(* * Copyright (C) 2003: * Stefano Zacchiroli * for the HELM Team http://helm.cs.unibo.it/ * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://helm.cs.unibo.it/ *) open Hbugs_types;; open Printf;; exception Invalid_URL of string;; let global_debug = true;; class hbugsClient = let http_url_RE = Pcre.regexp "^(http://)?(.*):(\\d+)" in let port_of_http_url url = try let subs = Pcre.extract ~rex:http_url_RE url in int_of_string subs.(3) with e -> raise (Invalid_URL url) in object (self) val mainWindow = new Gui.hbugsMainWindow () val subscribeWindow = new Gui.subscribeWindow () val messageDialog = new Gui.messageDialog () val myOwnId = Hbugs_id_generator.new_client_id () val mutable myOwnUrl = "localhost:49082" val mutable brokerUrl = "localhost:49081" val mutable brokerId: broker_id option = None val mutable selectedTutors: tutor_id list = [] val mutable statusContext = None val mutable subscribeWindowStatusContext = None val mutable debug = false (* enable/disable debugging buttons *) initializer self#initGui; self#startLocalHttpDaemon (); self#testLocalHttpDaemon (); self#testBroker (); self#registerClient (); self#reconfigDebuggingButtons method show = mainWindow#hbugsMainWindow#show method hide = mainWindow#hbugsMainWindow#misc#hide method private debugButtons = List.map (fun (b: GButton.button) -> new GObj.misc_ops b#as_widget) [ mainWindow#startLocalHttpDaemonButton; mainWindow#testLocalHttpDaemonButton; mainWindow#testBrokerButton; mainWindow#registerClientButton; mainWindow#unregisterClientButton ] method private initGui = (* GUI: main window *) ignore (mainWindow#hbugsMainWindow#connect#destroy self#quit); (* GUI main window's menu *) mainWindow#toggleDebuggingMenuItem#set_active debug; ignore (mainWindow#toggleDebuggingMenuItem#connect#toggled self#toggleDebug); (* GUI: local HTTP daemon settings *) ignore (mainWindow#clientUrlEntry#connect#changed (fun _ -> myOwnUrl <- mainWindow#clientUrlEntry#text)); mainWindow#clientUrlEntry#set_text myOwnUrl; ignore (mainWindow#startLocalHttpDaemonButton#connect#clicked self#startLocalHttpDaemon); ignore (mainWindow#testLocalHttpDaemonButton#connect#clicked self#testLocalHttpDaemon); (* GUI: broker choice *) ignore (mainWindow#brokerUrlEntry#connect#changed (fun _ -> brokerUrl <- mainWindow#brokerUrlEntry#text)); mainWindow#brokerUrlEntry#set_text brokerUrl; ignore (mainWindow#testBrokerButton#connect#clicked self#testBroker); mainWindow#clientIdLabel#set_text myOwnId; (* GUI: client registration *) ignore (mainWindow#registerClientButton#connect#clicked self#registerClient); ignore (mainWindow#unregisterClientButton#connect#clicked self#unregisterClient); (* GUI: subscriptions *) ignore (mainWindow#showSubscriptionWindowButton#connect#clicked (fun () -> self#listTutors (); subscribeWindow#subscribeWindow#show ())); (* GUI: DEBUG state change *) ignore (mainWindow#stateChangeButton#connect#clicked self#stateChange); (* GUI: hints list *) ignore (mainWindow#useHintButton#connect#clicked self#useHint); (* GUI: main status bar *) let ctxt = mainWindow#mainWindowStatusBar#new_context "0" in statusContext <- Some ctxt; ignore (ctxt#push "Ready"); (* GUI: subscription window *) ignore (subscribeWindow#subscribeWindow#event#connect#delete (fun _ -> subscribeWindow#subscribeWindow#misc#hide (); true)); ignore (subscribeWindow#listTutorsButton#connect#clicked self#listTutors); let tutor_id_of_row row = subscribeWindow#tutorsCList#cell_text row 0 in ignore (subscribeWindow#tutorsCList#connect#select_row (fun ~row ~column ~event -> selectedTutors <- tutor_id_of_row row :: selectedTutors)); ignore (subscribeWindow#tutorsCList#connect#unselect_row (fun ~row ~column ~event -> selectedTutors <- List.filter ((<>) (tutor_id_of_row row)) selectedTutors)); ignore (subscribeWindow#subscribeButton#connect#clicked self#subscribe); let ctxt = subscribeWindow#subscribeWindowStatusBar#new_context "0" in subscribeWindowStatusContext <- Some ctxt; ignore (ctxt#push "Ready"); (* GUI: message dialog *) ignore (messageDialog#messageDialog#event#connect#delete (fun _ -> messageDialog#messageDialog#misc#hide (); true)); ignore (messageDialog#okDialogButton#connect#clicked (fun _ -> messageDialog#messageDialog#misc#hide ())) (* accessory methods *) (** pop up a (modal) dialog window showing msg to the user *) method private showDialog msg = messageDialog#dialogLabel#set_text msg; messageDialog#messageDialog#show () (** use showDialog to display an hbugs message to the user *) method private showMsgInDialog msg = self#showDialog (Hbugs_messages.string_of_msg msg) (** create a new thread which sends msg to broker, wait for an answer and invoke callback passing response message as argument *) method private sendReq ~msg callback = let thread () = try callback (Hbugs_messages.submit_req ~url:(brokerUrl ^ "/act") msg) with | (Hbugs_messages.Parse_error (subj, reason)) as e -> self#showDialog (sprintf "Parse_error, unable to fullfill request. Details follow. Request: %s Error: %s" (Hbugs_messages.string_of_msg msg) (Printexc.to_string e)) | (Unix.Unix_error _) as e -> self#showDialog (sprintf "Can't connect to HBugs Broker Url: %s Error: %s" brokerUrl (Printexc.to_string e)) in ignore (Thread.create thread ()) (** check if a broker is authenticated using its broker_id [ Background: during client registration, client save broker_id of its broker, further messages from broker are accepted only if they carry the same broker id ] *) method private isAuthenticated id = match brokerId with | None -> false | Some broker_id -> (id = broker_id) (* actions *) method startLocalHttpDaemon () = let callback req outchan = try (match Hbugs_messages.msg_of_string req#body with | Help -> Hbugs_messages.respond_msg (Usage "Local Http Daemon up and running!") outchan | Hint (broker_id, hint) -> if self#isAuthenticated broker_id then ignore (mainWindow#hintsCList#append [hint]) else Hbugs_messages.respond_exc "forbidden" broker_id outchan | msg -> Hbugs_messages.respond_exc "unexpected_msg" (Hbugs_messages.string_of_msg msg) outchan) with (Hbugs_messages.Parse_error _) as e -> Hbugs_messages.respond_exc "parse_error" (Printexc.to_string e) outchan in let addr = "" in (* TODO actually user specified "My URL" is used only as a value to be sent to broker, local HTTP daemon will listen on "", port is parsed from My URL though *) let thread () = try Http_daemon.start' ~addr ~port:(port_of_http_url myOwnUrl) ~mode:`Single callback with | Invalid_URL url -> self#showDialog (sprintf "Invalid URL: \"%s\"" url) | e -> self#showDialog (sprintf "Can't start local HTTP daemon: %s" (Printexc.to_string e)) in ignore (Thread.create thread ()) method testLocalHttpDaemon () = try let msg = Hbugs_misc.http_post ~body:(Hbugs_messages.string_of_msg Help) myOwnUrl in ignore msg (* self#showDialog msg *) with | Hbugs_misc.Malformed_URL url -> self#showDialog (sprintf "Handshake with local HTTP daemon failed, Invalid URL: \"%s\"" url) | Hbugs_misc.Malformed_HTTP_response res -> self#showDialog (sprintf "Handshake with local HTTP daemon failed, can't parse HTTP response: \"%s\"" res) | (Unix.Unix_error _) as e -> self#showDialog (sprintf "Handshake with local HTTP daemon failed, can't connect: \"%s\"" (Printexc.to_string e)) method testBroker () = self#sendReq ~msg:Help (function | Usage _ -> () | unexpected_msg -> self#showDialog (sprintf "Handshake with HBugs Broker failed, unexpected message:\n%s" (Hbugs_messages.string_of_msg unexpected_msg))) method registerClient () = self#sendReq ~msg:(Register_client (myOwnId, myOwnUrl)) (function | Client_registered broker_id -> brokerId <- Some broker_id; (* self#showDialog (sprintf "Client %s registered @ broker %s" myOwnId broker_id) *) | unexpected_msg -> self#showDialog (sprintf "Client NOT registered, unexpected message:\n%s" (Hbugs_messages.string_of_msg unexpected_msg))) method unregisterClient () = self#sendReq ~msg:(Unregister_client myOwnId) self#showMsgInDialog method stateChange () = let state = (* TODO fill with a real state representation! *) mainWindow#stateText#get_chars 0 (mainWindow#stateText#length) in self#sendReq ~msg:(State_change (myOwnId, state)) self#showMsgInDialog method private listTutors () = self#sendReq ~msg:(List_tutors myOwnId) (function | Tutor_list (_, descriptions) -> selectedTutors <- []; subscribeWindow#tutorsCList#clear (); List.iter (fun (id, dsc) -> ignore (subscribeWindow#tutorsCList#append [id; dsc])) descriptions | unexpected_msg -> self#showDialog (sprintf "Can't list tutors, unexpected message:\n%s" (Hbugs_messages.string_of_msg unexpected_msg))) method private subscribe () = let selectedTutors = List.sort compare selectedTutors in self#sendReq ~msg:(Subscribe (myOwnId, selectedTutors)) (function | (Subscribed (_, tutors)) as msg -> let msg_string = Hbugs_messages.string_of_msg msg in let subscribedTutors = List.sort compare tutors in let msg = if subscribedTutors = selectedTutors then sprintf "Subscription OK\n: %s" msg_string else sprintf "Subscription mismatch\n: %s" msg_string in self#showDialog msg; subscribeWindow#subscribeWindow#misc#hide () | unexpected_msg -> self#showDialog (sprintf "Subscription FAILED, unexpected message:\n%s" (Hbugs_messages.string_of_msg unexpected_msg))) method useHint () = failwith "useHint: TODO not implemented" (* TODO *) method private quit () = self#unregisterClient (); GMain.Main.quit () (** enable/disable debugging *) method private setDebug value = debug <- value method private reconfigDebuggingButtons = List.iter (* debug value changed, reconfigure buttons *) (fun (b: GObj.misc_ops) -> if debug then b#show () else b#hide ()) self#debugButtons; method private toggleDebug () = self#setDebug (not debug); self#reconfigDebuggingButtons end ;; let client = new hbugsClient in client#show (); GtkThread.main ()