(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team. * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/. *) (******************************************************************************) (* *) (* PROJECT HELM *) (* *) (* Claudio Sacerdoti Coen *) (* 24/01/2000 *) (* *) (* This module is the terms level of a parser for cic objects from xml *) (* files to the internal representation. It is used by the module cicParser2 *) (* (objects level). It defines an extension of the standard dom using the *) (* object-oriented extension machinery of markup: an object with a method *) (* to_cic_term that returns the internal representation of the subtree is *) (* added to each node of the dom tree *) (* *) (******************************************************************************) exception IllFormedXml of int;; (* The list of tokens of the current section path. *) (* Used to resolve relative URIs *) let current_sp = ref [];; (* The uri of the object been parsed *) let current_uri = ref (UriManager.uri_of_string "cic:/.xml");; (* Utility functions to map a markup attribute to something useful *) let cic_attr_of_xml_attr = function Pxp_types.Value s -> Cic.Name s | Pxp_types.Implied_value -> Cic.Anonymous | _ -> raise (IllFormedXml 1) let cic_sort_of_xml_attr = function Pxp_types.Value "Prop" -> Cic.Prop | Pxp_types.Value "Set" -> Cic.Set | Pxp_types.Value "Type" -> Cic.Type | _ -> raise (IllFormedXml 2) let int_of_xml_attr = function Pxp_types.Value n -> int_of_string n | _ -> raise (IllFormedXml 3) let uri_of_xml_attr = function Pxp_types.Value s -> UriManager.uri_of_string s | _ -> raise (IllFormedXml 4) let string_of_xml_attr = function Pxp_types.Value s -> s | _ -> raise (IllFormedXml 5) let binder_of_xml_attr = function Pxp_types.Value s -> s | _ -> raise (IllFormedXml 17) ;; (* the "interface" of the class linked to each node of the dom tree *) class virtual cic_term = object (self) (* fields and methods always required by markup *) val mutable node = (None : cic_term Pxp_document.node option) method clone = {< >} method node = match node with None -> assert false | Some n -> n method set_node n = node <- Some n (* a method that returns the internal representation of the tree (term) *) (* rooted in this node *) method virtual to_cic_term : (UriManager.uri * Cic.annterm) list -> Cic.annterm end ;; (* the class of the objects linked to nodes that are not roots of cic terms *) class eltype_not_of_cic = object (self) inherit cic_term method to_cic_term _ = raise (IllFormedXml 6) end ;; (* the class of the objects linked to nodes whose content is a cic term *) (* (syntactic sugar xml entities) e.g. ... *) class eltype_transparent = object (self) inherit cic_term method to_cic_term exp_named_subst = assert (exp_named_subst = []) ; let n = self#node in match n#sub_nodes with [ t ] -> t#extension#to_cic_term [] | _ -> raise (IllFormedXml 7) end ;; (* A class for each cic node type *) class eltype_fix = object (self) inherit cic_term method to_cic_term exp_named_subst = assert (exp_named_subst = []) ; let n = self#node in let nofun = int_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "noFun") and id = string_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "id") and functions = let sons = n#sub_nodes in List.map (function f when f#node_type = Pxp_document.T_element "FixFunction" -> let name = string_of_xml_attr (f#attribute "name") and id = string_of_xml_attr (f#attribute "id") and recindex = int_of_xml_attr (f#attribute "recIndex") and (ty, body) = match f#sub_nodes with [t ; b] when t#node_type = Pxp_document.T_element "type" && b#node_type = Pxp_document.T_element "body" -> (t#extension#to_cic_term [], b#extension#to_cic_term []) | _ -> raise (IllFormedXml 14) in (id, name, recindex, ty, body) | _ -> raise (IllFormedXml 13) ) sons in Cic.AFix (id, nofun, functions) end ;; class eltype_cofix = object (self) inherit cic_term method to_cic_term exp_named_subst = assert (exp_named_subst = []) ; let n = self#node in let nofun = int_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "noFun") and id = string_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "id") and functions = let sons = n#sub_nodes in List.map (function f when f#node_type = Pxp_document.T_element "CofixFunction" -> let name = string_of_xml_attr (f#attribute "name") and id = string_of_xml_attr (f#attribute "id") and (ty, body) = match f#sub_nodes with [t ; b] when t#node_type = Pxp_document.T_element "type" && b#node_type = Pxp_document.T_element "body" -> (t#extension#to_cic_term [], b#extension#to_cic_term []) | _ -> raise (IllFormedXml 16) in (id, name, ty, body) | _ -> raise (IllFormedXml 15) ) sons in Cic.ACoFix (id, nofun, functions) end ;; class eltype_implicit = object (self) inherit cic_term method to_cic_term exp_named_subst = assert (exp_named_subst = []) ; let n = self#node in let id = string_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "id") in Cic.AImplicit id end ;; class eltype_rel = object (self) inherit cic_term method to_cic_term exp_named_subst = assert (exp_named_subst = []) ; let n = self#node in let value = int_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "value") and binder = binder_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "binder") and id = string_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "id") and idref = string_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "idref") in Cic.ARel (id,idref,value,binder) end ;; class eltype_meta = object (self) inherit cic_term method to_cic_term exp_named_subst = assert (exp_named_subst = []) ; let n = self#node in let value = int_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "no") and id = string_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "id") in let local_context = let sons = n#sub_nodes in List.map (function substitution -> match substitution#sub_nodes with [] -> None | [he] -> Some (he#extension#to_cic_term []) | _ -> raise (IllFormedXml 20) ) sons in Cic.AMeta (id,value,local_context) end ;; class eltype_var = object (self) inherit cic_term method to_cic_term exp_named_subst = assert (exp_named_subst = []) ; let n = self#node in let uri = uri_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "uri") and xid = string_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "id") in (*CSC: BIG BUG: [] MUST BE REPLACED WITH THE PARSED EXPLICIT NAMED SUBSTITUTION *) Cic.AVar (xid,uri,[]) end ;; class eltype_apply = object (self) inherit cic_term method to_cic_term exp_named_subst = assert (exp_named_subst = []) ; let n = self#node in let children = n#sub_nodes and id = string_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "id") in if List.length children < 2 then raise (IllFormedXml 8) else Cic.AAppl (id,List.map (fun x -> x#extension#to_cic_term []) children) end ;; class eltype_cast = object (self) inherit cic_term method to_cic_term exp_named_subst = assert (exp_named_subst = []) ; let n = self#node in let sons = n#sub_nodes and id = string_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "id") in match sons with [te ; ty] when te#node_type = Pxp_document.T_element "term" && ty#node_type = Pxp_document.T_element "type" -> let term = te#extension#to_cic_term [] and typ = ty#extension#to_cic_term [] in Cic.ACast (id,term,typ) | _ -> raise (IllFormedXml 9) end ;; class eltype_sort = object (self) inherit cic_term method to_cic_term exp_named_subst = assert (exp_named_subst = []) ; let n = self#node in let sort = cic_sort_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "value") and id = string_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "id") in Cic.ASort (id,sort) end ;; class eltype_const = object (self) inherit cic_term method to_cic_term exp_named_subst = let module U = UriManager in let n = self#node in let value = uri_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "uri") and id = string_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "id") in Cic.AConst (id,value, exp_named_subst) end ;; class eltype_mutind = object (self) inherit cic_term method to_cic_term exp_named_subst = let module U = UriManager in let n = self#node in let name = uri_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "uri") and noType = int_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "noType") and id = string_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "id") in Cic.AMutInd (id,name, noType, exp_named_subst) end ;; class eltype_mutconstruct = object (self) inherit cic_term method to_cic_term exp_named_subst = let module U = UriManager in let n = self#node in let name = uri_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "uri") and noType = int_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "noType") and noConstr = int_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "noConstr") and id = string_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "id") in Cic.AMutConstruct (id, name, noType, noConstr, exp_named_subst) end ;; class eltype_prod = object (self) inherit cic_term method to_cic_term exp_named_subst = assert (exp_named_subst = []) ; let n = self#node in let sons = n#sub_nodes in let rec get_decls_and_target = function [t] when t#node_type = Pxp_document.T_element "target" -> [],t#extension#to_cic_term [] | s::tl when s#node_type = Pxp_document.T_element "decl" -> let decls,target = get_decls_and_target tl in let id = string_of_xml_attr (s#attribute "id") in let binder = cic_attr_of_xml_attr (s#attribute "binder") in (id,binder,s#extension#to_cic_term [])::decls, target | _ -> raise (IllFormedXml 10) in let decls,target = get_decls_and_target sons in List.fold_right (fun (id,b,s) t -> Cic.AProd (id,b,s,t)) decls target end ;; class eltype_mutcase = object (self) inherit cic_term method to_cic_term exp_named_subst = assert (exp_named_subst = []) ; let module U = UriManager in let n = self#node in let sons = n#sub_nodes and id = string_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "id") in match sons with ty::te::patterns when ty#node_type = Pxp_document.T_element "patternsType" && te#node_type = Pxp_document.T_element "inductiveTerm" -> let ci = uri_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "uriType") and typeno = int_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "noType") and inductiveType = ty#extension#to_cic_term [] and inductiveTerm = te#extension#to_cic_term [] and lpattern = List.map (fun x -> x#extension#to_cic_term []) patterns in Cic.AMutCase (id,ci, typeno,inductiveType,inductiveTerm,lpattern) | _ -> raise (IllFormedXml 11) end ;; class eltype_lambda = object (self) inherit cic_term method to_cic_term exp_named_subst = assert (exp_named_subst = []) ; let n = self#node in let sons = n#sub_nodes in let rec get_decls_and_target = function [t] when t#node_type = Pxp_document.T_element "target" -> [],t#extension#to_cic_term [] | s::tl when s#node_type = Pxp_document.T_element "decl" -> let decls,target = get_decls_and_target tl in let id = string_of_xml_attr (s#attribute "id") in let binder = cic_attr_of_xml_attr (s#attribute "binder") in (id,binder,s#extension#to_cic_term [])::decls, target | _ -> raise (IllFormedXml 12) in let decls,target = get_decls_and_target sons in List.fold_right (fun (id,b,s) t -> Cic.ALambda (id,b,s,t)) decls target end ;; class eltype_letin = object (self) inherit cic_term method to_cic_term exp_named_subst = assert (exp_named_subst = []) ; let n = self#node in let sons = n#sub_nodes in let rec get_defs_and_target = function [t] when t#node_type = Pxp_document.T_element "target" -> [],t#extension#to_cic_term [] | s::tl when s#node_type = Pxp_document.T_element "def" -> let defs,target = get_defs_and_target tl in let id = string_of_xml_attr (s#attribute "id") in let binder = cic_attr_of_xml_attr (s#attribute "binder") in (id,binder,s#extension#to_cic_term [])::defs, target | _ -> raise (IllFormedXml 12) in let defs,target = get_defs_and_target sons in List.fold_right (fun (id,b,s) t -> Cic.ALetIn (id,b,s,t)) defs target end ;; class eltype_instantiate = object (self) inherit cic_term method to_cic_term exp_named_subst = assert (exp_named_subst = []) ; let n = self#node in (* CSC: this optional attribute should be parsed and reflected in Cic.annterm and id = string_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "id") *) match n#sub_nodes with t::l -> let baseUri = UriManager.buri_of_uri (uri_of_xml_attr (t#attribute "uri")) in let exp_named_subst = List.map (function n when n#node_type = Pxp_document.T_element "arg" -> let relUri = string_of_xml_attr (n#attribute "relUri") in let uri = UriManager.uri_of_string (baseUri ^ "/" ^ relUri) in let arg = match n#sub_nodes with [ t ] -> t#extension#to_cic_term [] | _ -> raise (IllFormedXml 7) in (uri, arg) | _ -> raise (IllFormedXml 7) ) l in t#extension#to_cic_term exp_named_subst | _ -> raise (IllFormedXml 7) end ;; (* The definition of domspec, an hashtable that maps each node type to the *) (* object that must be linked to it. Used by markup. *) let domspec = let module D = Pxp_document in D.make_spec_from_alist ~data_exemplar: (new D.data_impl (new eltype_not_of_cic)) ~default_element_exemplar: (new D.element_impl (new eltype_not_of_cic)) ~element_alist: [ "REL", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_rel)) ; "VAR", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_var)) ; "META", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_meta)) ; "SORT", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_sort)) ; "IMPLICIT", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_implicit)) ; "CAST", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_cast)) ; "PROD", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_prod)) ; "LAMBDA", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_lambda)) ; "LETIN", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_letin)) ; "APPLY", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_apply)) ; "CONST", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_const)) ; "MUTIND", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_mutind)) ; "MUTCONSTRUCT", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_mutconstruct)) ; "MUTCASE", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_mutcase)) ; "FIX", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_fix)) ; "COFIX", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_cofix)) ; "instantiate", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_instantiate)) ; "arity", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_transparent)) ; "term", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_transparent)) ; "type", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_transparent)) ; "body", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_transparent)) ; "decl", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_transparent)) ; "def", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_transparent)) ; "target", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_transparent)) ; "letintarget", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_transparent)) ; "patternsType", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_transparent)) ; "inductiveTerm", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_transparent)) ; "pattern", (new D.element_impl (new eltype_transparent)) ] () ;;