(* Copyright (C) 2002, HELM Team. * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/. *) (******************************************************************************) (* *) (* PROJECT HELM *) (* *) (* Claudio Sacerdoti Coen *) (* 12/04/2002 *) (* *) (* *) (******************************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (* The code of this module is derived from the code of CicReduction *) exception Impossible of int;; exception ReferenceToConstant;; exception ReferenceToVariable;; exception ReferenceToCurrentProof;; exception ReferenceToInductiveDefinition;; exception WrongUriToInductiveDefinition;; exception WrongUriToConstant;; exception RelToHiddenHypothesis;; module C = Cic module S = CicSubstitution let debug = false let prerr_endline = if debug then prerr_endline else (fun x -> ()) ;; exception WhatAndWithWhatDoNotHaveTheSameLength;; (* Replaces "textually" in "where" every term in "what" with the corresponding term in "with_what". The terms in "what" ARE NOT lifted when binders are crossed. The terms in "with_what" ARE NOT lifted when binders are crossed. Every free variable in "where" IS NOT lifted by nnn. *) let replace ~equality ~what ~with_what ~where = let find_image t = let rec find_image_aux = function [],[] -> raise Not_found | what::tl1,with_what::tl2 -> if equality what t then with_what else find_image_aux (tl1,tl2) | _,_ -> raise WhatAndWithWhatDoNotHaveTheSameLength in find_image_aux (what,with_what) in let rec aux t = try find_image t with Not_found -> match t with C.Rel _ -> t | C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst) -> C.Var (uri,List.map (function (uri,t) -> uri, aux t) exp_named_subst) | C.Meta _ -> t | C.Sort _ -> t | C.Implicit _ as t -> t | C.Cast (te,ty) -> C.Cast (aux te, aux ty) | C.Prod (n,s,t) -> C.Prod (n, aux s, aux t) | C.Lambda (n,s,t) -> C.Lambda (n, aux s, aux t) | C.LetIn (n,s,t) -> C.LetIn (n, aux s, aux t) | C.Appl l -> (* Invariant enforced: no application of an application *) (match List.map aux l with (C.Appl l')::tl -> C.Appl (l'@tl) | l' -> C.Appl l') | C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst) -> C.Const (uri,List.map (function (uri,t) -> uri, aux t) exp_named_subst) | C.MutInd (uri,i,exp_named_subst) -> C.MutInd (uri,i,List.map (function (uri,t) -> uri, aux t) exp_named_subst) | C.MutConstruct (uri,i,j,exp_named_subst) -> C.MutConstruct (uri,i,j,List.map (function (uri,t) -> uri, aux t) exp_named_subst) | C.MutCase (sp,i,outt,t,pl) -> C.MutCase (sp,i,aux outt, aux t,List.map aux pl) | C.Fix (i,fl) -> let substitutedfl = List.map (fun (name,i,ty,bo) -> (name, i, aux ty, aux bo)) fl in C.Fix (i, substitutedfl) | C.CoFix (i,fl) -> let substitutedfl = List.map (fun (name,ty,bo) -> (name, aux ty, aux bo)) fl in C.CoFix (i, substitutedfl) in aux where ;; (* Replaces in "where" every term in "what" with the corresponding term in "with_what". The terms in "what" ARE lifted when binders are crossed. The terms in "with_what" ARE lifted when binders are crossed. Every free variable in "where" IS NOT lifted by nnn. Thus "replace_lifting_csc 1 ~with_what:[Rel 1; ... ; Rel 1]" is the inverse of subst up to the fact that free variables in "where" are NOT lifted. *) let replace_lifting ~equality ~context ~what ~with_what ~where = let find_image ctx what t = let rec find_image_aux = function [],[] -> raise Not_found | what::tl1,with_what::tl2 -> if equality ctx what t then with_what else find_image_aux (tl1,tl2) | _,_ -> raise WhatAndWithWhatDoNotHaveTheSameLength in find_image_aux (what,with_what) in let add_ctx ctx n s = (Some (n, Cic.Decl s))::ctx in let add_ctx1 ctx n s = (Some (n, Cic.Def (s,None)))::ctx in let rec substaux k ctx what t = try S.lift (k-1) (find_image ctx what t) with Not_found -> match t with C.Rel n as t -> t | C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst) -> let exp_named_subst' = List.map (function (uri,t) -> uri,substaux k ctx what t) exp_named_subst in C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst') | C.Meta (i, l) -> let l' = List.map (function None -> None | Some t -> Some (substaux k