3 * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
4 * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
5 * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
7 * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
9 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
10 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * GNU General Public License for more details.
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
19 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
22 * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
23 * http://helm.cs.unibo.it/
28 module Ast = NotationPt
31 (* maps (loc,domain_item) to alias *)
32 interpr: GrafiteAst.alias_spec DisambiguateTypes.InterprEnv.t;
33 (* the universe of possible interpretations for all symbols/ids/nums *)
34 multi_aliases: GrafiteAst.alias_spec list DisambiguateTypes.Environment.t;
35 (* new_aliases: ((Stdpp.location * DisambiguateTypes.domain_item) * GrafiteAst.alias_spec) list *)
42 let initial_status = {
43 interpr = DisambiguateTypes.InterprEnv.empty;
44 multi_aliases = DisambiguateTypes.Environment.empty;
45 (* new_aliases = [] *)
50 inherit Interpretations.g_status
51 inherit NCicLibrary.g_status
52 method disambiguate_db: db
55 class virtual status uid =
57 inherit Interpretations.status uid
58 inherit NCicLibrary.status uid
59 val disambiguate_db = initial_status
60 method disambiguate_db = disambiguate_db
61 method set_disambiguate_db v = {< disambiguate_db = v >}
62 method reset_disambiguate_db () =
63 {< disambiguate_db = { self#disambiguate_db with interpr =
64 DisambiguateTypes.InterprEnv.empty } >}
65 method set_disambiguate_status
66 : 'status. #g_status as 'status -> 'self
67 = fun o -> ((self#set_interp_status o)#set_disambiguate_db
68 o#disambiguate_db)#set_lib_status o
71 (* let eval_with_new_aliases status f =
73 status#set_disambiguate_db { status#disambiguate_db with new_aliases = [] } in
75 let new_aliases = status#disambiguate_db.new_aliases in
79 (* reports the first source of ambiguity and its possible interpretations *)
80 exception Ambiguous_input of (Stdpp.location * GrafiteAst.alias_spec list)
82 (* reports disambiguation errors *)
84 (* location of a choice point *)
86 (* one possible choice (or no valid choice) *)
87 (GrafiteAst.alias_spec option *
88 (* list of asts together with the failing location and error msg *)
89 ((Stdpp.location * GrafiteAst.alias_spec) list *
90 Stdpp.location * string) list)
94 let dump_aliases out msg status =
95 out (if msg = "" then "aliases dump:" else msg ^ ": aliases dump:");
96 DisambiguateTypes.InterprEnv.iter (fun _ x -> out (GrafiteAstPp.pp_alias x))
97 status#disambiguate_db.interpr
99 let add_to_interpr status new_aliases =
101 List.fold_left (fun acc (k,c) ->
102 DisambiguateTypes.InterprEnv.add k c acc)
103 status#disambiguate_db.interpr new_aliases
106 {status#disambiguate_db with interpr = interpr }
108 status#set_disambiguate_db new_status
111 let print_interpr status =
112 DisambiguateTypes.InterprEnv.iter
114 let start,stop = HExtlib.loc_of_floc loc in
115 let strpos = Printf.sprintf "@(%d,%d):" start stop in
117 | GrafiteAst.Ident_alias (id,uri) ->
118 Printf.printf "%s [%s;%s]\n" strpos id uri
119 | GrafiteAst.Symbol_alias (name,_ouri,desc) ->
120 Printf.printf "%s <%s:%s>\n" strpos name desc
121 | GrafiteAst.Number_alias (_ouri,desc) ->
122 Printf.printf "%s <NUM:%s>\n" strpos desc)
123 status#disambiguate_db.interpr
126 let add_to_disambiguation_univ status new_aliases =
