(* Copyright (C) 2005, HELM Team. * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/. *) (* $Id$ *) (** PROFILING *) let profiling_enabled = false ;; (* ComponentsConf.profiling *) let something_profiled = ref false let _ = if !something_profiled then at_exit (fun _ -> prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "!! %39s ---------- --------- --------- ---------" (String.make 39 '-')); prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "!! %-39s %10s %9s %9s %9s" "function" "#calls" "total" "max" "average")) let profiling_printings = ref (fun _ -> true) let set_profiling_printings f = profiling_printings := f type profiler = { profile : 'a 'b. ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b } let profile ?(enable = true) s = if profiling_enabled && enable then let total = ref 0.0 in let calls = ref 0 in let max = ref 0.0 in let profile f x = let before = Unix.gettimeofday () in try incr calls; let res = f x in let after = Unix.gettimeofday () in let delta = after -. before in total := !total +. delta; if delta > !max then max := delta; res with exc -> let after = Unix.gettimeofday () in let delta = after -. before in total := !total +. delta; if delta > !max then max := delta; raise exc in at_exit (fun () -> if !profiling_printings s && !calls <> 0 then begin something_profiled := true; prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "!! %-39s %10d %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f" s !calls !total !max (!total /. (float_of_int !calls))) end); { profile = profile } else { profile = fun f x -> f x } (** {2 Optional values} *) let map_option f = function None -> None | Some v -> Some (f v) let iter_option f = function None -> () | Some v -> f v let unopt = function None -> failwith "unopt: None" | Some v -> v (** {2 String processing} *) let split ?(sep = ' ') s = let pieces = ref [] in let rec aux idx = match (try Some (String.index_from s idx sep) with Not_found -> None) with | Some pos -> pieces := String.sub s idx (pos - idx) :: !pieces; aux (pos + 1) | None -> pieces := String.sub s idx (String.length s - idx) :: !pieces in aux 0; List.rev !pieces let trim_blanks s = let rec find_left idx = match s.[idx] with | ' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n' -> find_left (idx + 1) | _ -> idx in let rec find_right idx = match s.[idx] with | ' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n' -> find_right (idx - 1) | _ -> idx in let s_len = String.length s in let left, right = find_left 0, find_right (s_len - 1) in String.sub s left (right - left + 1) (** {2 Char processing} *) let is_alpha c = let code = Char.code c in (code >= 65 && code <= 90) || (code >= 97 && code <= 122) let is_digit c = let code = Char.code c in code >= 48 && code <= 57 let is_blank c = let code = Char.code c in code = 9 || code = 10 || code = 13 || code = 32 let is_alphanum c = is_alpha c || is_digit c (** {2 List processing} *) let flatten_map f l = List.flatten (List.map f l) ;; let rec list_uniq ?(eq=(=)) = function | [] -> [] | h::[] -> [h] | h1::h2::tl when eq h1 h2 -> list_uniq ~eq (h2 :: tl) | h1::tl (* when h1 <> h2 *) -> h1 :: list_uniq ~eq tl let rec filter_map f = function | [] -> [] | hd :: tl -> (match f hd with | None -> filter_map f tl | Some v -> v :: filter_map f tl) let list_rev_map_filter f l = let rec aux a = function | [] -> a | hd :: tl -> begin match f hd with | None -> aux a tl | Some b -> aux (b :: a) tl end in aux [] l let list_rev_map_filter_fold f v l = let rec aux v a = function | [] -> v, a | hd :: tl -> begin match f v hd with | v, None -> aux v a tl | v, Some b -> aux v (b :: a) tl end in aux v [] l let list_concat ?(sep = []) = let rec aux acc = function | [] -> [] | [ last ] -> List.flatten (List.rev (last :: acc)) | hd :: tl -> aux ([sep; hd] @ acc) tl in aux [] let rec list_findopt f l = let rec aux = function | [] -> None | x::tl -> (match f x with | None -> aux tl | Some _ as rc -> rc) in aux l let split_nth n l = let rec aux acc n l = match n, l with | 0, _ -> List.rev acc, l | n, [] -> raise (Failure "HExtlib.split_nth") | n, hd :: tl -> aux (hd :: acc) (n - 1) tl in aux [] n l let list_last l = let l = List.rev l in try List.hd l with exn -> raise (Failure "HExtlib.list_last") ;; (** {2 File predicates} *) let is_dir fname = try (Unix.stat fname).Unix.st_kind = Unix.S_DIR with Unix.Unix_error _ -> false let writable_dir path = try let file = path ^ "/prova_matita" in let oc = open_out file in close_out oc; Sys.remove file; true with Sys_error _ -> false let is_regular fname = try (Unix.stat fname).Unix.st_kind = Unix.S_REG with Unix.Unix_error _ -> false let is_executable fname = try let stat = (Unix.stat fname) in stat.Unix.st_kind = Unix.S_REG && (stat.Unix.st_perm land 0o001 > 0) with Unix.Unix_error _ -> false let chmod mode filename = Unix.chmod filename mode let mkdir path = let components = split ~sep:'/' path in let rec aux where = function | [] -> () | piece::tl -> let path = if where = "" then piece else where ^ "/" ^ piece in (try Unix.mkdir path 0o755; chmod 0o2775 path with | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EEXIST,_,_) -> () | Unix.Unix_error (e,_,_) -> raise (Failure ("Unix.mkdir " ^ path ^ " 0o2775 :" ^ (Unix.error_message e)))); aux path tl in let where = if path.