]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/blob - weblib/basics/lists/reverse.ma
decentralized notation in lambda
[helm.git] / weblib / basics / lists / reverse.ma
1 (**************************** reverse *****************************)
3 include "basics/lists/iterators.ma".
5 \ 5img class="anchor" src="icons/tick.png" id="rev_append"\ 6let rec rev_append S (l1,l2:\ 5a href="cic:/matita/basics/lists/lists/list.ind(1,0,1)"\ 6list\ 5/a\ 6 S) on l1 ≝
6   match l1 with 
7   [ nil ⇒ l2
8   | cons a tl ⇒ rev_append S tl (a:\ 5a title="cons" href="cic:/fakeuri.def(1)"\ 6:\ 5/a\ 6l2)
9   ]
10 .
12 \ 5img class="anchor" src="icons/tick.png" id="reverse"\ 6definition reverse ≝λS.λl.\ 5a href="cic:/matita/basics/lists/reverse/rev_append.fix(0,1,1)"\ 6rev_append\ 5/a\ 6 S l [\ 5a title="nil" href="cic:/fakeuri.def(1)"\ 6]\ 5/a\ 6.
14 \ 5img class="anchor" src="icons/tick.png" id="reverse_single"\ 6lemma reverse_single : ∀S,a. \ 5a href="cic:/matita/basics/lists/reverse/reverse.def(2)"\ 6reverse\ 5/a\ 6 S \ 5a title="cons" href="cic:/fakeuri.def(1)"\ 6[\ 5/a\ 6a\ 5a title="nil" href="cic:/fakeuri.def(1)"\ 6]\ 5/a\ 6 \ 5a title="leibnitz's equality" href="cic:/fakeuri.def(1)"\ 6=\ 5/a\ 6 \ 5a title="cons" href="cic:/fakeuri.def(1)"\ 6[\ 5/a\ 6a\ 5a title="nil" href="cic:/fakeuri.def(1)"\ 6]\ 5/a\ 6
15 // qed.
17 \ 5img class="anchor" src="icons/tick.png" id="rev_append_def"\ 6lemma rev_append_def : ∀S,l1,l2. 
18   \ 5a href="cic:/matita/basics/lists/reverse/rev_append.fix(0,1,1)"\ 6rev_append\ 5/a\ 6 S l1 l2 \ 5a title="leibnitz's equality" href="cic:/fakeuri.def(1)"\ 6=\ 5/a\ 6 (\ 5a href="cic:/matita/basics/lists/reverse/reverse.def(2)"\ 6reverse\ 5/a\ 6 S l1) \ 5a title="append" href="cic:/fakeuri.def(1)"\ 6@\ 5/a\ 6 l2 .
19 #S #l1 elim l1 normalize 
20   [// | #a #tl #Hind #l2 >Hind >(Hind \ 5a title="cons" href="cic:/fakeuri.def(1)"\ 6[\ 5/a\ 6a\ 5a title="nil" href="cic:/fakeuri.def(1)"\ 6]\ 5/a\ 6) >\ 5a href="cic:/matita/basics/lists/append/associative_append.def(4)"\ 6associative_append\ 5/a\ 6 @\ 5a href="cic:/matita/basics/logic/eq.con(0,1,2)"\ 6refl\ 5/a\ 6]
21 qed.
23 \ 5img class="anchor" src="icons/tick.png" id="reverse_cons"\ 6lemma reverse_cons : ∀S,a,l. \ 5a href="cic:/matita/basics/lists/reverse/reverse.def(2)"\ 6reverse\ 5/a\ 6 S (a:\ 5a title="cons" href="cic:/fakeuri.def(1)"\ 6:\ 5/a\ 6l) \ 5a title="leibnitz's equality" href="cic:/fakeuri.def(1)"\ 6=\ 5/a\ 6 (\ 5a href="cic:/matita/basics/lists/reverse/reverse.def(2)"\ 6reverse\ 5/a\ 6 S l)\ 5a title="append" href="cic:/fakeuri.def(1)"\ 6@\ 5/a\ 6\ 5a title="cons" href="cic:/fakeuri.def(1)"\ 6[\ 5/a\ 6a\ 5a title="nil" href="cic:/fakeuri.def(1)"\ 6]\ 5/a\ 6.