ctx what t) ) l in C.Meta(i,l') | C.Sort _ as t -> t | C.Implicit _ as t -> t | C.Cast (te,ty) -> C.Cast (substaux k ctx what te, substaux k ctx what ty) | C.Prod (n,s,t) -> C.Prod (n, substaux k ctx what s, substaux (k + 1) (add_ctx ctx n s) (List.map (S.lift 1) what) t) | C.Lambda (n,s,t) -> C.Lambda (n, substaux k ctx what s, substaux (k + 1) (add_ctx ctx n s) (List.map (S.lift 1) what) t) | C.LetIn (n,s,t) -> C.LetIn (n, substaux k ctx what s, substaux (k + 1) (add_ctx1 ctx n s) (List.map (S.lift 1) what) t) | C.Appl (he::tl) -> (* Invariant: no Appl applied to another Appl *) let tl' = List.map (substaux k ctx what) tl in begin match substaux k ctx what he with C.Appl l -> C.Appl (l@tl') | _ as he' -> C.Appl (he'::tl') end | C.Appl _ -> assert false | C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst) -> let exp_named_subst' = List.map (function (uri,t) -> uri,substaux k ctx what t) exp_named_subst in C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst') | C.MutInd (uri,i,exp_named_subst) -> let exp_named_subst' = List.map (function (uri,t) -> uri,substaux k ctx what t) exp_named_subst in C.MutInd (uri,i,exp_named_subst') | C.MutConstruct (uri,i,j,exp_named_subst) -> let exp_named_subst' = List.map (function (uri,t) -> uri,substaux k ctx what t) exp_named_subst in C.MutConstruct (uri,i,j,exp_named_subst') | C.MutCase (sp,i,outt,t,pl) -> C.MutCase (sp,i,substaux k ctx what outt, substaux k ctx what t, List.map (substaux k ctx what) pl) | C.Fix (i,fl) -> let len = List.length fl in let substitutedfl = List.map (fun (name,i,ty,bo) -> (* WRONG CTX *) (name, i, substaux k ctx what ty, substaux (k+len) ctx (List.map (S.lift len) what) bo) ) fl in C.Fix (i, substitutedfl) | C.CoFix (i,fl) -> let len = List.length fl in let substitutedfl = List.map (fun (name,ty,bo) -> (* WRONG CTX *) (name, substaux k ctx what ty, substaux (k+len) ctx (List.map (S.lift len) what) bo) ) fl in C.CoFix (i, substitutedfl) in substaux 1 context what where ;; (* Replaces in "where" every term in "what" with the corresponding term in "with_what". The terms in "what" ARE NOT lifted when binders are crossed. The terms in "with_what" ARE lifted when binders are crossed. Every free variable in "where" IS lifted by nnn. Thus "replace_lifting_csc 1 ~with_what:[Rel 1; ... ; Rel 1]" is the inverse of subst up to the fact that "what" terms are NOT lifted. *) let replace_lifting_csc nnn ~equality ~what ~with_what ~where = let find_image t = let rec find_image_aux = function [],[] -> raise Not_found | what::tl1,with_what::tl2 -> if equality what t then with_what else find_image_aux (tl1,tl2) | _,_ -> raise WhatAndWithWhatDoNotHaveTheSameLength in find_image_aux (what,with_what) in let rec substaux k t = try S.lift (k-1) (find_image t) with Not_found -> match t with C.Rel n -> if n < k then C.Rel n else C.Rel (n + nnn) | C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst) -> let exp_named_subst' = List.map (function (uri,t) -> uri,substaux k t) exp_named_subst in C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst') | C.Meta (i, l) -> let l' = List.map (function None -> None | Some t -> Some (substaux k t) ) l in C.Meta(i,l') | C.Sort _ as t -> t | C.Implicit _ as t -> t | C.Cast (te,ty) -> C.Cast (substaux k te, substaux k ty) | C.Prod (n,s,t) -> C.Prod (n, substaux k s, substaux (k + 1) t) | C.Lambda (n,s,t) -> C.Lambda (n, substaux k s, substaux (k + 1) t) | C.LetIn (n,s,t) -> C.LetIn (n, substaux k s, substaux (k + 1) t) | C.Appl (he::tl) -> (* Invariant: no Appl applied to another Appl *) let tl' = List.map (substaux k) tl in begin match substaux k he with C.Appl l -> C.Appl (l@tl') | _ as he' -> C.Appl (he'::tl') end | C.Appl _ -> assert false | C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst) -> let exp_named_subst' = List.map (function (uri,t) -> uri,substaux k t) exp_named_subst in C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst') | C.MutInd (uri,i,exp_named_subst) -> let exp_named_subst' = List.map (function (uri,t) -> uri,substaux k t) exp_named_subst in C.MutInd (uri,i,exp_named_subst') | C.MutConstruct (uri,i,j,exp_named_subst) -> let exp_named_subst' = List.map (function (uri,t) -> uri,substaux k t) exp_named_subst in C.MutConstruct (uri,i,j,exp_named_subst') | C.MutCase (sp,i,outt,t,pl) -> C.MutCase (sp,i,substaux k outt, substaux k t, List.map (substaux k) pl) | C.Fix (i,fl) -> let len = List.length fl in let substitutedfl = List.map (fun (name,i,ty,bo) -> (name, i, substaux k ty, substaux (k+len) bo)) fl in C.Fix (i, substitutedfl) | C.CoFix (i,fl) -> let len = List.length fl in let substitutedfl = List.map (fun (name,ty,bo) -> (name, substaux k ty, substaux (k+len) bo)) fl in C.CoFix (i, substitutedfl) in substaux 1 where ;; (* This is like "replace_lifting_csc 1 ~with_what:[Rel 1; ... ; Rel 1]" up to the fact that the index to start from can be specified *) let replace_with_rel_1_from ~equality ~what = let rec find_image t = function | [] -> false | hd :: tl -> equality t hd || find_image t tl in let rec subst_term k t = if find_image t what then C.Rel k else inspect_term k t and inspect_term k = function | C.Rel i -> if i < k then C.Rel i else C.Rel (succ i) | C.Sort _ as t -> t | C.Implicit _ as t -> t | C.Var (uri, enss) -> let enss = List.map (subst_ens k) enss in C.Var (uri, enss) | C.Const (uri ,enss) -> let enss = List.map (subst_ens k) enss in C.Const (uri, enss) | C.MutInd (uri, tyno, enss) -> let enss = List.map (subst_ens k) enss in C.MutInd (uri, tyno, enss) | C.MutConstruct (uri, tyno, consno, enss) -> let enss = List.map (subst_ens k) enss in C.MutConstruct (uri, tyno, consno, enss) | C.Meta (i, mss) -> let mss = List.map (subst_ms k) mss in C.Meta(i, mss) | C.Cast (t, v) -> C.Cast (subst_term k t, subst_term k v) | C.Appl ts -> let ts = List.map (subst_term k) ts in C.Appl ts | C.MutCase (uri, tyno, outty, t, cases) -> let cases = List.map (subst_term k) cases in C.MutCase (uri, tyno, subst_term k outty, subst_term k t, cases) | C.Prod (n, v, t) -> C.Prod (n, subst_term k v, subst_term (succ k) t) | C.Lambda (n, v, t) -> C.Lambda (n, subst_term k v, subst_term (succ k) t) | C.LetIn (n, v, t) -> C.LetIn (n, subst_term k v, subst_term (succ k) t) | C.Fix (i, fixes) -> let fixesno = List.length fixes in let fixes = List.map (subst_fix fixesno k) fixes in C.Fix (i, fixes) | C.CoFix (i, cofixes) -> let cofixesno = List.length cofixes in let cofixes = List.map (subst_cofix cofixesno k) cofixes in C.CoFix (i, cofixes) and subst_ens k (uri, t) = uri, subst_term k t and subst_ms k = function | None -> None | Some t -> Some (subst_term k t) and subst_fix fixesno k (n, ind, ty, bo) = n, ind, subst_term k ty, subst_term (k + fixesno) bo and subst_cofix cofixesno k (n, ty, bo) = n, subst_term k ty, subst_term (k + cofixesno) bo in subst_term (* Takes a well-typed term and fully reduces it. *) (*CSC: It does not perform reduction in a Case *) let reduce context = let rec reduceaux context l = function C.Rel n as t -> (match List.nth context (n-1) with Some (_,C.Decl _) -> if l = [] then t else C.Appl (t::l) | Some (_,C.Def (bo,_)) -> reduceaux context l (S.lift n bo) | None -> raise RelToHiddenHypothesis ) | C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst) -> let exp_named_subst' = reduceaux_exp_named_subst context l exp_named_subst in (let o,_ = CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.empty_ugraph uri in match o with C.Constant _ -> raise ReferenceToConstant | C.CurrentProof _ -> raise ReferenceToCurrentProof | C.InductiveDefinition _ -> raise ReferenceToInductiveDefinition | C.Variable (_,None,_,_,_) -> let t' = C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst') in if l = [] then t' else C.Appl (t'::l) | C.Variable (_,Some body,_,_,_) -> (reduceaux context l (CicSubstitution.subst_vars exp_named_subst' body)) ) | C.Meta _ as t -> if l = [] then t else C.Appl (t::l) | C.Sort _ as t -> t (* l should be empty *) | C.Implicit _ as t -> t | C.Cast (te,ty) -> C.Cast (reduceaux context l te, reduceaux context l ty) | C.Prod (name,s,t) -> assert (l = []) ; C.Prod (name, reduceaux context [] s, reduceaux ((Some (name,C.Decl s))::context) [] t) | C.Lambda (name,s,t) -> (match l with [] -> C.Lambda (name, reduceaux context [] s, reduceaux ((Some (name,C.Decl s))::context) [] t) | he::tl -> reduceaux context tl (S.subst he t) (* when name is Anonimous the substitution should be superfluous *) ) | C.LetIn (n,s,t) -> reduceaux context l (S.subst (reduceaux context [] s) t) | C.Appl (he::tl) -> let tl' = List.map (reduceaux context []) tl in reduceaux context (tl'@l) he | C.Appl [] -> raise (Impossible 1) | C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst) -> let exp_named_subst' = reduceaux_exp_named_subst context l exp_named_subst in (let o,_ = CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.empty_ugraph uri in match o with C.Constant (_,Some body,_,_,_) -> (reduceaux context l (CicSubstitution.subst_vars exp_named_subst' body)) | C.Constant (_,None,_,_,_) -> let t' = C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst') in if l = [] then t' else C.Appl (t'::l) | C.Variable _ -> raise ReferenceToVariable | C.CurrentProof (_,_,body,_,_,_) -> (reduceaux context l (CicSubstitution.subst_vars exp_named_subst' body)) | C.InductiveDefinition _ -> raise ReferenceToInductiveDefinition ) | C.MutInd (uri,i,exp_named_subst) -> let exp_named_subst' = reduceaux_exp_named_subst context l exp_named_subst in let t' = C.MutInd (uri,i,exp_named_subst') in if l = [] then t' else C.Appl (t'::l) | C.MutConstruct (uri,i,j,exp_named_subst) -> let exp_named_subst' = reduceaux_exp_named_subst context l exp_named_subst in let t' = C.MutConstruct (uri,i,j,exp_named_subst') in if l = [] then t' else C.Appl (t'::l) | C.MutCase (mutind,i,outtype,term,pl) -> let decofix = function C.CoFix (i,fl) -> let (_,_,body) = List.nth fl i in let body' = let counter = ref (List.length fl) in List.fold_right (fun _ -> decr counter ; S.subst (C.CoFix (!counter,fl))) fl body in reduceaux context [] body' | C.Appl (C.CoFix (i,fl) :: tl) -> let (_,_,body) = List.nth fl i in let body' = let counter = ref (List.length fl) in List.fold_right (fun _ -> decr counter ; S.subst (C.CoFix (!counter,fl))) fl body in let tl' = List.map (reduceaux context []) tl in reduceaux context tl' body' | t -> t in (match decofix (reduceaux context [] term) with C.MutConstruct (_,_,j,_) -> reduceaux context l (List.nth pl (j-1)) | C.Appl (C.MutConstruct (_,_,j,_) :: tl) -> let (arity, r) = let o,_ = CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.empty_ugraph mutind in match o with C.InductiveDefinition (tl,_,r,_) -> let (_,_,arity,_) = List.nth tl i in (arity,r) | _ -> raise WrongUriToInductiveDefinition in let ts = let rec eat_first = function (0,l) -> l | (n,he::tl) when n > 0 -> eat_first (n - 1, tl) | _ -> raise (Impossible 5) in eat_first (r,tl) in reduceaux context (ts@l) (List.nth pl (j-1)) | C.Cast _ | C.Implicit _ -> raise (Impossible 2) (* we don't trust our whd ;-) *) | _ -> let outtype' = reduceaux context [] outtype in let term' = reduceaux context [] term in let pl' = List.map (reduceaux context []) pl in let res = C.MutCase (mutind,i,outtype',term',pl') in if l = [] then res else C.Appl (res::l) ) | C.Fix (i,fl) -> let tys,_ = List.fold_left (fun (types,len) (n,_,ty,_) -> (Some (C.Name n,(C.Decl (CicSubstitution.lift len ty)))::types, len+1) ) ([],0) fl in let t' () = let fl' = List.map (function (n,recindex,ty,bo) -> (n,recindex,reduceaux context [] ty, reduceaux (tys@context) [] bo) ) fl in C.Fix (i, fl') in let (_,recindex,_,body) = List.nth fl i in let recparam = try Some (List.nth l recindex) with _ -> None in (match recparam with Some recparam -> (match reduceaux context [] recparam with C.MutConstruct _ | C.Appl ((C.MutConstruct _)::_) -> let body' = let counter = ref (List.length fl) in List.fold_right (fun _ -> decr counter ; S.subst (C.Fix (!counter,fl))) fl body in (* Possible optimization: substituting whd recparam in l*) reduceaux context l body' | _ -> if l = [] then t' () else C.Appl ((t' ())::l) ) | None -> if l = [] then t' () else C.Appl ((t' ())::l) ) | C.CoFix (i,fl) -> let tys,_ = List.fold_left (fun (types,len) (n,ty,_) -> (Some (C.Name n,(C.Decl (CicSubstitution.lift len ty)))::types, len+1) ) ([],0) fl in let t' = let fl' = List.map (function (n,ty,bo) -> (n,reduceaux context [] ty, reduceaux (tys@context) [] bo) ) fl in C.CoFix (i, fl') in if l = [] then t' else C.Appl (t'::l) and reduceaux_exp_named_subst context l = List.map (function uri,t -> uri,reduceaux context [] t) in reduceaux context [] ;; let unfold ?what context where = let contextlen = List.length context in let first_is_the_expandable_head_of_second context' t1 t2 = match t1,t2 with Cic.Const (uri,_), Cic.Const (uri',_) | Cic.Var (uri,_), Cic.Var (uri',_) | Cic.Const (uri,_), Cic.Appl (Cic.Const (uri',_)::_) | Cic.Var (uri,_), Cic.Appl (Cic.Var (uri',_)::_) -> UriManager.eq uri uri' | Cic.Const _, _ | Cic.Var _, _ -> false | Cic.Rel n, Cic.Rel m | Cic.Rel n, Cic.Appl (Cic.Rel m::_) -> n + (List.length context' - contextlen) = m | Cic.Rel _, _ -> false | _,_ -> raise (ProofEngineTypes.Fail (lazy "The term to unfold is not a constant, a variable or a bound variable ")) in let appl he tl = if tl = [] then he else Cic.Appl (he::tl) in let cannot_delta_expand t = raise (ProofEngineTypes.Fail (lazy ("The term " ^ CicPp.ppterm t ^ " cannot be delta-expanded"))) in let rec hd_delta_beta context tl = function Cic.Rel n as t -> (try match List.nth context (n-1) with Some (_,Cic.Decl _) -> cannot_delta_expand t | Some (_,Cic.Def (bo,_)) -> CicReduction.head_beta_reduce (appl (CicSubstitution.lift n bo) tl) | None -> raise RelToHiddenHypothesis with Failure _ -> assert false) | Cic.Const (uri,exp_named_subst) as t -> let o,_ = CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.empty_ugraph uri in (match o with Cic.Constant (_,Some body,_,_,_) -> CicReduction.head_beta_reduce (appl (CicSubstitution.subst_vars exp_named_subst body) tl) | Cic.Constant (_,None,_,_,_) -> cannot_delta_expand t | Cic.Variable _ -> raise ReferenceToVariable | Cic.CurrentProof _ -> raise ReferenceToCurrentProof | Cic.InductiveDefinition _ -> raise ReferenceToInductiveDefinition ) | Cic.Var (uri,exp_named_subst) as t -> let o,_ = CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.empty_ugraph uri in (match o with Cic.Constant _ -> raise ReferenceToConstant | Cic.CurrentProof _ -> raise ReferenceToCurrentProof | Cic.InductiveDefinition _ -> raise ReferenceToInductiveDefinition | Cic.Variable (_,Some body,_,_,_) -> CicReduction.head_beta_reduce (appl (CicSubstitution.subst_vars exp_named_subst body) tl) | Cic.Variable (_,None,_,_,_) -> cannot_delta_expand t ) | Cic.Appl [] -> assert false | Cic.Appl (he::tl) -> hd_delta_beta context tl he | t -> cannot_delta_expand t in let context_and_matched_term_list = match what with None -> [context, where] | Some what -> let res = ProofEngineHelpers.locate_in_term ~equality:first_is_the_expandable_head_of_second what ~where context in if res = [] then raise (ProofEngineTypes.Fail (lazy ("Term "^ CicPp.ppterm what ^ " not found in " ^ CicPp.ppterm where))) else res in let reduced_terms = List.map (function (context,where) -> hd_delta_beta context [] where) context_and_matched_term_list in let whats = List.map snd context_and_matched_term_list in replace ~equality:(==) ~what:whats ~with_what:reduced_terms ~where ;; exception WrongShape;; exception AlreadySimplified;; (* Takes a well-typed term and *) (* 1) Performs beta-iota-zeta reduction until delta reduction is needed *) (* 2) Attempts delta-reduction. If the residual is a Fix lambda-abstracted *) (* w.r.t. zero or more variables and if the Fix can be reductaed, than it*) (* is reduced, the delta-reduction is succesfull and the whole algorithm *) (* is applied again to the new redex; Step 3.1) is applied to the result *) (* of the recursive simplification. Otherwise, if the Fix can not be *) (* reduced, than the delta-reductions fails and the delta-redex is *) (* not reduced. Otherwise, if the delta-residual is not the *) (* lambda-abstraction of a Fix, then it performs step 3.2). *) (* 3.1) Folds the application of the constant to the arguments that did not *) (* change in every iteration, i.e. to the actual arguments for the *) (* lambda-abstractions that precede the Fix. *) (* 3.2) Computes the head beta-zeta normal form of the