exception IllFormedXml of int;; (* Utility functions that transform a Pxp attribute into something useful *) let string_of_attr a = let module T = Pxp_types in match a with T.Value s -> s | _ -> raise (IllFormedXml 0) ;; exception DontKnowWhatToDo;; let rec string_of_annotations n = let module D = Pxp_document in let module T = Pxp_types in match n#node_type with D.T_element s -> "<" ^ s ^ List.fold_right (fun att i -> match n#attribute att with T.Value s -> " " ^ att ^ "=\"" ^ s ^ "\"" ^ i | T.Implied_value -> i | T.Valuelist l -> " " ^ att ^ "=\"" ^ String.concat " " l ^ "\"" ^ i ) (n#attribute_names) "" ^ (match n#sub_nodes with [] -> "/>" | l -> ">" ^ String.concat "" (List.map string_of_annotations l) ^ "" ) | D.T_data -> n#data | _ -> raise DontKnowWhatToDo ;; let get_annotation n = String.concat "" (List.map string_of_annotations (n#sub_nodes)) ;; let annotate_object ann obj = let module C = Cic in let rann = match obj with C.ADefinition (_, rann, _, _, _, _) -> rann | C.AAxiom (_, rann, _, _, _) -> rann | C.AVariable (_, rann, _, _) -> rann | C.ACurrentProof (_, rann, _, _, _, _) -> rann | C.AInductiveDefinition (_, rann, _, _, _) -> rann in rann := Some ann ;; let annotate_term ann term = let module C = Cic in let rann = match term with C.ARel (_, rann, _, _) -> rann | C.AVar (_, rann, _) -> rann | C.AMeta (_, rann, _) -> rann | C.ASort (_, rann, _) -> rann | C.AImplicit (_, rann) -> rann | C.ACast (_, rann, _, _) -> rann | C.AProd (_, rann, _, _, _) -> rann | C.ALambda (_, rann, _, _, _) -> rann | C.AAppl (_, rann, _) -> rann | C.AConst (_, rann, _, _) -> rann | C.AAbst (_, rann, _) -> rann | C.AMutInd (_, rann, _, _, _) -> rann | C.AMutConstruct (_, rann, _, _, _, _) -> rann | C.AMutCase (_, rann, _, _, _, _, _, _) -> rann | C.AFix (_, rann, _, _) -> rann | C.ACoFix (_, rann, _, _) -> rann in rann := Some ann ;; let annotate ids_to_targets n = let module D = Pxp_document in let module C = Cic in let annotate_elem n = let ntype = n # node_type in match ntype with D.T_element "Annotation" -> let of_uri = string_of_attr (n # attribute "of") in begin try match Hashtbl.find ids_to_targets of_uri with C.Object o -> annotate_object (get_annotation n) o | C.Term t -> annotate_term (get_annotation n) t with Not_found -> assert false end | D.T_element _ | D.T_data -> raise (IllFormedXml 1) | _ -> raise DontKnowWhatToDo in match n # node_type with D.T_element "Annotations" -> List.iter annotate_elem (n # sub_nodes) | _ -> raise (IllFormedXml 2) ;;