#!@PERL_BINARY@ # Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team. # # This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic # Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science # Department, University of Bologna, Italy. # # HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, # http://cs.unibo.it/helm/. # First of all, let's load HELM configuration use Env; my $HELM_LIB_DIR = $ENV{"HELM_LIB_DIR"}; # this should be the only fixed constant my $DEFAULT_HELM_LIB_DIR = "@HELM_LIB_DIR@"; if (defined ($HELM_LIB_DIR)) { $HELM_LIB_PATH = $HELM_LIB_DIR."/configuration.pl"; } else { $HELM_LIB_PATH = $DEFAULT_HELM_LIB_DIR."/configuration.pl"; } # Let's override the configuration file $styles_dir = $ENV{"HELM_STYLE_DIR"} if (defined ($ENV{"HELM_STYLE_DIR"})); $dtd_dir = $ENV{"HELM_DTD_DIR"} if (defined ($ENV{"HELM_DTD_DIR"})); # : TODO temporary, move this setting to configuration file # set the cache mode, may be "gzipped" or "normal" my $cachemode = $ENV{'HTTP_GETTER_CACHE_MODE'} || 'gzipped'; if (($cachemode ne 'gzipped') and ($cachemode ne 'normal')) { die "Invalid HTTP_GETTER_CACHE_MODE environment variable, must be". "'normal' or 'gzipped'\n"; } # # next require defines: $helm_dir, $html_link, $dtd_dir, $uris_dbm require $HELM_LIB_PATH; use HTTP::Daemon; use HTTP::Status; use HTTP::Request; use LWP::UserAgent; use DB_File; use Compress::Zlib; #CSC: mancano i controlli sulle condizioni di errore di molte funzioni #CSC: ==> non e' robusto #CSC: altra roba da sistemare segnata con CSC my $d = new HTTP::Daemon LocalPort => 8081; my $myownurl = $d->url; $myownurl =~ s/\/$//; # chop the final slash tie(%map, 'DB_File', $uris_dbm.".db", O_RDONLY, 0664); print "Please contact me at: \n"; print "helm_dir: $helm_dir\n"; print "styles_dir: $styles_dir\n"; print "dtd_dir: $dtd_dir\n"; print "urls_of_uris.db: $uris_dbm.db\n"; print "cache mode: $cachemode\n"; $SIG{CHLD} = "IGNORE"; # do not accumulate defunct processes $SIG{USR1} = \&update; # sent by the child to make the parent update while (my $c = $d->accept) { if (fork() == 0) { while (my $r = $c->get_request) { #CSC: mancano i controlli di sicurezza my $inputuri = $r->url; $inputuri =~ s/^[^?]*\?uri=(.*)/$1/; print "\nRequest: ".$r->url."\n\n"; my $http_method = $r->method; my $http_path = $r->url->path; if ($http_method eq 'GET' and $http_path eq "/getciconly") { # finds the uri, url and filename my $cicuri = $inputuri; my $cicfilename = $cicuri; $cicfilename =~ s/cic:(.*)/$1/; $cicfilename =~ s/theory:(.*)/$1/; my $cicurl = $map{$cicuri}; my $extension; if ($cicurl =~ /\.xml$/) { # non gzipped file $extension = ".xml"; } elsif ($cicurl =~ /\.xml\.gz$/) { # gzipped file $extension = ".xml.gz"; } else { # error: unknown extension die "unexpected extension in url: $cicurl, might be '.xml'". "or '.xml.gz'"; } $cicfilename = $helm_dir.$cicfilename.$extension; if (!defined($cicurl)) { print "\nNOT FOUND!!!!!\n"; $c->send_error(RC_NOT_FOUND) } else { print_request("cic",$cicuri,$cicurl,$cicfilename); # Retrieves the file my $ciccontent = download(0,"cic",$cicurl,$cicfilename); # Answering the client answer($c,$ciccontent); } } elsif ($http_method eq 'GET' and $http_path eq "/get") { # finds the uris, urls and filenames my $cicuri = $inputuri, $typesuri = $inputuri, $annuri = $inputuri; my $annsuffix; if ($inputuri =~ /\.types$/) { $cicuri =~ s/(.*)\.types$/$1/; undef($annuri); } elsif ($inputuri =~ /\.types\.ann$/) { $cicuri =~ s/(.*)\.types\.ann$/$1/; $typesuri =~ s/(.*)\.ann$/$1/; $annsuffix = ".types.ann"; } elsif ($inputuri =~ /\.ann$/) { $cicuri =~ s/(.*)\.ann$/$1/; undef($typesuri); $annsuffix = ".ann"; } else { undef($typesuri); undef($annuri); } my $cicfilename = $cicuri; $cicfilename =~ s/cic:(.*)/$1/; $cicfilename =~ s/theory:(.*)/$1/; $cicfilename = $helm_dir.