24 #S #a #l whd in ⊢ (??%?); // 
25 qed.
27 \ 5img class="anchor" src="icons/tick.png" id="reverse_append"\ 6lemma reverse_append: ∀S,l1,l2. 
28   \ 5a href="cic:/matita/basics/lists/reverse/reverse.def(2)"\ 6reverse\ 5/a\ 6 S (l1 \ 5a title="append" href="cic:/fakeuri.def(1)"\ 6@\ 5/a\ 6 l2) \ 5a title="leibnitz's equality" href="cic:/fakeuri.def(1)"\ 6=\ 5/a\ 6 (\ 5a href="cic:/matita/basics/lists/reverse/reverse.def(2)"\ 6reverse\ 5/a\ 6 S l2)\ 5a title="append" href="cic:/fakeuri.def(1)"\ 6@\ 5/a\ 6(\ 5a href="cic:/matita/basics/lists/reverse/reverse.def(2)"\ 6reverse\ 5/a\ 6 S l1).
29 #S #l1 elim l1 [normalize // | #a #tl #Hind #l2 >\ 5a href="cic:/matita/basics/lists/reverse/reverse_cons.def(6)"\ 6reverse_cons\ 5/a\ 6
30 >\ 5a href="cic:/matita/basics/lists/reverse/reverse_cons.def(6)"\ 6reverse_cons\ 5/a\ 6 >Hind // qed.
32 \ 5img class="anchor" src="icons/tick.png" id="reverse_reverse"\ 6lemma reverse_reverse : ∀S,l. \ 5a href="cic:/matita/basics/lists/reverse/reverse.def(2)"\ 6reverse\ 5/a\ 6 S (\ 5a href="cic:/matita/basics/lists/reverse/reverse.def(2)"\ 6reverse\ 5/a\ 6 S l) \ 5a title="leibnitz's equality" href="cic:/fakeuri.def(1)"\ 6=\ 5/a\ 6 l.
33 #S #l elim l // #a #tl #Hind >\ 5a href="cic:/matita/basics/lists/reverse/reverse_cons.def(6)"\ 6reverse_cons\ 5/a\ 6 >\ 5a href="cic:/matita/basics/lists/reverse/reverse_append.def(7)"\ 6reverse_append\ 5/a\ 6 >Hind %
34 qed.
36 (* an elimination principle for lists working on the tail;
37 useful for strings *)
38 \ 5img class="anchor" src="icons/tick.png" id="list_elim_left"\ 6lemma list_elim_left: ∀S.∀P:\ 5a href="cic:/matita/basics/lists/lists/list.ind(1,0,1)"\ 6list\ 5/a\ 6 S → Prop. P (\ 5a href="cic:/matita/basics/lists/lists/list.con(0,1,1)"\ 6nil\ 5/a\ 6 S) →
39 (∀a.∀tl.P tl → P (tl\ 5a title="append" href="cic:/fakeuri.def(1)"\ 6@\ 5/a\ 6\ 5a title="cons" href="cic:/fakeuri.def(1)"\ 6[\ 5/a\ 6a\ 5a title="nil" href="cic:/fakeuri.def(1)"\ 6]\ 5/a\ 6)) → ∀l. P l.
40 #S #P #Pnil #Pstep #l <(\ 5a href="cic:/matita/basics/lists/reverse/reverse_reverse.def(8)"\ 6reverse_reverse\ 5/a\ 6 … l) 
41 generalize in match (\ 5a href="cic:/matita/basics/lists/reverse/reverse.def(2)"\ 6reverse\ 5/a\ 6 S l); #l elim l //
42 #a #tl #H >\ 5a href="cic:/matita/basics/lists/reverse/reverse_cons.def(6)"\ 6reverse_cons\ 5/a\ 6 @Pstep //
43 qed.