]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/blob - matita/matita/contribs/lambdadelta/static_2/web/static_2_src.tbl
update in ground and delayed updating
[helm.git] / matita / matita / contribs / lambdadelta / static_2 / web / static_2_src.tbl
1 name "static_2_src"
3 table {
4    class "gray"
5    [ { "component" * } {
6         [ { "section" * } {
7              [ [ "plane" ] "files" * ]
8           }
9         ]
10      }
11    ]
12    class "water"
13    [ { "iterated static typing" * } {
14         [ { "iterated generic extension of a context-sensitive relation" * } {
15              [ [ "for lenvs on referred entries" ] "rexs" + "( ? ⪤*[?,?] ? )" "rexs_length" + "rexs_lex" + "rexs_drops" + "rexs_fqup" + "rexs_rexs" * ]
16           }
17         ]
18      }
19    ]
20    class "green"
21    [ { "static typing" * } {
22         [ { "generic reducibility" * } {
23              [ [ "restricted refinement for lenvs" ] "lsubc" + "( ? ⊢ ? ⫃[?] ? )" "lsubc_drops" + "lsubc_lsubr" + "lsubc_lsuba" * ]
24              [ [ "candidates" ] "gcp_cr" + "( ❨?,?,?❩ ϵ ⟦?⟧[?] )" "gcp_aaa" * ]
25              [ [ "computation properties" ] "gcp" *]
26           }
27         ]
28         [ { "atomic arity assignment" * } {
29              [ [ "restricted refinement for lenvs" ] "lsuba" + "( ? ⊢ ? ⫃⁝ ? )" "lsuba_drops" + "lsuba_lsubr" + "lsuba_aaa" + "lsuba_lsuba" * ]
30              [ [ "for terms" ] "aaa" + "( ❨?,?❩ ⊢ ? ⁝ ? )" "aaa_drops" + "aaa_fqus" + "aaa_reqg" + "aaa_feqg" + "aaa_aaa" + "aaa_dec" * ]
31           }
32         ]
33         [ { "sort-irrelevant equivalence" * } {
34              [ [ "for closures on referred entries" ] "feqx" + "( ❨?,?,?❩ ≅ ❨?,?,?❩ )" "feqx_feqx" * ]
35              [ [ "for lenvs on referred entries" ] "reqx" + "( ? ≅[?] ? )" "reqx_reqx" * ]
36           }
37         ]
38         [ { "syntactic equivalence" * } {
39              [ [ "for lenvs on referred entries" ] "req" + "( ? ≡[?] ? )" * ]
40           }
41         ]
42         [ { "generic equivalence" * } {
43              [ [ "for closures on referred entries" ] "feqg" + "( ❨?,?,?❩ ≛[?] ❨?,?,?❩ )" "feqg_length" + "feqg_fqu" + "feqg_fqup" + "feqg_fqus" + "feqg_feqg" * ]
44              [ [ "for lenvs on referred entries" ] "reqg" + "( ? ≛[?,?] ? )" "reqg_length" + "reqg_drops" + "reqg_fqup" + "reqg_fqus" + "reqg_reqg" * ]
45           }
46         ]
47         [ { "generic extension of a context-sensitive relation" * } {
48              [ [ "for lenvs on referred entries" ] "rex" + "( ? ⪤[?,?] ? )" "rex_length" + "rex_lex" + "rex_drops" + "rex_fqup" + "rex_fsle" + "rex_rex" * ]
49           }
50         ]
51         [ { "context-sensitive free variables" * } {
52              [ [ "inclusion for restricted closures" ] "fsle" + "( ❨?,?❩ ⊆ ❨?,?❩ )" "fsle_length" + "fsle_drops" + "fsle_fqup" + "fsle_fsle" * ]
53              [ [ "restricted refinement for lenvs" ] "lsubf" + "( ❨?,?❩ ⫃𝐅+ ❨?,?❩ )" "lsubf_lsubr" + "lsubf_frees" + "lsubf_lsubf" * ]
54              [ [ "for terms" ] "frees" + "( ? ⊢ 𝐅+❨?❩ ≘ ? )" "frees_append" + "frees_drops" + "frees_fqup" + "frees_frees" * ]
