(* OCaml HTTP - do it yourself (fully OCaml) HTTP daemon Copyright (C) <2002-2005> Stefano Zacchiroli This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) (** Type definitions *) type version = [ `HTTP_1_0 | `HTTP_1_1 ] type meth = [ `GET | `POST ] type daemon_mode = [ `Single | `Fork | `Thread ] type tcp_server = sockaddr:Unix.sockaddr -> timeout:int option -> (in_channel -> out_channel -> unit) -> unit type auth_info = [ `Basic of string * string (* username, password *) ] type informational_substatus = [ `Continue | `Switching_protocols ] type success_substatus = [ `OK | `Created | `Accepted | `Non_authoritative_information | `No_content | `Reset_content | `Partial_content ] type redirection_substatus = [ `Multiple_choices | `Moved_permanently | `Found | `See_other | `Not_modified | `Use_proxy | `Temporary_redirect ] type client_error_substatus = [ `Bad_request | `Unauthorized | `Payment_required | `Forbidden | `Not_found | `Method_not_allowed | `Not_acceptable | `Proxy_authentication_required | `Request_time_out | `Conflict | `Gone | `Length_required | `Precondition_failed | `Request_entity_too_large | `Request_URI_too_large | `Unsupported_media_type | `Requested_range_not_satisfiable | `Expectation_failed ] type server_error_substatus = [ `Internal_server_error | `Not_implemented | `Bad_gateway | `Service_unavailable | `Gateway_time_out | `HTTP_version_not_supported ] type informational_status = [ `Informational of informational_substatus ] type success_status = [ `Success of success_substatus ] type redirection_status = [ `Redirection of redirection_substatus ] type client_error_status = [ `Client_error of client_error_substatus ] type server_error_status = [ `Server_error of server_error_substatus ] type error_status = [ client_error_status | server_error_status ] type status = [ informational_status | success_status | redirection_status | client_error_status | server_error_status ] type status_code = [ `Code of int | `Status of status ] type file_source = | FileSrc of string | InChanSrc of in_channel exception Invalid_header of string exception Invalid_header_name of string exception Invalid_header_value of string exception Invalid_HTTP_version of string exception Invalid_HTTP_method of string exception Invalid_code of int exception Malformed_URL of string exception Malformed_query of string exception Malformed_query_part of string * string exception Malformed_request_URI of string exception Malformed_request of string exception Malformed_response of string exception Param_not_found of string exception Invalid_status_line of string exception Header_not_found of string exception Quit exception Unauthorized of string class type message = object method version: version option method setVersion: version -> unit method body: string method setBody: string -> unit method bodyBuf: Buffer.t method setBodyBuf: Buffer.t -> unit method addBody: string -> unit method addBodyBuf: Buffer.t -> unit method addHeader: name:string -> value:string -> unit method addHeaders: (string * string) list -> unit method replaceHeader: name:string -> value:string -> unit method replaceHeaders: (string * string) list -> unit method removeHeader: name:string -> unit method hasHeader: name:string -> bool method header: name:string -> string method headers: (string * string) list method clientSockaddr: Unix.sockaddr method clientAddr: string method clientPort: int method serverSockaddr: Unix.sockaddr method serverAddr: string method serverPort: int method toString: string method serialize: out_channel -> unit end class type request = object inherit message method meth: meth method uri: string method path: string method param: ?meth:meth -> ?default:string -> string -> string method paramAll: ?meth:meth -> string -> string list method params: (string * string) list method params_GET: (string * string) list method params_POST: (string * string) list method authorization: auth_info option end class type response = object inherit message method code: int method setCode: int -> unit method status: status method setStatus: status -> unit method reason: string method setReason: string -> unit method statusLine: string method setStatusLine: string -> unit method isInformational: bool method isSuccess: bool method isRedirection: bool method isClientError: bool method isServerError: bool method isError: bool method addBasicHeaders: unit method contentType: string method setContentType: string -> unit method contentEncoding: string method setContentEncoding: string -> unit method date: string method setDate: string -> unit method expires: string method setExpires: string -> unit method server: string method setServer: string -> unit end class type connection = object method getRequest: request option method respond_with: response -> unit method close: unit end class type daemon = object method accept: connection method getRequest: request * connection end type daemon_spec = { address: string; auth: (string * auth_info) option; callback: request -> out_channel -> unit; mode: daemon_mode; port: int; root_dir: string option; exn_handler: (exn -> out_channel -> unit) option; timeout: int option; auto_close: bool; }