Project Management

The Project management will be assured by the following relevant roles:

  1. Project Manager
  2. Exploitation manager
  3. Work-package Leaders
  4. Technical Contributors

and by the following Project Bodies:

  1. Project Coordination Committee (PCC)
  2. Project Exploitation Board
  3. Work-package Teams.
Project Manager
The mandate of the Project Manager is to represent the Project, report to the Commission, monitor overall performance of the project, ensure accomplishment of the technical objectives, promote project visibility, promote dissemination of project results in the relevant international forums, promote acceptance of project results, administer project resources and monitor project spending.
Exploitation Manager
S/he will be responsible for coordinating exploitation activities undertaken by the Project Exploitation Board (PEB) in close cooperation with the Project Coordination Committee (PCC).
Work-package Leaders
They are responsible for the performance of Work-packages, and they must be committed to the Work-package for at least five man months per year.
Technical Contributors
Technical Contributors are specialised staff provided by the partners. They could be either people active on a stable basis into a Work-package, or people who contribute from time to time on specific tasks related to the work-plan (external contributors).
Project Coordination Committee
The PCC is chaired by the Project Manager and constituted by one representative from each Partner, and is the main decision body of the Consortium. It is in charge of all formal decisions regarding technical direction of the work, proper interrelation between Work-packages, relations with IST Office, policies for promotion of results, administrative arrangements. In view of minimising management overhead and project costs, partners providing the Project Manager, and the Work-packages Leaders are required to appoint the same person as their official representative in the Project Coordination Committee.
Project Exploitation Board
The PEB will be chaired by the Project Exploitation Manager, and composed by the Exploitation Managers of each partner. It will monitor the state of the art in the domains of content-based information technologies, W3C activities, Web publishing, and digital libraries. It will be responsible for planning the dissemination and exploitation strategies for the consortium, to be approved by the PCC.
Work-package Teams
They are constituted of the technical contributors. Each team will be chaired by a Work-package Leader, and it will be in charge of carrying out the technical work described in Section \ref{Workpackages}.