type check_status = Checked | Unchecked;; let hashtable = Hashtbl.create 17;; let get_term_and_type_checking_info uri = try Hashtbl.find hashtable uri with Not_found -> let filename = Getter.get uri in let term = TheoryParser.theory_of_xml filename in Hashtbl.add hashtable uri (term, Unchecked) ; (term, Unchecked) ;; let get_theory uri = fst (get_term_and_type_checking_info uri) ;; let is_type_checked uri = match snd (get_term_and_type_checking_info uri) with Checked -> true | Unchecked -> false ;; let set_type_checking_info uri = match Hashtbl.find hashtable uri with (term, _) -> Hashtbl.remove hashtable uri ; Hashtbl.add hashtable uri (term, Checked) ;;