open Utils open Property open TiBase open TiContainer (* the button inherits from widget because it can't accept a child; needs to add the border_width property *) class tibutton ~(widget : #GButton.button) ~name ~parent_tree ~pos ?(insert_evbox=true) parent_window = object(self) val button = widget inherit tiwidget ~name ~widget ~parent_tree ~pos ~insert_evbox parent_window as widget method private class_name = "GButton.button" method private get_mandatory_props = [ "label" ] initializer classe <- "button"; proplist <- proplist @ [ "border_width", new prop_int ~name:"border_width" ~init:"0" ~set:(ftrue button#set_border_width); "label", new prop_string ~name:"label" ~init:name ~set: begin fun v -> button#remove (List.hd button#children)#coerce; GMisc.label ~text:v ~xalign:0.5 ~yalign:0.5 ~packing:button#add (); true end ] end let new_tibutton ~name ?(listprop = []) = let b = GButton.button ~label:name () in b#event#connect#enter_notify ~callback:(fun _ -> GtkSignal.stop_emit (); true); b#event#connect#leave_notify ~callback:(fun _ -> GtkSignal.stop_emit (); true); new tibutton ~widget:b ~name class ticheck_button ~(widget : #GButton.toggle_button) ~name ~parent_tree ~pos ?(insert_evbox=true) parent_window = object(self) val button = widget inherit tiwidget ~name ~widget ~insert_evbox ~parent_tree ~pos parent_window as widget method private class_name = "GButton.check_button" method private get_mandatory_props = [ "label" ] initializer classe <- "check_button"; proplist <- proplist @ [ "border_width", new prop_int ~name:"border_width" ~init:"0" ~set:(ftrue button#set_border_width); "label", new prop_string ~name:"label" ~init:name ~set: begin fun v -> button#remove (List.hd button#children)#coerce; GMisc.label ~text:v ~xalign:0.5 ~yalign:0.5 ~packing:button#add (); true end ] end let new_ticheck_button ~name ?(listprop = []) = new ticheck_button ~widget:(GButton.check_button ~label:name ()) ~name class titoggle_button ~(widget : #GButton.toggle_button) ~name ~parent_tree ~pos ?(insert_evbox=true) parent_window = object(self) val button = widget inherit tiwidget ~name ~widget ~insert_evbox ~parent_tree ~pos parent_window as widget method private class_name = "GButton.toggle_button" method private get_mandatory_props = [ "label" ] initializer classe <- "toggle_button"; proplist <- proplist @ [ "border width", new prop_int ~name:"border_width" ~init:"0" ~set:(ftrue button#set_border_width); "label", new prop_string ~name:"label" ~init:name ~set: begin fun v -> button#remove (List.hd button#children)#coerce; GMisc.label ~text:v ~xalign:0.5 ~yalign:0.5 ~packing:button#add (); true end ] end let new_titoggle_button ~name ?(listprop = []) = let b = GButton.toggle_button ~label:name () in (* b#connect#event#enter_notify ~callback:(fun _ -> GtkSignal.stop_emit ()); b#connect#event#leave_notify ~callback:(fun _ -> GtkSignal.stop_emit ()); *) new titoggle_button ~name ~widget:b class tiradio_button ~(widget : #GButton.radio_button) ~name:nname ~parent_tree ~pos ?(insert_evbox=true) parent_window = object(self) val button = widget inherit tiwidget ~name:nname ~widget ~insert_evbox ~parent_tree ~pos parent_window as widget val group_prop = new prop_enum_dyn ~values:(fun () -> !radio_button_pool) ~name:"group" ~set:(fun () -> true) ~init:nname method private class_name = "GButton.radio_button" method remove_me_without_undo () = radio_button_pool := list_remove !radio_button_pool ~f:(fun x -> x = name); widget#remove_me_without_undo () method private get_mandatory_props = [ "label" ] method private emit_clean_proplist = List.remove_assoc "group" widget#emit_clean_proplist method emit_initializer_code formatter = let groupname = group_prop#get in if name <> groupname then Format.fprintf formatter "@ %s#set_group %s#group;" name groupname initializer classe <- "radio_button"; radio_button_pool := name :: !radio_button_pool; List.iter ~f:(fun x -> Propwin.update (Hashtbl.find widget_map x) true) ( !radio_button_pool); proplist <- proplist @ [ "border_width", new prop_int ~name:"border_width" ~init:"0" ~set:(ftrue button#set_border_width); "label", new prop_string ~name:"label" ~init:name ~set: begin fun v -> button#remove (List.hd button#children)#coerce; GMisc.label ~text:v ~xalign:0.5 ~yalign:0.5 ~packing:button#add (); true end ; "group", group_prop ] end let new_tiradio_button ~name ?(listprop = []) = let b = GButton.radio_button ~label:name () in (* b#event#connect#enter_notify ~callback:(fun _ -> b#misc#stop_emit ~name:"enter_notify_event"; true); b#event#connect#leave_notify ~callback:(fun _ -> b#misc#stop_emit ~name:"leave_notify_event"; true); *) new tiradio_button ~name ~widget:b class tibutton_toolbar ~(widget : #GButton.button) ~name ~parent_tree ~pos ?(insert_evbox=true) parent_window ~toolbar = object(self) val button = widget inherit tibutton ~name ~widget ~parent_tree ~pos ~insert_evbox parent_window as button method private get_mandatory_props = [ "text"; "tooltip"; "tooltip_private" ] method emit_init_code formatter ~packing = Format.fprintf formatter "@ @[let %s =@ @[%s#insert_button" name toolbar#name; List.iter self#get_mandatory_props ~f: begin fun name -> Format.fprintf formatter "@ ~%s:%s" name (List.assoc name proplist)#code end; Format.fprintf formatter "@ ()@ in@]@]" initializer proplist <- List.remove_assoc "label" proplist end class titoggle_button_toolbar ~(widget : #GButton.toggle_button) ~name ~parent_tree ~pos ?(insert_evbox=true) parent_window ~toolbar = object(self) val button = widget inherit titoggle_button ~name ~widget ~parent_tree ~pos ~insert_evbox parent_window as button method private get_mandatory_props = [ "text"; "tooltip"; "tooltip_private" ] method emit_init_code formatter ~packing = Format.fprintf formatter "@ @[let %s =@ @[%s#insert_toggle_button" name toolbar#name; List.iter self#get_mandatory_props ~f: begin fun name -> Format.fprintf formatter "@ ~%s:%s" name (List.assoc name proplist)#code end; Format.fprintf formatter "@ ()@ in@]@]" initializer proplist <- List.remove_assoc "label" proplist end class tiradio_button_toolbar ~(widget : #GButton.radio_button) ~name ~parent_tree ~pos ?(insert_evbox=true) parent_window ~toolbar = object(self) val button = widget inherit tiradio_button ~name ~widget ~parent_tree ~pos ~insert_evbox parent_window as button method private get_mandatory_props = [ "text"; "tooltip"; "tooltip_private" ] method emit_init_code formatter ~packing = Format.fprintf formatter "@ @[let %s =@ @[%s#insert_radio_button" name toolbar#name; List.iter self#get_mandatory_props ~f: begin fun name -> Format.fprintf formatter "@ ~%s:%s" name (List.assoc name proplist)#code end; Format.fprintf formatter "@ ()@ in@]@]" initializer proplist <- List.remove_assoc "label" proplist end class titoolbar ~(widget : GToolbar2.toolbar2) ~name ~parent_tree ~pos ?(insert_evbox=true) parent_window = object(self) val toolbar = widget inherit ticontainer ~name ~widget ~parent_tree ~pos ~insert_evbox parent_window method private class_name = "GButton.toolbar" method private add child ~pos = children <- children @ [child, `START] method private get_pos child = let rec aux n = function | [] -> failwith "toolbar::get_pos" | (hd, _)::tl -> if hd = child then n else aux (n+1) tl in aux 0 children method private make_child ~classe ?(pos = -1) ~name ~parent_tree ?(insert_evbox = true) ?