128 List.fold_left (fun acc (d,c) ->
129 DisambiguateTypes.Environment.cons GrafiteAst.description_of_alias
131 status#disambiguate_db.multi_aliases new_aliases
134 {status#disambiguate_db with multi_aliases = multi_aliases }
136 status#set_disambiguate_db new_status
139 exception BaseUriNotSetYet
141 let __Implicit = "__Implicit__"
142 let __Closed_Implicit = "__Closed_Implicit__"
144 let ncic_mk_choice status a =
145 prerr_endline "ncic_mk_choice";
147 | GrafiteAst.Symbol_alias (name,_, dsc) ->
148 prerr_endline ("caso 1: " ^ name ^ "; " ^ dsc);
149 if name = __Implicit then
150 dsc, `Sym_interp (fun _ -> NCic.Implicit `Term)
151 else if name = __Closed_Implicit then
152 dsc, `Sym_interp (fun _ -> NCic.Implicit `Closed)
154 (prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "mk_choice: symbol %s, interpr %s"
156 DisambiguateChoices.lookup_symbol_by_dsc status
157 ~mk_implicit:(function
158 | true -> NCic.Implicit `Closed
159 | false -> NCic.Implicit `Term)
161 (NCic.Appl l)::tl -> NCic.Appl (l@tl) | l -> NCic.Appl l)
162 ~term_of_nref:(fun nref -> NCic.Const nref)
164 | GrafiteAst.Number_alias (_,dsc) ->
165 prerr_endline ("caso 2: " ^ dsc);
166 let desc,f = DisambiguateChoices.nlookup_num_by_dsc dsc in
168 (fun num -> match f with `Num_interp f -> f num | _ -> assert false)
169 | GrafiteAst.Ident_alias (name, uri) ->
170 prerr_endline ("caso 3: " ^ name);
172 (fun l->assert(l = []);
173 let nref = NReference.reference_of_string uri in
181 GrafiteAst.Symbol_alias (__Implicit,None,"Fake Implicit")
183 GrafiteAst.Symbol_alias (__Closed_Implicit,None,"Fake Closed Implicit")
186 let nlookup_in_library status
187 interactive_user_uri_choice input_or_locate_uri item
190 | DisambiguateTypes.Id id ->
192 let references = NCicLibrary.resolve status id in
195 GrafiteAst.Ident_alias (id,NReference.string_of_reference u)
198 NCicEnvironment.ObjectNotFound _ -> [])
202 (* XXX TO BE REMOVED: no need to fix instances any more *)
203 (*let fix_instance item l =
205 DisambiguateTypes.Symbol (_,n) ->
208 GrafiteAst.Symbol_alias (s,d) -> GrafiteAst.Symbol_alias (s,n,d)
211 | DisambiguateTypes.Num n ->
214 GrafiteAst.Number_alias (_,d) -> GrafiteAst.Number_alias (n,d)
217 | DisambiguateTypes.Id _ -> l
219 let fix_instance _ l = l;;
221 let rec diff_term loc t u = match (t,u) with
222 | Ast.AttributedTerm (`Loc l,t'), Ast.AttributedTerm (_,u') -> diff_term l t' u'
223 | Ast.AttributedTerm (_,t'), Ast.AttributedTerm (_,u') -> diff_term loc t' u'
224 | Ast.Appl tl, Ast.Appl ul ->
225 List.fold_left2 (fun acc t0 u0 -> diff_term loc t0 u0@acc) [] tl ul
226 | Ast.Binder (_,v1,b1), Ast.Binder (_,v2,b2) ->
227 diff_var loc v1 v2@ diff_term loc b1 b2
228 | Ast.Case (t1,ity1,outty1,pl1),Ast.Case (t2,ity2,outty2,pl2) ->
229 let ity_interp = match ity1,ity2 with
230 | Some (i,None), Some (_,Some r) ->
231 let uri = NReference.string_of_reference r in
232 [loc,GrafiteAst.Ident_alias (i,uri)]
235 let oty_interp = match outty1,outty2 with
236 | Some o1, Some o2 -> diff_term loc o1 o2
239 (* pl = (case_pattern * term) list *)
240 let auxpatt (c1,u1) (c2,u2) acc =
241 let diff_cp = match c1,c2 with
242 | Ast.Pattern (i,href1,vars1), Ast.Pattern (_,href2,vars2) ->
243 let diff_i = match href1,href2 with
245 let uri = NReference.string_of_reference r in
246 [loc,GrafiteAst.Ident_alias (i,uri)]
250 List.fold_right2 (fun v1 v2 acc0 -> diff_var loc v1 v2 @ acc0) vars1 vars2 []
255 diff_term loc u1 u2 @ diff_cp @ acc
257 let pl_interp = List.fold_right2 auxpatt pl1 pl2 [] in