[0] = '/' then "/" else "" in aux where components (** {2 Filesystem} *) let input_file fname = let size = (Unix.stat fname).Unix.st_size in let buf = Buffer.create size in let ic = open_in fname in Buffer.add_channel buf ic size; close_in ic; Buffer.contents buf let input_all ic = let size = 10240 in let buf = Buffer.create size in let s = String.create size in (try while true do let bytes = input ic s 0 size in if bytes = 0 then raise End_of_file else Buffer.add_substring buf s 0 bytes done with End_of_file -> ()); Buffer.contents buf let output_file ~filename ~text = let oc = open_out filename in output_string oc text; close_out oc; chmod 0o664 filename let blank_split s = let len = String.length s in let buf = Buffer.create 0 in let rec aux acc i = if i >= len then begin if Buffer.length buf > 0 then List.rev (Buffer.contents buf :: acc) else List.rev acc end else begin if is_blank s.[i] then if Buffer.length buf > 0 then begin let s = Buffer.contents buf in Buffer.clear buf; aux (s :: acc) (i + 1) end else aux acc (i + 1) else begin Buffer.add_char buf s.[i]; aux acc (i + 1) end end in aux [] 0 (* Rules: * "~name" -> home dir of "name" * "~" -> value of $HOME if defined, home dir of the current user otherwise *) let tilde_expand s = let get_home login = (Unix.getpwnam login).Unix.pw_dir in let expand_one s = let len = String.length s in if len > 0 && s.[0] = '~' then begin let login_len = ref 1 in while !login_len < len && is_alphanum (s.[!login_len]) do incr login_len done; let login = String.sub s 1 (!login_len - 1) in try let home = if login = "" then try Sys.getenv "HOME" with Not_found -> get_home (Unix.getlogin ()) else get_home login in home ^ String.sub s !login_len (len - !login_len) with Not_found | Invalid_argument _ -> s end else s in String.concat " " (List.map expand_one (blank_split s)) let find ?(test = fun _ -> true) path = let rec aux acc todo = match todo with | [] -> acc | path :: tl -> try let handle = Unix.opendir path in let dirs = ref [] in let matching_files = ref [] in (try while true do match Unix.readdir handle with | "." | ".." -> () | entry -> let qentry = path ^ "/" ^ entry in (try if is_dir qentry then dirs := qentry :: !dirs else if test qentry then matching_files := qentry :: !matching_files; with Unix.Unix_error _ -> ()) done with End_of_file -> Unix.closedir handle); aux (!matching_files @ acc) (!dirs @ tl) with Unix.Unix_error _ -> aux acc tl in aux [] [path] let safe_remove fname = if Sys.file_exists fname then Sys.remove fname let is_dir_empty d = try let od = Unix.opendir d in let rec aux () = let name = Unix.readdir od in if name <> "." && name <> ".." then false else aux () in let res = try aux () with End_of_file -> true in Unix.closedir od; res with Unix.Unix_error _ -> true (* raised by Unix.opendir, we hope :-) *) let safe_rmdir d = try Unix.rmdir d with Unix.Unix_error _ -> () let rec rmdir_descend d = if is_dir_empty d then begin safe_rmdir d; rmdir_descend (Filename.dirname d) end (** {2 Exception handling} *) let finally at_end f arg = let res = try f arg with exn -> at_end (); raise exn in at_end (); res (** {2 Localized exceptions } *) exception Localized of Stdpp.location * exn let loc_of_floc floc = Stdpp.first_pos floc, Stdpp.last_pos floc;; let floc_of_loc (loc_begin, loc_end) = Stdpp.make_loc (loc_begin, loc_end) let dummy_floc = floc_of_loc (-1, -1) let raise_localized_exception ~offset floc exn = let x, y = loc_of_floc floc in let x = offset + x in let y = offset + y in let floc = floc_of_loc (x,y) in raise (Localized (floc, exn)) let estimate_size x = 4 * (String.length (Marshal.to_string x [])) / 1024 let normalize_path s = let s = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "//") "/" s in let l = Str.split (Str.regexp "/") s in let rec aux = function | [] -> [] | he::".."::tl -> aux tl | he::"."::tl -> aux (he::tl) | he::tl -> he :: aux tl in (if Str.string_match (Str.regexp "^/") s 0 then "/" else "") ^ String.concat "/" (aux l) ^ (if Str.string_match (Str.regexp "/$") s 0 then "/" else "") ;; let find_in paths path = let rec aux = function | [] -> raise (Failure "find_in") | p :: tl -> let path = normalize_path (p ^ "/" ^ path) in try if (Unix.stat path).Unix.st_kind = Unix.S_REG then path else aux tl with Unix.Unix_error _ -> aux tl in try aux paths with Unix.Unix_error _ | Failure _ -> raise (Failure "find_in") ;; let is_prefix_of d1 d2 = let len1 = String.length d1 in let len2 = String.length d2 in if len2 < len1 then false else let pref = String.sub d2 0 len1 in pref = d1 && (len1 = len2 || d2.[len1] = '/') ;; let touch s = try close_out(open_out s) with Sys_error _ -> () ;;