$cicfilename; my $cicurl = $map{$cicuri}; my $typesurl = $map{$typesuri} if (defined($typesuri)); my $annurl = $map{$annuri} if (defined($annuri)); my ($cicext, $typesext, $annext); if ($cicurl =~ /\.xml$/) { # normal file $cicext = ".xml"; } elsif ($cicurl =~ /\.xml\.gz$/) { # gzipped file $cicext = ".xml.gz"; } else { die "unexpected extension in url: $cicurl;". "might be '.xml' or '.xml.gz'"; } if (defined($typesuri)) { # extension selection for types file if ($typesurl =~ /\.xml$/) { # normal file $typesext = ".types.xml"; } elsif ($typesurl =~ /\.xml\.gz$/) { # gzipped file $typesext = ".types.xml.gz"; } else { die "unexpected extension in url: $typesurl;". "might be '.xml' or '.xml.gz'"; } } if (defined($annuri)) { # extension selection for annotation file if ($annurl =~ /\.xml$/) { # normal file $annext = ".xml"; } elsif ($annurl =~ /\.xml\.gz$/) { # gzipped file $annext = ".xml.gz"; } else { die "unexpected extension in url: $annurl". "might be '.xml' or '.xml.gz'"; } } my $typesfilename = $cicfilename.$typesext if $typesuri; my $annfilename = $cicfilename.$annsuffix.$annext if $annuri; $cicfilename .= $cicext; if (!defined($cicurl) || (!defined($typesurl) && $typesuri) || (!defined($annuri) && $annuri)) { print "\nNOT FOUND!!!!!\n"; $c->send_error(RC_NOT_FOUND) } else { print_request("cic",$cicuri,$cicurl,$cicfilename); print_request("types",$typesuri,$typesurl,$typesfilename) if ($typesuri); print_request("ann",$annuri,$annurl,$annfilename) if ($annuri); # Retrieves the files my $ciccontent = download(1,"cic",$cicurl,$cicfilename); my $typescontent = download(1,"types",$typesurl,$typesfilename) if ($typesuri); my $anncontent = download(1,"ann",$annurl,$annfilename) if ($annuri); # Merging the files together my $merged = < $ciccontent $typescontent $anncontent EOT # Answering the client answer($c,$merged); } } elsif ($http_method eq 'GET' and $http_path eq "/getdtd") { my $filename = $inputuri; $filename = $dtd_dir."/".$filename; print "DTD: $inputuri ==> ($filename)\n"; if (stat($filename)) { print "Using local copy\n"; open(FD, $filename) or die "Cannot open $filename\n"; $cont = ""; while() { $cont .= $_; } close(FD); answer($c,$cont); } else { die "Could not find DTD!"; } } elsif ($http_method eq 'GET' and $http_path eq "/getxslt") { my $filename = $inputuri; $filename = $styles_dir."/".$filename; print "XSLT: $inputuri ==> ($filename)\n"; if (stat($filename)) { print "Using local copy\n"; open(FD, $filename) or die "Cannot open $filename\n"; $cont = ""; while() { # Vary bad heuristic for substituion of absolute URLs # for relative ones s/xsl:import\s+href="/xsl:import href="$myownurl\/getxslt?uri=/g ; s/xsl:include\s+href="/xsl:include href="$myownurl\/getxslt?uri=/g ; $cont .= $_; } close(FD); answer($c,$cont); } else { die "Could not find XSLT!"; } } elsif ($http_method eq 'GET' and $http_path eq "/conf") { my $quoted_html_link = $html_link; $quoted_html_link =~ s/&/&/g; $quoted_html_link =~ s//>/g; $quoted_html_link =~ s/'/'/g; $quoted_html_link =~ s/"/"/g; print "\nConfiguration requested, returned #$quoted_html_link#\n"; $cont = "$quoted_html_link"; answer($c,$cont); } elsif ($http_method eq 'GET' and $http_path eq "/update") { print "Update requested..."; update(); kill(USR1,getppid()); print " done\n"; answer($c,"

Update done

