(* $Id$
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* PXP: The polymorphic XML parser for Objective Caml.
* Copyright by Gerd Stolpmann. See LICENSE for details.
(*$ markup-yacc.mli *)
open Pxp_types
open Pxp_dtd
open Pxp_document
exception ID_not_unique
class type [ 'ext ] index =
(* The type of indexes over the ID attributes of the elements. This type
* is the minimum requirement needed by the parser to create such an index.
constraint 'ext = 'ext node #extension
method add : string -> 'ext node -> unit
(* Add the passed node to the index. If there is already an ID with
* the passed string value, the exception ID_not_unique should be
* raised. (But the index is free also to accept several identical IDs.)
method find : string -> 'ext node
(* Finds the node with the passed ID value, or raises Not_found *)
class [ 'ext ] hash_index :
(* This is a simple implementation of 'index' using a hash table. *)
constraint 'ext = 'ext node #extension
method add : string -> 'ext node -> unit
(* See above. *)
method find : string -> 'ext node
(* See above. *)
method index : (string, 'ext node) Hashtbl.t
(* Returns the hash table. *)
type config =
{ warner : collect_warnings;
(* An object that collects warnings. *)
errors_with_line_numbers : bool;
(* Whether error messages contain line numbers or not. The parser
* is 10 to 20 per cent faster if line numbers are turned off;
* you get only byte positions in this case.
enable_pinstr_nodes : bool;
(* true: turns a special mode for processing instructions on. Normally,
* you cannot determine the exact location of a PI; you only know
* in which element the PI occurs. This mode makes it possible
* to find the exact location out: Every PI is artificially wrapped
* by a special node with type T_pinstr. For example, if the XML text
* is , the parser normally produces only an element
* object for "a", and puts the PIs "x" and "y" into it (without
* order). In this mode, the object "a" will contain two objects
* with type T_pinstr, and the first object will contain "x", and the
* second "y": the object tree looks like
* - Node with type = T_element "a"
* - Node with type = T_pinstr "x"
* + contains processing instruction "x"
* - Node with type = T_pinstr "y"
* + contains processing instruction "y"
* Notes:
* (1) In past versions of PXP this mode was called
* processing_instructions_inline, and it produced nodes of
* type T_element "-pi" instead of T_pinstr.
* (2) The T_pinstr nodes are created from the pinstr exemplars
* in your spec
enable_super_root_node : bool;
(* true: the topmost element of the XML tree is not the root element,
* but the so-called super root. The root element is a son of the
* super root. The super root is a node with type T_super_root.
* The following behaviour changes, too:
* - PIs occurring outside the root element and outside the DTD are
* added to the super root instead of the document object
* - If enable_pinstr_nodes is also turned on, the PI wrappers
* are added to the super root
* For example, the document
* y
* is normally represented by:
* - document object
* + contains PIs x and y
* - reference to root node with type = T_element "a"
* - node with type = T_data: contains "y"
* With enabled super root node:
* - document object
* - reference to super root node with type = T_super_root
* + contains PIs x and y
* - root node with type = T_element "a"
* - node with type = T_data: contains "y"
* If also enable_pinstr_nodes:
* - document object
* - reference to super root node with type = T_super_root
* - node with type = T_pinstr "x"
* + contains PI "x"
* - root node with type = T_element "a"
* - node with type = T_data: contains "y"
* - node with type = T_pinstr "y"
* + contains PI "y"
* Notes:
* (1) In previous versions of PXP this mode was called
* virtual_root, and it produced an additional node of type
* T_element "-vr" instead of T_super_root.
* (2) The T_super_root node is created from the super root exemplar
* in your spec.
enable_comment_nodes : bool;
(* When enabled, comments are represented as nodes with type =
* T_comment.
* To access the contents of comments, use the method "comment"
* for the comment nodes.
* These nodes behave like elements; however, they are normally
* empty and do not have attributes. Note that it is possible to
* add children to comment nodes and to set attributes, but it is
* strongly recommended not to do so. There are no checks on
* such abnormal use, because they would cost too
* much time, even when no comment nodes are generated at all.
