(******************************************************************************) (* *) (* PROJECT HELM *) (* *) (* Claudio Sacerdoti Coen *) (* 14/06/2000 *) (* *) (* *) (******************************************************************************) let deactivate_hints_from annotation_window n = let annotation_hints = annotation_window#annotation_hints in for i = n to Array.length annotation_hints - 1 do annotation_hints.(i)#misc#hide () done ;; (* CSC: orripilante *) (* the list of the signal ids *) let sig_ids = ref ([] : GtkSignal.id list);; let disconnect_hint annotation_window buttonno = match !sig_ids with id::ids -> annotation_window#annotation_hints.(buttonno)#misc#disconnect id ; sig_ids := ids | _ -> assert false ;; (* link_hint annotation_window n label hint *) (* set the label of the nth hint button of annotation_window to label *) (* and the correspondent hint to hint *) let link_hint annotation_window buttonno label hint = let button = annotation_window#annotation_hints.(buttonno) in sig_ids := (button#connect#clicked (fun () -> (annotation_window#annotation : GEdit.text)#insert hint) ) :: !sig_ids ; button#misc#show () ; match button#children with [labelw] -> (GMisc.label_cast labelw)#set_text label | _ -> assert false ;; exception TooManyHints;; let link_hints annotation_window a = if Array.length a > Array.length annotation_window#annotation_hints then raise TooManyHints ; for i = List.length !sig_ids - 1 downto 0 do disconnect_hint annotation_window i done ; Array.iteri (fun i (label,hint) -> link_hint annotation_window i label hint) a ; deactivate_hints_from annotation_window (Array.length a) ;; let list_mapi f = let rec aux n = function [] -> [] | he::tl -> (f n he)::(aux (n + 1) tl) in aux 0 ;; let get_id annterm = let module C = Cic in match annterm with C.ARel (id,_,_,_) -> id | C.AVar (id,_,_) -> id | C.AMeta (id,_,_) -> id | C.ASort (id,_,_) -> id | C.AImplicit (id,_) -> id | C.ACast (id,_,_,_) -> id | C.AProd (id,_,_,_,_) -> id | C.ALambda (id,_,_,_,_) -> id | C.AAppl (id,_,_) -> id | C.AConst (id,_,_,_) -> id | C.AAbst (id,_,_) -> id | C.AMutInd (id,_,_,_,_) -> id | C.AMutConstruct (id,_,_,_,_,_)-> id | C.AMutCase (id,_,_,_,_,_,_,_) -> id | C.AFix (id,_,_,_) -> id | C.ACoFix (id,_,_,_) -> id ;; let create_hint_from_term annotation_window annterm = let module C = Cic in match annterm with C.ARel (id,_,_,_) -> link_hints annotation_window [| "Binder", "" |] | C.AVar (id,_,_) -> link_hints annotation_window [| "relURI???", "" |] | C.AMeta (id,_,_) -> link_hints annotation_window [| "Number", "" |] | C.ASort (id,_,_) -> link_hints annotation_window [| "Value", "" |] | C.AImplicit (id,_) -> link_hints annotation_window [| |] | C.ACast (id,_,bo,ty) -> let boid = get_id bo and tyid = get_id ty in link_hints annotation_window [| "Body", "" ; "Type", "" |] | C.AProd (id,_,_,ty,bo) -> let boid = get_id bo and tyid = get_id ty in link_hints annotation_window [| "Binder", "" ; "Body", "" ; "Type", "" |] | C.ALambda (id,_,_,ty,bo) -> let boid = get_id bo and tyid = get_id ty in link_hints annotation_window [| "Binder", "" ; "Body", "" ; "Type", "" |] | C.AAppl (id,_,args) -> let argsid = Array.mapi (fun i te -> "Argument " ^ string_of_int i, "") (Array.of_list args) in link_hints annotation_window argsid | C.AConst (id,_,_,_) -> link_hints annotation_window [| "Uri???", "" |] | C.AAbst (id,_,_) -> link_hints annotation_window [| "Uri???", "" |] | C.AMutInd (id,_,_,_,_) -> link_hints annotation_window [| "Uri???", "" |] | C.AMutConstruct (id,_,_,_,_,_) -> link_hints annotation_window [| "Uri???", "" |] | C.AMutCase (id,_,_,_,_,outty,te,pl) -> let outtyid = get_id outty and teid = get_id te and plid = Array.mapi (fun i te -> "Pattern " ^ string_of_int i, "") (Array.of_list pl) in link_hints annotation_window (Array.append [| "Uri???", "" ; "Case Type", "" ; "Term", "" ; |] plid) | C.AFix (id,_,_,funl) -> let funtylid = Array.mapi (fun i (_,_,ty,_) -> "Type " ^ string_of_int i, "") (Array.of_list funl) and funbolid = Array.mapi (fun i (_,_,_,bo) -> "Body " ^ string_of_int i, "") (Array.of_list funl) and funnamel = Array.mapi (fun i (_,_,_,_) -> "Name " ^ string_of_int i, "") (Array.of_list funl) and funrecindexl = Array.mapi (fun i (_,_,_,_) -> "Recursive Index??? " ^ string_of_int i, "") (Array.of_list funl) in link_hints annotation_window (Array.concat [ funtylid ; funbolid ; funnamel ; funrecindexl ; [| "NoFun???", "" |] ] ) | C.ACoFix (id,_,_,funl) -> let funtylid = Array.mapi (fun i (_,ty,_) -> "Type " ^ string_of_int i, "") (Array.of_list funl) and funbolid = Array.mapi (fun i (_,_,bo) -> "Body " ^ string_of_int i, "") (Array.of_list funl) and funnamel = Array.mapi (fun i (_,_,_) -> "Name " ^ string_of_int i, "") (Array.of_list funl) in link_hints annotation_window (Array.concat [ funtylid ; funbolid ; funnamel ; [| "NoFun???", "" |] ] ) ;; (*CSC: da riscrivere completamente eliminando il paciugo degli array - liste *) let create_hint_from_obj annotation_window annobj = let module C = Cic in match annobj with C.ADefinition (id,_,_,bo,ty,_) -> let boid = get_id bo and tyid = get_id ty in link_hints annotation_window [| "Name", "" ; "Ingredients", "" ; "Body", "" ; "Type", "" |] | C.AAxiom (id,_,_,ty,_) -> let tyid = get_id ty in link_hints annotation_window [| "Name", "" ; "Ingredients", "" ; "Type", "" |] | C.AVariable (id,_,_,ty) -> let tyid = get_id ty in link_hints annotation_window [| "Name", "" ; "Type", "" |] | C.ACurrentProof (id,_,_,conjs,bo,ty) -> let boid = get_id bo and tyid = get_id ty and conjsid = List.map (fun (_,te) -> get_id te) conjs in link_hints annotation_window (Array.append [| "Name", "" ; "Ingredients", "" ; "Body", "" ; "Type", "" |] (Array.mapi (fun i id -> "Conjecture " ^ string_of_int i, "" ) (Array.of_list conjsid) ) ) | C.AInductiveDefinition (id,_,itl,_,_) -> let itlids = List.map (fun (_,_,arity,cons) -> get_id arity, List.map (fun (_,ty,_) -> get_id ty) cons ) itl in link_hints annotation_window (Array.concat [ [| "Ingredients","" |]; (Array.mapi (fun i _ -> "Type Name " ^ string_of_int i, "" ) (Array.of_list itlids) ) ; (Array.mapi (fun i (id,_) -> "Type " ^ string_of_int i, "" ) (Array.of_list itlids) ) ; (Array.concat (list_mapi (fun i (_,consid) -> (Array.mapi (fun j _ -> "Constructor Name " ^ string_of_int i ^ " " ^ string_of_int j, "" ) (Array.of_list consid) ) ; ) itlids ) ) ; (Array.concat (list_mapi (fun i (_,consid) -> (Array.mapi (fun j id -> "Constructor " ^ string_of_int i ^ " " ^ string_of_int j, "" ) (Array.of_list consid) ) ; ) itlids ) ) ] ) ;; exception IdUnknown of string;; let create_hints annotation_window (annobj,ids_to_targets) xpath = try match Hashtbl.find ids_to_targets xpath with Cic.Object annobj -> create_hint_from_obj annotation_window annobj | Cic.Term annterm -> create_hint_from_term annotation_window annterm with Not_found -> raise (IdUnknown xpath) ;;