term. Then it tries *) (* reductions. If the reduction cannot be performed, it returns the *) (* original term (not the head beta-zeta normal form of the definiendum) *) (*CSC: It does not perform simplification in a Case *) let simpl context = (* a simplified term is active if it can create a redex when used as an *) (* actual parameter *) let rec is_active = function C.Lambda _ | C.MutConstruct _ | C.Appl (C.MutConstruct _::_) | C.CoFix _ -> true | C.Cast (bo,_) -> is_active bo | C.LetIn _ -> assert false | _ -> false in (* reduceaux is equal to the reduceaux locally defined inside *) (* reduce, but for the const case. *) (**** Step 1 ****) let rec reduceaux context l = function C.Rel n as t -> (* we never perform delta expansion automatically *) if l = [] then t else C.Appl (t::l) | C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst) -> let exp_named_subst' = reduceaux_exp_named_subst context l exp_named_subst in (let o,_ = CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.empty_ugraph uri in match o with C.Constant _ -> raise ReferenceToConstant | C.CurrentProof _ -> raise ReferenceToCurrentProof | C.InductiveDefinition _ -> raise ReferenceToInductiveDefinition | C.Variable (_,None,_,_,_) -> let t' = C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst') in if l = [] then t' else C.Appl (t'::l) | C.Variable (_,Some body,_,_,_) -> reduceaux context l (CicSubstitution.subst_vars exp_named_subst' body) ) | C.Meta _ as t -> if l = [] then t else C.Appl (t::l) | C.Sort _ as t -> t (* l should be empty *) | C.Implicit _ as t -> t | C.Cast (te,ty) -> C.Cast (reduceaux context l te, reduceaux context [] ty) | C.Prod (name,s,t) -> assert (l = []) ; C.Prod (name, reduceaux context [] s, reduceaux ((Some (name,C.Decl s))::context) [] t) | C.Lambda (name,s,t) -> (match l with [] -> C.Lambda (name, reduceaux context [] s, reduceaux ((Some (name,C.Decl s))::context) [] t) | he::tl -> reduceaux context tl (S.subst he t) (* when name is Anonimous the substitution should be superfluous *) ) | C.LetIn (n,s,t) -> reduceaux context l (S.subst (reduceaux context [] s) t) | C.Appl (he::tl) -> let tl' = List.map (reduceaux context []) tl in reduceaux context (tl'@l) he | C.Appl [] -> raise (Impossible 1) | C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst) -> let exp_named_subst' = reduceaux_exp_named_subst context l exp_named_subst in (let o,_ = CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.empty_ugraph uri in match o with C.Constant (_,Some body,_,_,_) -> if List.exists is_active l then try_delta_expansion context l (C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst')) (CicSubstitution.subst_vars exp_named_subst' body) else let t' = C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst') in if l = [] then t' else C.Appl (t'::l) | C.Constant (_,None,_,_,_) -> let t' = C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst') in if l = [] then t' else C.Appl (t'::l) | C.Variable _ -> raise ReferenceToVariable | C.CurrentProof (_,_,body,_,_,_) -> reduceaux context l body | C.InductiveDefinition _ -> raise ReferenceToInductiveDefinition ) | C.MutInd (uri,i,exp_named_subst) -> let exp_named_subst' = reduceaux_exp_named_subst context l exp_named_subst in let t' = C.MutInd (uri,i,exp_named_subst') in if l = [] then t' else C.Appl (t'::l) | C.MutConstruct (uri,i,j,exp_named_subst) -> let exp_named_subst' = reduceaux_exp_named_subst context l exp_named_subst in let t' = C.MutConstruct(uri,i,j,exp_named_subst') in if l = [] then t' else C.Appl (t'::l) | C.MutCase (mutind,i,outtype,term,pl) -> let decofix = function C.CoFix (i,fl) -> let (_,_,body) = List.nth fl i in let body' = let counter = ref (List.length fl) in List.fold_right (fun _ -> decr counter ; S.subst (C.CoFix (!counter,fl))) fl body in reduceaux context [] body' | C.Appl (C.CoFix (i,fl) :: tl) -> let (_,_,body) = List.nth fl i in let body' = let counter = ref (List.length fl) in List.fold_right (fun _ -> decr counter ; S.subst (C.CoFix (!counter,fl))) fl body in let tl' = List.map (reduceaux context []) tl in reduceaux context tl' body' | t -> t in (match