(* Copyright (C) 2004-2005, HELM Team. * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/. *) open Printf open GrafiteTypes open MatitaGtkMisc open MatitaGuiTypes module Stack = Continuationals.Stack (** inherit from this class if you want to access current script *) class scriptAccessor = object (self) method private script = MatitaScript.current () end let cicBrowsers = ref [] let gui_instance = ref None let set_gui gui = gui_instance := Some gui let get_gui () = match !gui_instance with | None -> assert false | Some gui -> gui let default_font_size () = Helm_registry.get_opt_default Helm_registry.int ~default:BuildTimeConf.default_font_size "matita.font_size" let current_font_size = ref ~-1 let increase_font_size () = incr current_font_size let decrease_font_size () = decr current_font_size let reset_font_size () = current_font_size := default_font_size () (* is there any lablgtk2 constant corresponding to the various mouse * buttons??? *) let left_button = 1 let middle_button = 2 let right_button = 3 let near (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = let distance = sqrt (((x2 -. x1) ** 2.) +. ((y2 -. y1) ** 2.)) in (distance < 4.) let xlink_ns = Gdome.domString "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" let helm_ns = Gdome.domString "http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm" let href_ds = Gdome.domString "href" let xref_ds = Gdome.domString "xref" let domImpl = Gdome.domImplementation () (** Gdome.element of a MathML document whose rendering should be blank. Used * by cicBrowser to render "about:blank" document *) let empty_mathml = lazy ( domImpl#createDocument ~namespaceURI:(Some DomMisc.mathml_ns) ~qualifiedName:(Gdome.domString "math") ~doctype:None) let empty_boxml = lazy ( domImpl#createDocument ~namespaceURI:(Some DomMisc.boxml_ns) ~qualifiedName:(Gdome.domString "box") ~doctype:None) (** shown for goals closed by side effects *) let closed_goal_mathml = lazy ( domImpl#createDocumentFromURI ~uri:BuildTimeConf.closed_xml ()) (* ids_to_terms should not be passed here, is just for debugging *) let find_root_id annobj id ids_to_father_ids ids_to_terms ids_to_inner_types = let find_parent id ids = let rec aux id = (* (prerr_endline (sprintf "id %s = %s" id (try CicPp.ppterm (Hashtbl.find ids_to_terms id) with Not_found -> "NONE"))); *) if List.mem id ids then Some id else (match (try Hashtbl.find ids_to_father_ids id with Not_found -> None) with | None -> None | Some id' -> aux id') in aux id in let return_father id ids = match find_parent id ids with | None -> assert false | Some parent_id -> parent_id in let mk_ids terms = List.map CicUtil.id_of_annterm terms in let inner_types = Hashtbl.fold (fun _ types acc -> match types.Cic2acic.annexpected with None -> types.Cic2acic.annsynthesized :: acc | Some ty -> ty :: types.Cic2acic.annsynthesized :: acc ) ids_to_inner_types [] in match annobj with | Cic.AConstant (_, _, _, Some bo, ty, _, _) | Cic.AVariable (_, _, Some bo, ty, _, _) | Cic.ACurrentProof (_, _, _, _, bo, ty, _, _) -> return_father id (mk_ids (ty :: bo :: inner_types)) | Cic.AConstant (_, _, _, None, ty, _, _) | Cic.AVariable (_, _, None, ty, _, _) -> return_father id (mk_ids (ty::inner_types)) | Cic.AInductiveDefinition _ -> assert false (* TODO *) (** @return string content of a dom node having a single text child node, e.g. * bool *) let string_of_dom_node node = match node#get_firstChild with | None -> "" | Some node -> (try let text = new Gdome.text_of_node node in text#get_data#to_string with GdomeInit.DOMCastException _ -> "") class clickableMathView obj = let text_width = 80 in object (self) inherit GMathViewAux.multi_selection_math_view obj val mutable href_callback: (string -> unit) option = None method set_href_callback f = href_callback <- f val mutable _cic_info = None method private set_cic_info info = _cic_info <- info method private cic_info = _cic_info initializer