258 diff_term loc t1 t2 @ ity_interp @ oty_interp @ pl_interp
259 | Ast.Cast (u1,v1),Ast.Cast (u2,v2) ->
260 diff_term loc u1 u2@diff_term loc v1 v2
261 | Ast.LetIn (var1,u1,v1),Ast.LetIn (var2,u2,v2) ->
262 diff_var loc var1 var2 @ diff_term loc u1 u2 @ diff_term loc v1 v2
263 | Ast.LetRec (_,fl1,w1),Ast.LetRec (_,fl2,w2) ->
266 (fun (vars1,f1,b1,_) (vars2,f2,b2,_) acc ->
269 (fun v1 v2 acc0 -> diff_var loc v1 v2 @ acc0) vars1 vars2 []
271 diff_vars @ diff_var loc f1 f2 @ diff_term loc b1 b2 @ acc)
274 diff_funs @ diff_term loc w1 w2
275 | Ast.Ident (n,`Ambiguous),Ast.Ident (_,`Uri u) ->
276 [loc,GrafiteAst.Ident_alias (n,u)]
277 | Ast.Symbol (s, None),Ast.Symbol(_,Some (uri,desc)) ->
278 [loc,GrafiteAst.Symbol_alias (s,uri,desc)]
279 | Ast.Num (_, None),Ast.Num (_,Some (uri,desc)) ->
280 [loc,GrafiteAst.Number_alias (uri,desc)]
281 | _ -> [] (* leaves *)
282 and diff_var loc (_,v1) (_,v2) = match v1,v2 with
283 | Some v1', Some v2' -> diff_term loc v1' v2'
287 let diff_obj loc o1 o2 = match o1,o2 with
288 | Ast.Inductive (ls1,itys1), Ast.Inductive (ls2,itys2) ->
290 List.fold_right2 (fun v1 v2 acc -> diff_var loc v1 v2 @ acc) ls1 ls2 []
294 (fun (i1,_,ty1,cl1) (i2,_,ty2,cl2) acc0 ->
297 (fun (_,u) (_,v) acc1 -> diff_term loc u v @ acc1)
300 diff_term loc ty1 ty2 @ diff_cl @ acc0)
304 | Ast.Theorem (_,i1,b1,ty1,_), Ast.Theorem (_,i2,b2,ty2,_) ->
305 let diff_tys = match ty1,ty2 with
306 | Some ty1', Some ty2' -> diff_term loc ty1' ty2'
309 diff_term loc b1 b2 @ diff_tys
310 | Ast.Record (ls1,_,ty1,fl1),Ast.Record (ls2,_,ty2,fl2) ->
312 List.fold_right2 (fun v1 v2 acc -> diff_var loc v1 v2 @ acc) ls1 ls2 []
316 (fun (_,f1,_,_) (_,f2,_,_) acc -> diff_term loc f1 f2 @ acc) fl1 fl2 []
318 diff_ls @ diff_term loc ty1 ty2 @ diff_fl
322 (* this function, called on a list of choices that must
323 * be different, never fails and returns the location of
324 * the first ambiguity (and its possible interpretations) *)
325 let rec find_diffs l =
326 let loc,_ = List.hd (List.hd l) in
327 let hds = List.map (fun x -> snd (List.hd x)) l in
328 let uniq_hds = HExtlib.list_uniq (List.sort Pervasives.compare hds) in
330 if List.length uniq_hds > 1
333 let tls = List.map List.tl l in
337 (* clusterize a list of errors according to the last chosen interpretation *)
338 let clusterize diff (eframe,loc0) =
339 let rec aux = function
341 | (_,choice,_,_ as x)::l0 ->
342 let matches,others = List.partition (fun (_,c,_,_) -> c = choice) l0 in
343 (choice,List.map (fun (a,_,l,e) -> diff a,l,e) (x::matches)) ::
347 let disambiguate_nterm status expty context metasenv subst thing
349 let _,_,thing' = thing in
350 match NCicDisambiguate.disambiguate_term
352 ~aliases:status#disambiguate_db.interpr
354 ~universe:(status#disambiguate_db.multi_aliases)
355 ~lookup_in_library:(nlookup_in_library status)
356 ~mk_choice:(ncic_mk_choice status)
357 ~mk_implicit ~fix_instance
358 ~description_of_alias:GrafiteAst.description_of_alias
359 ~context ~metasenv ~subst thing
361 | Disambiguate.Disamb_success [newast,metasenv,subst,cic,_] ->
362 let diff = diff_term Stdpp.dummy_loc thing' newast in
363 let status = add_to_interpr status diff
365 metasenv, subst, status, cic
366 | Disambiguate.Disamb_success (_::_ as choices) ->
368 List.map (fun (ast,_,_,_,_) ->
369 diff_term Stdpp.dummy_loc thing' ast) choices
371 raise (Ambiguous_input (find_diffs diffs))
372 | Disambiguate.Disamb_failure l ->
373 raise (Error (List.map (clusterize (diff_term Stdpp.dummy_loc thing')) l))
