]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/blob - matita/matita/contribs/lambdadelta/basic_2/rt_transition/cpg_drops.ma
basic_2: stronger supclosure allows better inversion lemmas
[helm.git] / matita / matita / contribs / lambdadelta / basic_2 / rt_transition / cpg_drops.ma
1 (**************************************************************************)
2 (*       ___                                                              *)
3 (*      ||M||                                                             *)
4 (*      ||A||       A project by Andrea Asperti                           *)
5 (*      ||T||                                                             *)
6 (*      ||I||       Developers:                                           *)
7 (*      ||T||         The HELM team.                                      *)
8 (*      ||A||         http://helm.cs.unibo.it                             *)
9 (*      \   /                                                             *)
10 (*       \ /        This file is distributed under the terms of the       *)
11 (*        v         GNU General Public License Version 2                  *)
12 (*                                                                        *)
13 (**************************************************************************)
15 include "basic_2/relocation/drops_drops.ma".
16 include "basic_2/s_computation/fqup_weight.ma".
17 include "basic_2/s_computation/fqup_drops.ma".
18 include "basic_2/rt_transition/cpg.ma".
22 (* Advanced properties ******************************************************)
24 lemma cpg_delta_drops: ∀Rt,c,h,G,K,V,V2,i,L,T2. ⬇*[i] L ≡ K.ⓓV → ⦃G, K⦄ ⊢ V ⬈[Rt, c, h] V2 →
25                        ⬆*[⫯i] V2 ≡ T2 →  ⦃G, L⦄ ⊢ #i ⬈[Rt, c, h] T2.
26 #Rt #c #h #G #K #V #V2 #i elim i -i
27 [ #L #T2 #HLK lapply (drops_fwd_isid … HLK ?) // #H destruct /3 width=3 by cpg_delta/
28 | #i #IH #L0 #T0 #H0 #HV2 #HVT2
29   elim (drops_inv_succ … H0) -H0 #I #L #V0 #HLK #H destruct
30   elim (lifts_split_trans … HVT2 (𝐔❴⫯i❵) (𝐔❴1❵) ?) -HVT2 /3 width=3 by cpg_lref/
31 ]
32 qed.
34 lemma cpg_ell_drops: ∀Rt,c,h,G,K,V,V2,i,L,T2. ⬇*[i] L ≡ K.ⓛV → ⦃G, K⦄ ⊢ V ⬈[Rt,c, h] V2 →
35                      ⬆*[⫯i] V2 ≡ T2 →  ⦃G, L⦄ ⊢ #i ⬈[Rt, c+𝟘𝟙, h] T2.
36 #Rt #c #h #G #K #V #V2 #i elim i -i
37 [ #L #T2 #HLK lapply (drops_fwd_isid … HLK ?) // #H destruct /3 width=3 by cpg_ell/
38 | #i #IH #L0 #T0 #H0 #HV2 #HVT2
39   elim (drops_inv_succ … H0) -H0 #I #L #V0 #HLK #H destruct
40   elim (lifts_split_trans … HVT2 (𝐔❴⫯i❵) (𝐔❴1❵) ?) -HVT2 /3 width=3 by cpg_lref/
41 ]
42 qed.
44 (* Advanced inversion lemmas ************************************************)
46 lemma cpg_inv_lref1_drops: ∀Rt,c,h,G,i,L,T2. ⦃G, L⦄ ⊢ #i ⬈[Rt,c, h] T2 →
47                            ∨∨ T2 = #i ∧ c = 𝟘𝟘
48                             | ∃∃cV,K,V,V2. ⬇*[i] L ≡ K.ⓓV & ⦃G, K⦄ ⊢ V ⬈[Rt, cV, h] V2 &
49                                            ⬆*[⫯i] V2 ≡ T2 & c = cV
50                             | ∃∃cV,K,V,V2. ⬇*[i] L ≡ K.ⓛV & ⦃G, K⦄ ⊢ V ⬈[Rt, cV, h] V2 &
51                                            ⬆*[⫯i] V2 ≡ T2 & c = cV + 𝟘𝟙.