* Comment nodes should be disabled unless you must parse a
* third-party XML text which uses comments as another data
* container.
* The nodes of type T_comment are created from the comment exemplars
* in your spec.
encoding : rep_encoding;
(* Specifies the encoding used for the *internal* representation
* of any character data.
* Note that the default is still Enc_iso88591.
recognize_standalone_declaration : bool;
(* Whether the "standalone" declaration is recognized or not.
* This option does not have an effect on well-formedness parsing:
* in this case such declarations are never recognized.
* Recognizing the "standalone" declaration means that the
* value of the declaration is scanned and passed to the DTD,
* and that the "standalone-check" is performed.
* Standalone-check: If a document is flagged standalone='yes'
* some additional constraints apply. The idea is that a parser
* without access to any external document subsets can still parse
* the document, and will still return the same values as the parser
* with such access. For example, if the DTD is external and if
* there are attributes with default values, it is checked that there
* is no element instance where these attributes are omitted - the
* parser would return the default value but this requires access to
* the external DTD subset.
store_element_positions : bool;
(* Whether the file name, the line and the column of the
* beginning of elements are stored in the element nodes.
* This option may be useful to generate error messages.
* Positions are only stored for:
* - Elements
* - Wrapped processing instructions (see enable_pinstr_nodes)
* For all other node types, no position is stored.
* You can access positions by the method "position" of nodes.
idref_pass : bool;
(* Whether the parser does a second pass and checks that all
* IDREF and IDREFS attributes contain valid references.
* This option works only if an ID index is available. To create
* an ID index, pass an index object as id_index argument to the
* parsing functions (such as parse_document_entity; see below).
* "Second pass" does not mean that the XML text is again parsed;
* only the existing document tree is traversed, and the check
* on bad IDREF/IDREFS attributes is performed for every node.
validate_by_dfa : bool;
(* If true, and if DFAs are available for validation, the DFAs will
* actually be used for validation.
* If false, or if no DFAs are available, the standard backtracking
* algorithm will be used.
* DFA = deterministic finite automaton.
* DFAs are only available if accept_only_deterministic_models is
* "true" (because in this case, it is relatively cheap to construct
* the DFAs). DFAs are a data structure which ensures that validation
* can always be performed in linear time.
* I strongly recommend using DFAs; however, there are examples
* for which validation by backtracking is faster.
accept_only_deterministic_models : bool;
(* Whether only deterministic content models are accepted in DTDs. *)
(* The following options are not implemented, or only for internal
* use.
debugging_mode : bool;
type source =
Entity of ((dtd -> Pxp_entity.entity) * Pxp_reader.resolver)
| ExtID of (ext_id * Pxp_reader.resolver)
val from_channel :
?system_encoding:encoding -> ?id:ext_id -> ?fixenc:encoding ->
in_channel -> source
val from_string :
?fixenc:encoding -> string -> source
val from_file :
?system_encoding:encoding -> string -> source
(* Notes on sources (version 2):
* Sources specify where the XML text to parse comes from. Sources not only
* represent character streams, but also external IDs (i.e. SYSTEM or PUBLIC
* names), and they are interpreted as a specific encoding of characters.
* A source should be associated with an external ID, because otherwise
* it is not known how to handle relative names.
* There are two primary sources, Entity and ExtID, and several functions
* for derived sources. First explanations for the functions:
* from_channel: The XML text is read from an in_channel. By default, the
* channel is not associated with an external ID, and it is impossible
* to resolve relative SYSTEM IDs found in the document.
* If the ?id argument is passed, it is assumed that the channel has this
* external ID. If relative SYSTEM IDs occur in the document, they can
* be interpreted; however, it is only possible to read from "file:"
* IDs.
* By default, the channel automatically detects the encoding. You can
* set a fixed encoding by passing the ?fixenc argument.
* from_string: The XML text is read from a string.
* It is impossible to read from any external entity whose reference is found
* in the string.
