let max_profilers = 20;; let profiler_no = ref 0;; let profiler_label2int = Hashtbl.create 3;; let name = ref "";; let banner _ pname = name := pname; "(Array.make "^string_of_int max_profilers^" (0,0.)), "^ "(Array.make "^string_of_int max_profilers^" (0.))" ;; let ensure_label_in_table label = if not (Hashtbl.mem profiler_label2int label) then begin if !profiler_no > max_profilers then raise (Invalid_argument "Too many profilers."); Hashtbl.add profiler_label2int label !profiler_no; incr profiler_no; end ;; let start label = ensure_label_in_table label; let id = Hashtbl.find profiler_label2int label in " ((snd "^ !name^").("^string_of_int id^") <- Unix.gettimeofday()) " ;; let stop label extra = ensure_label_in_table label; let id = Hashtbl.find profiler_label2int label in "(let __res = " ^ extra ^ " in ( "^ "let interval = Unix.gettimeofday () -. "^ "(snd "^ !name^").("^string_of_int id^") in "^ "let oldcount,oldval = (fst "^ !name^").("^string_of_int id^") in "^ "(fst "^ !name^").("^string_of_int id^") <- "^ "(oldcount+1,interval +. oldval)); __res )" ;; let profile_start_stop _ label = let label,extra = match Str.bounded_split (Str.regexp "\n") label 2 with | [label;extra] -> label,extra | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument ("Profiler 'stop' with a bad label:" ^ label)) in let start = start label in let stop = stop label extra in "let _ = " ^ start ^ " in " ^ stop ;; let profile_show _ prefix = (Hashtbl.fold (fun k v acc -> acc ^ "let t = (fst "^ !name^").("^string_of_int v^") in "^ "let acc = acc ^ Printf.sprintf \"%-15s %25s: %8d %8.4f\\n\" \"" ^ prefix ^ "\" \"" ^ k ^ "\" (fst t) (snd t) in ") profiler_label2int "let acc = \"\" in ") ^ " acc " ;; let profile_start _ label = start label ;; let profile_stop _ label = let label,extra = match Str.bounded_split (Str.regexp "\n") label 2 with | [label;extra] -> label,extra | [label] -> label,"()" | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument ("Profiler 'stop' with a bad label:" ^ label)) in stop label extra ;; Quotation.add "profiler" (Quotation.ExStr banner);; Quotation.add "profile" (Quotation.ExStr profile_start_stop);; Quotation.add "start" (Quotation.ExStr profile_start);; Quotation.add "stop" (Quotation.ExStr profile_stop);; Quotation.add "show" (Quotation.ExStr profile_show);;