self#set_font_size !current_font_size; ignore (self#connect#selection_changed self#choose_selection_cb); ignore (self#event#connect#button_press self#button_press_cb); ignore (self#event#connect#button_release self#button_release_cb); ignore (self#event#connect#selection_clear self#selection_clear_cb); ignore (self#coerce#misc#connect#selection_get self#selection_get_cb) val mutable button_press_x = -1. val mutable button_press_y = -1. val mutable selection_changed = false method private selection_get_cb ctxt ~info ~time = match self#get_selections with | [] -> () | node :: _ -> (* eprintf "getting selection with target %s\n%!" ctxt#target; *) (match ctxt#target with | "PATTERN" -> ctxt#return (self#string_of_node ~paste_kind:`Pattern node) | "TERM" | _ -> ctxt#return (self#string_of_node ~paste_kind:`Term node)) method private selection_clear_cb sel_event = (* eprintf "selection clear\n%!"; *) self#remove_selections; (GData.clipboard Gdk.Atom.clipboard)#clear (); false method private button_press_cb gdk_button = let button = GdkEvent.Button.button gdk_button in if button = left_button then begin button_press_x <- GdkEvent.Button.x gdk_button; button_press_y <- GdkEvent.Button.y gdk_button; selection_changed <- false end else if button = right_button then self#popup_contextual_menu (GdkEvent.Button.time gdk_button); false method private popup_contextual_menu time = let clipboard = GData.clipboard Gdk.Atom.clipboard in let menu = GMenu.menu () in let copy_menu_item = GMenu.image_menu_item ~label:"_Copy" ~stock:`COPY ~packing:menu#append () in let gui = get_gui () in copy_menu_item#misc#set_sensitive gui#canCopy; connect_menu_item copy_menu_item gui#copy; menu#popup ~button:right_button ~time method private button_release_cb gdk_button = if GdkEvent.Button.button gdk_button = left_button then begin let button_release_x = GdkEvent.Button.x gdk_button in let button_release_y = GdkEvent.Button.y gdk_button in if selection_changed then () else (* selection _not_ changed *) if near (button_press_x, button_press_y) (button_release_x, button_release_y) then let x = int_of_float button_press_x in let y = int_of_float button_press_y in (match self#get_element_at x y with | None -> () | Some elt -> let localName = href_ds in if elt#hasAttributeNS ~namespaceURI:xlink_ns ~localName then self#invoke_href_callback (elt#getAttributeNS ~namespaceURI:xlink_ns ~localName)#to_string gdk_button else ignore (self#action_toggle elt)); end; false method private invoke_href_callback href_value gdk_button = let button = GdkEvent.Button.button gdk_button in if button = left_button then let time = GdkEvent.Button.time gdk_button in match href_callback with | None -> () | Some f -> (match HExtlib.split href_value with | [ uri ] -> f uri | uris -> let menu = GMenu.menu () in List.iter (fun uri -> let menu_item = GMenu.menu_item ~label:uri ~packing:menu#append () in connect_menu_item menu_item (fun () -> f uri)) uris; menu#popup ~button ~time) method private choose_selection_cb gdome_elt = let set_selection elt = let misc = self#coerce#misc in self#set_selection (Some elt); misc#add_selection_target ~target:"STRING" Gdk.Atom.primary; ignore (misc#grab_selection Gdk.Atom.primary); in let rec aux elt = if (elt#getAttributeNS ~namespaceURI:helm_ns ~localName:xref_ds)#to_string <> "" then set_selection elt else try (match elt#get_parentNode with | None -> assert false | Some p -> aux (new Gdome.element_of_node p)) with GdomeInit.DOMCastException _ -> () in (match gdome_elt with | Some elt when (elt#getAttributeNS ~namespaceURI:xlink_ns ~localName:href_ds)#to_string <> "" -> set_selection elt | Some elt -> aux elt | None -> self#set_selection None); selection_changed <- true method update_font_size = self#set_font_size !current_font_size method private get_term_by_id cic_info id = let unsh_item, ids_to_terms, ids_to_hypotheses, _, _, _ = cic_info in try `Term (Hashtbl.find ids_to_terms id) with