(** This module provides functions to print elements of [Extracted.Csyntax] programs. *) type cost_style = | Cost_plain | Cost_numbered of Extracted.Label.clight_cost_map * Extracted.Joint.stack_cost_model | Cost_instrumented of Extracted.Label.clight_cost_map * Extracted.Joint.stack_cost_model val print_program: cost_style -> Extracted.Csyntax.clight_program -> string val print_expression: cost_style -> Extracted.Csyntax.expr -> string val string_of_ctype: Extracted.Csyntax.type0 -> string val print_statement: cost_style -> Extracted.Csyntax.statement -> string val print_ctype_prot: Extracted.Csyntax.type0 -> string val print_ctype_def: Extracted.Csyntax.type0 -> string val string_of_unop : Extracted.Csyntax.unary_operation -> string val string_of_binop : Extracted.Csyntax.binary_operation -> string