55           }
56         ]
57         [ { "local environments" * } {
58              [ [ "restricted refinement" ] "lsubr" + "( ? ⫃ ? )" "lsubr_length" + "lsubr_drops" + "lsubr_lsubr" * ]
59           }
60         ]
61      }
62    ]
63    class "grass"
64    [ { "s-computation" * } {
65         [ { "iterated structural successor" * } {
66              [ [ "for closures" ] "fqus" + "( ❨?,?,?❩ ⬂*[?] ❨?,?,?❩ )" + "( ❨?,?,?❩ ⬂* ❨?,?,?❩ )" "fqus_weight" + "fqus_drops" + "fqus_fqup" + "fqus_fqus" * ]
67              [ [ "proper for closures" ] "fqup" + "( ❨?,?,?❩ ⬂+[?] ❨?,?,?❩ )" + "( ❨?,?,?❩ ⬂+ ❨?,?,?❩ )" "fqup_weight" + "fqup_drops" + "fqup_fqup" * ]
68           }
69         ]
70      }
71    ]
72    class "yellow"
73    [ { "s-transition" * } {
74         [ { "structural successor" * } {
75              [ [ "for closures" ] "fquq" + "( ❨?,?,?❩ ⬂⸮[?] ❨?,?,?❩ )" + "( ❨?,?,?❩ ⬂⸮ ❨?,?,?❩ )" "fquq_length" + "fquq_weight" * ]
76              [ [ "proper for closures" ] "fqu" + "( ❨?,?,?❩ ⬂[?] ❨?,?,?❩ )" + "( ❨?,?,?❩ ⬂ ❨?,?,?❩ )" "fqu_length" + "fqu_weight" + "fqu_teqg" * ]
77           }
78         ]
79      }
80    ]
81    class "orange"
82    [ { "relocation" * } {
83         [ { "generic and uniform slicing" * } {
84              [ [ "for lenvs" ] "drops" + "( ⇩*[?,?] ? ≘ ? )" + "( ⇩[?] ? ≘ ? )" "drops_ctc" + "drops_ltc" + "drops_weight" + "drops_length" + "drops_cext2" + "drops_sex" + "drops_lex" + "drops_seq" + "drops_drops" + "drops_vector" * ]
85           }
86         ]
87         [ { "basic relocation" * } {
88              [ [ "for terms" ] "lifts_basic" + "( ⇧[?,?] ? ≘ ? )" * ]
89           }
90         ]
91         [ { "generic and uniform relocation" * } {
92              [ [ "for binders" ] "lifts_bind" + "( ⇧*[?] ? ≘ ? )" + "( ⇧[?] ? ≘ ? )" "lifts_weight_bind" + "lifts_lifts_bind" * ]
93              [ [ "for term vectors" ] "lifts_vector" + "( ⇧*[?] ? ≘ ? )" + "( ⇧[?] ? ≘ ? )" "lifts_lifts_vector" * ]
94              [ [ "for terms" ] "lifts" + "( ⇧*[?] ? ≘ ? )" + "( ⇧[?] ? ≘ ? )" "lifts_simple" + "lifts_weight" + "lifts_teqg" + "lifts_teqx" + "lifts_teqw" + "lifts_teqo" + "lifts_lifts" * ]
95           }
96         ]
97         [ { "syntactic equivalence" * } {
98              [ [ "for lenvs on selected entries" ] "seq" + "( ? ≡[?] ? )" "seq_length" + "seq_seq" * ]
99           }
100         ]
101         [ { "generic entrywise extension" * } {
102              [ [ "for lenvs of one contex-sensitive relation" ] "lex" + "( ? ⪤[?] ? )" "lex_tc" + "lex_length" + "lex_lex" * ]
103              [ [ "for lenvs of two contex-sensitive relations" ] "sex" + "( ? ⪤[?,?,?] ? )" "sex_tc" + "sex_length" + "sex_sex" * ]
104           }
105         ]
106      }
107    ]
108    class "red"
109    [ { "syntax" * } {
110         [ { "applicability condition" * } {
111              [ [ "preorder" ] "acle" + "( ? ⊆ ? )"  "acle_acle" * ]
112              [ [ "properties" ] "ac" + "( 𝟏 )" + "( 𝟐 )" + "( 𝛚 )" * ]
113           }
114         ]
115         [ { "equivalence up to exclusion binders" * } {