decofix (reduceaux context [] term) (*(CicReduction.whd context term)*) with C.MutConstruct (_,_,j,_) -> reduceaux context l (List.nth pl (j-1)) | C.Appl (C.MutConstruct (_,_,j,_) :: tl) -> let (arity, r) = let o,_ = CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.empty_ugraph mutind in match o with C.InductiveDefinition (tl,ingredients,r,_) -> let (_,_,arity,_) = List.nth tl i in (arity,r) | _ -> raise WrongUriToInductiveDefinition in let ts = let rec eat_first = function (0,l) -> l | (n,he::tl) when n > 0 -> eat_first (n - 1, tl) | _ -> raise (Impossible 5) in eat_first (r,tl) in reduceaux context (ts@l) (List.nth pl (j-1)) | C.Cast _ | C.Implicit _ -> raise (Impossible 2) (* we don't trust our whd ;-) *) | _ -> let outtype' = reduceaux context [] outtype in let term' = reduceaux context [] term in let pl' = List.map (reduceaux context []) pl in let res = C.MutCase (mutind,i,outtype',term',pl') in if l = [] then res else C.Appl (res::l) ) | C.Fix (i,fl) -> let tys,_ = List.fold_left (fun (types,len) (n,_,ty,_) -> (Some (C.Name n,(C.Decl (CicSubstitution.lift len ty)))::types, len+1) ) ([],0) fl in let t' () = let fl' = List.map (function (n,recindex,ty,bo) -> (n,recindex,reduceaux context [] ty, reduceaux (tys@context) [] bo) ) fl in C.Fix (i, fl') in let (_,recindex,_,body) = List.nth fl i in let recparam = try Some (List.nth l recindex) with _ -> None in (match recparam with Some recparam -> (match reduceaux context [] recparam with C.MutConstruct _ | C.Appl ((C.MutConstruct _)::_) -> let body' = let counter = ref (List.length fl) in List.fold_right (fun _ -> decr counter ; S.subst (C.Fix (!counter,fl))) fl body in (* Possible optimization: substituting whd recparam in l*) reduceaux context l body' | _ -> if l = [] then t' () else C.Appl ((t' ())::l) ) | None -> if l = [] then t' () else C.Appl ((t' ())::l) ) | C.CoFix (i,fl) -> let tys,_ = List.fold_left (fun (types,len) (n,ty,_) -> (Some (C.Name n,(C.Decl (CicSubstitution.lift len ty)))::types, len+1) ) ([],0) fl in let t' = let fl' = List.map (function (n,ty,bo) -> (n,reduceaux context [] ty, reduceaux (tys@context) [] bo) ) fl in C.CoFix (i, fl') in if l = [] then t' else C.Appl (t'::l) and reduceaux_exp_named_subst context l = List.map (function uri,t -> uri,reduceaux context [] t) (**** Step 2 ****) and reduce_with_no_hope_to_fold_back t l = prerr_endline "reduce_with_no_hope_to_fold_back"; let simplified = reduceaux context l t in let t' = if l = [] then t else C.Appl (t::l) in if t' = simplified then raise AlreadySimplified else simplified and try_delta_expansion context l term body = try let res,constant_args = let rec aux rev_constant_args l = function C.Lambda (name,s,t) -> begin match l with [] -> raise WrongShape | he::tl -> (* when name is Anonimous the substitution should *) (* be superfluous *) aux (he::rev_constant_args) tl (S.subst he t) end | C.LetIn (_,s,t) -> aux rev_constant_args l (S.subst s t) | C.Fix (i,fl) -> let (_,recindex,_,body) = List.nth fl i in let recparam = try List.nth l recindex with _ -> raise AlreadySimplified in (match reduceaux context [] recparam (*CicReduction.whd context recparam*) with C.MutConstruct _ | C.Appl ((C.MutConstruct _)::_) -> let body' = let counter = ref (List.length fl) in List.fold_right (function _ -> decr counter ; S.subst (C.Fix (!counter,fl)) ) fl body in (* Possible optimization: substituting whd *) (* recparam in l *) reduceaux context l body', List.rev rev_constant_args | _ -> raise AlreadySimplified ) | _ -> raise WrongShape in aux [] l body in (**** Step 3.1 ****) let term_to_fold, delta_expanded_term_to_fold = match constant_args with [] -> term,body | _ -> C.Appl (term::constant_args), C.Appl (body::constant_args) in let simplified_term_to_fold = reduceaux context [] delta_expanded_term_to_fold in replace_lifting ~equality:(fun _ x y -> x = y) ~context ~what:[simplified_term_to_fold] ~with_what:[term_to_fold] ~where:res with WrongShape -> let rec skip_lambda n = function | Cic.Lambda (_,_,t) -> skip_lambda (n+1) t | t -> t, n in let is_fix uri = match fst(CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph uri) with | Cic.Constant (_,Some bo, _, _,_) -> (let t, _ = skip_lambda 0 bo in match t with | Cic.Fix _ -> true | _ -> false) | _ -> false in let guess_recno uri = prerr_endline ("GUESS: " ^ UriManager.string_of_uri uri); match fst(CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph uri) with | Cic.Constant (_,Some bo, _, _,_ ) -> let t, n = skip_lambda 0 bo in (match t with | Cic.Fix (i,fl) -> let _,recno,_,_ = List.nth fl i in prerr_endline ("GUESSED: " ^ string_of_int recno ^ " after " ^ string_of_int n ^ " lambdas"); recno + n | _ -> assert false) | _ -> assert false in let original_args = l in (**** Step 3.2 ****) let rec aux l = function | C.Lambda (name,s,t) -> (match l with | [] -> raise AlreadySimplified | he::tl -> (* when name is Anonimous the substitution should *) (* be superfluous *) aux tl (S.subst he t)) | C.LetIn (_,s,t) -> aux l (S.subst s t) | Cic.Appl (Cic.Const (uri,_) :: args) as t when is_fix uri -> let recno = prerr_endline ("cerco : " ^ string_of_int (guess_recno uri) ^ " in: " ^ String.concat " " (List.map (fun x -> CicPp.ppterm x) args)); prerr_endline ("e piglio il rispettivo in :"^String.concat " " (List.map (fun x -> CicPp.ppterm x) original_args)); (* look for args[regno] in saved_args *) let wanted = List.nth args (guess_recno uri) in (* args@l ? *) let rec aux n = function | [] -> n (* DA CAPIRE *) | t::_ when t = wanted -> n | _::tl -> aux (n+1) tl in aux 0 original_args in if recno = List.length original_args then reduce_with_no_hope_to_fold_back t l else let simplified = reduceaux context l t in let rec mk_implicits = function | n,_::tl when n = recno -> Cic.Implicit None :: (mk_implicits (n+1,tl)) | n,arg::tl -> arg :: (mk_implicits (n+1,tl)) | _,[] -> [] in (* we try to fold back constant that do not expand to Fix *) let _ = prerr_endline ("INIZIO (" ^ string_of_int recno ^ ") : " ^ CicPp.ppterm simplified) in let term_to_fold = Cic.Appl (term:: mk_implicits (0,original_args)) in (try let term_to_fold, _, metasenv, _ = CicRefine.type_of_aux' [] context term_to_fold CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph in let _ = prerr_endline ("RAFFINA: "^CicPp.ppterm term_to_fold) in let _ = prerr_endline ("RAFFINA: "^CicMetaSubst.ppmetasenv [] metasenv) in let simplified_term_to_fold = unfold context term_to_fold in let _ = prerr_endline ("SEMPLIFICA: " ^ CicPp.ppterm simplified_term_to_fold) in let rec do_n f t = let t1 = f t in if t1 = t then t else do_n f t1 in do_n (fun simplified -> let subst = ref [] in let myunif ctx t1 t2 = if !subst <> [] then false else try prerr_endline "MUNIF"; prerr_endline (CicPp.ppterm t1); prerr_endline "VS"; prerr_endline (CicPp.ppterm t2 ^ "\n"); let subst1, _, _ = CicUnification.fo_unif metasenv ctx t1 t2 CicUniv.empty_ugraph in prerr_endline "UNIFICANO\n\n\n"; subst := subst1; true with | CicUnification.UnificationFailure s | CicUnification.Uncertain s | CicUnification.AssertFailure s -> prerr_endline (Lazy.force s); false | CicUtil.Meta_not_found _ -> false (* | _ as exn -> prerr_endline (Printexc.to_string exn); false*) in let t = replace_lifting myunif context [simplified_term_to_fold] [term_to_fold] simplified in let _ = prerr_endline "UNIFICA" in if List.length metasenv <> List.length !subst then let _ = prerr_endline ("SUBST CORTA " ^ CicMetaSubst.ppsubst !subst ~metasenv) in simplified else if t = simplified then let _ = prerr_endline "NULLA DI FATTO" in simplified else let t = CicMetaSubst.apply_subst !subst t in prerr_endline ("ECCO: " ^ CicPp.ppterm t); t) simplified with | CicRefine.RefineFailure s | CicRefine.Uncertain s | CicRefine.AssertFailure s -> prerr_endline (Lazy.force s); simplified (*| exn -> prerr_endline (Printexc.to_string exn); simplified*)) | t -> reduce_with_no_hope_to_fold_back t l in (try aux l body with AlreadySimplified -> if l = [] then term else C.Appl (term::l)) | AlreadySimplified -> (* If we performed delta-reduction, we would find a Fix *) (* not applied to a constructor. So, we refuse to perform *) (* delta-reduction. *) if l = [] then term else C.Appl (term::l) in reduceaux context [] ;;