52 #Rt #c #h #G #i elim i -i
53 [ #L #T2 #H elim (cpg_inv_zero1 … H) -H * /3 width=1 by or3_intro0, conj/
54   /4 width=8 by drops_refl, ex4_4_intro, or3_intro2, or3_intro1/
55 | #i #IH #L #T2 #H elim (cpg_inv_lref1 … H) -H * /3 width=1 by or3_intro0, conj/
56   #I #K #V #V2 #H #HVT2 #H0 destruct elim (IH … H) -IH -H
57   [ * #H1 #H2 destruct lapply (lifts_inv_lref1_uni … HVT2) -HVT2 #H destruct /3 width=1 by or3_intro0, conj/ ] *
58   #cV #L #W #W2 #HKL #HW2 #HWV2 #H destruct
59   lapply (lifts_trans … HWV2 … HVT2 ??) -V2
60   /4 width=8 by drops_drop, ex4_4_intro, or3_intro2, or3_intro1/
61 ]
62 qed-.
64 lemma cpg_inv_atom1_drops: ∀Rt,c,h,I,G,L,T2. ⦃G, L⦄ ⊢ ⓪{I} ⬈[Rt, c, h] T2 →
65                            ∨∨ T2 = ⓪{I} ∧ c = 𝟘𝟘
66                             | ∃∃s. T2 = ⋆(next h s) & I = Sort s & c = 𝟘𝟙
67                             | ∃∃cV,i,K,V,V2. ⬇*[i] L ≡ K.ⓓV & ⦃G, K⦄ ⊢ V ⬈[Rt, cV, h] V2 &
68                                              ⬆*[⫯i] V2 ≡ T2 & I = LRef i & c = cV
69                             | ∃∃cV,i,K,V,V2. ⬇*[i] L ≡ K.ⓛV & ⦃G, K⦄ ⊢ V ⬈[Rt, cV, h] V2 &
70                                              ⬆*[⫯i] V2 ≡ T2 & I = LRef i & c = cV + 𝟘𝟙.
71 #Rt #c #h * #n #G #L #T2 #H
72 [ elim (cpg_inv_sort1 … H) -H *
73   /3 width=3 by or4_intro0, or4_intro1, ex3_intro, conj/
74 | elim (cpg_inv_lref1_drops … H) -H *
75   /3 width=10 by or4_intro0, or4_intro2, or4_intro3, ex5_5_intro, conj/
76 | elim (cpg_inv_gref1 … H) -H
77   /3 width=1 by or4_intro0, conj/
78 ]
79 qed-.
81 (* Properties with generic slicing for local environments *******************)
83 (* Note: it should use drops_split_trans_pair2 *)
84 lemma cpg_lifts: ∀Rt. reflexive … Rt → ∀c,h,G. d_liftable2 (cpg Rt h c G).
85 #Rt #HRt #c #h #G #K #T generalize in match c; -c
86 @(fqup_wf_ind_eq … G K T) -G -K -T #G0 #K0 #T0 #IH #G #K * *
87 [ #s #HG #HK #HT #c #X2 #H2 #b #f #L #HLK #X1 #H1 destruct -IH
88   lapply (lifts_inv_sort1 … H1) -H1 #H destruct
89   elim (cpg_inv_sort1 … H2) -H2 * #H1 #H2 destruct
90   /2 width=3 by cpg_atom, cpg_ess, lifts_sort, ex2_intro/
91 | #i1 #HG #HK #HT #c #T2 #H2 #b #f #L #HLK #X1 #H1 destruct
92   elim (cpg_inv_lref1_drops … H2) -H2 *
93   [ #H1 #H2 destruct /3 width=3 by cpg_refl, ex2_intro/ ]
94   #cV #K0 #V #V2 #HK0 #HV2 #HVT2 #H destruct
95   elim (lifts_inv_lref1 … H1) -H1 #i2 #Hf #H destruct
96   lapply (drops_trans … HLK … HK0 ??) -HLK [3,6: |*: // ] #H
97   elim (drops_split_trans … H) -H [1,6: |*: /2 width=6 by after_uni_dx/ ] #Y #HL0 #HY
98   lapply (drops_tls_at … Hf … HY) -HY #HY
99   elim (drops_inv_skip2 … HY) -HY #L0 #W #HLK0 #HVW #H destruct