* By default, the encoding of the string is detected automatically. You can
* set a fixed encoding by passing the ?fixenc argument.
* from_file: The XML text is read from the file whose file name is
* passed to the function (as UTF-8 string).
* Relative system IDs can be interpreted by this function.
* The ?system_encoding argument specifies the character encoding used
* for file names (sic!). By default, UTF-8 is assumed.
* Examples:
* from_file "/tmp/file.xml":
* reads from this file, which is assumed to have the ID
* SYSTEM "file://localhost/tmp/file.xml".
* let ch = open_in "/tmp/file.xml" in
* from_channel ~id:(System "file://localhost/tmp/file.xml") ch
* This does the same, but uses a channel.
* from_channel ~id:(System "http://host/file.xml")
* ch
* reads from the channel ch, and it is assumed that the ID is
* SYSTEM "http://host/file.xml". If there is any relative SYSTEM ID,
* it will be interpreted relative to this location; however, there is
* no way to read via HTTP.
* If there is any "file:" SYSTEM ID, it is possible to read the file.
* The primary sources:
* - ExtID(x,r): The identifier x (either the SYSTEM or the PUBLIC name) of the
* entity to read from is passed to the resolver, and the resolver finds
* the entity and opens it.
* The intention of this option is to allow customized
* resolvers to interpret external identifiers without any restriction.
* The Pxp_reader module contains several classes allowing the user to
* compose such a customized resolver from predefined components.
* ExtID is the interface of choice for own extensions to resolvers.
* - Entity(m,r): You can implementy every behaviour by using a customized
* entity class. Once the DTD object d is known that will be used during
* parsing, the entity e = m d is determined and used together with the
* resolver r.
* This is only for hackers.
val default_config : config
(* - Warnings are thrown away
* - Error messages will contain line numbers
* - Neither T_super_root nor T_pinstr nor T_comment nodes are generated
* - The internal encoding is ISO-8859-1
* - The standalone declaration is checked
* - Element positions are stored
* - The IDREF pass is left out
* - If available, DFAs are used for validation
* - Only deterministic content models are accepted
val default_extension : ('a node extension) as 'a
(* A "null" extension; an extension that does not extend the functionality *)
val default_spec : ('a node extension as 'a) spec
(* Specifies that you do not want to use extensions. *)
val parse_dtd_entity : config -> source -> dtd
(* Parse an entity containing a DTD (external subset), and return this DTD. *)
val extract_dtd_from_document_entity : config -> source -> dtd
(* Parses a closed document, i.e. a document beginning with ,
* and returns the DTD contained in the document.
* The parts of the document outside the DTD are actually not parsed,
* i.e. parsing stops when all declarations of the DTD have been read.
val parse_document_entity :
?transform_dtd:(dtd -> dtd) ->
?id_index:('ext index) ->
config -> source -> 'ext spec -> 'ext document
(* Parse a closed document, i.e. a document beginning with ,
* and validate the contents of the document against the DTD contained
* and/or referenced in the document.
* If the optional argument ~transform_dtd is passed, the following
* modification applies: After the DTD (both the internal and external
* subsets) has been parsed, the function ~transform_dtd is called,
* and the resulting DTD is actually used to validate the document.
* If the optional argument ~transform_dtd is missing, the parser
* behaves in the same way as if the identity were passed as ~transform_dtd.
* If the optional argument ~id_index is present, the parser adds
* any ID attribute to the passed index. An index is required to detect
* violations of the uniqueness of IDs.
val parse_wfdocument_entity :
config -> source -> 'ext spec -> 'ext document
(* Parse a closed document (see parse_document_entity), but do not
* validate it. Only checks on well-formedness are performed.
val parse_content_entity :
?id_index:('ext index) ->
config -> source -> dtd -> 'ext spec -> 'ext node
(* Parse a file representing a well-formed fragment of a document. The
* fragment must be a single element (i.e. something like ...;
* not a sequence like ......). The element is validated
* against the passed DTD, but it is not checked whether the element is
* the root element specified in the DTD.
