open Preamble open CostLabel open Coqlib open Proper open PositiveMap open Deqsets open ErrorMessages open PreIdentifiers open Errors open Extralib open Lists open Positive open Identifiers open Exp open Arithmetic open Vector open Div_and_mod open Util open FoldStuff open BitVector open Jmeq open Russell open List open Setoids open Monad open Option open Extranat open Bool open Relations open Nat open Integers open Hints_declaration open Core_notation open Pts open Logic open Types open AST open Csyntax open TypeComparison open ClassifyOp open Events open Smallstep open Extra_bool open Values open FrontEndVal open Hide open ByteValues open Division open Z open BitVectorZ open Pointers open GenMem open FrontEndMem open Globalenvs open Csem open Star open IOMonad open IO open Sets open Listb (** val typ_eq_dec : AST.typ -> AST.typ -> (__, __) Types.sum **) let typ_eq_dec t1 t2 = match t1 with | AST.ASTint (x, x0) -> (match t2 with | AST.ASTint (sz, sg) -> (fun sz' sg' -> match sz with | AST.I8 -> (match sz' with | AST.I8 -> AST.typ_eq (AST.ASTint (AST.I8, sg')) (AST.ASTint (AST.I8, sg)) | AST.I16 -> AST.typ_eq (AST.ASTint (AST.I16, sg')) (AST.ASTint (AST.I8, sg)) | AST.I32 -> AST.typ_eq (AST.ASTint (AST.I32, sg')) (AST.ASTint (AST.I8, sg))) | AST.I16 -> (match sz' with | AST.I8 -> AST.typ_eq (AST.ASTint (AST.I8, sg')) (AST.ASTint (AST.I16, sg)) | AST.I16 -> AST.typ_eq (AST.ASTint (AST.I16, sg')) (AST.ASTint (AST.I16, sg)) | AST.I32 -> AST.typ_eq (AST.ASTint (AST.I32, sg')) (AST.ASTint (AST.I16, sg))) | AST.I32 -> (match sz' with | AST.I8 -> AST.typ_eq (AST.ASTint (AST.I8, sg')) (AST.ASTint (AST.I32, sg)) | AST.I16 -> AST.typ_eq (AST.ASTint (AST.I16, sg')) (AST.ASTint (AST.I32, sg)) | AST.I32 -> AST.typ_eq (AST.ASTint (AST.I32, sg')) (AST.ASTint (AST.I32, sg)))) | AST.ASTptr -> (fun sz sg -> Types.Inr __)) x x0 | AST.ASTptr -> (match t2 with | AST.ASTint (sz, sg) -> Types.Inr __ | AST.ASTptr -> Types.Inl __) (** val block_DeqSet : Deqsets.deqSet **) let block_DeqSet = Obj.magic Pointers.eq_block (** val mem_assoc_env : AST.ident -> (AST.ident, Csyntax.type0) List.list -> Bool.bool **) let rec mem_assoc_env i = function | List.Nil -> Bool.False | List.Cons (hd, tl) -> let { Types.fst = id; Types.snd = ty } = hd in (match Identifiers.identifier_eq PreIdentifiers.SymbolTag i id with | Types.Inl _ -> Bool.True | Types.Inr _ -> mem_assoc_env i tl) type 'a lset = 'a List.list (** val empty_lset : 'a1 List.list **) let empty_lset = List.Nil (** val lset_union : 'a1 lset -> 'a1 lset -> 'a1 List.list **) let lset_union l1 l2 = List.append l1 l2 (** val lset_remove : Deqsets.deqSet -> __ lset -> __ -> __ List.list **) let lset_remove a l elt = List.filter (fun x -> Bool.notb (Deqsets.eqb a x elt)) l (** val lset_difference : Deqsets.deqSet -> __ lset -> __ lset -> __ List.list **) let lset_difference a l1 l2 = List.filter (fun x -> Bool.notb (Listb.memb a x l2)) l1 (** val wF_rect : ('a1 -> __ -> ('a1 -> __ -> 'a2) -> 'a2) -> 'a1 -> 'a2 **) let rec wF_rect f x = f x __ (fun y _ -> wF_rect f y) (** val one_bv : Nat.nat -> BitVector.bitVector **) let one_bv n = (Arithmetic.add_with_carries n ( n) ( n) Bool.True).Types.fst (** val ith_carry : Nat.nat -> BitVector.bitVector -> BitVector.bitVector -> Bool.bool -> Bool.bool **) let rec ith_carry n a b init = (match n with | Nat.O -> (fun x x0 -> init) | Nat.S x -> (fun a' b' -> let hd_a = Vector.head' x a' in let hd_b = Vector.head' x b' in let tl_a = Vector.tail x a' in let tl_b = Vector.tail x b' in Arithmetic.carry_of hd_a hd_b (ith_carry x tl_a tl_b init))) a b (** val ith_bit : Nat.nat -> BitVector.bitVector -> BitVector.bitVector -> Bool.bool -> Bool.bool **) let ith_bit n a b init = (match n with | Nat.O -> (fun x x0 -> init) | Nat.S x -> (fun a' b' -> let hd_a = Vector.head' x a' in let hd_b = Vector.head' x b' in let tl_a = Vector.tail x a' in let tl_b = Vector.tail x b' in Bool.xorb (Bool.xorb hd_a hd_b) (ith_carry x tl_a tl_b init))) a b (** val bitvector_fold : Nat.nat -> BitVector.bitVector -> (Nat.nat -> BitVector.bitVector -> Bool.bool) -> BitVector.bitVector **) let rec bitvector_fold n v f = match v with | Vector.VEmpty -> Vector.VEmpty | Vector.VCons (sz, elt, tl) -> let bit = f n v in Vector.VCons (sz, bit, (bitvector_fold sz tl f)) (** val bitvector_fold2 : Nat.nat -> BitVector.bitVector -> BitVector.bitVector -> (Nat.nat -> BitVector.bitVector -> BitVector.bitVector -> Bool.bool) -> BitVector.bitVector **) let rec bitvector_fold2 n v1 v2 f = (match v1 with | Vector.VEmpty -> (fun x -> Vector.VEmpty) | Vector.VCons (sz, elt, tl) -> (fun v2' -> let bit = f n v1 v2 in Vector.VCons (sz, bit, (bitvector_fold2 sz tl (Vector.tail sz v2') f)))) v2 (** val addition_n_direct : Nat.nat -> BitVector.bitVector -> BitVector.bitVector -> Bool.bool -> BitVector.bitVector **) let addition_n_direct n v1 v2 init = bitvector_fold2 n v1 v2 (fun n0 v10 v20 -> ith_bit n0 v10 v20 init) (** val increment_direct : Nat.nat -> BitVector.bitVector -> BitVector.bitVector **) let increment_direct n v = addition_n_direct n v (one_bv n) Bool.False (** val twocomp_neg_direct : Nat.nat -> BitVector.bitVector -> BitVector.bitVector **) let twocomp_neg_direct n v = increment_direct n (BitVector.negation_bv n v) (** val andb_fold : Nat.nat -> BitVector.bitVector -> Bool.bool **) let rec andb_fold n = function | Vector.VEmpty -> Bool.True | Vector.VCons (sz, elt, tl) -> Bool.andb elt (andb_fold sz tl)