"); } else { print "\nINVALID REQUEST!!!!!\n"; $c->send_error(RC_FORBIDDEN) } print "\nRequest solved: ".$r->url."\n\n"; } $c->close; undef($c); print "\nCONNECTION CLOSED\n\n"; exit; } # fork } #================================ #CSC: Too much powerful: creates even /home, /home/users/, ... #CSC: Does not raise errors if could not create dirs/files sub mkdirs { my ($pathname) = @_; my @dirs = split /\//,$pathname; my $tmp; foreach $dir (@dirs) { $tmp = ((defined($tmp)) ? $tmp."\/".$dir : ""); mkdir($tmp,0777); } rmdir($tmp); } sub print_request { my ($str,$uri,$url,$filename) = @_; print $str."uri: $uri\n"; print $str."url: $url\n"; print $str."filename: $filename\n\n"; } sub callback { my ($data) = @_; $cont .= $data; } sub gunzip { # gunzip a file and return the deflated content my ($filename) = @_; my ($gz, $buffer, $cont); print "deflating $filename ...\n"; $gz = gzopen($filename, "r") or die "Cannot open gzip'ed file $filename: $gzerrno"; $cont = ""; while ( $gz->gzread($buffer) > 0 ) { $cont .= $buffer; } die "Error while reading : $gzerrno\n" if $gzerrno != Z_STREAM_END ; $gz->gzclose(); return $cont; } sub gzip { # gzip the content argument and save it to filename argument my ($cont, $filename) = @_; my ($gz, $cont); $gz = gzopen($filename, "w") or die "Cannot gzopen for writing file $filename: $gzerrno"; $gz->gzwrite($cont) or die "error writing: $gzerrno\n" ; $gz->gzclose(); } sub download { my ($remove_headers,$str,$url,$filename) = @_; my ($gz, $buffer); my $resourcetype; # retrieve mode: "normal" (.xml) or "gzipped" (.xml.gz) if ($filename =~ /\.xml$/) { # set retrieve mode $resourcetype = "normal"; } elsif ($filename =~ /\.xml\.gz$/) { $resourcetype = "gzipped"; } else { die "Unsupported download extension, might be '.gz' or '.xml'\n"; } my $basefname = $filename; $basefname =~ s/\.gz$//; # get base resource name removing trailing .gz $cont = ""; # modified by side-effect by the callback function my $localfname=""; if (stat($basefname)) { $localfname=$basefname; } elsif (stat($basefname.".gz")) { $localfname=$basefname.".gz"; } if ($localfname ne "") { # we already have local copy of requested file # check both possible cache entry: gzipped or normal print "Using local copy for the $str file\n"; if ($localfname =~ /\.xml\.gz$/) { # deflating cached file and return it $cont = gunzip($localfname); } elsif ($localfname =~ /\.xml$/) { # just return cached file open(FD, $localfname) or die "Cannot open $localfname"; while() { $cont .= $_; } close(FD); } else { # error die "Internal error: unexpected file name $localfname," ."must end with '.gz' or '.xml.gz'\n"; } } else { # download file from net print "Downloading the $str file\n"; # download file $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "$url"); $response = $ua->request($request, \&callback); # cache retrieved file to disk # TODO: inefficent, I haven't yet undestood how to deflate # in memory gzipped file, without call "gzopen" print "Storing the $str file\n"; mkdirs($filename); open(FD, ">".$filename.".tmp") or die "Cannot open $filename.tmp\n"; print FD $cont; close(FD); # handle cache conversion normal->gzipped or gzipped->normal as user choice if (($cachemode eq 'normal') and ($resourcetype eq 'normal')) { # cache the file as is rename "$filename.tmp", $filename; } elsif (($cachemode eq 'gzipped') and ($resourcetype eq 'gzipped')) { # cache the file as is # and update the $cont variabile with deflated content rename "$filename.tmp", $filename; $cont = gunzip($filename); } elsif (($cachemode eq 'normal') and ($resourcetype eq 'gzipped')) { # deflate cache entry # and update $cont open(FD, "> $basefname") or die "cannot open $basefname\n"; $cont = gunzip($filename.".tmp"); print FD $cont; close(FD); unlink "$filename.tmp"; # delete old gzipped file } elsif (($cachemode eq 'gzipped') and ($resourcetype eq 'normal')) { # compress cache entry gzip($cont, $basefname.".gz"); unlink "$filename.tmp"; # delete old uncompressed file } else { die "Internal error, unsopported cachemode, resourcetype couple\n"; } # $cont now contained uncompressed data } if ($remove_headers) { $cont =~ s/<\?xml [^?]*\?>//sg; $cont =~ s/]*>//sg; } return $cont; } sub answer { my ($c,$cont) = @_; my $res = new HTTP::Response; $res->content($cont); $c->send_response($res); } sub update { untie %map; tie(%map, 'DB_File', $uris_dbm.".db", O_RDONLY, 0664); }