* If the optional argument ~id_index is present, the parser adds
* any ID attribute to the passed index. An index is required to detect
* violations of the uniqueness of IDs.
val parse_wfcontent_entity :
config -> source -> 'ext spec -> 'ext node
(* Parse a file representing a well-formed fragment of a document
* (see parse_content_entity). The fragment is not validated, only
* checked for well-formedness.
(* ======================================================================
* History:
* $Log$
* Revision 1.1 2000/11/17 09:57:30 lpadovan
* Initial revision
* Revision 1.7 2000/08/18 20:15:43 gerd
* Config options:
* - enable_super_root_nodes: new name for virtual_root
* - enable_pinstr_nodes: new name for processing_instructions_inline
* - enable_comment_nodes: new option
* Updated comments for various options.
* Revision 1.6 2000/07/23 02:16:33 gerd
* Support for DFAs.
* Revision 1.5 2000/07/14 13:57:29 gerd
* Added the id_index feature.
* Revision 1.4 2000/07/09 17:52:54 gerd
* New option store_element_positions.
* Revision 1.3 2000/07/08 16:26:21 gerd
* Added the signatures of the functions
* 'extract_dtd_from_document_entity' and 'parse_wfcontent_entity'.
* Updated the signature of 'parse_document_entity': New optional
* argument 'transform_dtd'.
* Updated the comments.
* Revision 1.2 2000/07/04 22:09:03 gerd
* MAJOR CHANGE: Redesign of the interface (not yet complete).
* Revision 1.1 2000/05/29 23:48:38 gerd
* Changed module names:
* Markup_aux into Pxp_aux
* Markup_codewriter into Pxp_codewriter
* Markup_document into Pxp_document
* Markup_dtd into Pxp_dtd
* Markup_entity into Pxp_entity
* Markup_lexer_types into Pxp_lexer_types
* Markup_reader into Pxp_reader
* Markup_types into Pxp_types
* Markup_yacc into Pxp_yacc
* See directory "compatibility" for (almost) compatible wrappers emulating
* Markup_document, Markup_dtd, Markup_reader, Markup_types, and Markup_yacc.
* ======================================================================
* Old logs from markup_yacc.mli:
* Revision 1.4 2000/05/29 21:14:57 gerd
* Changed the type 'encoding' into a polymorphic variant.
* Revision 1.3 2000/05/27 19:24:01 gerd
* New option: recognize_standalone_declaration.
* Revision 1.2 2000/05/20 20:31:40 gerd
* Big change: Added support for various encodings of the
* internal representation.
* Revision 1.1 2000/05/06 23:21:49 gerd
* Initial revision.
* Revision 1.9 2000/04/30 18:23:38 gerd
* New config options 'processing_instructions_inline' and
* 'virtual_root'.
* Revision 1.8 2000/03/13 23:46:46 gerd
* Change: The 'resolver' component of the 'config' type has
* disappeared. Instead, there is a new resolver component in the Entity
* and ExtID values of 'source'. I hope that this makes clearer that the
* resolver has only an effect if used together with Entity and ExtID
* sources.
* Change: The Entity value can now return the entity dependent
* on the DTD that is going to be used.
* Revision 1.7 2000/02/22 02:32:02 gerd
* Updated.
* Revision 1.6 2000/02/22 01:52:45 gerd
* Added documentation.
* Revision 1.5 2000/01/20 20:54:43 gerd
* New config.errors_with_line_numbers.
* Revision 1.4 1999/09/01 23:09:10 gerd
* New function parse_wf_entity that simulates a well-formedness
* parser.
* Revision 1.3 1999/09/01 16:26:36 gerd
* Added an empty line. This is *really* a big change.
* Revision 1.2 1999/08/14 22:20:27 gerd
* The "config" slot has now a component "warner"which is
* an object with a "warn" method. This is used to warn about characters
* that cannot be represented in the Latin 1 alphabet.
* Furthermore, there is a new component "debugging_mode".
* Revision 1.1 1999/08/10 00:35:52 gerd
* Initial revision.