378 NotationPt.term Disambiguate.disambiguator_input option *
379 (string * NCic.term) list * NCic.term option
381 let disambiguate_npattern status (text, prefix_len, (wanted, hyp_paths, goal_path)) =
382 let interp path = NCicDisambiguate.disambiguate_path status path in
383 let goal_path = HExtlib.map_option interp goal_path in
384 let hyp_paths = List.map (fun (name, path) -> name, interp path) hyp_paths in
385 let wanted = HExtlib.map_option (fun x -> text,prefix_len,x) wanted in
386 (wanted, hyp_paths, goal_path)
389 let disambiguate_reduction_kind text prefix_len = function
390 | `Unfold (Some t) -> assert false (* MATITA 1.0 *)
394 | `Whd as kind -> kind
397 let disambiguate_auto_params
398 disambiguate_term metasenv context (oterms, params)
401 | None -> metasenv, (None, params)
403 let metasenv, terms =
405 (fun t (metasenv, terms) ->
406 let metasenv,t = disambiguate_term context metasenv t in
407 metasenv,t::terms) terms (metasenv, [])
409 metasenv, (Some terms, params)
412 let disambiguate_just disambiguate_term context metasenv =
415 let metasenv,t = disambiguate_term context metasenv t in
418 let metasenv,params = disambiguate_auto_params disambiguate_term metasenv
421 metasenv, `Auto params
424 let disambiguate_nobj status ?baseuri (text,prefix_len,obj as obj') =
427 match baseuri with Some x -> x | None -> raise BaseUriNotSetYet
431 | NotationPt.Inductive (_,(name,_,_,_)::_)
432 | NotationPt.Record (_,name,_,_) -> name ^ ".ind"
433 | NotationPt.Theorem (_,name,_,_,_) -> name ^ ".con"
434 | NotationPt.Inductive _ -> assert false
436 NUri.uri_of_string (baseuri ^ "/" ^ name)
439 match NCicDisambiguate.disambiguate_obj
441 ~lookup_in_library:(nlookup_in_library status)
442 ~description_of_alias:GrafiteAst.description_of_alias
443 ~mk_choice:(ncic_mk_choice status)
444 ~mk_implicit ~fix_instance ~uri
445 ~aliases:status#disambiguate_db.interpr
446 ~universe:(status#disambiguate_db.multi_aliases)
449 | Disambiguate.Disamb_success [newast,_,_,cic,_] ->
450 let diff = diff_obj Stdpp.dummy_loc obj newast in
451 let status = add_to_interpr status diff
453 | Disambiguate.Disamb_success (_::_ as choices) ->
455 List.map (fun (ast,_,_,_,_) ->
456 diff_obj Stdpp.dummy_loc obj ast) choices
458 raise (Ambiguous_input (find_diffs diffs))
459 | Disambiguate.Disamb_failure l ->
460 raise (Error (List.map (clusterize (diff_obj Stdpp.dummy_loc obj)) l))
464 let disambiguate_cic_appl_pattern status args =
465 let rec disambiguate =
467 NotationPt.ApplPattern l ->
468 NotationPt.ApplPattern (List.map disambiguate l)
469 | NotationPt.VarPattern id
472 (function (NotationPt.IdentArg (_,id')) -> id'=id) args)
474 let item = DisambiguateTypes.Id id in
478 DisambiguateTypes.Environment.find item
479 (* status#disambiguate_db.aliases *)
480 status#disambiguate_db.multi_aliases
482 (* XXX : we only try the first match *)
483 GrafiteAst.Ident_alias (_,uri)::_ ->
484 NotationPt.NRefPattern (NReference.reference_of_string uri)
488 ("LexiconEngine.eval_command: domain item not found: " ^
489 (DisambiguateTypes.string_of_domain_item item));
490 dump_aliases prerr_endline "" status;
493 ((DisambiguateTypes.string_of_domain_item item) ^ " not found"))
500 let aliases_for_objs status refs =
504 let references = NCicLibrary.aliases_of status nref in
507 let name = NCicPp.r2s status true u in
508 (* FIXME : we are forgetting the interpretation of the Id
509 * but is this useful anymore?!?!? *)
510 DisambiguateTypes.Id name,
511 GrafiteAst.Ident_alias (name,NReference.string_of_reference u)