(* Copyright (C) 2005, HELM Team. * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://helm.cs.unibo.it/ *) (* $Id$ *) open Printf let debug = false let debug_print s = if debug then prerr_endline (Lazy.force s) else () exception Error of string lazy_t let fail msg = raise (Error msg) type goal = ProofEngineTypes.goal module Stack = struct type switch = Open of goal | Closed of goal type locator = int * switch type tag = [ `BranchTag | `FocusTag | `NoTag ] type entry = locator list * locator list * locator list * tag type t = entry list let empty = [ [], [], [], `NoTag ] let fold ~env ~cont ~todo init stack = let rec aux acc depth = function | [] -> acc | (locs, todos, conts, tag) :: tl -> let acc = List.fold_left (fun acc -> env acc depth tag) acc locs in let acc = List.fold_left (fun acc -> cont acc depth tag) acc conts in let acc = List.fold_left (fun acc -> todo acc depth tag) acc todos in aux acc (depth + 1) tl in assert (stack <> []); aux init 0 stack let iter ~env ~cont ~todo = fold ~env:(fun _ -> env) ~cont:(fun _ -> cont) ~todo:(fun _ -> todo) () let map ~env ~cont ~todo = let depth = ref ~-1 in List.map (fun (s, t, c, tag) -> incr depth; let d = !depth in env d tag s, todo d tag t, cont d tag c, tag) let is_open = function _, Open _ -> true | _ -> false let close = function n, Open g -> n, Closed g | l -> l let filter_open = List.filter is_open let is_fresh = function n, Open _ when n > 0 -> true | _ -> false let goal_of_loc = function _, Open g | _, Closed g -> g let goal_of_switch = function Open g | Closed g -> g let switch_of_loc = snd let zero_pos = List.map (fun g -> 0, Open g) let init_pos locs = let pos = ref 0 in (* positions are 1-based *) List.map (function _, sw -> incr pos; !pos, sw) locs let extract_pos i = let rec aux acc = function | [] -> fail (lazy (sprintf "relative position %d not found" i)) | (i', _) as loc :: tl when i = i' -> loc, (List.rev acc) @ tl | hd :: tl -> aux (hd :: acc) tl in aux [] let deep_close gs = let close _ _ = List.map (fun l -> if List.mem (goal_of_loc l) gs then close l else l) in let rm _ _ = List.filter (fun l -> not (List.mem (goal_of_loc l) gs)) in map ~env:close ~cont:rm ~todo:rm let rec find_goal = function | [] -> raise (Failure "Continuationals.find_goal") | (l :: _, _ , _ , _) :: _ -> goal_of_loc l | ( _ , _ , l :: _, _) :: _ -> goal_of_loc l | ( _ , l :: _, _ , _) :: _ -> goal_of_loc l | _ :: tl -> find_goal tl let is_empty = function | [] -> assert false | [ [], [], [], `NoTag ] -> true | _ -> false let of_metasenv metasenv = let goals = List.map (fun (g, _, _) -> g) metasenv in [ zero_pos goals, [], [], `NoTag ] let head_switches = function | (locs, _, _, _) :: _ -> List.map switch_of_loc locs | [] -> assert false let head_goals = function | (locs, _, _, _) :: _ -> List.map goal_of_loc locs | [] -> assert false let head_tag = function | (_, _, _, tag) :: _ -> tag | [] -> assert false let shift_goals = function | _ :: (locs, _, _, _) :: _ -> List.map goal_of_loc locs | [] -> assert false | _ -> [] let open_goals stack = let add_open acc _ _ l = if is_open l then goal_of_loc l :: acc else acc in List.rev (fold ~env:add_open ~cont:add_open ~todo:add_open [] stack) let (@+) = (@) (* union *) let (@-) s1 s2 = (* difference *) List.fold_right (fun e acc -> if List.mem e s2 then acc else e :: acc) s1 [] let (@~-) locs gs = (* remove some goals from a locators list *) List.fold_right (fun loc acc -> if List.mem (goal_of_loc loc) gs then acc else loc :: acc) locs [] let pp stack = let pp_goal = string_of_int in let pp_switch = function Open g -> "o" ^ pp_goal g | Closed g -> "c" ^ pp_goal g in let pp_loc (i, s) = string_of_int i ^ pp_switch s in let pp_env env = sprintf "[%s]" (String.concat ";" (List.map pp_loc env)) in let pp_tag = function `BranchTag -> "B" | `FocusTag -> "F" | `NoTag -> "N" in let pp_stack_entry (env, todo, cont, tag) = sprintf "(%s, %s, %s, %s)" (pp_env env) (pp_env todo) (pp_env cont) (pp_tag tag) in String.concat " :: " (List.map pp_stack_entry stack) end module type Status = sig type input_status type output_status type tactic val mk_tactic : (input_status -> output_status) -> tactic val apply_tactic : tactic -> input_status -> output_status val goals : output_status -> goal list * goal list (** opened, closed goals *) val get_stack : input_status -> Stack.t val set_stack : Stack.t -> output_status -> output_status val inject : input_status -> output_status val focus : goal -> output_status -> input_status end module type C = sig type input_status type output_status type tactic type tactical = | Tactic of tactic | Skip type t = | Dot | Semicolon | Branch | Shift | Pos of int list | Wildcard | Merge | Focus of goal list | Unfocus | Tactical of tactical val eval: t -> input_status -> output_status end module Make (S: Status) = struct open Stack type input_status = S.input_status type output_status = S.output_status type tactic = S.tactic type tactical = | Tactic of tactic | Skip type t = | Dot | Semicolon | Branch | Shift | Pos of int list | Wildcard | Merge | Focus of goal list | Unfocus | Tactical of tactical let pp_t = function | Dot -> "Dot" | Semicolon -> "Semicolon" | Branch -> "Branch" | Shift -> "Shift" | Pos i -> "Pos " ^ (String.concat "," (List.map string_of_int i)) | Wildcard -> "Wildcard" | Merge -> "Merge" | Focus gs -> sprintf "Focus [%s]" (String.concat "; " (List.map string_of_int gs)) | Unfocus -> "Unfocus" | Tactical _ -> "Tactical " let eval_tactical tactical ostatus switch = match tactical, switch with | Tactic tac, Open n -> let ostatus = S.apply_tactic tac (S.focus n ostatus) in let opened, closed = S.goals ostatus in ostatus, opened, closed | Skip, Closed n -> ostatus, [], [n] | Tactic _, Closed _ -> fail (lazy "can't apply tactic to a closed goal") | Skip, Open _ -> fail (lazy "can't skip an open goal") let eval cmd istatus = let stack = S.get_stack istatus in debug_print (lazy (sprintf "EVAL CONT %s <- %s" (pp_t cmd) (pp stack))); let new_stack stack = S.inject istatus, stack in let ostatus, stack = match cmd, stack with | _, [] -> assert false | Tactical tac, (g, t, k, tag) :: s -> (* COMMENTED OUT TO ALLOW PARAMODULATION TO DO A * auto paramodulation.try assumption. * EVEN IF NO GOALS ARE LEFT OPEN BY AUTO. if g = [] then fail (lazy "can't apply a tactic to zero goals"); *) debug_print (lazy ("context length " ^string_of_int (List.length g))); let rec aux s go gc = function | [] -> s, go, gc | loc :: loc_tl -> debug_print (lazy "inner eval tactical"); let s, go, gc = if List.exists ((=) (goal_of_loc loc)) gc then s, go, gc else let s, go', gc' = eval_tactical tac s (switch_of_loc loc) in s, (go @- gc') @+ go', gc @+ gc' in aux s go gc loc_tl in let s0, go0, gc0 = S.inject istatus, [], [] in let sn, gon, gcn = aux s0 go0 gc0 g in debug_print (lazy ("opened: " ^ String.concat " " (List.map string_of_int gon))); debug_print (lazy ("closed: " ^ String.concat " " (List.map string_of_int gcn))); let stack = (zero_pos gon, t @~- gcn, k @~- gcn, tag) :: deep_close gcn s in sn, stack | Dot, ([], _, [], _) :: _ -> (* backward compatibility: do-nothing-dot *) new_stack stack | Dot, (g, t, k, tag) :: s -> (match filter_open g, k with | loc :: loc_tl, _ -> new_stack (([ loc ], t, loc_tl @+ k, tag) :: s) | [], loc :: k -> assert (is_open loc); new_stack (([ loc ], t, k, tag) :: s) | _ -> fail (lazy "can't use \".\" here")) | Semicolon, _ -> new_stack stack | Branch, (g, t, k, tag) :: s -> (match init_pos g with | [] | [ _ ] -> fail (lazy "too few goals to branch"); | loc :: loc_tl -> new_stack (([ loc ], [], [], `BranchTag) :: (loc_tl, t, k, tag) :: s)) | Shift, (g, t, k, `BranchTag) :: (g', t', k', tag) :: s -> (match g' with | [] -> fail (lazy "no more goals to shift") | loc :: loc_tl -> new_stack (([ loc ], t @+ filter_open g @+ k, [],`BranchTag) :: (loc_tl, t', k', tag) :: s)) | Shift, _ -> fail (lazy "can't shift goals here") | Pos i_s, ([ loc ], t, [],`BranchTag) :: (g', t', k', tag) :: s when is_fresh loc -> let l_js = List.filter (fun (i, _) -> List.mem i i_s) ([loc] @+ g') in new_stack ((l_js, t , [],`BranchTag) :: (([ loc ] @+ g') @- l_js, t', k', tag) :: s) | Pos _, _ -> fail (lazy "can't use relative positioning here") | Wildcard, ([ loc ] , t, [], `BranchTag) :: (g', t', k', tag) :: s when is_fresh loc -> new_stack (([loc] @+ g', t, [], `BranchTag) :: ([], t', k', tag) :: s) | Wildcard, _ -> fail (lazy "can't use wildcard here") | Merge, (g, t, k,`BranchTag) :: (g', t', k', tag) :: s -> new_stack ((t @+ filter_open g @+ g' @+ k, t', k', tag) :: s) | Merge, _ -> fail (lazy "can't merge goals here") | Focus [], _ -> assert false | Focus gs, s -> let stack_locs = let add_l acc _ _ l = if is_open l then l :: acc else acc in Stack.fold ~env:add_l ~cont:add_l ~todo:add_l [] s in List.iter (fun g -> if not (List.exists (fun l -> goal_of_loc l = g) stack_locs) then fail (lazy (sprintf "goal %d not found (or closed)" g))) gs; new_stack ((zero_pos gs, [], [], `FocusTag) :: deep_close gs s) | Unfocus, ([], [], [], `FocusTag) :: s -> new_stack s | Unfocus, _ -> fail (lazy "can't unfocus, some goals are still open") in debug_print (lazy (sprintf "EVAL CONT %s -> %s" (pp_t cmd) (pp stack))); S.set_stack stack ostatus end