(* Copyright (C) 2004, HELM Team. * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://helm.cs.unibo.it/ *) open Printf open MatitaTypes (* let default_prompt = "# " *) let default_prompt = "" let default_phrase_sep = "." let default_callback = fun (phrase: string) -> true let message_props = [ `STYLE `ITALIC ] let error_props = [ `WEIGHT `BOLD ] let prompt_props = [ ] let trailing_NL_RE = Pcre.regexp "\n\\s*$" exception History_failure (** shell like phrase history *) class history size = let size = size + 1 in let decr x = let x' = x - 1 in if x' < 0 then size + x' else x' in let incr x = (x + 1) mod size in object val data = Array.create size "" val mutable hd = 0 (* insertion point *) val mutable tl = -1 (* oldest inserted item *) val mutable cur = -1 (* current item for the history *) method add s = data.(hd) <- s; if tl = -1 then tl <- hd; hd <- incr hd; if hd = tl then tl <- incr tl; cur <- hd method previous = if cur = tl then raise History_failure; cur <- decr cur; data.(cur) method next = if cur = hd then raise History_failure; cur <- incr cur; if cur = hd then "" else data.(cur) end class console ?(prompt = default_prompt) ?(phrase_sep = default_phrase_sep) ?(callback = default_callback) ?evbox ~(paned:GPack.paned) obj = let console_height = 100 in (* pixels *) object (self) inherit GText.view obj val mutable _phrase_sep = phrase_sep method phrase_sep = _phrase_sep method set_phrase_sep sep = _phrase_sep <- sep val mutable _prompt = prompt method prompt = _prompt method set_prompt prompt = _prompt <- prompt val mutable _callback = callback method set_callback f = _callback <- f val mutable _ignore_insert_text_signal = false method ignore_insert_text_signal ignore = _ignore_insert_text_signal <- ignore val history = new history BuildTimeConf.console_history_size val mutable handle_position = 450 initializer let buf = self#buffer in self#set_wrap_mode `CHAR; self#hide (); (* create "USER_INPUT_START" mark. This mark will always point to the * beginning of user input not yet processed *) ignore (buf#create_mark ~name:"USER_INPUT_START" ~left_gravity:true buf#start_iter); ignore (buf#connect#after#insert_text (fun iter text -> if (not _ignore_insert_text_signal) && (iter#compare buf#end_iter = 0) && (* insertion at end *) (Pcre.pmatch ~rex:trailing_NL_RE text) then let inserted_text = buf#get_text ~start:(buf#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "USER_INPUT_START")) ~stop:buf#end_iter () in let pat = (Pcre.quote _phrase_sep) ^ "\\s*$" in if Pcre.pmatch ~pat inserted_text then begin (* complete phrase *) self#lock; self#invoke_callback inserted_text; self#echo_prompt () end)); (match evbox with (* history key bindings *) | None -> () | Some evbox -> List.iter (fun (key, f) -> MatitaGtkMisc.add_key_binding key f evbox) [ GdkKeysyms._p, (fun () -> self#previous_phrase); GdkKeysyms._n, (fun () -> self#next_phrase); ]); ignore (self#connect#after#move_cursor (* avoid cursor being placed at prompt's left *) ~callback:(fun step count ~extend -> let buf = self#buffer in let cursor_iter = buf#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT in let prompt_iter = buf#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "USER_INPUT_START") in if prompt_iter#compare cursor_iter = 1 then (* prompt > cursor *) buf#place_cursor ~where:prompt_iter)) method private set_phrase phrase = let buf = self#buffer in buf#delete ~start:(buf#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "USER_INPUT_START")) ~stop:buf#end_iter; buf#insert ~iter:buf#end_iter phrase method private invoke_callback phrase = history#add (* do not push trailing phrase separator *) (String.sub phrase 0 (String.length phrase - String.length _phrase_sep)); if _callback phrase then begin self#hide (); self#clear () (* else callback encountered troubles, don't hide console which probably contains error message *) end method clear () = let buf = self#buffer in buf#delete ~start:buf#start_iter ~stop:buf#end_iter (* lock old text and bump USER_INPUT_START mark *) method private lock = let buf = self#buffer in let read_only = buf#create_tag [`EDITABLE false] in buf#apply_tag read_only ~start:buf#start_iter ~stop:buf#end_iter; buf#move_mark (`NAME "USER_INPUT_START") buf#end_iter method echo_prompt () = let buf = self#buffer in self#ignore_insert_text_signal true; buf#insert ~iter:buf#end_iter ~tags:[buf#create_tag prompt_props] prompt; self#ignore_insert_text_signal false; self#lock method echo_message msg = let buf = self#buffer in self#ignore_insert_text_signal true; buf#insert ~iter:buf#end_iter ~tags:[buf#create_tag message_props] (msg ^ "\n"); self#ignore_insert_text_signal false; self#lock method echo_error msg = self#show (); let buf = self#buffer in self#ignore_insert_text_signal true; buf#insert ~iter:buf#end_iter ~tags:[buf#create_tag error_props] (msg ^ "\n"); self#ignore_insert_text_signal false; self#lock method private get_paned_prop s = Gobject.get { Gobject.name = s; Gobject.conv = Gobject.Data.int } paned#as_widget method private get_position = self#get_paned_prop "position" method private get_min_position = self#get_paned_prop "min-position" method private get_max_position = self#get_paned_prop "max-position" method show ?(msg = "") () = self#buffer#insert msg; paned#set_position (self#get_max_position - console_height); self#misc#grab_focus () method hide () = paned#set_position self#get_max_position method toggle () = let pos = self#get_position in if pos > self#get_max_position - console_height then self#show () else self#hide () (** navigation methods: history, cursor motion, ... *) method private previous_phrase = try self#set_phrase history#previous with History_failure -> () method private next_phrase = try self#set_phrase history#next with History_failure -> () method wrap_exn (f: unit -> unit) = try f (); true with | StatefulProofEngine.Tactic_failure exn -> self#echo_error (sprintf "Tactic failed: %s"(Printexc.to_string exn)); false | exn -> self#echo_error (sprintf "Uncaught exception: %s" (Printexc.to_string exn)); false end let console ?(prompt = default_prompt) ?(phrase_sep = default_phrase_sep) ?(callback = default_callback) ?evbox ~paned ?buffer ?editable ?cursor_visible ?justification ?wrap_mode ?border_width ?width ?height ?packing ?show () = let view = GText.view ?buffer ?editable ?cursor_visible ?justification ?wrap_mode ?border_width ?width ?height ?packing ?show () in new console ~prompt ~phrase_sep ~callback ?evbox ~paned view#as_view