(* Copyright (C) 2000, Luca Padovani . * * This file is part of mlminidom, the Ocaml binding for minidom. * * mlminidom is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * mlminidom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with mlminidom; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, send a mail to the author. *) exception Node_has_no_parent;; exception Node_has_no_sibling of string;; exception Node_has_no_children;; exception Node_has_no_attributes;; exception Attribute_has_no_sibling of string;; exception Attribute_has_no_parent;; exception Undefined_entity;; let option_to_exception v e = match v with Some x -> x | None -> raise e ;; class o_mDOMString (str: Minidom.mDOMString) = object method get_dom_string = str method get_string = Minidom.string_of_mDOMString str end;; let o_mDOMString_of_string str = new o_mDOMString (Minidom.mDOMString_of_string str) class o_mDOMEntity (ent : Minidom.mDOMEntity) = object method get_dom_entity = ent method get_content = new o_mDOMString (Minidom.entity_get_content ent) end ;; class o_mDOMDoc (doc : Minidom.mDOMDoc) = object method get_dom_doc = doc method get_root_node = new o_mDOMNode (Minidom.doc_get_root_node doc) method add_entity (name : o_mDOMString) (value : o_mDOMString) = new o_mDOMEntity (Minidom.doc_add_entity doc (name#get_dom_string) (value#get_dom_string) ) method get_entity (name : o_mDOMString) = match Minidom.doc_get_entity doc (name#get_dom_string) with | Some x -> new o_mDOMEntity x | None -> raise Undefined_entity method get_predefined_entity (name : o_mDOMString) = match Minidom.doc_get_predefined_entity doc (name#get_dom_string) with | Some x -> new o_mDOMEntity x | None -> raise Undefined_entity end and o_mDOMNode (node : Minidom.mDOMNode) = object method get_dom_node = node method is_text = Minidom.node_is_text node method is_element = Minidom.node_is_element node method is_blank = Minidom.node_is_blank node method is_entity_ref = Minidom.node_is_entity_ref node method get_type = Minidom.node_get_type node method get_name = match Minidom.node_get_name node with | Some x -> Some (new o_mDOMString x) | None -> None method get_ns_uri = match Minidom.node_get_ns_uri node with | Some x -> Some (new o_mDOMString x) | None -> None method get_attribute (name : o_mDOMString) = match Minidom.node_get_attribute node (name#get_dom_string) with | Some x -> Some (new o_mDOMString x) | None -> None method get_attribute_ns (name : o_mDOMString) (uri : o_mDOMString) = match Minidom.node_get_attribute_ns node (name#get_dom_string) (uri#get_dom_string) with | Some x -> Some (new o_mDOMString x) | None -> None method get_content = match Minidom.node_get_content node with | Some x -> Some (new o_mDOMString x) | None -> None method get_parent = new o_mDOMNode (option_to_exception (Minidom.node_get_parent node) Node_has_no_parent) method get_prev_sibling = new o_mDOMNode (option_to_exception (Minidom.node_get_prev_sibling node) (Node_has_no_sibling "left") ) method get_next_sibling = new o_mDOMNode (option_to_exception (Minidom.node_get_next_sibling node) (Node_has_no_sibling "right") ) method get_first_child = new o_mDOMNode (option_to_exception (Minidom.node_get_first_child node) (Node_has_no_children) ) method get_first_attribute = new o_mDOMAttr (option_to_exception (Minidom.node_get_first_attribute node) (Node_has_no_attributes) ) method is_first = Minidom.node_is_first node method is_last = Minidom.node_is_last node method get_children = List.map (function x -> new o_mDOMNode x) (Minidom.node_get_children node) method get_attributes = List.map (function x -> new o_mDOMAttr x) (Minidom.node_get_attributes node) end and o_mDOMAttr (attr : Minidom.mDOMAttr) = object method get_dom_attr = attr method get_name = match Minidom.attr_get_name attr with | Some x -> Some (new o_mDOMString x) | None -> None method get_ns_uri = match Minidom.attr_get_ns_uri attr with | Some x -> Some (new o_mDOMString x) | None -> None method get_value = match Minidom.attr_get_value attr with | Some x -> Some (new o_mDOMString x) | None -> None method get_prev_sibling = new o_mDOMAttr (option_to_exception (Minidom.attr_get_prev_sibling attr) (Attribute_has_no_sibling "left") ) method get_next_sibling = new o_mDOMAttr (option_to_exception (Minidom.attr_get_next_sibling attr) (Attribute_has_no_sibling "right") ) method get_parent = new o_mDOMNode (option_to_exception (Minidom.attr_get_parent attr) Attribute_has_no_parent ) end ;;