Not_found -> try let hyp = Hashtbl.find ids_to_hypotheses id in let _, context, _ = match unsh_item with | Some seq -> seq | None -> assert false in let context' = MatitaMisc.list_tl_at hyp context in `Hyp context' with Not_found -> assert false method private find_obj_conclusion id = match self#cic_info with | None | Some (_, _, _, _, _, None) -> assert false | Some (_, ids_to_terms, _, ids_to_father_ids, ids_to_inner_types, Some annobj) -> let id = find_root_id annobj id ids_to_father_ids ids_to_terms ids_to_inner_types in (try Hashtbl.find ids_to_terms id with Not_found -> assert false) method private string_of_node ~(paste_kind:paste_kind) node = if node#hasAttributeNS ~namespaceURI:helm_ns ~localName:xref_ds then self#string_of_id_node ~paste_kind node else string_of_dom_node node method private string_of_id_node ~(paste_kind:paste_kind) node = let get_id (node: Gdome.element) = let xref_attr = node#getAttributeNS ~namespaceURI:helm_ns ~localName:xref_ds in List.hd (HExtlib.split ~sep:' ' xref_attr#to_string) in let id = get_id node in let script = MatitaScript.current () in let metasenv = if script#onGoingProof () then script#proofMetasenv else [] in let string_of_cic_sequent cic_sequent = let _, (acic_sequent, _, _, ids_to_inner_sorts, _) = Cic2acic.asequent_of_sequent metasenv cic_sequent in let _, _, _, annterm = acic_sequent in let ast, ids_to_uris = TermAcicContent.ast_of_acic ids_to_inner_sorts annterm in let pped_ast = TermContentPres.pp_ast ast in let markup = CicNotationPres.render ids_to_uris pped_ast in BoxPp.render_to_string text_width markup in let cic_info, unsh_sequent = match self#cic_info with | Some ((Some unsh_sequent, _, _, _, _, _) as info) -> info, unsh_sequent | Some ((None, _, _, _, _, _) as info) -> (* building a dummy sequent for obj *) let t = self#find_obj_conclusion id in HLog.debug (CicPp.ppterm t); info, (~-1, [], t) | None -> assert false in let paste_as_pattern_sequent term unsh_sequent = match ProofEngineHelpers.locate_in_conjecture term unsh_sequent with | [context, _] -> (let context_len = List.length context in let _, unsh_context, conclusion = unsh_sequent in try (match List.nth unsh_context (List.length unsh_context - context_len - 1) with | None -> assert false (* can't select a restricted hyp *) | Some (name, Cic.Decl ty) -> let pattern = ProofEngineHelpers.pattern_of ~term:ty [term] in HLog.debug (CicPp.ppname name ^ ":" ^ CicPp.ppterm pattern); ~-1, [], pattern | Some (name, Cic.Def (bo, _)) -> let pattern = ProofEngineHelpers.pattern_of ~term:bo [term] in HLog.debug (CicPp.ppname name ^ ":=" ^ CicPp.ppterm pattern); ~-1, [], pattern) with Failure _ | Invalid_argument _ -> let pattern = ProofEngineHelpers.pattern_of ~term:conclusion [term] in HLog.debug ("\\vdash " ^ CicPp.ppterm pattern); ~-1, [], pattern) | _ -> assert false (* since it uses physical equality *) in let paste_as_term_sequent term unsh_sequent = let context' = match ProofEngineHelpers.locate_in_conjecture term unsh_sequent with | [context,_] -> context | _ -> assert false (* since it uses physical equality *) in ~-1, context', term in let cic_sequent = match self#get_term_by_id cic_info id with | `Term t -> (match paste_kind with | `Term -> paste_as_term_sequent t unsh_sequent | `Pattern -> paste_as_pattern_sequent t unsh_sequent) | `Hyp context -> ~-1, context, Cic.Rel 1 in string_of_cic_sequent cic_sequent method private string_of_selection ~(paste_kind:paste_kind) = match self#get_selections with | [] -> None | node :: _ -> Some (self#string_of_node ~paste_kind node) method has_selection = self#get_selections <> [] (** @return an associative list format -> string with all possible selection * formats. Rationale: in order to convert the selection to TERM or PATTERN * format we need the sequent, the metasenv, ... keeping all of them in a * closure would be more expensive than keeping their already converted * forms *) method strings_of_selection = try let misc = self#coerce#misc in List.iter (fun target -> misc#add_selection_target ~target Gdk.Atom.clipboard) [ "TERM"; "PATTERN"; "STRING" ]; ignore (misc#grab_selection Gdk.Atom.clipboard); List.map (fun paste_kind -> paste_kind, HExtlib.unopt (self#string_of_selection ~paste_kind)) [ `Term; `Pattern ] with Failure _ -> failwith "no selection" end let clickableMathView ?hadjustment ?vadjustment ?font_size ?log_verbosity = GtkBase.Widget.size_params ~cont:(OgtkMathViewProps.pack_return (fun p -> OgtkMathViewProps.set_params (new clickableMathView (GtkMathViewProps.MathView_GMetaDOM.create p)) ~font_size:None ~log_verbosity:None)) [] class cicMathView obj = object (self) inherit clickableMathView obj val mutable current_mathml = None method load_sequent metasenv metano = let sequent = CicUtil.lookup_meta metano metasenv in let (mathml, unsh_sequent, (_, (ids_to_terms, ids_to_father_ids, ids_to_hypotheses,_ ))) = ApplyTransformation.mml_of_cic_sequent metasenv sequent in self#set_cic_info (Some (Some unsh_sequent, ids_to_terms, ids_to_hypotheses, ids_to_father_ids, Hashtbl.create 1, None)); let name = "sequent_viewer.xml" in HLog.debug ("load_sequent: dumping MathML to ./" ^ name); ignore (domImpl#saveDocumentToFile ~name ~doc:mathml ()); self#load_root ~root:mathml#get_documentElement method load_object obj = let use_diff = false in (* ZACK TODO use XmlDiff when re-rendering? *) let (mathml, (annobj, (ids_to_terms, ids_to_father_ids, _, ids_to_hypotheses, _, ids_to_inner_types))) = ApplyTransformation.mml_of_cic_object obj in self#set_cic_info (Some (None, ids_to_terms, ids_to_hypotheses, ids_to_father_ids, ids_to_inner_types, Some annobj)); (match current_mathml with | Some current_mathml when use_diff -> self#freeze; XmlDiff.update_dom ~from:current_mathml mathml; self#thaw | _ -> let name = "cic_browser.xml" in HLog.debug ("cic_browser: dumping MathML to ./" ^ name); ignore (domImpl#saveDocumentToFile ~name ~doc:mathml ()); self#load_root ~root:mathml#get_documentElement; current_mathml <- Some mathml); end let tab_label meta_markup = let rec aux = function | `Current m -> sprintf "%s" (aux m) | `Closed m -> sprintf "%s" (aux m) | `Shift (pos, m) -> sprintf "|%d: %s" pos (aux m) | `Meta n -> sprintf "?%d" n in let markup = aux meta_markup in (GMisc.label ~markup ~show:true ())#coerce let goal_of_switch = function Stack.Open g | Stack.Closed g -> g class sequentsViewer ~(notebook:GPack.notebook) ~(cicMathView:cicMathView) () = object (self) inherit scriptAccessor val mutable pages = 0 val mutable switch_page_callback = None val mutable page2goal = [] (* associative list: page no -> goal no *) val mutable goal2page = [] (* the other way round *) val mutable goal2win = [] (* associative list: goal no -> scrolled win *) val mutable _metasenv = [] val mutable scrolledWin: GBin.scrolled_window option = None (* scrolled window to which the sequentViewer is currently attached *) val logo = (GMisc.image ~file:(MatitaMisc.image_path "matita_medium.png") () :> GObj.widget) val logo_with_qed = (GMisc.image ~file:(MatitaMisc.image_path "matita_small.png") () :> GObj.widget) method load_logo = notebook#set_show_tabs false; notebook#append_page logo method load_logo_with_qed = notebook#set_show_tabs false; notebook#append_page logo_with_qed method reset = cicMathView#remove_selections; (match scrolledWin with | Some w -> (* removing page from the notebook will destroy all contained widget, * we do not want the cicMathView to be destroyed as well *) w#remove cicMathView#coerce; scrolledWin <- None | None -> ()); (match switch_page_callback with | Some id -> GtkSignal.disconnect notebook#as_widget id; switch_page_callback <- None | None -> ()); for i = 0 to pages do notebook#remove_page 0 done; notebook#set_show_tabs true; pages <- 0; page2goal <- []; goal2page <- []; goal2win <- []; _metasenv <- []; self#script#setGoal ~-1; method load_sequents { proof = (_,metasenv,_,_) as proof; stack = stack } = _metasenv <- metasenv; pages <- 0; let win goal_switch = let w = GBin.scrolled_window ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~vpolicy:`ALWAYS ~shadow_type:`IN ~show:true () in let reparent () = scrolledWin <- Some w; match cicMathView#misc#parent with | None -> w#add cicMathView#coerce | Some parent -> let parent = match cicMathView#misc#parent with None -> assert false | Some p -> GContainer.cast_container p in parent#remove cicMathView#coerce; w#add cicMathView#coerce in goal2win <- (goal_switch, reparent) :: goal2win; w#coerce in assert ( let stack_goals = Stack.open_goals stack in let proof_goals = ProofEngineTypes.goals_of_proof proof in if HExtlib.list_uniq (List.sort Pervasives.compare stack_goals) <> List.sort Pervasives.compare proof_goals then begin prerr_endline ("STACK GOALS = " ^ String.concat " " (List.map string_of_int stack_goals)); prerr_endline ("PROOF GOALS = " ^ String.concat " " (List.map string_of_int proof_goals)); false end else true ); let render_switch = function Stack.Open i ->`Meta i | Stack.Closed i ->`Closed (`Meta i) in let page = ref 0 in let added_goals = ref [] in (* goals can be duplicated on the tack due to focus, but we should avoid * multiple labels in the user interface *) let add_tab markup goal_switch = let goal = Stack.goal_of_switch goal_switch in if not (List.mem goal !added_goals) then begin notebook#append_page ~tab_label:(tab_label markup) (win goal_switch); page2goal <- (!page, goal_switch) :: page2goal; goal2page <- (goal_switch, !page) :: goal2page; incr page; pages <- pages + 1; added_goals := goal :: !added_goals end in let add_switch _ _ (_, sw) = add_tab (render_switch sw) sw in Stack.iter (** populate notebook with tabs *) ~env:(fun depth tag (pos, sw) -> let markup = match depth, pos with | 0, _ -> `Current (render_switch sw) | 1, pos when Stack.head_tag stack = `BranchTag -> `Shift (pos, render_switch sw) | _ -> render_switch sw in add_tab markup sw) ~cont:add_switch ~todo:add_switch stack; switch_page_callback <- Some (notebook#connect#switch_page ~callback:(fun page -> let goal_switch = try List.assoc page page2goal with Not_found -> assert false in self#script#setGoal (goal_of_switch goal_switch); self#render_page ~page ~goal_switch)) method private render_page ~page ~goal_switch = (match goal_switch with | Stack.Open goal -> cicMathView#load_sequent _metasenv goal | Stack.Closed goal -> let doc = Lazy.force closed_goal_mathml in cicMathView#load_root ~root:doc#get_documentElement); (try cicMathView#set_selection None; List.assoc goal_switch goal2win () with Not_found -> assert false) method goto_sequent goal = let goal_switch, page = try List.find (function Stack.Open g, _ | Stack.Closed g, _ -> g = goal) goal2page with Not_found -> assert false in notebook#goto_page page; self#render_page page goal_switch end (** constructors *) type 'widget constructor = ?hadjustment:GData.adjustment -> ?vadjustment:GData.adjustment -> ?font_size:int -> ?log_verbosity:int -> ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> 'widget let cicMathView ?hadjustment ?vadjustment ?font_size ?log_verbosity = GtkBase.Widget.size_params ~cont:(OgtkMathViewProps.pack_return (fun p -> OgtkMathViewProps.set_params (new cicMathView (GtkMathViewProps.MathView_GMetaDOM.create p)) ~font_size ~log_verbosity)) [] let blank_uri = BuildTimeConf.blank_uri let current_proof_uri = BuildTimeConf.current_proof_uri type term_source = [ `Ast of CicNotationPt.term | `Cic of Cic.term * Cic.metasenv | `String of string ] class cicBrowser_impl ~(history:MatitaTypes.mathViewer_entry MatitaMisc.history) () = let whelp_RE = Pcre.regexp "^\\s*whelp" in let uri_RE = Pcre.regexp "^cic:/([^/]+/)*[^/]+\\.(con|ind|var)(#xpointer\\(\\d+(/\\d+)+\\))?$" in let dir_RE = Pcre.regexp "^cic:((/([^/]+/)*[^/]+(/)?)|/|)$" in let whelp_query_RE = Pcre.regexp "^\\s*whelp\\s+([^\\s]+)\\s+(.