(listprop = []) parent_window = match classe with | "button" -> let t = try List.assoc "text" listprop with Not_found -> "" in let tt = try List.assoc "tooltip" listprop with Not_found -> "" in let ptt = try List.assoc "tooltip_private" listprop with Not_found -> "" in let listp = List.fold_left ~f:(fun l p -> List.remove_assoc p l) ~init:listprop [ "text"; "tooltip"; "tooltip_private" ] in let b = toolbar#insert_button ~text:t ~tooltip:tt ~tooltip_private:ptt () in let child = new tibutton_toolbar ~name ~widget:b ~pos:(-1) ~insert_evbox:false ~parent_tree:stree parent_window ~toolbar:self in let tp = new prop_string ~name:"text" ~init:t ~set:(fun v -> toolbar#set_text v (self#get_pos child); true) and ttp = new prop_string ~name:"tooltip" ~init:tt ~set:(fun _ -> true) and pttp = new prop_string ~name:"tooltip_private" ~init:ptt ~set:(fun _ -> true) in child#add_to_proplist [ "text", tp; "tooltip", ttp; "tooltip_private", pttp ]; child | "toggle_button" -> let t = try List.assoc "text" listprop with Not_found -> "" in let tt = try List.assoc "tooltip" listprop with Not_found -> "" in let ptt = try List.assoc "tooltip_private" listprop with Not_found -> "" in let listp = List.fold_left ~f:(fun l p -> List.remove_assoc p l) ~init:listprop [ "text"; "tooltip"; "tooltip_private" ] in let b = toolbar#insert_toggle_button ~text:t ~tooltip:tt ~tooltip_private:ptt () in let child = new titoggle_button_toolbar ~name ~widget:b ~pos:(-1) ~insert_evbox:false ~parent_tree:stree parent_window ~toolbar:self in let tp = new prop_string ~name:"text" ~init:t ~set:(fun v -> toolbar#set_text v (self#get_pos child); true) and ttp = new prop_string ~name:"tooltip" ~init:tt ~set:(fun _ -> true) and pttp = new prop_string ~name:"tooltip_private" ~init:ptt ~set:(fun _ -> true) in child#add_to_proplist [ "text", tp; "tooltip", ttp; "tooltip_private", pttp ]; child | "radio_button" -> let t = try List.assoc "text" listprop with Not_found -> "" in let tt = try List.assoc "tooltip" listprop with Not_found -> "" in let ptt = try List.assoc "tooltip_private" listprop with Not_found -> "" in let listp = List.fold_left ~f:(fun l p -> List.remove_assoc p l) ~init:listprop [ "text"; "tooltip"; "tooltip_private" ] in let b = toolbar#insert_radio_button ~text:t ~tooltip:tt ~tooltip_private:ptt () in let child = new tiradio_button_toolbar ~name ~widget:b ~pos:(-1) ~insert_evbox:false ~parent_tree:stree parent_window ~toolbar:self in let tp = new prop_string ~name:"text" ~init:t ~set:(fun v -> toolbar#set_text v (self#get_pos child); true) and ttp = new prop_string ~name:"tooltip" ~init:tt ~set:(fun _ -> true) and pttp = new prop_string ~name:"tooltip_private" ~init:ptt ~set:(fun _ -> true) in child#add_to_proplist [ "text", tp; "tooltip", ttp; "tooltip_private", pttp ]; child | _ -> failwith "toolbar" method remove child = toolbar#remove (child#base); children <- list_remove ~f:(fun (ch, _) -> ch = child) children; initializer classe <- "toolbar"; proplist <- proplist @ [ "orientation", new prop_orientation ~name:"orientation" ~init:"HORIZONTAL" ~set:(ftrue toolbar#set_orientation); "style", new prop_toolbar_style ~name:"style" ~init:"BOTH" ~set:(ftrue toolbar#set_style); "space_size", new prop_int ~name:"space_size" ~init:"5" ~set:(ftrue toolbar#set_space_size); "space_style", new prop_toolbar_space_style ~name:"space_style" ~init:"EMPTY" ~set:(ftrue toolbar#set_space_style); "tooltips", new prop_bool ~name:"tooltips" ~init:"true" ~set:(ftrue toolbar#set_tooltips); "button_relief", new prop_relief_style ~name:"button_relief" ~init:"NORMAL" ~set:(ftrue toolbar#set_button_relief) ] end let new_toolbar ~name ?(listprop = []) = new titoolbar ~name ~widget:(GToolbar2.toolbar2 ())