open Preamble open Extra_bool open Coqlib open Values open FrontEndVal open GenMem open FrontEndMem open Globalenvs open String open Sets open Listb open LabelledObjects open BitVectorTrie open Graphs open I8051 open Order open Registers open CostLabel open Hide open Proper open PositiveMap open Deqsets open ErrorMessages open PreIdentifiers open Errors open Extralib open Lists open Identifiers open Integers open AST open Division open Exp open Arithmetic open Setoids open Monad open Option open Extranat open Vector open Div_and_mod open Jmeq open Russell open List open Util open FoldStuff open BitVector open Types open Bool open Relations open Nat open Hints_declaration open Core_notation open Pts open Logic open Positive open Z open BitVectorZ open Pointers open ByteValues open BackEndOps open Joint open Joint_LTL_LIN open ExtraMonads open Deqsets_extra open State open Bind_new open BindLists open Blocks open TranslateUtils open ExtraGlobalenvs open I8051bis open BEMem open Events open IOMonad open IO open Joint_semantics open SemanticsUtils (** val hw_reg_store : I8051.register -> ByteValues.beval -> SemanticsUtils.hw_register_env -> SemanticsUtils.hw_register_env Errors.res **) let hw_reg_store r v e = Errors.OK (SemanticsUtils.hwreg_store r v e) (** val hw_reg_retrieve : SemanticsUtils.hw_register_env -> I8051.register -> ByteValues.beval Errors.res **) let hw_reg_retrieve l r = Errors.OK (SemanticsUtils.hwreg_retrieve l r) (** val hw_arg_retrieve : SemanticsUtils.hw_register_env -> I8051.register Joint.argument -> ByteValues.beval Errors.res **) let hw_arg_retrieve l = function | Joint.Reg r -> hw_reg_retrieve l r | Joint.Imm b -> Errors.OK (ByteValues.BVByte b) (** val eval_registers_move : SemanticsUtils.hw_register_env -> Joint_LTL_LIN.registers_move -> SemanticsUtils.hw_register_env Errors.res **) let eval_registers_move e = function | Joint_LTL_LIN.From_acc (r, x) -> hw_reg_store r (SemanticsUtils.hwreg_retrieve e I8051.RegisterA) e | Joint_LTL_LIN.To_acc (x, r) -> hw_reg_store I8051.RegisterA (SemanticsUtils.hwreg_retrieve e r) e | Joint_LTL_LIN.Int_to_reg (r, v) -> hw_reg_store r (ByteValues.BVByte v) e | Joint_LTL_LIN.Int_to_acc (x, v) -> hw_reg_store I8051.RegisterA (ByteValues.BVByte v) e (** val lTL_LIN_state : Joint_semantics.sem_state_params **) let lTL_LIN_state = { Joint_semantics.empty_framesT = (Obj.magic Types.It); Joint_semantics.empty_regsT = (Obj.magic SemanticsUtils.init_hw_register_env); Joint_semantics.load_sp = (Obj.magic SemanticsUtils.hwreg_retrieve_sp); Joint_semantics.save_sp = (Obj.magic SemanticsUtils.hwreg_store_sp) } (** val ltl_lin_fetch_external_args : AST.external_function -> Joint_semantics.state -> Nat.nat -> Values.val0 List.list Errors.res **) let ltl_lin_fetch_external_args _ = failwith "AXIOM TO BE REALIZED" (** val ltl_lin_set_result : Values.val0 List.list -> Types.unit0 -> Joint_semantics.state -> Joint_semantics.state Errors.res **) let ltl_lin_set_result _ = failwith "AXIOM TO BE REALIZED" (** val lTL_LIN_save_frame : Joint_semantics.call_kind -> Types.unit0 -> Joint_semantics.state_pc -> Joint_semantics.state Errors.res **) let lTL_LIN_save_frame k x st = match k with | Joint_semantics.PTR -> Obj.magic (Monad.m_bind0 (Monad.max_def Errors.res0) (Obj.magic (ByteValues.byte_of_val ErrorMessages.BadFunction (SemanticsUtils.hwreg_retrieve (Obj.magic st.Joint_semantics.st_no_pc.Joint_semantics.regs) I8051.RegisterA))) (fun v -> match BitVector.eq_bv (Nat.S (Nat.S (Nat.S (Nat.S (Nat.S (Nat.S (Nat.S (Nat.S Nat.O)))))))) v ( (Nat.S (Nat.S (Nat.S (Nat.S (Nat.S (Nat.S (Nat.S (Nat.S Nat.O))))))))) with | Bool.True -> Monad.m_return0 (Monad.max_def Errors.res0) st.Joint_semantics.st_no_pc | Bool.False -> Obj.magic (Errors.Error (List.Cons ((Errors.MSG ErrorMessages.BadFunction), (List.Cons ((Errors.MSG ErrorMessages.BadPointer), List.Nil))))))) | Joint_semantics.ID -> Joint_semantics.push_ra lTL_LIN_state st.Joint_semantics.st_no_pc st.Joint_semantics.pc (** val eval_LTL_LIN_ext_seq : AST.ident List.list -> 'a1 Joint_semantics.genv_gen -> Joint_LTL_LIN.ltl_lin_seq -> AST.ident -> Joint_semantics.state -> Joint_semantics.state Errors.res **) let eval_LTL_LIN_ext_seq globals ge s curr_id st = match s with | Joint_LTL_LIN.SAVE_CARRY -> let regs = SemanticsUtils.hwreg_set_other st.Joint_semantics.carry (Obj.magic st.Joint_semantics.regs) in Obj.magic (Monad.m_return0 (Monad.max_def Errors.res0) (Joint_semantics.set_regs lTL_LIN_state (Obj.magic regs) st)) | Joint_LTL_LIN.RESTORE_CARRY -> let carry = (Obj.magic st.Joint_semantics.regs).SemanticsUtils.other_bit in Obj.magic (Monad.m_return0 (Monad.max_def Errors.res0) (Joint_semantics.set_carry lTL_LIN_state carry st)) | Joint_LTL_LIN.LOW_ADDRESS l -> Obj.magic (Monad.m_bind0 (Monad.max_def Errors.res0) (Obj.magic (Joint_semantics.gen_pc_from_label globals ge curr_id l)) (fun pc_lab -> let { Types.fst = addrl; Types.snd = addrh } = ByteValues.beval_pair_of_pc pc_lab in let regs = SemanticsUtils.hwreg_store I8051.RegisterA addrl (Obj.magic st.Joint_semantics.regs) in Monad.m_return0 (Monad.max_def Errors.res0) (Joint_semantics.set_regs lTL_LIN_state (Obj.magic regs) st))) | Joint_LTL_LIN.HIGH_ADDRESS l -> Obj.magic (Monad.m_bind0 (Monad.max_def Errors.res0) (Obj.magic (Joint_semantics.gen_pc_from_label globals ge curr_id l)) (fun pc_lab -> let { Types.fst = addrl; Types.snd = addrh } = ByteValues.beval_pair_of_pc pc_lab in let regs = SemanticsUtils.hwreg_store I8051.RegisterA addrh (Obj.magic st.Joint_semantics.regs) in Monad.m_return0 (Monad.max_def Errors.res0) (Joint_semantics.set_regs lTL_LIN_state (Obj.magic regs) st))) (** val lTL_LIN_semantics : 'a1 Joint_semantics.sem_unserialized_params **) let lTL_LIN_semantics = { Joint_semantics.st_pars = lTL_LIN_state; Joint_semantics.acca_store_ = (fun x -> Obj.magic (hw_reg_store I8051.RegisterA)); Joint_semantics.acca_retrieve_ = (fun e x -> hw_reg_retrieve (Obj.magic e) I8051.RegisterA); Joint_semantics.acca_arg_retrieve_ = (fun e x -> hw_reg_retrieve (Obj.magic e) I8051.RegisterA); Joint_semantics.accb_store_ = (fun x -> Obj.magic (hw_reg_store I8051.RegisterB)); Joint_semantics.accb_retrieve_ = (fun e x -> hw_reg_retrieve (Obj.magic e) I8051.RegisterB); Joint_semantics.accb_arg_retrieve_ = (fun e x -> hw_reg_retrieve (Obj.magic e) I8051.RegisterB); Joint_semantics.dpl_store_ = (fun x -> Obj.magic (hw_reg_store I8051.RegisterDPL)); Joint_semantics.dpl_retrieve_ = (fun e x -> hw_reg_retrieve (Obj.magic e) I8051.RegisterDPL); Joint_semantics.dpl_arg_retrieve_ = (fun e x -> hw_reg_retrieve (Obj.magic e) I8051.RegisterDPL); Joint_semantics.dph_store_ = (fun x -> Obj.magic (hw_reg_store I8051.RegisterDPH)); Joint_semantics.dph_retrieve_ = (fun e x -> hw_reg_retrieve (Obj.magic e) I8051.RegisterDPH); Joint_semantics.dph_arg_retrieve_ = (fun e x -> hw_reg_retrieve (Obj.magic e) I8051.RegisterDPH); Joint_semantics.snd_arg_retrieve_ = (Obj.magic hw_arg_retrieve); Joint_semantics.pair_reg_move_ = (Obj.magic eval_registers_move); Joint_semantics.save_frame = (Obj.magic lTL_LIN_save_frame); Joint_semantics.setup_call = (fun x x0 x1 st -> Obj.magic (Monad.m_return0 (Monad.max_def Errors.res0) st)); Joint_semantics.fetch_external_args = (Obj.magic ltl_lin_fetch_external_args); Joint_semantics.set_result = (Obj.magic ltl_lin_set_result); Joint_semantics.call_args_for_main = (Obj.magic Nat.O); Joint_semantics.call_dest_for_main = (Obj.magic Types.It); Joint_semantics.read_result = (fun x x0 x1 st -> Obj.magic (Monad.m_return0 (Monad.max_def Errors.res0) ( (SemanticsUtils.hwreg_retrieve (Obj.magic st.Joint_semantics.regs)) I8051.registerRets))); Joint_semantics.eval_ext_seq = (Obj.magic eval_LTL_LIN_ext_seq); Joint_semantics.pop_frame = (fun x x0 x1 x2 st -> Joint_semantics.pop_ra lTL_LIN_state st) }