100   elim (IH … HV2 … HLK0 … HVW) -IH /2 width=2 by fqup_lref/ -K -K0 -V #W2 #HVW2 #HW2
101   elim (lifts_total W2 (𝐔❴⫯i2❵)) #U2 #HWU2
102   lapply (lifts_trans … HVW2 … HWU2 ??) -HVW2 [3,6: |*: // ] #HVU2
103   lapply (lifts_conf … HVT2 … HVU2 f ?) -V2 [1,3: /2 width=3 by after_uni_succ_sn/ ]
104   /4 width=8 by cpg_ell_drops, cpg_delta_drops, drops_inv_gen, ex2_intro/
105 | #l #HG #HK #HT #c #X2 #H2 #b #f #L #HLK #X1 #H1 destruct -IH
106   lapply (lifts_inv_gref1 … H1) -H1 #H destruct
107   elim (cpg_inv_gref1 … H2) -H2 #H1 #H2 destruct
108   /2 width=3 by cpg_atom, lifts_gref, ex2_intro/
109 | #p #I #V1 #T1 #HG #HK #HT #c #X2 #H2 #b #f #L #HLK #X1 #H1 destruct
110   elim (lifts_inv_bind1 … H1) -H1 #W1 #U1 #HVW1 #HTU1 #H destruct
111   elim (cpg_inv_bind1 … H2) -H2 *
112   [ #cV #cT #V2 #T2 #HV12 #HT12 #H1 #H2 destruct
113     elim (IH … HV12 … HLK … HVW1) -HV12 //
114     elim (IH … HT12 … HTU1) -IH -HT12 -HTU1 [ |*: /3 width=3 by drops_skip/ ]
115     /3 width=5 by cpg_bind, lifts_bind, ex2_intro/
116   | #cT #T2 #HT12 #HXT2 #H1 #H2 #H3 destruct
117     elim (IH … HT12 … HTU1) -IH -HT12 -HTU1 [ |*: /3 width=3 by drops_skip/ ] #U2 #HTU2 #HU12
118     lapply (lifts_trans … HXT2 … HTU2 ??) -T2 [3: |*: // ] #HXU2
119     elim (lifts_split_trans … HXU2 f (𝐔❴⫯O❵)) [2: /2 width=1 by after_uni_one_dx/ ]
120     /3 width=5 by cpg_zeta, ex2_intro/
121   ]
122 | * #V1 #T1 #HG #HK #HT #c #X2 #H2 #b #f #L #HLK #X1 #H1 destruct
123   elim (lifts_inv_flat1 … H1) -H1 #W1 #U1 #HVW1 #HTU1 #H destruct
124   [ elim (cpg_inv_appl1 … H2) -H2 *
125     [ #cV #cT #V2 #T2 #HV12 #HT12 #H1 #H2 destruct
126       elim (IH … HV12 … HLK … HVW1) -HV12 -HVW1 //
127       elim (IH … HT12 … HLK … HTU1) -IH -HT12 -HLK -HTU1 //
128       /3 width=5 by cpg_appl, lifts_flat, ex2_intro/
129     | #cV #cY #cT #a #V2 #Y1 #Y2 #T0 #T2 #HV12 #HY12 #HT12 #H1 #H2 #H3 destruct
130       elim (lifts_inv_bind1 … HTU1) -HTU1 #Z1 #U0 #HYZ1 #HTU1 #H destruct
131       elim (IH … HV12 … HLK … HVW1) -HV12 -HVW1 //
132       elim (IH … HY12 … HLK … HYZ1) -HY12 //
133       elim (IH … HT12 … HTU1) -IH -HT12 -HTU1 [ |*: /3 width=3 by drops_skip/ ]
134       /4 width=7 by cpg_beta, lifts_bind, lifts_flat, ex2_intro/
135     | #cV #cY #cT #a #V2 #V20 #Y1 #Y2 #T0 #T2 #HV12 #HV20 #HY12 #HT12 #H1 #H2 #H3 destruct
136       elim (lifts_inv_bind1 … HTU1) -HTU1 #Z1 #U0 #HYZ1 #HTU1 #H destruct
137       elim (IH … HV12 … HLK … HVW1) -HV12 -HVW1 // #W2 #HVW2 #HW12
138       elim (IH … HY12 … HLK … HYZ1) -HY12 //
139       elim (IH … HT12 … HTU1) -IH -HT12 -HTU1 [ |*: /3 width=3 by drops_skip/ ]