116              [ [ "for lenvs" ] "lveq" + "( ? ≋ⓧ*[?,?] ? )" "lveq_length" + "lveq_lveq" * ]
117           }
118         ]
119         [ { "append" * } {
120              [ [ "for restricted closures" ] "fold" + "( ? + ? )" "fold_append" * ]
121              [ [ "for lenvs" ] "append" + "( ? + ? )" "append_length" * ]
122           }
123         ]
124         [ { "sort-irrelevant outer equivalence" * } {
125              [ [ "for terms" ] "teqo" + "( ? ~ ? )" "teqo_simple" + "teqo_teqg" + "teqo_teqo" + "teqo_simple_vector" * ]
126           }
127         ]
128         [ { "sort-irrelevant whd equivalence" * } {
129              [ [ "for terms" ] "teqw" + "( ? ≃ ? )" "teqw_simple" + "teqw_teqg" + "teqw_teqw" * ]
130           }
131         ]
132         [ { "sort-irrelevant equivalence" * } {
133              [ [ "" ] "teqx_ext" + "( ? ≅ ? )" + "( ? ⊢ ? ≅ ? )" * ]
134              [ [ "" ] "teqx" + "( ? ≅ ? )" "teqx_teqx" * ]
135           }
136         ]
137         [ { "syntactic equivalence" * } {
138              [ [ "" ] "teq_ext" + "( ? ≡ ? )" + "( ? ⊢ ? ≡ ? )" "teq_ext_teq_ext" * ]
139              [ [ "" ] "teq" + "( ? ≡ ? )" "teq_teq" * ]
140           }
141         ]
142         [ { "generic equivalence" * } {
143              [ [ "" ] "teqg_ext" + "( ? ≛[?] ? )" + "( ? ⊢ ? ≛[?] ? )" * ]
144              [ [ "" ] "teqg" + "( ? ≛[?] ? )" "teqg_teqg" * ]
145           }
146         ]
147         [ { "closures" * } {
148              [ [ "" ] "cl_weight" + "( ♯❨?,?,?❩ )" * ]
149              [ [ "" ] "cl_restricted_weight" + "( ♯❨?,?❩ )" * ]
150           }
151         ]
152         [ { "global environments" * } {
153              [ [ "" ] "genv_length" + "( |?| )" * ]
154              [ [ "" ] "genv_weight" + "( ♯❨?❩ )" * ]
155              [ [ "" ] "genv" * ]
156           }
157         ]
158         [ { "local environments" * } {
159              [ [ "" ] "cext2" * ]
160              [ [ "" ] "lenv_length" + "( |?| )" * ]
161              [ [ "" ] "lenv_weight" + "( ♯❨?❩ )" * ]
162              [ [ "" ] "lenv" * ]
163           }
164         ]
165         [ { "binders for local environments" * } {
166              [ [ "" ] "ext2" "ext2_tc" + "ext2_ext2" * ]
167              [ [ "" ] "bind" "bind_weight" * ]
168           }
169         ]
170         [ { "terms" * } {
171              [ [ "" ] "term_vector" + "( Ⓐ?.? )" * ]
172              [ [ "" ] "term_simple" + "( 𝐒❨?❩ )"  * ]
173              [ [ "" ] "term_weight" + "( ♯❨?❩ )" * ]
174              [ [ "" ] "term" * ]
175           }
176         ]
177         [ { "items" * } {
178              [ [ "" ] "item" * ]
179           }
180         ]
181         [ { "sorts" * } {
182              [ [ "degree" ] "sd" "sd_d" + "sd_lt" * ]
183              [ [ "hierarchy" ] "sh" + "( ⫯[?]? )" "sh_props" + "sh_lt" * ]
184           }
185         ]
186         [ { "atomic arities" * } {
187              [ [ "" ] "aarity" * ]
188           }
189         ]
190      }
191    ]
192 }
194 class "top"               { * }
196 class "capitalize italic" { 0 1 }
198 class "italic"            { 2 }