*)$" in let is_whelp txt = Pcre.pmatch ~rex:whelp_RE txt in let is_uri txt = Pcre.pmatch ~rex:uri_RE txt in let is_dir txt = Pcre.pmatch ~rex:dir_RE txt in let gui = get_gui () in let (win: MatitaGuiTypes.browserWin) = gui#newBrowserWin () in let queries = ["Locate";"Hint";"Match";"Elim";"Instance"] in let combo,_ = GEdit.combo_box_text ~strings:queries () in let activate_combo_query input q = let q' = String.lowercase q in let rec aux i = function | [] -> failwith ("Whelp query '" ^ q ^ "' not found") | h::_ when String.lowercase h = q' -> i | _::tl -> aux (i+1) tl in combo#set_active (aux 0 queries); win#queryInputText#set_text input in let set_whelp_query txt = let query, arg = try let q = Pcre.extract ~rex:whelp_query_RE txt in q.(1), q.(2) with Invalid_argument _ -> failwith "Malformed Whelp query" in activate_combo_query arg query in let toplevel = win#toplevel in let mathView = cicMathView ~packing:win#scrolledBrowser#add () in let fail message = MatitaGtkMisc.report_error ~title:"Cic browser" ~message ~parent:toplevel () in let tags = [ "dir", GdkPixbuf.from_file (MatitaMisc.image_path "matita-folder.png"); "obj", GdkPixbuf.from_file (MatitaMisc.image_path "matita-object.png") ] in let handle_error f = try f () with exn -> if not (Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.debug") then fail (snd (MatitaExcPp.to_string exn)) else raise exn in let handle_error' f = (fun () -> handle_error (fun () -> f ())) in let load_easter_egg = lazy ( win#easterEggImage#set_file (MatitaMisc.image_path "meegg.png")) in object (self) inherit scriptAccessor (* Whelp bar queries *) initializer activate_combo_query "" "locate"; win#whelpBarComboVbox#add combo#coerce; let start_query () = let query = String.lowercase (List.nth queries combo#active) in let input = win#queryInputText#text in let statement = "whelp " ^ query ^ " " ^ input ^ "." in (MatitaScript.current ())#advance ~statement () in ignore(win#queryInputText#connect#activate ~callback:start_query); ignore(combo#connect#changed ~callback:start_query); win#whelpBarImage#set_file (MatitaMisc.image_path "whelp.png"); win#mathOrListNotebook#set_show_tabs false; win#browserForwardButton#misc#set_sensitive false; win#browserBackButton#misc#set_sensitive false; ignore (win#browserUri#entry#connect#activate (handle_error' (fun () -> self#loadInput win#browserUri#entry#text))); ignore (win#browserHomeButton#connect#clicked (handle_error' (fun () -> self#load (`About `Current_proof)))); ignore (win#browserRefreshButton#connect#clicked (handle_error' (self#refresh ~force:true))); ignore (win#browserBackButton#connect#clicked (handle_error' self#back)); ignore (win#browserForwardButton#connect#clicked (handle_error' self#forward)); ignore (win#toplevel#event#connect#delete (fun _ -> let my_id = Oo.id self in cicBrowsers := List.filter (fun b -> Oo.id b <> my_id) !cicBrowsers; if !cicBrowsers = [] && Helm_registry.get "matita.mode" = "cicbrowser" then GMain.quit (); false)); ignore(win#whelpResultTreeview#connect#row_activated ~callback:(fun _ _ -> handle_error (fun () -> self#loadInput (self#_getSelectedUri ())))); mathView#set_href_callback (Some (fun uri -> handle_error (fun () -> self#load (`Uri (UriManager.uri_of_string uri))))); self#_load (`About `Blank); toplevel#show () val mutable current_entry = `About `Blank val model = new MatitaGtkMisc.taggedStringListModel tags win#whelpResultTreeview val mutable lastDir = "" (* last loaded "directory" *) method mathView = (mathView :> MatitaGuiTypes.clickableMathView) method private _getSelectedUri () = match model#easy_selection () with | [sel] when is_uri sel -> sel (* absolute URI selected *) (* | [sel] -> win#browserUri#entry#text ^ sel |+ relative URI selected +| *) | [sel] -> lastDir ^ sel | _ -> assert false (** history RATIONALE * * All operations about history are done using _historyFoo. * Only toplevel functions (ATM load and loadInput) call _historyAdd. *) method private _historyAdd item = history#add item; win#browserBackButton#misc#set_sensitive true; win#browserForwardButton#misc#set_sensitive false method private _historyPrev () = let item = history#previous in if history#is_begin then win#browserBackButton#misc#set_sensitive false; win#browserForwardButton#misc#set_sensitive true; item method private _historyNext () = let item = history#next in if history#is_end then win#browserForwardButton#misc#set_sensitive false; win#browserBackButton#misc#set_sensitive true; item (** notebook RATIONALE * * Use only these functions to switch between the tabs *) method private _showMath = win#mathOrListNotebook#goto_page 0 method private _showList = win#mathOrListNotebook#goto_page 1 method private back () = try self#_load (self#_historyPrev ()) with MatitaMisc.History_failure -> () method private forward () = try self#_load (self#_historyNext ()) with MatitaMisc.History_failure -> () (* loads a uri which can be a cic uri or an about:* uri * @param uri string *) method private _load ?(force=false) entry = handle_error (fun () -> if entry <> current_entry || entry = `About `Current_proof || force then begin (match entry with | `About `Current_proof -> self#home () | `About `Blank -> self#blank () | `About `Us -> self#egg () | `Check term -> self#_loadCheck term | `Cic (term, metasenv) -> self#_loadTermCic term metasenv | `Dir dir -> self#_loadDir dir | `Uri uri -> self#_loadUriManagerUri uri | `Whelp (query, results) -> set_whelp_query query; self#_loadList (List.map (fun r -> "obj", UriManager.string_of_uri r) results)); self#setEntry entry end) method private blank () = self#_showMath; mathView#load_root (Lazy.force empty_mathml)#get_documentElement method private _loadCheck term = failwith "not implemented _loadCheck"; self#_showMath method private egg () = win#mathOrListNotebook#goto_page 2; Lazy.force load_easter_egg method private home () = self#_showMath; match self#script#status.proof_status with | Proof (uri, metasenv, bo, ty) -> let name = UriManager.name_of_uri (HExtlib.unopt uri) in let obj = Cic.CurrentProof (name, metasenv, bo, ty, [], []) in self#_loadObj obj | Incomplete_proof { proof = (uri, metasenv, bo, ty) } -> let name = UriManager.name_of_uri (HExtlib.unopt uri) in let obj = Cic.CurrentProof (name, metasenv, bo, ty, [], []) in self#_loadObj obj | _ -> self#blank () (** loads a cic uri from the environment * @param uri UriManager.uri *) method private _loadUriManagerUri uri = let uri = UriManager.strip_xpointer uri in let (obj, _) = CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.empty_ugraph uri in self#_loadObj obj method private _loadDir dir = let content = Http_getter.ls dir in let l = List.fast_sort Pervasives.compare (List.map (function | Http_getter_types.Ls_section s -> "dir", s | Http_getter_types.Ls_object o -> "obj", o.Http_getter_types.uri) content) in lastDir <- dir; self#_loadList l method private setEntry entry = win#browserUri#entry#set_text (MatitaTypes.string_of_entry entry); current_entry <- entry method private _loadObj obj = (* showMath must be done _before_ loading the document, since if the * widget is not mapped (hidden by the notebook) the document is not * rendered *) self#_showMath; mathView#load_object obj method private _loadTermCic term metasenv = let context = self#script#proofContext in let dummyno = CicMkImplicit.new_meta metasenv [] in let sequent = (dummyno, context, term) in mathView#load_sequent (sequent :: metasenv) dummyno; self#_showMath method private _loadList l = model#list_store#clear (); List.iter (fun (tag, s) -> model#easy_append ~tag s) l; self#_showList (** { public methods, all must call _load!! } *) method load entry = handle_error (fun () -> self#_load entry; self#_historyAdd entry) (** this is what the browser does when you enter a string an hit enter *) method loadInput txt = let txt = HExtlib.trim_blanks txt in let fix_uri txt = UriManager.string_of_uri (UriManager.strip_xpointer (UriManager.uri_of_string txt)) in if is_whelp txt then begin set_whelp_query txt; (MatitaScript.current ())#advance ~statement:(txt ^ ".") () end else begin let entry = match txt with | txt when is_uri txt -> `Uri (UriManager.uri_of_string (fix_uri txt)) | txt when is_dir txt -> `Dir (MatitaMisc.normalize_dir txt) | txt -> (try MatitaTypes.entry_of_string txt with Invalid_argument _ -> raise (GrafiteTypes.Command_error(sprintf "unsupported uri: %s" txt))) in self#_load entry; self#_historyAdd entry end (** {2 methods accessing underlying GtkMathView} *) method updateFontSize = mathView#set_font_size !current_font_size (** {2 methods used by constructor only} *) method win = win method history = history method currentEntry = current_entry method refresh ~force () = self#_load ~force current_entry end let sequentsViewer ~(notebook:GPack.notebook) ~(cicMathView:cicMathView) (): MatitaGuiTypes.sequentsViewer = new sequentsViewer ~notebook ~cicMathView () let cicBrowser () = let size = BuildTimeConf.browser_history_size in let rec aux history = let browser = new cicBrowser_impl ~history () in let win = browser#win in ignore (win#browserNewButton#connect#clicked (fun () -> let history = new MatitaMisc.browser_history ~memento:history#save size (`About `Blank) in let newBrowser = aux history in newBrowser#load browser#currentEntry)); (* (* attempt (failed) to close windows on CTRL-W ... *) MatitaGtkMisc.connect_key win#browserWinEventBox#event ~modifiers:[`CONTROL] GdkKeysyms._W (fun () -> win#toplevel#destroy ()); *) cicBrowsers := browser :: !cicBrowsers; (browser :> MatitaGuiTypes.cicBrowser) in let history = new MatitaMisc.browser_history size (`About `Blank) in aux history let default_cicMathView () = cicMathView ~show:true () let cicMathView_instance = MatitaMisc.singleton default_cicMathView let default_sequentsViewer () = let gui = get_gui () in let cicMathView = cicMathView_instance () in sequentsViewer ~notebook:gui#main#sequentsNotebook ~cicMathView () let sequentsViewer_instance = MatitaMisc.singleton default_sequentsViewer let mathViewer () = object(self) method private get_browser reuse = if reuse then (match !cicBrowsers with | [] -> cicBrowser () | b :: _ -> (b :> MatitaGuiTypes.cicBrowser)) else (cicBrowser ()) method show_entry ?(reuse=false) t = (self#get_browser reuse)#load t method show_uri_list ?(reuse=false) ~entry l = (self#get_browser reuse)#load entry end let refresh_all_browsers () = List.iter (fun b -> b#refresh ~force:false ()) !cicBrowsers let update_font_sizes () = List.iter (fun b -> b#updateFontSize) !cicBrowsers; (cicMathView_instance ())#update_font_size let get_math_views () = ((cicMathView_instance ()) :> MatitaGuiTypes.clickableMathView) :: (List.map (fun b -> b#mathView) !cicBrowsers) let find_selection_owner () = let rec aux = function | [] -> raise Not_found | mv :: tl -> (match mv#get_selections with | [] -> aux tl | sel :: _ -> mv) in aux (get_math_views ()) let has_selection () = try ignore (find_selection_owner ()); true with Not_found -> false let math_view_clipboard = ref None (* associative list target -> string *) let has_clipboard () = !math_view_clipboard <> None let empty_clipboard () = math_view_clipboard := None let copy_selection () = try math_view_clipboard := Some ((find_selection_owner ())#strings_of_selection) with Not_found -> failwith "no selection" let paste_clipboard paste_kind = match !math_view_clipboard with | None -> failwith "empty clipboard" | Some cb -> (try List.assoc paste_kind cb with Not_found -> assert false) (* let get_selections () = if (MatitaScript.current ())#onGoingProof () then let rec aux = function | [] -> None | mv :: tl -> (match mv#string_of_selections with | [] -> aux tl | sels -> Some sels) in aux (get_math_views ()) else None let reset_selections () = List.iter (fun mv -> mv#remove_selections) (get_math_views ()) *)