140       elim (lifts_total W2 (𝐔❴1❵)) #W20 #HW20
141       lapply (lifts_trans … HVW2 … HW20 ??) -HVW2 [3: |*: // ] #H
142       lapply (lifts_conf … HV20 … H (↑f) ?) -V2 /2 width=3 by after_uni_one_sn/
143       /4 width=9 by cpg_theta, lifts_bind, lifts_flat, ex2_intro/
144     ]
145   | elim (cpg_inv_cast1 … H2) -H2 *
146     [ #cV #cT #V2 #T2 #HV12 #HT12 #HcVT #H1 #H2 destruct
147       elim (IH … HV12 … HLK … HVW1) -HV12 -HVW1 //
148       elim (IH … HT12 … HLK … HTU1) -IH -HT12 -HLK -HTU1 //
149       /3 width=5 by cpg_cast, lifts_flat, ex2_intro/
150     | #cT #HT12 #H destruct
151       elim (IH … HT12 … HLK … HTU1) -IH -HT12 -HLK -HTU1 //
152       /3 width=3 by cpg_eps, ex2_intro/
153     | #cV #HV12 #H destruct
154       elim (IH … HV12 … HLK … HVW1) -IH -HV12 -HLK -HVW1 //
155       /3 width=3 by cpg_ee, ex2_intro/
156     ]
157   ]
158 ]
159 qed-.
161 (* Inversion lemmas with generic slicing for local environments *************)
163 lemma cpg_inv_lifts1: ∀Rt. reflexive … Rt → ∀c,h,G. d_deliftable2_sn (cpg Rt h c G).
164 #Rt #HRt #c #h #G #L #U generalize in match c; -c
165 @(fqup_wf_ind_eq … G L U) -G -L -U #G0 #L0 #U0 #IH #G #L * *
166 [ #s #HG #HL #HU #c #X2 #H2 #b #f #K #HLK #X1 #H1 destruct -IH
167   lapply (lifts_inv_sort2 … H1) -H1 #H destruct
168   elim (cpg_inv_sort1 … H2) -H2 * #H1 #H2 destruct
169   /2 width=3 by cpg_atom, cpg_ess, lifts_sort, ex2_intro/
170 | #i2 #HG #HL #HU #c #U2 #H2 #b #f #K #HLK #X1 #H1 destruct
171   elim (cpg_inv_lref1_drops … H2) -H2 *
172   [ #H1 #H2 destruct /3 width=3 by cpg_refl, ex2_intro/ ]
173   #cW #L0 #W #W2 #HL0 #HW2 #HWU2 #H destruct
174   elim (lifts_inv_lref2 … H1) -H1 #i1 #Hf #H destruct
175   lapply (drops_split_div … HLK (𝐔❴i1❵) ???) -HLK [4,8: * |*: // ] #Y0 #HK0 #HLY0
176   lapply (drops_conf … HL0 … HLY0 ??) -HLY0 [3,6: |*: /2 width=6 by after_uni_dx/ ] #HLY0
177   lapply (drops_tls_at … Hf … HLY0) -HLY0 #HLY0
178   elim (drops_inv_skip1 … HLY0) -HLY0 #K0 #V #HLK0 #HVW #H destruct
179   elim (IH … HW2 … HLK0 … HVW) -IH /2 width=2 by fqup_lref/ -L -L0 -W #V2 #HVW2 #HV2
180   lapply (lifts_trans … HVW2 … HWU2 ??) -W2 [3,6: |*: // ] #HVU2
181   elim (lifts_split_trans … HVU2 ? f) -HVU2 [1,4: |*: /2 width=4 by after_uni_succ_sn/ ]
182   /4 width=8 by cpg_ell_drops, cpg_delta_drops, drops_inv_F, ex2_intro/
183 | #l #HG #HL #HU #c #X2 #H2 #b #f #K #HLK #X1 #H1 destruct -IH
184   lapply (lifts_inv_gref2 … H1) -H1 #H destruct
185   elim (cpg_inv_gref1 … H2) -H2 #H1 #H2 destruct
186   /2 width=3 by cpg_atom, lifts_gref, ex2_intro/
187 | #p #I #W1 #U1 #HG #HL #HU #c #X2 #H2 #b #f #K #HLK #X1 #H1 destruct
