(* * Copyright (C) 2003: * Stefano Zacchiroli * for the HELM Team http://helm.cs.unibo.it/ * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://helm.cs.unibo.it/ *) open Printf ;; exception Uwobo_failure of string ;; let uwobo_namespace = "http://helm.cs.unibo.it/uwobo" ;; let xsl_namespace = "http://helm.cs.unibo.it/uwobo" ;; let supported_properties = [ "cdata-section-elements"; "doctype-public"; "doctype-system"; "encoding"; "indent"; "media-type"; "method"; "omit-xml-declaration"; "standalone"; "version" ] let is_supported_property name = List.mem name supported_properties let version = "0.3.0" ;; let usage_string = sprintf " UWOBO's help message

UWOBO (version: %s)


Version: %s


Usage: http://hostname:uwoboport/command

Available commands:

displays this help message

starts a new daemon on a given port p

kills the daemon. The log file is mantained.

loads a new stylesheet, specified by uri, and bind it to key key

unload stylesheets specified by key1, key2, ... or all stylesheets if no key was given

reloads the stylesheets specified by key1, key2, .... Reloads all the stylesheets if no key was given

returns the list of loaded stylesheets

applies a chain of stylesheets, specified by key1, key2, ..., to an input document, specified by uri.
Error and debugging modes could be ste to three different values. ignore means that LibXSLT messages are ignored; comment meanst that LibXSLT messages are embedded in the result document inside an XML like comment; embed means that LibXSLT messages are embedded at the beginning of the result document (as childs of the root node) in XML elements in the UWOBO namespace
Additional parameters can be set for each stylesheet application: global parameters (i.e. parameters passed to all stylesheets) are set using param.name=value syntax, per stylesheet parameters are set using param.key.name=value where key is the key of a loaded stylesheet.
Moreover, it is possible to specify a profile that is searched for additional global and local parameters. The parameters stored in the profile have lower precedence with respect to those provided in the URL. A password for the profile must be provided if the read permission of the profile is set to false.
Properties of the final chain output can be set as well: valueless properties can be set using prop.name syntax, others can be set using prop.name=value syntax.
Current supported properties are: %s.

returns the list of profiles available

creates a new profile. The id of the created profile is id (if provided); otherwise it is a fresh id. The parameters are inherited from the profile orig, if provided. origpassword is the password of the profile being copied in case the read permission of that profile is set to false. The default for password is no password, the defaults for readper,writeperm,adminperm are public, public, public.

removes the profile id. The password is required if the profile administrative permission is set to false.

sets the parameter key to value, if value is provided; otherwise the parameter is unset. The password is required if the profile writing permission is set to false.

changes or unset the password for a profile. The old password is required if it was set.

changes the permission permission. The password is required if the administrative permission is set to false.

returns all the parameters of the profile id. The password is required if the read permission is set to false.

returns the value of the parameter key of the profile id. The password is required if the read permission is set to false.

returns the value of the permission key of the profile id. The password is required if the administrative permission is set to false.

" version version (String.concat ", " supported_properties) (* supported properties *) ;; let pp_error = sprintf "Error: %s%s" ;; let return_error msg ?(body = "") outchan = Http_daemon.respond ~body:(pp_error msg body) outchan;; let bad_request body outchan = Http_daemon.respond_error ~code:(`Code 400) ~body outchan ;; (** {2 LibXSLT logging} *) type xslt_msg = | LibXsltErrorMsg of string | LibXsltDebugMsg of string ;; let string_of_xslt_msg = function | LibXsltErrorMsg msg -> "LibXSLT ERROR: " ^ msg | LibXsltDebugMsg msg -> "LibXSLT DEBUG: " ^ msg ;; type xslt_msg_mode = | LibXsltMsgIgnore | LibXsltMsgComment | LibXsltMsgEmbed ;; class libXsltLogger = let is_libxslt_error = function LibXsltErrorMsg _ -> true | _ -> false in let is_libxslt_debug = function LibXsltDebugMsg _ -> true | _ -> false in let flatten_libxslt_msg = function | LibXsltErrorMsg msg -> msg | LibXsltDebugMsg msg -> msg in object (self) initializer Gdome_xslt.setErrorCallback (Some (fun msg -> self#appendMsg (LibXsltErrorMsg msg))); Gdome_xslt.setDebugCallback (Some (fun msg -> self#appendMsg (LibXsltDebugMsg msg))) val mutable libXsltMsgs = [] (** libxslt's error and debugging messages *) (* libxslt's error and debugging messages handling *) method private appendMsg msg = libXsltMsgs <- msg :: libXsltMsgs method clearMsgs = libXsltMsgs <- [] method clearErrorMsgs = libXsltMsgs <- List.filter is_libxslt_debug libXsltMsgs method clearDebugMsgs = libXsltMsgs <- List.filter is_libxslt_error libXsltMsgs method msgs = libXsltMsgs method errorMsgs = List.map flatten_libxslt_msg (List.filter is_libxslt_error libXsltMsgs) method debugMsgs = List.map flatten_libxslt_msg (List.filter is_libxslt_debug libXsltMsgs) end ;;