty3 wf3_ty3_conf
252 # check ######################################################################