188   elim (lifts_inv_bind2 … H1) -H1 #V1 #T1 #HVW1 #HTU1 #H destruct
189   elim (cpg_inv_bind1 … H2) -H2 *
190   [ #cW #cU #W2 #U2 #HW12 #HU12 #H1 #H2 destruct
191     elim (IH … HW12 … HLK … HVW1) -HW12 //
192     elim (IH … HU12 … HTU1) -IH -HU12 -HTU1 [ |*: /3 width=3 by drops_skip/ ]
193     /3 width=5 by cpg_bind, lifts_bind, ex2_intro/
194   | #cU #U2 #HU12 #HXU2 #H1 #H2 #H3 destruct
195     elim (IH … HU12 … HTU1) -IH -HU12 -HTU1 [ |*: /3 width=3 by drops_skip/ ] #T2 #HTU2 #HT12
196     elim (lifts_div4_one … HTU2 … HXU2) -U2 /3 width=5 by cpg_zeta, ex2_intro/
197   ]
198 | * #W1 #U1 #HG #HL #HU #c #X2 #H2 #b #f #K #HLK #X1 #H1 destruct
199   elim (lifts_inv_flat2 … H1) -H1 #V1 #T1 #HVW1 #HTU1 #H destruct
200   [ elim (cpg_inv_appl1 … H2) -H2 *
201     [ #cW #cU #W2 #U2 #HW12 #HU12 #H1 #H2 destruct
202       elim (IH … HW12 … HLK … HVW1) -HW12 -HVW1 //
203       elim (IH … HU12 … HLK … HTU1) -IH -HU12 -HLK -HTU1 //
204       /3 width=5 by cpg_appl, lifts_flat, ex2_intro/
205     | #cW #cZ #cU #a #W2 #Z1 #Z2 #U0 #U2 #HW12 #HZ12 #HU12 #H1 #H2 #H3 destruct
206       elim (lifts_inv_bind2 … HTU1) -HTU1 #Y1 #T0 #HYZ1 #HTU1 #H destruct
207       elim (IH … HW12 … HLK … HVW1) -HW12 -HVW1 //
208       elim (IH … HZ12 … HLK … HYZ1) -HZ12 //
209       elim (IH … HU12 … HTU1) -IH -HU12 -HTU1 [ |*: /3 width=3 by drops_skip/ ]
210       /4 width=7 by cpg_beta, lifts_bind, lifts_flat, ex2_intro/
211     | #cW #cZ #cU #a #W2 #W20 #Z1 #Z2 #U0 #U2 #HW12 #HW20 #HZ12 #HU12 #H1 #H2 #H3 destruct
212       elim (lifts_inv_bind2 … HTU1) -HTU1 #Y1 #T0 #HYZ1 #HTU1 #H destruct
213       elim (IH … HW12 … HLK … HVW1) -HW12 -HVW1 // #V2 #HVW2 #HV12
214       elim (IH … HZ12 … HLK … HYZ1) -HZ12 //
215       elim (IH … HU12 … HTU1) -IH -HU12 -HTU1 [ |*: /3 width=3 by drops_skip/ ]
216       lapply (lifts_trans … HVW2 … HW20 ??) -W2 [3: |*: // ] #H
217       elim (lifts_split_trans … H ? (↑f)) -H [ |*: /2 width=3 by after_uni_one_sn/ ]
218       /4 width=9 by cpg_theta, lifts_bind, lifts_flat, ex2_intro/
219     ]
220   | elim (cpg_inv_cast1 … H2) -H2 *
221     [ #cW #cU #W2 #U2 #HW12 #HU12 #HcWU #H1 #H2 destruct
222       elim (IH … HW12 … HLK … HVW1) -HW12 -HVW1 //
223       elim (IH … HU12 … HLK … HTU1) -IH -HU12 -HLK -HTU1 //
224       /3 width=5 by cpg_cast, lifts_flat, ex2_intro/
225     | #cU #HU12 #H destruct
226       elim (IH … HU12 … HLK … HTU1) -IH -HU12 -HLK -HTU1 //
227       /3 width=3 by cpg_eps, ex2_intro/
228     | #cW #HW12 #H destruct
229       elim (IH … HW12 … HLK … HVW1) -IH -HW12 -HLK -HVW1 //
230       /3 width=3 by cpg_ee, ex2_intro/
231     ]
232   ]
233 ]
234 qed-.