(* OCaml HTTP - do it yourself (fully OCaml) HTTP daemon Copyright (C) <2002> Stefano Zacchiroli This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) open Common;; open Daemon;; exception Invalid_status_line of string exception Header_not_found of string (* TODO sanity checks on set* methods' arguments (e.g. dates 822 compliant, code values < 600, ...) *) class response = let default_code = 200 in (* remove all bindings of 'name' from hashtbl 'tbl' *) let rec hashtbl_remove_all tbl name = if not (Hashtbl.mem tbl name) then raise (Header_not_found name); Hashtbl.remove tbl name; if Hashtbl.mem tbl name then hashtbl_remove_all tbl name in (* "version code reason_phrase" *) let status_line_re = Pcre.regexp "^(HTTP/\d\.\d) (\d{3}) (.*)$" in object (self) val mutable version = Common.http_version val mutable code = default_code val mutable reason: string option = None val contentsBuf = Buffer.create 1024 val headers = Hashtbl.create 11 method version = version method setVersion v = version <- v method code = code method setCode c = code <- c method status = status_of_code code method setStatus (s: Types.status) = code <- code_of_status s method reason = match reason with | None -> reason_phrase_of_code code | Some r -> r method setReason r = reason <- Some r method statusLine = String.concat " " [string_of_version self#version; string_of_int self#code; self#reason] method setStatusLine s = try let subs = Pcre.extract ~rex:status_line_re s in self#setVersion (Common.version_of_string subs.(1)); self#setCode (int_of_string subs.(2)); self#setReason subs.(3) with Not_found -> raise (Invalid_status_line s) method isInformational = is_informational code method isSuccess = is_success code method isRedirection = is_redirection code method isClientError = is_client_error code method isServerError = is_server_error code method isError = is_error code method contents = Buffer.contents contentsBuf method setContents c = Buffer.clear contentsBuf; Buffer.add_string contentsBuf c method contentsBuf = contentsBuf method setContentsBuf b = Buffer.clear contentsBuf; Buffer.add_buffer contentsBuf b method addContents s = Buffer.add_string contentsBuf s method addContentsBuf b = Buffer.add_buffer contentsBuf b (** adds an header named 'name' with value 'value', if an header with the same name exists, the new value is considered an addition to the header as specified in RFC 2616, thus getting value for this header will return a comma separated list of values provided via 'addHeader' *) method addHeader ~name ~value = Hashtbl.add headers name value (** set the value of header 'name' to 'value', removing all previous values if any *) method replaceHeader ~name ~value = Hashtbl.replace headers name value (** remove the header named 'name', please note that this remove all values provided for this header *) method removeHeader ~name = hashtbl_remove_all headers name method hasHeader ~name = Hashtbl.mem headers name (** @return value of header 'name', if multiple values were provided for header 'name', the return value will be a comma separated list of provided values as stated in RFC 2616 *) method header ~name = if not (self#hasHeader name) then raise (Header_not_found name); String.concat ", " (List.rev (Hashtbl.find_all headers name)) (** @return all headers as a list of pairs *) method headers = List.rev (Hashtbl.fold (fun name _ headers -> (name, self#header ~name)::headers) headers []) method contentType = self#header "Content-Type" method setContentType t = self#replaceHeader "Content-Type" t method contentEncoding = self#header "Content-Encoding" method setContentEncoding e = self#replaceHeader "Content-Encoding" e method date = self#header "Date" method setDate d = self#replaceHeader "Date" d method expires = self#header "Expires" method setExpires t = self#replaceHeader "Expires" t method server = self#header "Server" method setServer s = self#replaceHeader "Server" s method serialize outchan = output_string outchan self#statusLine; send_CRLF outchan; send_headers self#headers outchan; send_CRLF outchan; Buffer.output_buffer outchan contentsBuf; flush outchan end