]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/blob - matita/matita/contribs/lambdadelta/basic_2/static/frees_fqup.ma
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[helm.git] / matita / matita / contribs / lambdadelta / basic_2 / static / frees_fqup.ma
1 (**************************************************************************)
2 (*       ___                                                              *)
3 (*      ||M||                                                             *)
4 (*      ||A||       A project by Andrea Asperti                           *)
5 (*      ||T||                                                             *)
6 (*      ||I||       Developers:                                           *)
7 (*      ||T||         The HELM team.                                      *)
8 (*      ||A||         http://helm.cs.unibo.it                             *)
9 (*      \   /                                                             *)
10 (*       \ /        This file is distributed under the terms of the       *)
11 (*        v         GNU General Public License Version 2                  *)
12 (*                                                                        *)
13 (**************************************************************************)
15 include "basic_2/relocation/drops.ma".
16 include "basic_2/s_computation/fqup_weight.ma".
17 include "basic_2/static/frees.ma".
19 (* CONTEXT-SENSITIVE FREE VARIABLES *****************************************)
21 (* Advanced properties ******************************************************)
23 (* Note: this replaces lemma 1400 concluding the "big tree" theorem *)
24 lemma frees_total: ∀L,T. ∃f. L ⊢ 𝐅*⦃T⦄ ≡ f.
25 #L #T @(fqup_wf_ind_eq … (⋆) L T) -L -T
26 #G0 #L0 #T0 #IH #G #L *
27 [ cases L -L /3 width=2 by frees_atom, ex_intro/
28   #L #I #V *
29   [ #s #HG #HL #HT destruct
30     elim (IH G L (⋆s)) -IH /3 width=2 by frees_sort_gen, fqu_fqup, fqu_drop, lifts_sort, ex_intro/
31   | * [2: #i ] #HG #HL #HT destruct
32     [ elim (IH G L (#i)) -IH /3 width=2 by frees_lref, fqu_fqup, ex_intro/
33     | elim (IH G L V) -IH /3 width=2 by frees_zero, fqu_fqup, fqu_lref_O, ex_intro/
34     ]
35   | #l #HG #HL #HT destruct
36     elim (IH G L (§l)) -IH /3 width=2 by frees_gref_gen, fqu_fqup, fqu_drop, lifts_gref, ex_intro/
37   ]
38 | * [ #p ] #I #V #T #HG #HL #HT destruct elim (IH G L V) // #f1 #HV
39   [ elim (IH G (L.ⓑ{I}V) T) -IH // #f2 #HT
40     elim (sor_isfin_ex f1 (⫱f2))
41     /3 width=6 by frees_fwd_isfin, frees_bind, isfin_tl, ex_intro/
42   | elim (IH G L T) -IH // #f2 #HT
43     elim (sor_isfin_ex f1 f2)
44     /3 width=6 by frees_fwd_isfin, frees_flat, ex_intro/ 
45   ]
46 ]
47 qed-.
49 (* Properties with plus-iterated supclosure *********************************)
51 lemma frees_drops_next: ∀f1,L1,T1. L1 ⊢ 𝐅*⦃T1⦄ ≡ f1 →
52                         ∀I2,L2,V2,n. ⬇*[n] L1 ≡ L2.ⓑ{I2}V2 →
53                         ∀g1. ⫯g1 = ⫱*[n] f1 →
54                         ∃∃g2. L2 ⊢ 𝐅*⦃V2⦄ ≡ g2 & g2 ⊆ g1.
55 #f1 #L1 #T1 #H elim H -f1 -L1 -T1
56 [ #f1 #I1 #Hf1 #I2 #L2 #V2 #n #HL12
57   elim (drops_inv_atom1 … HL12) -HL12 #H destruct
58 | #f1 #I1 #L1 #V1 #s #_ #IH #I2 #L2 #V2 *
59   [ -IH #_ #g1 #Hgf1 elim (discr_next_push … Hgf1)
60   | #n #HL12 lapply (drops_inv_drop1 … HL12) -HL12
61     #HL12 #g1 <tls_xn #Hgf1 elim (IH … HL12 … Hgf1) -IH -HL12 -Hgf1
62     /2 width=3 by ex2_intro/
63   ]
64 | #f1 #I1 #L1 #V1 #Hf1 #IH #I2 #L2 #V2 *
65   [ -IH #HL12 lapply (drops_fwd_isid … HL12 ?) -HL12 //
66     #H destruct #g1 #Hgf1 >(injective_next … Hgf1) -g1
67     /2 width=3 by sle_refl, ex2_intro/
68   | -Hf1 #n #HL12 lapply (drops_inv_drop1 … HL12) -HL12
69     #HL12 #g1 <tls_xn <tl_next_rew #Hgf1 elim (IH … HL12 … Hgf1) -IH -HL12 -Hgf1
70     /2 width=3 by ex2_intro/
71   ]
72 | #f1 #I1 #L1 #V1 #i #_ #IH #I2 #L2 #V2 *
73   [ -IH #_ #g1 #Hgf1 elim (discr_next_push … Hgf1)
74   | #n #HL12 lapply (drops_inv_drop1 … HL12) -HL12
75     #HL12 #g1 <tls_xn #Hgf1 elim (IH … HL12 … Hgf1) -IH -HL12 -Hgf1
76     /2 width=3 by ex2_intro/
77   ]
78 | #f1 #I1 #L1 #V1 #l #_ #IH #I2 #L2 #V2 *
79   [ -IH #_ #g1 #Hgf1 elim (discr_next_push … Hgf1)
80   | #n #HL12 lapply (drops_inv_drop1 … HL12) -HL12
81     #HL12 #g1 <tls_xn #Hgf1 elim (IH … HL12 … Hgf1) -IH -HL12 -Hgf1
82     /2 width=3 by ex2_intro/
83   ]
84 | #fV1 #fT1 #f1 #p #I1 #L1 #V1 #T1 #_ #_ #Hf1 #IHV1 #IHT1 #I2 #L2 #V2 #n #HL12 #g1 #Hgf1
85   lapply (sor_tls … Hf1 n) -Hf1 <Hgf1 -Hgf1 #Hf1
86   elim (sor_xxn_tl … Hf1) [1,2: * |*: // ] -Hf1
87   #gV1 #gT1 #Hg1
88   [ -IHT1 #H1 #_ elim (IHV1 … HL12 … H1) -IHV1 -HL12 -H1
89     /3 width=6 by sor_inv_sle_sn_trans, ex2_intro/
90   | -IHV1 #_ >tls_xn #H2 elim (IHT1 … H2) -IHT1 -H2
91     /3 width=6 by drops_drop, sor_inv_sle_dx_trans, ex2_intro/
92   ]
93 | #fV1 #fT1 #f1 #I1 #L1 #V1 #T1 #_ #_ #Hf1 #IHV1 #IHT1 #I2 #L2 #V2 #n #HL12 #g1 #Hgf1
94   lapply (sor_tls … Hf1 n) -Hf1 <Hgf1 -Hgf1 #Hf1
95   elim (sor_xxn_tl … Hf1) [1,2: * |*: // ] -Hf1
96   #gV1 #gT1 #Hg1
97   [ -IHT1 #H1 #_ elim (IHV1 … HL12 … H1) -IHV1 -HL12 -H1
98     /3 width=6 by sor_inv_sle_sn_trans, ex2_intro/
99   | -IHV1 #_ #H2 elim (IHT1 … HL12 … H2) -IHT1 -HL12 -H2
100     /3 width=6 by sor_inv_sle_dx_trans, ex2_intro/
101   ]
102 ]
103 qed-.