]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/blob - moogle_chat1.html
[helm.git] / moogle_chat1.html
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3 <head>
4 <title>Moogle_chat1</title>
5 </head>
6 <body>
7 <h3>There are more than one possible interpretations.</h3>
8 <br />Please select one or more of the following:
9 <br />
10 <form name="form"> 
11   @CHOICES@
12   <input type="hidden" name="no_choices" value="@NO_CHOICES@"/>
13   <input type="hidden" name="keys" value="S,T1,T2,L,RT,E"/>
14   <input type="hidden" name="current_choices" value="@CURRENT_CHOICES@"/>
15   <input type="hidden" name="action" value="@ACTION@"/>
16   <input type="hidden" name="expression" value="@EXPRESSION@"/>
17   <input type="hidden" name="advanced" value="@ADVANCED@"/>
18   <input type="hidden" name="iden" value="@IDEN@"/>
19   <helm:j_params />
20   <br /><br />
21   <input type="button" value="Done" 
22    onclick="Javascript:{
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32        + &apos;&amp;param.profile=&apos; + 
33            encodeURIComponent(document.form.j_profile.value)
34        + &apos;&amp;profile=&apos; + 
35            encodeURIComponent(document.form.j_profile.value)
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46      var fragment = &apos;&apos;; 
47      var id = document.form.iden.value;
48      var current_choices = document.form.current_choices.value;
49      for (j=0;j&lt;document.form.no_choices.value;j++)
50        if (document.form[j].checked)
51          fragment=fragment + &apos; &apos; + document.form[j].value;
52      if (fragment != &apos;&apos;)
53         { 
54           var new_choices = current_choices;
55           if (new_choices != &apos;&apos;) 
56             new_choices = new_choices + &apos;;&apos;;
57           new_choices=new_choices+id + fragment;
58           location =      
59             (base_url +  &apos;&amp;param.choices=&apos; + 
60              encodeURIComponent(new_choices));
61         }
62      else alert(&apos;You must select at least one of the options.&apos;);}
63   "/>
64   <input type="button" value="Constants Only" name="ConstantOnly" 
65    onclick="Javascript:{
66     for (i=0; i&lt;document.form.no_choices.value; i++) 
67       { 
68         var elem = document.form[i];
69         if (elem.value.substring(elem.value.length-4, elem.value.length) 
70              != &apos;.var&apos;) 
71           {
72              elem.checked = true;
73           } 
74         else 
75           {
76              elem.checked = false;
77           }
78         }
79       }
80   "/>
81 </form>
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83 </html>